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Using experimental results at 1·0 GPa for the systemsCaO–SiO2, MgO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4,and all the currently available phase equilibria and thermodynamicdata at 1 bar, we have optimized the thermodynamic propertiesof the liquid phase at 1·0 GPa. The new optimized thermodynamicparameters indicate that pressure has little effect on the topologyof the CaO–SiO2, CaMgSi2O6–SiO2, and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4systems but a pronounced one on the MgO–SiO2 binary. Themost striking change concerns passage of the MgSiO3 phase fromperitectic melting at 1 bar to eutectic melting at 1·0GPa. This transition is estimated to occur at 0·41 GPa.For the CaMgSi2O6–SiO2 and CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries,the size of the field clinopyroxene + liquid increases withincreasing pressure. This change is related to the shift ofthe piercing points clinopyroxene + silica + liquid (from 0·375mol fraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·414 at 1·0 GPa)and clinopyroxene + olivine + liquid (from 0·191 molfraction SiO2 at 1 bar to 0·331 at 1·0 GPa) thatbound the clinopyroxene + liquid field in the CaMgSi2O6·SiO2and CaMgSi2O6·Mg2SiO4 pseudo-binaries, respectively. KEY WORDS: CaO–SiO2; CaMgSi2O6–Mg2SiO4; CaMgSi2O6–SiO2; experiments; MgO–SiO2  相似文献   
In freshwater environments such as river and stream bottoms, rocks and submerged vegetation are covered with a biological felt (also called a periphyton, microbial mat, biofilm, etc.) that is susceptible to calcification. Compilation of an extensive bibliography and our own observations have allowed the identification of 44 species of Coccogonophyceae, 122 Hormogonophyceae, 2 Chrysophyceae, 35 Chlorophyceae, 3 Xanthophyceae, 2 diatoms, and 3 Rhodophyceae that grow on calcareous tufa and coat vegetation. Diverse genera include species that are also calcified but impossible to determine because they lack reproductive organs. Crystals have been described from 74 species in the literature and we have observed 53 others. They can be classified into 10 groups: (1) platelets on cell walls (Volvocales, analogues of coccolithophorids) (2) crystals in mucilage (Synechococcus, diatoms, Hydrurus) and calcified stalks (Oocardium) (3) sheaths containing crystals in the form of simple or three-branched needles, dendritic crystals, and crystals with box-work fabric (Geitleria, Scytonema) (4) sheaths containing calcite spherulites (5) stalks intersecting a large crystal (Cymbella) (6) micrite tubes (Phormidium, Schizothrix) (7) isolated rhombohedra (Zygnema, Scytonema), rhombohedra in clusters or chains (Nostoc parmelioides) (8) sparite platelets (Vaucheria) or isodiametric crystals (Scytonema, Chaetophora) (9) large crystals crosscut by many parallel filaments (Rivularia, Batrachospermum), and (10) fan-like crystals (Phormidium). These crystals can be arranged in clusters or form regular laminations. They can transform into isodiametric sparite crystals to form fan-like or radial palisadic structures. Knowledge of primary crystals and their diagenetic transformations is necessary to correctly interpret freshwater stromatolites. The latter always result from intense calcification and are a diagenetic transformation of a biological felt made of many prokaryotic and eukaryotic algal species, small invertebrates, and organic and mineral debris.  相似文献   
Gravity survey station locations are, in general, inhomogeneously distributed. This inevitably results in interpolation errors in the computation of a regular grid from the gravity data. The fractal dimension of the station distribution can be used to determine if an interpolated map is aliased at a specific wave-length and, moreover, it is often possible to determine an optimum gridding interval. Synthetic distributions of gravity station locations have been used for theoretical studies and it is found that for randomly distributed data there is a range of sizes for which the spatial data distribution has a fractal dimension of 2; that is, Euclidean. The minimum length scale at which the distribution ceases to be Euclidean is the optimum interpolation interval obeying Shannon's sampling theorem. For dimensions less than 2, the optimum interpolation interval is the shortest length at which the scaling regime is constant. In this case the gravity field cannot be interpolated without introducing some aliasing. As the fractal dimension characterizes the data distribution globally over the whole study area, the actual gridding interval, in some cases, will be smaller in order to represent short-wavelength features properly in the more densely sampled sub-areas, but this may generate spurious anomalies elsewhere. The proposed technique is applied to the station distribution of the Canadian national gravity data base and a series of sub-areas. A fractal dimension of 1.87 is maintained over a range of sizes from 15 km to over 1600 km. Although aliasing occurs, since the gravity field certainly contains much shorter wavelength anomalies, aliasing errors may be minimized by selecting the proper interpolation interval from the fractal analysis.  相似文献   
