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A new structural and kinematic study of the Hospitalet dome (Pyrenees) is presented. This dome corresponds to the eastern half of an EW‐trending antiformal structure made of an orthogneissic core intruded by granitoids, partly covered by Upper Proterozoic to Lower Ordovician metapelites. Its Variscan evolution can be split into four stages: (i) development of a strong high temperature pervasive deformation associated with subhorizontal foliations and lineations, and with non‐coaxial top‐to‐the‐east kinematics; (ii) formation of a south‐verging overturned megafold; (iii) emplacement of calc‐alkaline granitoids; and (iv) formation of mylonitic bands on the southern border of the dome, with reverse dextral kinematics. The flat lying pervasive high‐T deformation is interpreted as a large lateral flow developed in a dextral transpressive regime inducing an important uncoupling between the middle and upper crusts. The next stages happened in a progressive deformation in the same transpressive regime.  相似文献   
We present laboratory experiments to study the consequence of the rupture of a subducting slab on the deep geometry of the subduction zone. In our experiments, slab break‐off occurs after the entrance of buoyant material at trench causing a slowing down of the subduction and producing an increase of the shortening rate and a transient episode of subduction dip reversal. We discuss the potential application of these processes to the recent collisional evolution of the Alps proposing that the rupture of the slab produced a reorganization of the belt with a transition from one sided to a doubly vergent orogen.  相似文献   
Although sulfur is a relatively abundant element, measurement results with small uncertainties remain challenging to achieve, especially at S mass fractions below 100 μg g-1. We report > 1700 measurement results of S for thirty-seven geological reference materials including igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, and one soil. Measurement results were obtained in two laboratories (Macquarie GeoAnalytical and Géosciences Montpellier) over a long period of time ≈ 25 years (1997–2022), using several measurement procedures: X-ray fluorescence, high temperature iodo titration and elemental analysers equipped with thermal conductivity and/or infra-red detectors. Sulfur mass fractions for these diverse geological reference materials range between 5.5 and 11,395 μg g-1. While the comprehensive data set reported here should contribute significantly to a better characterisation of the S mass fractions of widely used geological reference materials, computed uncertainties, data distribution and comparison to published values still indicate heterogeneous distribution of S carrier(s) and analytical bias.  相似文献   
Refractivity depends on meteorological parameters such as temperature and water vapour pressure and can be measured using a weather radar. A realistic atmospheric simulation from the Meso-NH numerical model is used in order to describe and establish the relation between refractivity and the dynamic and thermodynamic phenomena responsible for the development and propagation of convection. These investigations lead to discussion of the complementarity between the refractivity and the convective available potential energy. The relation observed between the refractivity signal and the meteorological parameters calls the refractivity measurement into question, since it is based on phase differentiation with time and space and can be degraded by phase aliasing problems. These aliasing problems increase with the radar frequency (perceptible in the S-band, serious in the C-band, and more serious in the X-band) and also with the integration range and sampling time. Thus, a statistical approach permits us to simulate the possibility of measuring the refractivity with operational radar during convective events. A typical case in the south-east region of France is selected to simulate measurements by radar (S-band, C-band, X-band) in convective systems, in order to evaluate the measurement feasibility, particularly in terms of phase ambiguity, related to temporal and spatial sampling, of a future implementation of the refractivity measurement over the French operational radar network. This numerical statistical approach is completed with a similar study using in-situ measurements performed at the Trappes station. The seasonal and diurnal dependencies of aliasing are investigated, leading to clarification of the impact of the turbulent fluxes on the refractivity measurement.  相似文献   
Various anthropogenic radionuclides and210Pb were analyzed in a 4.3-m-long core, sampled near the Rhône River mouth in March 1991, to evaluate the extent of industrial releases that accumulate in this area. The whole core was significantly marked by radionuclide inputs from the nuclear facilities located along the river (137Cs,134Cs,60Co). Irregular profiles in natural and artificial radionuclides should be related to variations in their respective inputs from the Rhône River to the Mediterranean Sea. Minimum concentrations were found during high flow periods. Using both the137Cs/134Cs profile in the core and the range of this ratio in Rhône waters, mean apparent accumulation rates were estimated to range between 37 cm yr?1 and 48 cm yr?1. This core would then represent a sedimentary record over a 7–10 year period. However, the presence of a signal from the Chernobyl accident, which occurred on April 26, 1986, was not clearly observed in the core. Inventories of both artificial and natural radionuclides were greater than expected from atmospheric inputs. The increased sedimentation occurring in close vicinity to the mouth of the Rhône River is thus responsible for trapping of elements transported by the river to the Mediterranean Sea. In this area, inventories of artificial radionuclides are well in excess of aerial deposition from Chernobyl and atmospheric weapons tests and are linked primarily to industrial releases.  相似文献   
