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Microstructure and hydraulic conductivity of a compacted lime-treated soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Under a given compaction energy and procedure, it is known that maximum dry density of a soil is lowered due to lime addition. This modification of maximum dry density could alter the hydraulic conductivity of the soil. The main object of this study was to assess the impact of lime-stabilization on a silt soil microstructure and then on saturated hydraulic conductivity. An investigation at the microscopic level with mercury intrusion porosimetry showed that lime treatment induced the formation of a new small class, with a diameter lower than 3 × 103 Å in the compacted soil. This class is responsible for the difference in dry density between the treated and the untreated sample after compaction. It is shown that this small pores class was not altered by the compaction water content, the compaction procedure or the dry density. As in untreated soils, only the larger pores were modified by the compaction water content and the compaction procedure in the lime treated samples. The hydraulic conductivity appeared to be only related to the largest pores volume of the tested silt, regardless of lime treatment. Therefore, this study demonstrated that even if addition of lime resulted in a dramatic change of the maximum dry density of the tested silty soil, its effect on hydraulic conductivity is limited.  相似文献   
A first application of geomorphological methods to the assessment of sandstone deterioration at Angkor is presented. Damage diagnosis was carried out on the first eastern tier of the central pyramid of the 1,000 year-old Ta Keo temple. Methods combine field observations and measurements at 230 sampling points, high-resolution lasergrammetry and stereophotogrammetry on a 2-m2 test zone, and SEM observations. The first results indicate that decay operates through a synergistic combination of weathering phenomena dominated by scaling and solution, and exhibits a high spatial variability. Percentages of deteriorated surfaces vary from 17.6 to 93.8%, and average stone recession values from 0.00 to 2.71 cm (minimum) and 0.34 to 5.49 cm (maximum). On the test-zone, stereophotogrammetry and 3D-mapping of the present and reconstructed initial states using lasergrammetry indicate that erosion scars up to 6 cm deep have formed since 1963. On the whole, the amount of deteriorated surfaces more than tripled between 1963 and 2008. The degree of implication of salts in stone decay remains unclear for most efflorescences are composed of calcite (CaCO3), with secondary importance of barite (BaSO4) and gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O). Future prospects aim to evaluate the impact on stone decay of the clearing out of the temple from the forest in the 1920s.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to characterise the technical and environmental implications of non-traditional treatments of a low-plasticity compacted silt (PI = 14) and to investigate their actions both at the micro- and macro-structural scales. Three non-traditional additives derived from industrial vegetal by-products were studied. These additives are classified as an acid solution, an enzymatic solution (ES) and calcium lignosulfonate (LS). The first step was to characterise the effects of these treatments on Proctor compaction, bearing capacity, unconfined compressive strength and stiffness. The index properties of the treated samples were also measured to assess changes in the interaction between soil minerals and the additives. These experimental results showed that the 0.002 % ES and 2.0 % LS treatments were the most effective at improving the soil dry density and allowing the soil to reach optimum density using 3 % less water or 25 % less compaction energy. In a second step, the mechanisms involved in the treatment were investigated. A microscopic study was conducted including scanning electron microscopy and mercury injection porosity tests; measurements of the surface tension of non-traditional additives mixed with water completed the study and demonstrated that the ES treatment has the same surfactant properties as sodium dodecyl sulphate, a common surfactant. Compaction tests confirmed that the behaviours of the soil after ES and sodium dodecyl sulphate treatments were similar.  相似文献   

La Birket Karoun a été étudiée d’un point de vue biogéologique sur une période de 12 mois. Les données ainsi obtenues, ajoutées à celles de la littérature disponible, permettent de présenter les caractéristiques biogéologiques essentielles de ce bassin original.

