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The origin of the 226Ra-excess during the last cycle of Vesuvius activity was investigated by high-resolution γ-spectrometry, TIMS and EDXRF. Lavas display high initial 226Ra-excess (500-1000%), similar (230Th/232Th) activity ratios (0.87-0.91) and most samples show significant 238U-excess. During the period 1631-1944 the initial absolute 226Ra-excess reached the highest values (19-44 dpm g−1) recorded for earth volcanoes. Crystal fractionation and particularly leucite floating did not cause the 226Ra-excess in spite of the high 226Ra activity (21-85 dpm g−1) in leucite. The presence of phlogopite in the mantle source, documented by field and petrological evidences on local mantle-derived xenoliths, rules out that equilibrium partial melting can be responsible for the 226Ra-excess. This primary feature may be explained by a multistage process involving metasomatic mantle fluids (MMFs) flowing through a mantle wedge where U is concentrated as U-accessory minerals deposited along microfractures. Fluids, passing through the mantle wedge, are supplied of 226Ra, 230Th and 234U by α-decay recoil of parent nuclides from U-enriched microfractures. This model calculates that the ascent time of fluids through the mantle wedge was ≤ 12 ka. Successively MMFs mixed with mantle-derived melts, giving rise to 226Ra-enriched magmas, which entered the Vesuvius plumbing system less than 7 ka. Crystal fractionation did not affect extensively the initial 226Ra/Ba ratio, which varied in the 1631-1944 period according to a pattern reflecting periodic inputs of 226Ra-enriched magma, variable reservoir volumes and residence times in magmatic chamber(s). The temporal trend of the reservoir volumes, extrapolated to the present time, indicates a volume of magma of ∼ 0.021 km3, stored most probably in a shallow chamber.  相似文献   
An extensive palaeomagnetic study has been undertaken to provide further elements leading to a better assessment of the volcanic history of the Vesuvius. This work refers to lavas for which the date of emplacement have recently been questioned; i.e. either during the period 968–1037 or in 1631. From 7 sites, 97 sun-orientated specimens have been collected. The dominant magnetic carrier for all sites consists of magnetite on the basis of an analysis of IRM acquisition. The linearity analysis carried out on at least 6 specimens per site subjected to PAFD has indicated the presence of single- and multi-component magnetizations. The within-site mean directions of 5 sites are close to each other suggesting that lavas from these sites can be ascribed to the same volcanic event. The remaining 2 sites can also be referred to this event on ground of stratigraphical considerations. The plotting of the between-site mean directions of the previously mentioned 5 sites on the Vesuvius secular variation curve suggests that the lavas from these sites could not be emplaced during the period 968–1037 but some hundred years later than 1301. The stratigraphic and historic dating of deposits and a building, respectively, at one of the 2 remaining sites allows to conclude that all the investigated flows had to be emplaced during the 1631 event. Therefore, this event was characterized not only by explosive activity but by an important effusive phase as well.  相似文献   
The pyroclastic deposits of Etna have been correlated over the whole volcanic edifice for the first time, allowing the construction of a continuous record of tephra-producing events, which extends from approximately 100 ka to the Present. In this interval, five main periods of explosive activity have been identified: (a) ~100-ka strombolian to subplinian activity; (b) 80- to 100-ka plinian benmoreitic activity; (c) 16- to 80-ka strombolian to subplinian from basaltic to mugearitic activity; (d) 15.5- to 15-ka plinian benmoreitic activity accompanying the caldera-forming eruptions of the Ellittico Volcano; and (e) the most recent 13-ka basaltic explosive activity of strombolian and subplinian type of the present edifice that also includes the 122-B.C. plinian eruption. This study results in a semi-quantitative and in some cases quantitative definition of the intensity and chronology of the explosive activity at Etna. Moreover, this work gives a new significance to the volcanic hazards of Etna, a volcano generally considered to be the site of gentle effusive eruptions.  相似文献   
Extracting tectonic signals from the landscape is an important challenge for constraining the style and rate of deformation associated with active faults, especially where their displacement history cannot be independently determined. Based on previous paleoseismological data coupled with new geomorphological field work and 14C dating of geomorphic markers, we analysed the geomorphic signal of the along‐strike differential throw of the Cittanova Fault in southern Calabria (Italy), the recent activity of which is already well documented and constrained. Through DTM‐derived stream power law parameters (SL and χ), we provide evidence of drainage network disequilibrium and reorganization in response to fault growth and deformation style. Furthermore, a methodological test of the reliability of the χ metric as a proxy for the differential throw along the strike of active normal faults provided good preliminary results, consistent with a strong inverse linear correlation with fault throw. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The fourteenth to seventeenth century seismicity of southern Dalmatia (Croatia) and coastal Montenegro deserved to be fully reappraised because of the ascertained imperfect knowledge offered by modern seismological studies and of the awareness of the smokescreen effect due to the large 6 April 1667 M 6.4 earthquake that impacted exactly the area of study. The investigation consisted of (i) a reconsideration of earthquake records made available by previous studies and (ii) a systematic analysis of historical sources contemporary to the earthquakes, especially those not yet taken into account in seismological studies. The 168 contemporary and independent records collected cast a different light on more than 300 years of seismicity of this area. Records are reckoned to be unevenly distributed among the 39 studied earthquakes, out of which 15 still rely upon a single testimony. Each record has been reevaluated with respect to its content and attributed a level of reliability, which for those reporting other 14 events was so low to prevent us from confirming their real occurrence. Completely unreliable records have been identified and discussed, to conclude that they are at the root of five fake earthquakes. Altogether, 34 intensity values in EMS-98 were assessed related to 15 moderate and five damaging earthquakes. Existing and newly obtained data contributed to putting the pre-1667 seismicity of southern Dalmatia and coastal Montenegro into a substantially different perspective.  相似文献   