This work relates to the debate on the fossil organic carbon (FOC) input in modern environments and its possible implication for the carbon cycle, and suggests the use of Rock‐Eval 6 pyrolysis as a relevant tool for tracking FOC in such environments. Considering that such a delivery is mainly due to supergene processes affecting the continental surface, we studied organic matter in different reservoirs such as bedrocks, alterites, soils and rivers in two experimental catchments at Draix (Alpes de Haute Provence, France). Samples were subjected to geochemical (Rock‐Eval 6 pyrolysis) investigations and artificial bacterial degradations. After comparing the geochemical fingerprint of samples, geochemical markers of FOC were defined and tracked in the different reservoirs. Our results confirm the contribution of FOC in modern soils and rivers and display the various influences of weathering and erosional processes on the fate of FOC during its exchange between these pools. In addition, the contrasting behaviour of these markers upon the supergene processes has also highlighted the refractory or labile characters of the fossil organic matter (FOM). Bedrock to river fluxes, controlled by gully erosion, are characterized by a qualitative and quantitative preservation of FOM. Bedrock to alterite fluxes, governed by chemical weathering, are characterized by FOC mineralization without qualitative changes in deeper alterites. Alterite to soils fluxes, controlled by (bio)chemical weathering, are characterized by strong FOC mineralization and qualitative changes of FOM. Thus weathering and erosional processes induce different FOM evolution and affect the fate of FOC towards the global carbon cycle. In this study, gully erosion would involve maintenance of an ancient sink for the global carbon cycle, while (bio)chemical processes provide a source of CO2. Finally, this study suggests that Rock‐Eval 6 pyrolysis can be considered as a relevant tool for tracking FOC in modern environments. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Olivier Coutard 《Geoforum》2008,(6):1815-1820
This paper introduces a collection of case studies aimed at “Placing Splintering Urbanism”, in reference to the thesis developed by Graham and Marvin [Graham, S., Marvin, S., 2001. Splintering Urbanism. Networked Infractructures, Technoloical Moblilities and the Urban condition. Routledge, London]. Whilst acknowledging the value of the thesis as an analytical framework in opening the way to innovative understandings of contemporary urban dynamics, the paper argues that, taken together, the articles in this themed issue seriously challenge the “splintering urbanism” thesis theoretically, empirically and methodologically. They question in particular the postulated universality of the “modern infrastructural ideal” and of “unbundling” and “bypass” processes — all of which are key elements in Graham and Marvin’s argument — as well as the assertion that reforms in infrastructure sectors should generally result in more discriminatory, socially regressive patterns of provision of essential services and more splintered urban spaces. Based on these fundamental critiques, the paper concludes that one cannot speak of “splintering urbanism in general” — i.e., as a global trend — in any meaningful analytical way.  相似文献   
JHK s near-infrared photometry of stars in the Phoenix dwarf galaxy is presented and discussed. Combining these data with the optical photometry of Massey et al. allows a rather clean separation of field stars from Phoenix members. The discovery of a Mira variable ( P = 425 d), which is almost certainly a carbon star, leads to an estimate of the distance modulus of 23.10 ± 0.18 that is consistent with other estimates and indicates the existence of a significant population of age ∼2 Gyr. The two carbon stars of Da Costa have   M bol=−3.8  and are consistent with belonging to a population of similar age; some other possible members of such a population are identified. A Da Costa non-carbon star is  Δ K s∼ 0.3  mag brighter than these two carbon stars. It may be an asymptotic giant branch star of the dominant old population. The nature of other stars lying close to it in the   K s, ( J − K s)  diagram needs studying.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms responsible for the generation of chemical gradients in high-volume ignimbrites is key to retrieve information on the processes that control the maturation and eruption of large silicic magmatic reservoirs. Over the last 60 ky, two large ignimbrites showing remarkable zoning were emplaced during caldera-forming eruptions at Campi Flegrei (i.e., Campanian Ignimbrite, CI, ~?39 ka and Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, NYT, ~?15 ka). While the CI displays linear compositional, thermal and crystallinity gradients, the NYT is a more complex ignimbrite characterized by crystal-poor magmas ranging in composition from trachy-andesites to phonolites. By combining major and trace element compositions of matrix glasses and mineral phases from juvenile clasts located at different stratigraphic heights along the NYT pyroclastic sequence, we interpret such compositional gradients as the result of mixing/mingling between three different magmas: (1) a resident evolved magma showing geochemical characteristics of a melt extracted from a cumulate mush dominated by clinopyroxene, plagioclase and oxides with minor sanidine and biotite; (2) a hotter and more mafic magma from recharge providing high-An plagioclase and high-Mg clinopyroxene crystals and (3) a compositionally intermediate magma derived from remelting of low temperature mineral phases (i.e., sanidine and biotite) within the cumulate crystal mush. We suggest that the presence of a refractory crystal mush, as documented by the occurrence of abundant crystal clots containing clinopyroxene, plagioclase and oxides, is the main reason for the lack of erupted crystal-rich material in the NYT. A comparison between the NYT and the CI, characterized by both crystal-poor extracted melts and crystal-rich magmas representing remobilized portions of a “mature” (i.e., sanidine dominated) cumulate residue, allows evaluation of the capability of crystal mushes of becoming eruptible upon recharge.  相似文献   
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