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Microphysical measurements of orographic fog were performed above a montane cloud forest in northeastern Taiwan (Chilan mountain site). The measured parameters include droplet size distribution (DSD), absolute humidity (AH), relative humidity (RH), air temperature, wind speed and direction, visibility, and solar short wave radiation. The scope of this work was to study the short term variations of DSD, temperature, and RH, with a temporal resolution of 3?Hz. The results show that orographic fog is randomly composed of various air volumes that are intrinsically rather homogeneous, but exhibit clear differences between each other with respect to their size, RH, LWC, and DSD. Three general types of air volumes have been identified via the recorded DSD. A statistical analysis of the characteristics of these volumes yielded large variabilities in persistence, RH, and LWC. Further, the data revealed an inverse relation between RH and LWC. In principle, this finding can be explained by the condensational growth theory for droplets containing soluble or insoluble material. Droplets with greater diameters can exist at lower ambient RH than smaller ones. However, condensational growth alone is not capable to explain the large observed differences in DSD and RH because the respective growth speeds are too slow to explain the observed phenomena. Other mechanisms play key roles as well. Possible processes leading to the large observed differences in RH and DSD include turbulence induced collision and coalescence, and heterogeneous mixing. More analyses including fog droplet chemistry and dynamic microphysical modeling are required to further study these processes. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental field observation of the anti-correlation between RH and LWC in fog.  相似文献   
Abstract— We determined the mineralogical and chemical characteristics and the He, Ne, and Ar isotopic abundances of 2 meteorites that fell in China and of 2 meteorites that were recovered by the 15th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition. Guangmingshan (H5), Zhuanghe (H5), and Grove Mountain (GRV) 98002 (L5) yield cosmic ray exposure (CRE) ages of 68.7 ± 10.0 Ma, 3.8 ± 0.6 Ma, and 17.0 ± 2.5 Ma, respectively. These ages are within the range typically observed for the respective meteorite types. GRV 98004 (H5) had an extremely short parent body‐Earth transfer time of 0.052 ± 0.008 Ma. Its petrography and mineral chemistry are indistinguishable from other typical H5 chondrites. Only 3 other meteorites exist with similarly low CRE ages: Farmington (L5), Galim (LL6), and ALH 82100 (CM2). We show that several asteroids in Earth‐crossing orbits, or in the main asteroid belt with orbits close to an ejection resonance, are spectrally matching candidates and may represent immediate precursor bodies of meteorites with CRE ages ≤0.1 Ma.  相似文献   
Observations of flow over complex terrain taken at Risø during June–July 1978 and numerical studies confirm earlier findings that small variations in surface elevation have significant effects on mean wind profiles. Measured shear stresses in the nonequilibrium region of the flow are consistent with theory but quite different from those obtained assuming simple flux-profile relationships. These findings imply that flux-profile relationships can be quite complicated over other than simple homogeneous terrain.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die unterpermischen Geröll-Packungen der östlichen Salt Range führen fazettierte und geschrammte Geschiebe unzweifelhaft glazialer Entstehung, die zusammen mit anderen Hinweisen eine Deutung der Boulder Beds als fluviatile Konglomerate (nachLotze) nicht überzeugend erscheinen lassen. Die ausgezeichnete Erhaltung der Schrammung schließt zum mindesten einen längeren Flußtransport aus. Das vereiste Gebiet muß sich daher in der Salt Range selbst oder in seiner unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft befunden haben.
The Lower Permian boulder beds of the eastern Salt Range contain facetted and scratched boulders of unquestionably glacial origin. Their excellent preservation seems to tell in favour of a glacial tillite rather than of a fluviatile conglomerate, as supposed by F.Lotze. At least a fluvial transport of the glacial boulders over a longer distance is to be excluded. The Salt Range itself or its immediate surroundings must have been covered by the Permian glaciers.

