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川西坳陷中段上三叠统须家河组储层沥青地球化学特征及成因研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
川西坳陷上三叠统须二、须四段致密砂岩的溶蚀孔洞、裂缝及砂岩层理界面上分布大量的沥青,沥青的热演化程度极高,须二段达到干气阶段,须四段达到湿气一干气早期阶段;经过针对砂岩中层理界面及裂缝、溶孔洞中充填的沥青及泥岩层裂缝中充填沥青取样的有机地球化学指标分析后显示:沥青具有较低的H/C、O/C比,须二段沥青残余生烃能力极小,须四段沥青还具有较大的残余生烃潜力;须家河组须二、须四段沥青为马鞍塘-小塘子组与须二段海湾相油型烃源岩在生油窗期成的古油藏,在后来的高温条件下裂解成天然气后残留物;须二,须四的古油藏构成了川西坳陷上三叠统须家河组天然气重要的气源. 相似文献
The control of synchronous structures on formation of superlarge stratabound ore deposits is immense. Based on studies of ore deposits in South Qiniing, northern Guangdong, Langshan and other areas, three new ideas in comparison with examples of ore control of synchronous structures both in China and abroad are proposed: (i) multiorder ore control of synchronous structures, which means that synchronous structures of different orders display different controls on ore deposits; (ii) synchronous structures in different stages of basin evolution display different controls on basin fluid system and ore-forming system; (iii) synchronous strurture accompanying hydrothermal mineralization as a preexisting weak surface in earth crust often reactivate in later tcctono-thermal event to be a channelway for magma or thermal fluids which superimposed on and reformed preexisting ore beds to form large or superlarge composite ore deposits. 相似文献
Abstract: The Dajing Cu–Sn–Ag–Pb–Zn ore deposit, Inner Mongolia of China, is a fissure‐filling hydrothermal ore deposit that occurs within the Upper Permian Linxi group. No magmatic pluton and volcanic rocks outcrop on the surface of the deposit. Most of ore veins show clear‐cut boundary with country rocks. Wallrock alterations that include silicification, carbonation, chlori–tization, and sericitization are generally weak and occur in the close vicinity of ore veins. Mineralization is divided into three stages: (1) cassiterite–arsenopyrite–quartz stage, (2) sulfide stage, and (3) Pb–Zn–Ag–carbonate stage. These mineralization stages have distinct ranges of homogenization temperatures, 290–350C for Stage 1, 260–320C for Stage 2, and 150–250C for Stage 3. However, salinities for Stages 1, 2, and 3 overlap and range between 2.2 and 10.4 wt % NaCl equivalent. The dD values relative to V‐SMOW of inclusion water from quartz are lower than –88% and centered at –100 to –130%. The δ34S values relative to CDT of sulfide ore minerals and δ13C values relative to PDB of carbonate gangue minerals, vary from –0.3 to +2.6%, and from –7.0 to –2.9%, respectively. Integrated isotopic data point to two major contributions to the mineralizing fluid that include a dominant meteoric‐derived water and the other from hypogene magma for sulfur and carbon species. Analyses of inclusion gas and liquid compositions are performed. The H2O and CO2 are the two most abundant gaseous components, whereas SO42‐ and Cl‐, and Na+, Ca2+, and K+ are the major anions and cations, respectively. A linear trend is shown on the gaseous H2O versus CO2 plot. Phase separation is excluded as cause for the trend on the basis of isotope data and fluid inclusion microthermometry. In addition, a weak wallrock alteration does not support fluid‐rock interaction as an efficient mechanism. Hence, the linear H2O–CO2 trend is interpreted in terms of absorption or dilution of CO2–dominant magmatic vapor by meteoric‐derived water. Cooling effects resulting from dilution may have caused precipitation of ore minerals. Major and trace element compositions of regional granites show a high‐K calc–alkaline characteristics and an arc–affinity. Lead isotopic compositions of galena samples from the Dajing deposit exhibit elevated U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios. These characteristics indicate a common source of supra subduction zone mantle wedge for regional granites and metals from the Dajing deposit. 相似文献
通用电子政务平台开发及其在“数字城市”中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文系统地论述了目前电子政务和"数字城市"的建设要求,提出了开发通用电子政务平台来快速构建各类城市管理部门的电子政务应用系统,形成"数字城市"各专业应用的思路,并介绍经过多年开发和应用的通用电子政务平台NetOffice特点,最后以地房籍管理信息系统为例来阐述了电子政务平台在"数字城市"的重要组成部分———国土资源和房产管理的应用情况。 相似文献
为了确定淤泥质浅滩泥沙的临界起动切应力垂线剖面,采用音叉密度计在淤泥质连云港徐圩浅滩进行了定点密度垂线分布测量,并针对该海域的泥沙利用长水槽和环形槽开展了泥沙起动室内试验。淤泥密度现场结果表明,浅滩泥沙密度与深度满足对数型关系;室内试验得出密度1 050~1 400 kg/m3的泥沙临界起动切应力值为0.1~1.0 Pa,泥沙临界切应力与密度呈指数关系;进而确定了临界起动切应力与深度的关系即临界起动切应力剖面,该剖面关系式可供数学模型模拟淤泥质浅滩的泥沙起动过程参考。 相似文献
西昌市地质灾害发育分布规律及防灾建议 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
西昌市地处川西的安宁河流域,区内地质条环境件复杂,生态环境脆弱,泥石流、滑坡等地质灾害发育,给当地居民生命财产安全及经济发展带来了较大影响。本文通过对西昌市目前发育的153处不同类型的地质灾害进行统计,总结了地质灾害在流域、高程、时段等方面的分布规律;对影响或控制西昌市地质灾害发育的地形地貌、构造、岩土体结构、地震、降雨及人类工程活动等因素进行了分析、总结;并针对西昌市的地质灾害类型及发育分布特征提出了适用于该地区的科学、合理的地质灾害防灾建议。 相似文献
利用1999年Landsat ETM+、2005年Landsat TM卫星影像和2009年“环境与灾害监测预报小卫星”影像提取兰州南北两山地区三期土地利用数据,将景观生态学的理论与兰州南北两山环境绿化工程的实际相结合,运用GIS分析、景观指数计算及数理统计等多种方法,对兰州南北两山地区1999—2009年的土地利用与景观格局动态变化进行分析。结果表明,10 a来兰州南北两山的土地利用变化主要表现为林地和建设用地的增加,草地和农田的减少;景观格局趋于破碎化,多样性增大,景观结构趋于多样化和均匀化。驱动力分析表明,人类活动和政策因素是导致该区土地利用和景观格局变化的主要原因。 相似文献