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鄂尔多斯盆地中奥陶统马家沟组由于受加里东运动影响而隆起抬升遭受风化,形成良好的岩溶油气储层,对其沉积特征的研究是油气勘探的重点。本文以沉积岩石学为指导,以单因素作图为方法论,结合钻井岩心资料、测井资料的细致分析、统计,选取了地层厚度、白云岩含量、灰岩含量、膏盐含量及泥岩含量等单因素,绘制出马五21的岩相古地理图。研究表明,研究区马五12期处于一个相对的海退期,其主要发育膏云坪、云坪、泥云坪和含泥云坪。根据岩相古地理图,结合马五12地层厚度,推测研究区中部存在一个较浅的洼地,并建立了符合本区马五12的沉积模式。综合以上研究,马五21期岩相古地理特征可概括"陆外为坪,云坪广布,坪中有洼,洼中有膏"。根据本区的岩相古地理条件及区域地质特征,对良好的天然气储层的形成进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
为了从整体上了解北京地区雾迷山组热储的渗透性,首先对采自野外露头和井下热储的34件岩心的孔隙度和渗透率进行了研究和对比,结果显示井下岩心与野外露头岩心渗透率的变化范围分别为(0.0001158~0.33333)10-3m2 和(0.0088~0.334)10-3m2,平均值分别为0.062232110-3m2和0.38531610-3m2。所有岩心的孔隙度在0.25% ~3.00%之间。110眼地热井的抽水试验结果显示,热储渗透率介于(13.74~104474.00)10-3m2之间,平均值为4797.5810-3m2。渗透率在(100~1000)10-3m2之间的累积百分数超过了75%,渗透率小于10010-3m2的样本数仅占13.64%,还有0.91%的样本渗透率超过了10000010-3m2。为表现顶板不同埋深条件与热储渗透率的关系,将顶板埋深分为小于500m、500~1000m、1000~1500m、1500~2000m、2000~2500m、2500~3000m、3000~3500m 7个层段。结果显示热储平均渗透率随热储顶板平均埋深的增大以指数形式减小。  相似文献   
本文通过对比中国标准与美国ASTM标准关于平板载荷试验的规定,总结归纳出两者主要区别在于承压板尺寸和沉降稳定标准,并研究其对试验结果可能产生的影响,提出工程应用中需注意的问题。美国标准通用性较强,具有较大的灵活性,而中国标准相对详细严格。笔者针对博茨瓦纳电厂的平板载荷试验,分别采用中美标准进行试验,试验结果表明:在砂类土等强度较高的地层进行试验,采用中美标准所得到的试验结果相差不明显。本文研究可为我国勘察设计人员进行需采用美标开展平板载荷试验的国外工程提供有价值的参考和解决方案。  相似文献   
Comprehensive quantitative evaluation of shale gas content and the controlling factors in different occurrence states is of great significance for accurately assessing gas-bearing capacity and providing effective well-production strategies. A total of 122 core samples from well JY-A in the Fuling shale gas field were studied to reveal the characteristics of S_1 l shale,15 of which were selected to further predict the shale gas content in different occurrence states, which are dependent on geological factors in the thermal evolution process. Geological parameters were researched by a number of laboratory programs, and the factors influential in controlling shale gas content were extracted by both PCA and GRA methods and prediction models were confirmed by the BE method using SPSS software. Results reveal that the adsorbed gas content is mainly controlled by TOC, Ro, SSA, PD and pyrite content, and the free gas content is mainly controlled by S_2, quartz content, gas saturation and formation pressure for S_1 l in well JY-A. Three methods, including the on-site gas desorption method, the empirical formula method, and the multiple regression analysis method were used in combination to evaluate the shale gas capacity of well JY-A, all of which show that the overall shale gas content of well JY-A is in the range of 2.0–5.0 m~3/t and that the free gas ratio is about 50%, lower than that of well JY-1. Cause analysis further confirms the tectonics and preservation conditions of S_1 l in the geological processes, especially the influence of eastern boundary faults on well JY-A, as the fundamental reasons for the differences in shale gas enrichment in the Jiaoshiba area.  相似文献   
杜泽忠      叶天竺    庞振山    吕志成    梁婉娟    甄世军    张志辉      李永胜    甄世民   《地质通报》2014,33(06):924-932
折腰山矿区含铁硅质岩赋存于含矿岩系与上部岩系间的沉积间断界面。含铁硅质岩矿物主要由细晶石英和赤铁矿组成,二者含量占90%以上,含少量的绢云母、钠长石、绿泥石等。该含铁硅质岩具有低的TiO2、A12O3和高的成矿元素(Fe、Cu、Pb、Zn)含量特征。Al/(Al+Fe+Mn)值具有热水沉积岩特征。在Fe-Mn-Al三角图解、Fe-Mn-(Cu+Co+Ni)×10三角图解和Zr-Cr图解中,该区含铁硅质岩均落在热水沉积岩区域中,含铁硅质岩的稀土元素总量很低,其北美页岩标准化配分模式为右倾曲线,具有弱的负Eu异常或正Eu异常和负Ce异常。部分样品MnO/TiO2值偏小,U/Th值偏大,Al2O3含量较高,出现负Eu异常,表明该矿区含铁硅质岩也有正常沉积硅质岩成分的加入。结合含铁硅质岩的地质产状、含矿岩系(石英角斑质凝灰岩)和含矿石英的稀土元素特征,认为含铁硅质岩的物源主要为石英角斑质凝灰岩,属于与火山作用有关的非生物成因类型,是该铜多金属矿田重要的找矿标志。  相似文献   
庞龙龙  徐学锋  司亮  张浩  李正可 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):120-128
