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Why Is the Climate Forcing of Sulfate Aerosols So Uncertain?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
l. IntroductionAlthough the aerosol has been recognized as an important factor which has innuence onthe past, present and future climate for a long time, it still has much uncertainty in assessingits climate forcing. The direct radiative forcing of sulfate aerosols has been estimated rangingfrom --0.3 W/ m2 to --0.9 W/ m2 in recent publications (Charlson et al., l992, Kiehl andBriegleb l993; Taylor and Penner 1994, Boucher and Anderson l995, Kieh1 and Rodhe l995;Chuang et al., l997, Penne…  相似文献   
An analytical procedure has been developed to measure in situ the 11 B/10 B ratio in terrestrial basaltic rocks and meteoritic chondrules having B concentration of less than 1 μg g?1 using a small radius ims3f ion microprobe. The central difficulties for these measurements are (i) the removal of the trace amount of B contamination introduced in the sample during polishing, (ii) the precise calibration of instrumental mass fractionation of B isotopes and (iii) the low count rates of 10 B and 11 B. Contamination experiments conducted with isotopically labelled B enriched in 10 B showed that ultrasonic cleaning in bi-distilled water (< 1 ng g?1 B) and pre-sputtering of the analysed area decrease B contamination to the level of 0.01 μg g?1. Analyses of isotope standards spanning a range of 11 B/10 B between 3.93 and 4.20 showed that instrumental mass fractionation was constant within? during one session of analyses. Repeated analyses of a standard glass showed a reproducibility of instrumental mass fractionation between February 1991 and October 1996 of 1.3. Taking into account all sources of error, boron isotope measurements are accurate to within 5 for meteoritic samples having B contents in the range 0.1 to 1 μg g?1. A slightly better accuracy of 1.5 can be achieved for basaltic glasses which can be sputtered with very intense primary beams.  相似文献   
Two sand wedge structures and their host sediments, from Jonzac in SW France, were successfully dated using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) measurements on both small aliquots and single grains of quartz from the 180–212 μm size fraction. One of the sand wedges clearly contains primary infilling. However, grain‐size analysis and field observations do not clearly indicate whether the other feature represents a primary sand wedge or a composite sand wedge with primary and secondary infilling. OSL results and the geological setting justify using the Central Age Model (CAM) for the calculation of age estimates. Grain‐size analysis and detailed investigations of OSL results revealed the contamination of one sand wedge sample with host sediment. However, age calculation using the Finite Mixture Model (FMM) provided what is considered to be a reliable age estimate for the contaminated sample. The age estimates for all samples correspond to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. While fine‐grained sediments were deposited in the middle of MIS 3 (c. 43–55 ka), the sand wedges unexpectedly correspond to the end of this period (c. 33 ka) or the onset of MIS 2 (c. 27 ka). The sand wedges were probably formed during intense but short cold periods, possibly correlated with a Heinrich event (H2 and/or H3). The results help us to assess how effective luminescence dating is on sand wedges and the limitations involved in correlating sand wedge ages with Heinrich events, and contribute to the debate on the timing of cryogenic formation processes and the permafrost distribution in SW France.  相似文献   
Abstract— Ilafegh 013 is a slightly weathered, type-3 ordinary chondrite that is unusual in that it is highly shocked. Olivine grains in chondrules were studied in detail by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to characterize the dislocations, fractures and recrystallization textures. Only c dislocations, in the (010) glide plane, seem to be activated by the shock wave. Fractures are more numerous in the TEM than at the scale of the optical microscope. They can be divided into two groups: (a) Open fractures with injections of molten metal, sulphide, and in some cases, phases containing Ca, Al, Na and K. (b) Very straight and narrow cracks parallel to {130} planes without injected material and consisting of imperfectly relaxed subgrain boundaries composed of two families of dislocations (Burgers vectors a and c ). Both types of dislocations are roughly in screw orientation (i.e., the subgrain boundaries have a pronounced twist character). It is suggested that they formed during the shock in order to relax stresses around shear fractures (fractures with displacements of their walls parallel to the fracture plane). Recrystallization occurs in areas where the dislocation density is high. Since diaplectic glass was not detected, it is suggested that recrystallization resulted from the large elastic energy of the lattice defects stored in the deformed crystals.  相似文献   
