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A charged particle of arbitrary initial motion and position is subjected to an intense circularly polarized electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic radiation which results is calculated exactly and the results are expressed in terms of the power observed per unit bandwidth per unit solid angle.Several special cases are considered in order to demonstrate the range of possibilities which this type of interaction may have in astrophisics and numerical examples are given for the Crab pulsar.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the hypotheses of the formation of the brown loams widely spread in the zone with hummocky relief within the intermontane Razdol’noe-Khanka Depression. These hypotheses were proposed in the 1970s–1980s. The accumulation of information on the loess formation in southern East Siberia, as well as obtaining new analytical data on the microtextural, mineralogy, and major and trace-element composition of the brown loams, and the comparative analysis of these deposits provided for the formulation of a more substantiated view concerning the place of the brown loams in the group of loess-type rocks.  相似文献   
The dynamics of anthropogenic activity and anthropogenic sources of nutrients in the Republic of Bashkortostan have been analyzed. Statistical analysis of many-year data of hydrochemical monitoring have been used to establish the year-to-year and annual regularities in the variations of N compound concentrations in watercourses. Maps of the mean annual N concentration in its forms (ammonium, nitrites, and nitrates) have been constructed. The fitness of river water to different types of water use have been assessed. Probability distributions of the concentrations of hydrochemical components have been constructed for different phases of stream water regimes. The exceedance probabilities have been evaluated for MAC values of N compounds in watercourses.  相似文献   
Annual export of 11 major and trace solutes for the Yukon River is found to be accurately determined based on summing 42 tributary contributions. These findings provide the first published estimates of tributary specific distribution of solutes within the Yukon River basin. First, we show that annual discharge of the Yukon River can be computed by summing calculated annual discharges from 42 tributaries. Annual discharge for the tributaries is calculated from the basin area and average annual precipitation over that area using a previously published regional regression equation. Based on tributary inputs, we estimate an average annual discharge for the Yukon River of 210 km3 year–1. This value is within 1% of the average measured annual discharge at the U.S. Geological Survey gaging station near the river terminus at Pilot Station, AK, for water years 2001 through 2005. Next, annual loads for 11 solutes are determined by combining annual discharge with point measurements of solute concentrations in tributary river water. Based on the sum of solutes in tributary water, we find that the Yukon River discharges approximately 33 million metric tons of dissolved solids each year at Pilot Station. Discharged solutes are dominated by cations calcium and magnesium (5.65 × 109 and 1.42 × 109 g year–1) and anions bicarbonate and sulphate (17.3 × 109 and 5.40 × 109 g year–1). These loads compare well with loads calculated independently at the three continuous gaging stations along the Yukon River. These findings show how annual solute yields vary throughout a major subarctic river basin and that accurate estimates of total river export can be determined from calculated tributary contributions. Copyright © 2011. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   
R. Daneshfaraz  B. Kaya   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(11-12):1075-1079
Many problems in mechanics can be solved by the use of the transfer matrix method. The use of this method in hydraulics engineering is not widespread and only limited studies are available. In this study, linearized St. Venant equations were used and the use of transfer matrix in ocean engineering was investigated for long waves in open channels, and numerical application was carried out. The results obtained through the transfer matrix method, which is quite easy to use, program and comprehend, showed similar results obtained from the characteristics method and finite differences method.  相似文献   