In this study, a baroclinic coastal trapped wave, with period ~?4.5 days and cross-shore scale ~?3 km, is identified in the outputs of a very-high-resolution ocean circulation model of the Campania coastal system (central Tyrrhenian Sea; including the Gulfs of Salerno, Naples, and Gaeta). The outputs are from a simulation spanning June 2003, a month in which the surface winds were always weak, except for a strong northeasterly wind event that lasted 1 day (20 June). This event is found to generate a strong upwelling along the Campania coasts, whose relaxation—virtually free, because of the weakness of the winds—produces coastal current fluctuations that propagate to the north, spanning the three gulfs. The dynamics (analyzed with a focus on the Gulf of Naples) is found to share important features with baroclinic Kelvin waves in a two-layer model, such as the sharp cross-shore decrease of the perturbation amplitude and the vertical reversal of the long-shore current velocities. The simulated phase speed, cross-shore extension, and wavelength of the perturbation are also close to those obtained using a two-layer approximation of the dynamics. Moreover, the propagation described by the models is shown to be compatible with current measurements that were made in June 2003 at the southern entrance of the Gulf of Naples. Experimental implications related to the specific oceanographic problem are finally discussed, and an experimental strategy—inspired by our modeling approach—aimed at identifying the phenomenon is proposed.  相似文献   
Comparing landslide inventory maps   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Landslide inventory maps are effective and easily understandable products for both experts, such as geomorphologists, and for non experts, including decision-makers, planners, and civil defense managers. Landslide inventories are essential to understand the evolution of landscapes, and to ascertain landslide susceptibility and hazard. Despite landslide maps being compiled every year in the word at different scales, limited efforts are made to critically compare landslide maps prepared using different techniques or by different investigators. Based on the experience gained in 20 years of landslide mapping in Italy, and on the limited literature on landslide inventory assessment, we propose a general framework for the quantitative comparison of landslide inventory maps. To test the proposed framework we exploit three inventory maps. The first map is a reconnaissance landslide inventory prepared for the Umbria region, in central Italy. The second map is a detailed geomorphological landslide map, also prepared for the Umbria region. The third map is a multi-temporal landslide inventory compiled for the Collazzone area, in central Umbria. Results of the experiment allow for establishing how well the individual inventories describe the location, type and abundance of landslides, to what extent the landslide maps can be used to determine the frequency-area statistics of the slope failures, and the significance of the inventory maps as predictors of landslide susceptibility. We further use the results obtained in the Collazzone area to estimate the quality and completeness of the two regional landslide inventory maps, and to outline general advantages and limitations of the techniques used to complete the inventories.  相似文献   
By using a single-degree-of-freedom spring-slider analog fault model, we generate a synthetic catalog of nearly 500 different seismic sequences. We explore the parameter space by assuming different values of constitutive parameters and tectonic environment. We also consider three different versions of the rate-dependent and state-dependent friction laws [the Dieterich-Ruina (DR), the Ruina-Dieterich (RD) and the Chester-Higgs (CH) models], and different approximations of the behavior of the friction at high sliding speeds, as well as the radiation damping effects. Our results indicate that for all the considered models, the recurrence time (T cycle) exhibits an inverse proportionality on the loading rate; a linear, positive dependence on the effective normal stress; and a linear, negative dependence on the characteristic distance controlling the state variable evolution. These results confirm and generalize previous studies. Remarkably, we found here that the coefficients of proportionality strongly depend on the adopted friction model, on the high speed behavior and on the reference set of parameters. Notably, we also found that the positive proportionality between T cycle and the difference ba, confirmed for DR and RD laws, does not hold in general for the CH law. Overall, we conclude that even in the simplest (and idealized) case of characteristic earthquakes considered here, in which the limiting cycle is reached by the system, and even in the framework of a very simplified fault model, the possibility to a priori predict, through an universal analytical relation, the inter-event time of an impending earthquake still remains only a dream. On the other hand, a numerical prediction of T cycle would require the exact knowledge of the rheological model (and its parameters at all times over the entire life of the fault) and the actual state of the fault, which indeed are often unknown.  相似文献   
The seismicity of Grahamstown, in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, for the years between 1820 and 1936 is investigated with recourse to contemporaneous documentary sources, leading to the development of a seismic history incorporating consideration of the broader geo-political context. Individual studies of five regional events that were felt in Grahamstown during that period, and of one that was not, are presented. Each study includes the development of a full set of intensity data points, which are used to determine reappraised epicentral locations and magnitudes, some of which differ significantly from previously listed parameters. The results thus obtained highlight the value of seeking out additional contemporary sources from different language groups when revisiting the source parameters of earthquakes for which no or only very limited instrumental information is available.  相似文献   
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