Four main dinosaur-bearing sites have been investigated in latest Cretaceous deposits from the Amur/Heilongjiang Region: Jiayin and Wulaga in China (Yuliangze Formation) ,Blagoveschensk and Kundur in Rus- sia (Udurchukan Formation) . More than 90% of the bones discovered in these localities belong to hollowcrested lambeosaurine hadrosaurids: Charonosaurus jiayinensis at Jiayin,Amurosaurus riabinini at Blagoveschensk, Olorotitan arharensis at Kundur,and Sahaliyania elunchunorum at Wulaga. Flat-headed hadrosaurine hadrosau- rids are much less numerous,but appear well diversified as well: Kerberosaurus manakini at Blagoveschensk, Wulagasaurus dongi at Wulaga,and a new genus at Kundur. Theropods are represented by shed teeth and isolated bones; isolated scutes and teeth discovered at Kundur are tentatively attributed to nodosaurids. Palynologi- cal studies suggest that these sites are probably synchronous with the Lancian’ vertebrate localities of western North America,which represent the youngest dinosaur faunas in this area. However,the latest Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages are completely different in the Amur/Heilongjiang region (lambeosaurines abundant,ceratopsids absent) and in western North America (ceratopsids abundant,lambeosaurines extremely rare or absent) . This probably reflects some kind of geographical barrier between both areas by Maastrichtian time rather than strong differences in palaeoecological conditions.  相似文献   
研究了空间铷钟和被动型氢钟的地面批量和寿命试验测试结果,以及卫星在轨试验所达到的最新性能结果。基于这些星载钟的试验结果,对全球卫星导航系统的地面时间站的关键设备及其相关算法作了简要描述,并介绍了一种新颖的在轨技术,即从星载原子钟组(ONCLE)直接产生高度稳健的时间频率信号。  相似文献   
Deltas are at the transition between fluvial and marine sedimentary environments where sediment density flows are often triggered during high river discharge events, forming submarine channels and sediment waves. On wave-influenced deltas, longshore currents are particularly efficient at transporting sediment alongshore, reducing the likelihood of sediment density flows from occurring at river mouths. This study describes four deltaic sedimentary systems at different stages of their evolution on a formerly glaciated continental inner shelf of eastern Canada in order to better understand the distribution of sediment density flows on wave-influenced deltas. Three types of settings are recognized as being prone to sediment density flows: (i) in the early stages of wave-influence and on large deltas, converging longshore currents can lead to offshelf sediment transport; (ii) on wave-influenced to wave-dominated deltas, a sandy spit can re-route the river mouth and sediment density flows form where the spit intersects the delta lip; (iii) in advanced stages of wave-dominated deltas and during their demise, rocky headlands are exposed and can intersect the slope, where off-shelf sediment transport occurs. These types of sediment density flows were all characterized by debris flows or surge-type turbidity currents which have limited offshore run-out. More rarely, hyperpycnal flows form at the river mouths, especially where the river incises glaciomarine clays prone to landsliding in the river, which increases fine-grained fluvial suspended sediment concentration. Overall, these results highlight the predominance of fluvial-dominated deltas during a phase of relative sea-level fall combined with high sediment supply. However, as soon as sediment supply diminishes, wave action remobilizes sediment alongshore modifying the distribution and types of sediment density flows occurring on wave-influenced deltas.  相似文献   
The first objects to arise in a cold dark matter (CDM) universe present a daunting challenge for models of structure formation. In the ultra small-scale limit, CDM structures form nearly simultaneously across a wide range of scales. Hierarchical clustering no longer provides a guiding principle for theoretical analyses and the computation time required to carry out credible simulations becomes prohibitively high. To gain insight into this problem, we perform high-resolution  ( N = 7203–15843)  simulations of an Einstein–de Sitter cosmology where the initial power spectrum is   P ( k ) ∝ k n ,  with  −2.5 ≤ n ≤− 1  . Self-similar scaling is established for   n =−1  and −2 more convincingly than in previous, lower resolution simulations and for the first time, self-similar scaling is established for an   n =−2.25  simulation. However, finite box-size effects induce departures from self-similar scaling in our   n =−2.5  simulation. We compare our results with the predictions for the power spectrum from (one-loop) perturbation theory and demonstrate that the renormalization group approach suggested by McDonald improves perturbation theory's ability to predict the power spectrum in the quasi-linear regime. In the non-linear regime, our power spectra differ significantly from the widely used fitting formulae of Peacock & Dodds and Smith et al. and a new fitting formula is presented. Implications of our results for the stable clustering hypothesis versus halo model debate are discussed. Our power spectra are inconsistent with predictions of the stable clustering hypothesis in the high- k limit and lend credence to the halo model. Nevertheless, the fitting formula advocated in this paper is purely empirical and not derived from a specific formulation of the halo model.  相似文献   
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