This study documents a change from a non‐tidal to tide‐dominated shelf system that occurred between Corsica and Sardinia (the Bonifacio Basin, Western Mediterranean) during the early to middle Miocene. The non‐tidal deposits formed on a low‐energy siliciclastic shelf surrounded by progradational coralline algal ramps at full highstand. The tidal deposits consist of an up to 200 m thick succession of siliciclastic to coralline‐rich cross‐beds formed by large sub‐tidal dunes. Based on outcrop and sub‐surface data, it is possible to conclude that the tidal currents were amplified as a consequence of the rapid subsidence of the basin centre due to tectonic activity. It is suggested that this tectonic event initiated the strait between Corsica and Sardinia. The strait was deep enough to allow the tidal flux to be significantly increased, generating a localized strong tidal current at the junction between the Western Mediterranean and the East Corsica Basin.  相似文献   
3. Hydrometry     

The derived model achieves the rainfall/discharge conversion by means of two individual equations, namely, a production function and a modulation function.  相似文献   
For over 20 years, powerful VLF transmitters have been used as electromagnetic sources for subsurface investigations in mining exploration. Measurements initially concerned the vertical component of the magnetic field or the inclination of the field and were later extended to measurement of the horizontal electric field in the direction of the transmitter, to determine the resistivity of the terrain. Measurement of the electric field is usually performed with electric lines, grounded or not, with lengths of at least 5 m. This paper presents the concept of a VLF resistivity meter with a very short electric sensor (1 m) and the results obtained with it. This technique improves the measurement of the electric field, which is in principle a point value. It also permits a higher spatial sampling rate and, by closely linking the electric sensor with the magnetic sensor on a lightweight mount, makes it possible for the instrument to be used by a single operator. In addition, transformation of the electric field data, analogous to reduction to the pole in magnetism, is proposed to correct the horizontal deformation of the anomalies created by polarization of the primary field. Comparison with direct current electrical measurements shows highly satisfactory correlations. This transformation, validated for VLF, can be extended to any electrical or electromagnetic method using a uniform primary field, i.e. gradient array in direct current or low-frequency magnetotellurics. We call this verticalization of the electric field. Resistivity measurements and mapping using the VLF frequency range can be applied not only to mining but also to a wide range of shallow geophysical studies (hydrology, civil engineering, etc.) and are not limited to problems concerning the location of conductive targets  相似文献   
We consider the rheological behaviour of felsic magma in thezone of partial melting and during subsequent crystallization.We also introduce and combine concepts (mushy zone, percolationtheory, granular flow, shear localization) derived from thenon-geological literature and apply them to field observationson migmatites and granites. Segregation and transportation offelsic magmas is commonly observed in association with non-coaxialdeformation, suggesting that gravity forces have limited influenceduring magma segregation. Solid to liquid and liquid to solidtransitions are shown to be rheologically different, which infirmsthe concept of a unique rheological critical melt percentagefor both transitions. Four stages are examined, which dependon the melt fraction present. (1) A minimum of 8% melt by volume must first be produced toovercome the liquid percolation threshold (LPT) above whichmelt pockets can connect, thus allowing local magma displacement.Transport of the liquid phase is amplified by deformation towarddilatant sinks and is restricted to a very local scale. Thiscorresponds to partially molten domains illustrated by incipientmigmatites. (2) When more melt (20–25%) is present, a melt escapethreshold (MET) allows segregation and transport of the meltand part of the residual solid phase, over large distances.This corresponds to segregation and transfer of magma towardsthe upper crust. (3) Segregation of magma also occurs during granite emplacementand crystallization. In a flowing magma containing few particles(20%), particles rotate independently within the flow, defininga fabric. As soon as sufficient crystals are formed, they interactto construct a rigid skeleton. Such a random loose packed frameworkinvolves 55% solids and corresponds to the rigid percolationthreshold (RPT). Above the RPT, clusters of particles can sustainstress, and the liquid fraction can still flow. The only remainingpossibilities for rearranging particles are local shear zones,often within the intrusion rim, which, as a consequence, developsdilatancy. This stage of segregation during crystallizationis totally different from that of magma segregation during incipientmelting. (4) Finally, the