In preparation for the fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the international community is developing new advanced Earth System Models (ESMs) to assess the combined effects of human activities (e.g. land use and fossil fuel emissions) on the carbon-climate system. In addition, four Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios of the future (2005?C2100) are being provided by four Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) teams to be used as input to the ESMs for future carbon-climate projections (Moss et al. 2010). The diversity of approaches and requirements among IAMs and ESMs for tracking land-use change, along with the dependence of model projections on land-use history, presents a challenge for effectively passing data between these communities and for smoothly transitioning from the historical estimates to future projections. Here, a harmonized set of land-use scenarios are presented that smoothly connects historical reconstructions of land use with future projections, in the format required by ESMs. The land-use harmonization strategy estimates fractional land-use patterns and underlying land-use transitions annually for the time period 1500?C2100 at 0.5°?×?0.5° resolution. Inputs include new gridded historical maps of crop and pasture data from HYDE 3.1 for 1500?C2005, updated estimates of historical national wood harvest and of shifting cultivation, and future information on crop, pasture, and wood harvest from the IAM implementations of the RCPs for the period 2005?C2100. The computational method integrates these multiple data sources, while minimizing differences at the transition between the historical reconstruction ending conditions and IAM initial conditions, and working to preserve the future changes depicted by the IAMs at the grid cell level. This study for the first time harmonizes land-use history data together with future scenario information from multiple IAMs into a single consistent, spatially gridded, set of land-use change scenarios for studies of human impacts on the past, present, and future Earth system.  相似文献   
We discuss the results of study of the Holocene seismic activity of the Hustai Fault zone, Central Mongolia. Applying seismological methods (remote, trenching, geophysics), we have revealed signs and determined the quantitative parameters of the paleoearthquake that led to the fault dissection at 3–5.5 ka. The high seismic potential of the Tola earthquake focus zone and its proximity to Ulaanbaatar confirm earlier estimates of the seismicity of the capital of Mongolia, 8 points on the MSK-64 scale.  相似文献   
Ion-microprobe was used to measure Li abundances and isotopic compositions in pyroxenes from three Martian meteorites belonging to the nakhlite family. The profiles performed across augite crystals from Northwest Africa 817 show a large isotopic zoning from crystal cores (δ7Li ∼ 0‰) to rims (δ7Li ∼ +20‰) while Li abundances are almost constant (∼9.2 μg/g). Unlike NWA 817, the pyroxene studied in the Miller Range 03346 nakhlite shows a zoning in Li abundance, with concentrations increasing from ∼2.5 μg/g in the core to ∼9 μg/g in the rim. The augite rim (δ7Li = +7‰) is slightly enriched in 7Li with regard to the core (δ7Li = +4‰), but most of the isotopic variations observed occur at an intermediate position along the profile, where δ7Li falls down to ∼−11‰. In the case of Nakhla, Li concentrations in augite increase from cores (∼3.5 μg/g) to rims (∼6.5 μg/g), while the δ7Li variation is restricted (i.e., between δ7Li = +6.0 and +12.6‰). For the three meteorites the Li abundances were also measured in the groundmass, which was found to be enriched in lithium (∼10 μg/g). Conventional magmatic and post-magmatic processes such as alteration and fractional crystallization, fail to explain the dataset obtained on nakhlites. Degassing processes, which were previously proposed to explain the Li distribution in shergottite crystals, cannot result in the strong decoupling between Li abundances and isotopic composition observed in nakhlites. We suggest that the original magmatic Li distributions (concentrations and isotopic compositions) in nakhlites have been modified by diffusion of Li from the Li-rich groundmass towards the pyroxene crystals during sub-solidus cooling. Diffusion appears to have been efficient for NWA 817 and MIL 03346 but, apparently, did not produce a significant migration of Li in Nakhla, possibly because of the lower abundance of groundmass in the latter. Diffusion induced Li redistributions may also affect terrestrial porphyric rocks but very specific cooling rates are required to quench the diffusion profiles as observed in two of the present nakhlites.  相似文献   
A large number of mineral processing equipment employs the basic principles of gravity concentration in a flowing fluid of a few millimetres thick in small open channels where the particles are distributed along the flow height based on their physical properties and the fluid flow characteristics. Fluid flow behaviour and slurry transportation characteristics in open channels have been the research topic for many years in many engineering disciplines. However, the open channels used in the mineral processing industries are different in terms of the size of the channel and the flow velocity used. Understanding of water split behaviour is, therefore, essential in modeling flowing film concentrators. In this paper, an attempt has been made to model the water split behaviour in an inclined open rectangular channel, resembling the actual size and the flow velocity used by the mineral processing industries, based on the Prandtl's mixing length approach.  相似文献   
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