Le lac n’est alimenté actuellement que par des eaux continentales issues du système nilotique ce qui entraîne des propriétés hydrochimiques assez différentes des corps d’eau paraliques influencés par la mer. Cependant, les caractéristiques hydrologiques, biologiques et sédimen-taires de la Birket Karoun la classent parmi les écosystèmes de type lagunaire. Il est même possible d’y reconnaître une organisation biogéologique zonale très semblable à celle des lagunes, la partie la plus « marine » (ou la moins confinée) se situant à l’opposé de la zone des apports d’eau douce. Une connexion entre le lac et la mer, actuelle ou passée, étant à peu près exclues, il faut admettre que les eaux continentales concentrées peuvent présenter, dans certains cas, des caractéristiques chimiques et biochimiques presque marines vis-à-vis des êtres vivants.

Dans cette optique, la Birket Karoun apparaît comme un modèle actuel susceptible de fournir une alternative à l’hypothèse d’une « Mer Saharienne » pour rendre compte de l’existence des lacs sahariens pleistocènes à faunes fossiles lagunaires.  相似文献   
The insoluble organic matter (IOM) of the Orgueil meteorite contains deuterium-rich radicals detectable by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) techniques (Gourier et al., 2008). However the structure of these deuterium carriers remains poorly constrained. In this work, their electronic structure is deduced from the measurement of the spin states S by transient nutation in pulsed-EPR. It is shown that these deuterium-rich radicals are dominated by biradicaloids (species with S = 0 ground state and thermally accessible S = 1 state) and biradicals (species with S = 1 ground state) representing ∼61% and ∼31% of the radicals in the IOM of Orgueil, respectively, while single radicals (S = 1/2) contribute only to ∼8%. This is definitely different from mature terrestrial IOMs, which are known to contain almost exclusively S = 1/2 radicals. A structural model is proposed, whereby the occurrence of dominant biradicaloids and biradicals is the direct consequence of the structure of the IOM, made of a network of small aromatic moieties linked by branched and short aliphatic units. This implies that the formation of stable biradicaloids and biradicals by C-H breaking and their deuterium enrichment are produced after the formation of the IOM in the primitive solar system. These results reinforce the idea that the formation of the IOM and the deuterium-rich hotspots are the product of ion chemistry in the solar disk.  相似文献   
The discovery of crude oils and condensates at ever higher temperatures casts doubt on the validity of the usual geochemical modelling approach, that uses empirical reactions and rate constants. The solution used to account for such a high thermal stability is presently to adjust the rate parameters, but the physical meaning and scientific value of such a strategy can be questioned. We have developed a mechanistic model consisting of 5200 lumped free radical reactions to describe the thermal evolution of a mixture of 52 organic species meant to represent light petroleum. Rate constants used are those available in the literature or estimated using well established thermochemistry-reactivity correlations. Chemical structures included in the model are linear, branched and cyclic hydrocarbons, hydro- and alkyl-aromatics, PAHs, and three heteroatomic compounds. Reactions include cracking and alkylation chains and inhibiting and accelerating reactions from the various reactants. This model has been applied to several mixtures with various proportions of reaction inhibitors and accelerators, and to a composition representing a light mature oil. From the results obtained, we conclude that mature oils will be stable up to 240–260 °C, depending on their composition, and that the thermal cracking of oil to gas is not possible under reasonable basin conditions. The kinetics of petroleum cracking are thus much slower than generally recognized.  相似文献   
Natural Hazards - We perform numerical simulations to assess how coastal tsunami hazard from submarine mass failures (SMFs) is affected by slide kinematics and rheology. Two types of two-layer SMF...  相似文献   