system becomes totally locked when random closepacking is reached, at 72–75% solidification; this isthe particle locking threshold (PLT). The introduction of four thresholds must be viewed in the contextof a two-fold division of the cycle that generates igneous rocks,first involving a transition from solid to liquid (i.e. partialmelting) and then a transition from liquid to solid (i.e. crystallization).Neither transition is simply the reverse of the other. In thecase of melting, pockets of melt have to be connected to afforda path to escaping magma. This is a bond-percolation, in thesense of physical percoloation theory. In the case of crystallization,randomly distributed solid particles mechanically interact,and contacts between them can propagate forces. Building a crystalframework is a site-percolation, for which the threshold ishigher than that of bond-percolation. For each transition twothresholds are applicable. The present approach, which basicallydiffers from that based on a unique critical melt fraction,expands and clarifies the idea of a first and a second percolationthreshold. One threshold in each transition (LPT and RPT, respectively)corresponds to a percolation threshold in the sense of physicalpercolation theory. Its value is independent of external forces,but relies on the type and abundance of minerals forming thematrix within which melt connectivity is developing. The exactvalue of the second threshold (MET or PLT) will vary accordingto external forces, such as deformation and the particle shape. KEY WORDS: migmatites; partial melting; granites; magma segregation; magma solidification *Corresponding author. Telephone: 33 03 83 44 19 00. Fax: 33 03 83 44 00 29. e-mail: jlv{at}cregu.cnrs-nancy.fr  相似文献   
The interaction of flow with an erodible bed in alluvial rivers and deep‐sea channels gives rise to a wide range of self‐formed morphologies, including channels, ripples, dunes, antidunes, alternate bars, multiple‐row bars, meandering and braiding. As the flow is invariably turbulent in field manifestations of these morphologies, there has been a tendency to assume that turbulence is necessary for them to form. While turbulence undoubtedly has an important influence when it is present, it is not necessary for any of these features. Indeed, all of these features can be formed by the morphodynamic interaction of purely laminar or nearly laminar flow with an erodible bed. This paper provides a survey and synthesis of a wide range of laminar or near‐laminar flow analogues of morphologies observed in the field. Laminar‐flow analogues of turbulent‐flow morphologies cannot and should not be expected to satisfy dynamic similarity in terms of all relevant dimensionless parameters. What is of more significance is the convergence of the underlying physics. It is illustrated in this paper that many existing theoretical frameworks for the explanation of turbulent‐flow morphodynamics require only relatively minor modification in order to adapt them to laminar flows.  相似文献   
Satellite altimetry has become an important discipline in the development of sea-state forecasting or more generally in operational oceanography. Météo-France Marine and Oceanography Division is much involved in altimetry, in which it is also one of the main operational customers. Sea-state forecasts are produced every day with the help of numerical models assimilating Fast Delivery Product altimeter data from ESA ERS-2 satellite, available in real-time (3–5 h). These forecasts are transmitted to seamen as part of safety mission of persons and properties, or specific assistance for particular operations. With the launch of ENVISAT (from ESA, launched on 1 March 2002, to take over the ERS mission) and JASON-1 (from CNES/NASA, launched on 7 December 2001, successor of TOPEX/Poseidon), we have an unprecedented opportunity of improved coverage with the availability in quasi-real-time of data from several altimeters. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of using multisources of altimeter data in real-time, to improve wave model analyses and forecasts, at global scale. Since July 2003, Météo-France injects the wind/wave JASON-1 Operational Sensor Data Record on the WMO Global Transmitting System, making them available in near real-time to the international meteorological community. Similarly, fast delivery altimeter data of ENVISAT will improve coverage and contribute to the constant progress of marine meteorology. For this purpose, significant wave height time series were generated using the Wave Model WAM and the assimilation of altimeter wave heights from two satellites ERS-2 and JASON-1. The results were then compared to Geosat Follow-On (GFO, U.S. Navy Satellite) and moored buoy wave data. It is shown that the impact of data assimilation, when two (ERS-2 and JASON-1) or three (ERS-2 with JASON-1 and GFO) sources of data are used instead of one (ERS-2), in term of significant wave height, is larger in wave model analyses but smaller in wave model forecasts. However, there is no improvement in terms of wave periods, both in the analysis and forecast periods.  相似文献   
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