Résumé Les boulder beds du Permien inférieur de la Salt Range orientale contiennent des galets nettement facettés et striés d'origine glaciale. Leur préservation excellente exclut un long transport fluviatile. Par conséquent la Salt Range elle-même ou ses environs immédiats doivent avoir été couverts de glaciers permiens.

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Die vorstehenden Zeilen sind nicht als Selbstverteidigung, sondern in dem Wunsche geschrieben, den von Tübingen ausgegangenen Arbeiten E.Kokens und denen F.Noetlings, der in seinen späteren Jahren gleichfalls in Tübingen wirkte, zur Anerkennung zu verhelfen. Herrn Koll. G.Einsele danke ich verbindlichst für die Durchmusterung der von den abgebildeten Geschieben angefertigten Dünnschliffe. Unsere Bild-Erläuterungen beruhen auf seinen Bestimmungen.  相似文献   
Abstract— The recently discovered Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 073 strewn field is the largest found so far in the Sultanate of Oman, covering an area of 19 × 6 km. The 3463 single stones collected range in weight from 52.2 kg down to <1 g (total weight 600.8 kg) and show a pronounced mass sorting. The strewn field shape can be approximated by a NW‐SE‐oriented ellipsoid, indicating an atmospheric entry from SE at a low angle relative to the surface. The meteorite belongs to the L6 ordinary chondrite group and shows S4 average shock grade. Smaller stones generally show a higher weathering grade resulting in a spread from W2 and W4. Enhanced weathering of the stones causing fragmentation after the fall is observed in sandy depressions. Five 14C measurements on stones of variable size and weathering grade yielded 14C from 3.8 to 49.9 dpm/kg. Three samples give a 14C/ 10Be age consistent with about 14.4 ka. For two samples the cosmogenic, trapped, and radiogenic noble gases were measured. The ratio of the 4He and 40Ar gas retention ages of 0.29 ± 0.10 and that of the 3He and 21Ne cosmic ray exposure ages of 0.36 ± 0.08 Ma indicate that JaH 073 experienced a complex exposure history and lost 4He and 40Ar due to a major collision. Fragmentation statistics indicate a single major atmospheric disruption and an originally relatively spherical shape of the object. Assuming the material collected represents the majority of fallen mass, and 90–99% of the original weight was lost by ablation, the pre‐atmospheric minimum radius of the meteoroid with density 3.4 g cm?3would have been at least 75 cm.  相似文献   
The carbon isotopic ratios obtained from Athabasca bitumen, asphaltene and maltene have the same value δ13C = ?29.6 per ml. The corresponding values in the Cold Lake deposits are ?30.6, ?30.0 and ?31.6 per ml. The ratios determined for methane collected from the oil sand and its fractions are about 15 per ml lower than the above values. It appears that the Athabasca and Cold Lake Reservoirs have similar histories.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Eine sowohl systematisch, wie ökologisch und genetisch gerichtete Arealtypenforschung wird als ein für paläogeographische Fragestellung besonders geeigneter Forschungszweig der Biogeographie in seiner Arbeitsweise und seinen Ergebnissen kurz geschildert.Die wichtigsten Tatsachen und Probleme solcher Forschung werden angedeutet. Einige neue Forschungsergebnisse werden mitgeteilt.Der Standort der Theorie der Epeirophoresen wird wie folgt angegeben: Vorerst ist die Theorie rein biogeographisch noch nicht endgültig erwiesen. Sie ist in der Hauptsache auf rein biogeographischem Wege auch nicht erweisbar. Von den heute vorhandenen geotektonischen Theorien ist sie aber in vielen Einzelfällen durchaus als die einfachere und wahrscheinlichere anzusehen. Der Gedanke der Epeirophoresen an sich ist auf viele biogeographische Probleme von fruchtbarster Wirkung gewesen. Die Theorie der Epeirophoresen ist somit zumindest eine brauchbare Arbeitstheorie, wenn sich auch aus der kritischen Zusammenarbeit der einzelnen Geowissenschaften keine eindeutige Entscheidung herbeiführen lassen sollte.  相似文献   
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