为研究开采上保护层对巨厚砾岩断裂诱发冲击的防治作用,根据跃进煤矿25采区的地质条件和采掘条件,将25110工作面下巷作为研究对象,从理论上分析了动静载叠加诱发冲击矿压的机制以及开采上保护层后的防冲原理,数值模拟研究了未开采上保护时和开采上保护层后在同等强度的动载扰动应力的影响下巷道底板的位移、速度、应力以及塑性区的变化规律,进行相似模拟试验研究了人工震源的作用下未开采上保护时和开采上保护层后巷道底板的加速度和动应力响应规律。结果表明,上保护层开采后能够有效地释放围岩内部的高应力,且采空区顶板自然垮落,形成的软弱松散岩层结构,能够更好地起到对动载扰动应力波的衰减作用,从而降低了冲击矿压发生的可能,一定程度上能够较好地防治冲击矿压。研究成果对巨厚砾岩下冲击矿压的防治具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
In our trials, from 2007 to 2008, of mass production of seedlings of Hizikia fusiformis using synchronization techniques, problems of a dark thalli phenomenon and epiphytes contamination severely threatened the health of juvenile seedlings. In this investigation, we optimized conditions for improving the growth of juvenile seedlings. Seven string collectors were seeded with zygotes and a series of experiments were conducted including direct exposure to solar irradiance, co-culture with Ulva spp. and treatme...  相似文献   
黄全海  赵尊亭  王利芳 《探矿工程》2015,42(11):66-69,79
由于施工质量问题,洛阳一个赤泥库大坝在试运行中发生大面积渗漏及管涌。在对渗漏原因进行分析的基础上实施的在坝内坡增设土工膜、坝轴线上游增设帷幕灌浆防渗墙、坝体下游坡面增设排渗沟和排水棱体等抢险加固措施,有效地解决了坝体渗漏问题。在灌浆处理过程中,针对筑坝材料的复杂性和不均匀性,通过施工前的灌浆试验,取得了适合本场地条件的钻孔施工工艺参数及灌浆方式、灌浆压力、灌浆段确定、水灰比比级等施工技术参数,确保了灌浆处理的效果。  相似文献   
After experiencing 8-day combined tidal current, circulation and wave actions, scour depth surrounding cylinder object freely resting on sandy seabed in the East China Sea (ECS) in January is numerically predicted using the DRAMBUIE model designed for scour burial, which has been widely used and verified by in-situ experiments. During the period of numerical integration, the value of time t is generally variable at every time step via the special time-stepped approach developed by this paper to eliminate the time error. The tidal current velocity, wave orbital velocity and the depth-averaged circulation in the ECS have been obtained by numerical simulations with Estuarine Coastal and Ocean Model (ECOM), Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model and Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) model respectively. The control experiment and several idealized test cases on influential factors in scour depth reveal that the dominant hydrodynamic factor is tidal current in the ECS under normal weather conditions, and the impacts of shelf circulation and wave motion on local scour almost can be ignored with an exception of the Kuroshio area where the high-speed mainstream of Kuroshio flows. It is also indicated that in sandy sediments, the distribution of scour depth nearly follows the pattern of tidal currents, while the secondary influencing factor on scour depth appears to be grain size of sandy sediment in the ECS. Numerical tests on sediment grain size further testify that much finer sand is more easily scoured, and an increasing trend for scour depth with reduction of grain size is displayed due to imposed resistance of larger sized particles. Three aspects explored by this paper, including the empirical equations in the Defense Research Agency Mine Burial Environment (DRAMBUIE) model, the accuracy of inputs and infill process can severely affect the prediction of scour depth surrounding cylinder objects freely resting on sandy seabed in the ECS.  相似文献   
江南古陆变质基底地层年代的修正和武陵运动构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江南古陆变质基底的研究中,最突出的基础地质问题依然是地层年代的精确标定。地层年代标定涉及到成矿地层的划分和对比及其构造演化的时限,也直接影响层控矿床找矿中涉及的基础地质问题。在最新的中国地层年表中,前寒武纪地层对比和构造背景解释已发生重大变化。本文依据扬子块体和华夏块体新元古代地层中最新的系列锆石U—Pb测年结果,初步揭示“江南古陆”变质基底地层火山事件和分布范围。结合全球格林威尔造山运动基本特征,对江南古陆变质基底地层年代的修正将有利于重新厘定江南造山带的成矿背景,提供层控矿床基础年代地层资料,为新的矿产资源大调查服务。  相似文献   
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