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The Qinling Mountains separating the northern from the southern China plate is a key region for the study of structural evolution of eastern Asia. It is composed of the Palaeozoic fold belt in its northern part and the Variscan and Indosinian fold belts in its southern part. The evolution of the former is marked by the closure of a northward subducting oceanic basin in the early stage, followed by southward obduction of ophiolites and intracontinental thrusting during the Variscan; whereas that of the latter is represented by intracontinental, shallow crustal deformation on the basis of a large-scale detachment structure(with a horizontal slip of at least of 100 km). Since the late Palaeozoic, however, both of the belts have been cut by a series of east-west sinistral strike-slip faults.  相似文献   
I suppose that one is not far wrong in saying that Petrology is thescience of rocks.But we have not made ourselves very clear by saying it.To the average student of the subject.who must judge from what he is taught,  相似文献   
刻赤半岛和塔曼半岛中新世沉积层剖面结构中的差别,还是被第一次研究这些地层的地质工作者发现的。В.П.Koпecниkoв提出了塔曼沉积层与刻赤沉积层相比具有较深水(但在陆架范围内)的特征。有利于陆架环境说的主要论据就是在刻赤半岛和塔曼半岛上都有萨尔马特和梅奥提斯,交界期的苔藓灰岩露头。文中提供了塔曼半岛萨尔马特和梅奥提斯期形成物的详细岩性—成因分析以及剖面的逐层描述和岩石的矿物成分、结构和构造特征的成因解释。业已证实,这一地区萨尔马特和梅奥提斯期沉积物的堆积,发生在陆坡和坡脚的环境中,而苔藓灰岩…  相似文献   
The exploration and identification of antiproliferative phytochemicals have received increased attention in medicinal chemistry. In particular, research focused on the toxicology of marine natural products has increased in recent years. Terpenoids, among many secondary metabolites, have been demonstrated to act as effective anticancer agents. Soft corals, a group of marine invertebrates, produce a variety of terpenoids with biofunctional properties. The current study presents the extraction, purification, and identification of sterol congeners from the soft coral Dendronephthya putteri. The method involves 50% chloroform-methanol extraction, polar column fractionation, and analysis through GC-MSn. Dose-dependent antiproliferative activity was observed within the sterol-rich fraction (DPCMH 2-4), which consisted of 3β-hydroxy-Δ5-steroidal congeners. This fraction inhibited the growth of HL-60 and MCF-7 cells with IC50 values of 25.27±1.43 and 22.81±0.15 μg/mL, respectively. Apoptotic body formation, DNA damage, cell cycle arrest, and apoptotic cell signaling pathway activation were also observed, reinforcing the dose-dependent antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing activity of 3β-hydroxy-Δ5-steroidal congeners. To our knowledge, this is the first report of anticancer agent identification from the soft coral D. putteri. Based on the observations, these steroidal congeners are promising candidates for the development of anticancer drugs.  相似文献   
印度扇沉积的开始被认为是发生于渐新世到早中新世,其时印度板块和阿拉伯板块碰撞。印度扇长1,500km,最大宽度960km,是阿拉伯海中最大的自然地理构造,东边界是印度大陆边缘/查戈斯-拉克代夫海脊(Chagos-Laccadive Ridge),西边界是欧文-墨里海脊(Owen-Murray Ridge),南部则是中印度海脊(Carlsberg Ridge)。印度扇主要沉积物物源来自于印度河,  相似文献   
The estuarine behaviour of the metal load leaching from acid sulphate (AS) soils was studied in a selected river system (the V?r? River), in western Finland. Large amounts of metals were transported with the river and deposited within the estuary, causing highly elevated metal concentrations in both the sediment traps and in the underlying bottom sediments. Among the metals, there was a diverging deposition pattern where Al, Cu, La and U demonstrated a strong association with organic matter and were deposited within approximately 4 km from the river mouth. In contrast, the deposition of Co, Mn, Ni and Zn occurred when pH reached circumneutral conditions further out in the estuary. Yet other metals were not abundantly leached from the AS soils and thus not elevated in the river and estuary (Fe, Ti, Cr, V). Five separate chemical extractions indicated the geochemical speciation of the metals.  相似文献   
Previous field and laboratory studies have identified the alga Lobophora variegata as a good candidate for biomonitoring metal contamination in the New Caledonia lagoon which is subjected to intensive and extensive metal inputs from land-based mining activities. The aim of this work was to further assess the bioindicative potential of this species by investigating, in the field, its bioaccumulation capacity for local key contaminants, i.e. Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn. Algae from clean and contaminated sites were cross-transplanted for a period of three months in order to determine the in situ uptake and depuration kinetics of the nine elements. Results indicate that algae transplanted to the contaminated site displayed a significant linear increase in concentration with time for Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni. In contrast, algae transplanted to the clean site did not show major depuration of these elements, except for Co. Overall, L. variegata showed a rapid temporal response in metal uptake, especially for the elements intensively released into the coastal environment of New Caledonia (viz., Co, Cr, Mn and Ni). This species appears therefore as an excellent bioindicator species of metal contamination in this area. Our results also provide background information necessary for using L. variegata under in situ experimental conditions so as to provide better quantitative information on ambient metal contamination levels. The wide distribution of L. variegata in tropical areas further enhances its potential as a bioindicator species of metal contamination in other tropical coastal environments.  相似文献   
自挪威学派极面学说成立後,予於十九年曾作文介绍(极面学说与长江流域下游之风暴,气象研究所集刊第二号),迄今七八载,国内文献更无只字道及,而极面学说自成立至今,逐年进步,已非旧貌。一九三八年汉堡海洋观象台出版之Annalen derHydrographie und Maritimen Meteorologie第三册载有是文,可  相似文献   
澳大利亚从事海洋生物研究的单位很多。下面我们仅扼要介绍一下其主要研究机构、经费来源及研究概况。 一、海洋生物的主要研究机构、 澳大利亚共有19所大学,主要分布在州政府所在地。除一所大学之外,这些大学都设有生物系。这些系都从事一定的海洋研究,只不过其中有些系更偏重海洋生物学研究而已。北昆士兰詹姆斯·科克大学海洋生物学在生物系享有一定地位,而其它大学在生物  相似文献   
2万年来热带温度变化:调节半球间的气候变化T.P.Guilderson等世界范围内因CO_2含量倍增引起的全球温度变化估计为1°-4℃,这与热带海洋表面温度(SSTs)的变化非常相似。相似的热带SSTs变化范围(+1°-+3℃)显然取决于全球循环模型...  相似文献   
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