This microstructural and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility study of the internal structures of the Hercynian Néouvielle granite pluton (100 km2) provides new data indicating that the pluton was emplaced during the main Hercynian tectonic event recognized in the Pyrenees. It also provides new data about the later Alpine deformation localized along narrow mylonitic bands. These bands acted as reverse faults and have not rotated the Hercynian structures that define the main part of the pluton. The pluton is composed of two structural domains: the northern half of the pluton displays a beak shape in map view, with subhorizontal E-W trending lineations of magmatic origin; the southern half is semi-circular and displays rather steeply northward plunging lineations corresponding to magmatic and high temperature (HT) solid-state microstructures. These features are associated with magma deformation during emplacement. Magma deformation corresponds, in the northern half of the pluton, to an E-W strike-slip deformation recognized in the enveloping pelitic metasediments of Carboniferous age and, in the southern half of the pluton, to southward overthrusting recognized in the enveloping quartzites of Devonian age. Juxtaposition in a single granite body of transcurrent and compressive domains is viewed as a strain partitioning in the magma. This strain partitioning is linked to both the transpressive character of the main regional deformation event and the rheological contrast between the pelitic country rocks and quartzose country rocks.  相似文献   
The ~1,000 km3 Carpenter Ridge Tuff (CRT), erupted at 27.55 Ma during the mid-tertiary ignimbrite flare-up in the western USA, is among the largest known strongly zoned ash-flow tuffs. It consists primarily of densely welded crystal-poor rhyolite with a pronounced, highly evolved chemical signature (high Rb/Sr, low Ba, Zr, Eu), but thickly ponded intracaldera CRT is capped by a more crystal-rich, less silicic facies. In the outflow ignimbrite, this upper zone is defined mainly by densely welded crystal-rich juvenile clasts of trachydacite composition, with higher Fe–Ti oxide temperatures, and is characterized by extremely high Ba (to 7,500 ppm), Zr, Sr, and positive Eu anomalies. Rare mafic clasts (51–53 wt% SiO2) with Ba contents to 4,000–5,000 ppm and positive Eu anomalies are also present. Much of the major and trace-element variations in the CRT juvenile clasts can be reproduced via in situ differentiation by interstitial melt extraction from a crystal-rich, upper-crustal mush zone, with the trachydacite, crystal-rich clasts representing the remobilized crystal cumulate left behind by the melt extraction process. Late recharge events, represented by the rare mafic clasts and high-Al amphiboles in some samples, mixed in with parts of the crystal cumulate and generated additional scatter in the whole-rock data. Recharge was important in thermally remobilizing the silicic crystal cumulate by partially melting the near-solidus phases, as supported by: (1) ubiquitous wormy/sieve textures and reverse zoning patterns in feldspars and biotites, (2) absence of quartz in this very silicic unit stored at depths of >4–5 km, and (3) heterogeneous melt compositions in the trachydacite fiamme and mafic clasts, particularly in Ba, indicating local enrichment of this element due mostly to sanidine and biotite melting. The injection of hot, juvenile magma into the upper-crustal cumulate also imparted the observed thermal gradient to the deposits and the mixing overprint that partly masks the in situ differentiation process. The CRT provides a particularly clear perspective on processes of in situ crystal-liquid separation into a lower crystal-rich zone and an upper eruptible cap, which appears common in incrementally built upper-crustal magma reservoirs of high-flux magmatic provinces.  相似文献   
The Upper Jurassic Akkuyu Formation of south-western Turkey consists of pale-coloured carbonate facies, but includes a peculiar ‘black band’ at its base. In order to characterize the depositional environment of this level, a sedimentological, organic and inorganic geochemical study was performed on 30 samples. Three units are distinguished. Unit 1 consists of black marlstones, very rich in organic carbon (22–30%) with HI (hydrogen index) values around 600. The organic matter is an amorphous homogeneous material even at nanoscopic scale. This unit is also characterized by a very high concentration of V ( >1000 p.p.m.) and a δ13Corg value around ?26·5‰. Unit 2 shows thin-bedded black limestones with chert layers. Its organic content varies from 2% to 6%. As in unit 1, the HI values are uniformly high (600), and gas chromatography shows a high quantity of hopanes. The V concentration is also high (≈400 p.p.m.). The unit has a high Sr/Ca ratio, an organic carbon isotopic ratio close to ?28·7‰ and diffuse, nanoscopically amorphous organic material that is closely associated with pyrite. Unit 3 corresponds to the white limestones overlying the ‘black band’. This calcitic facies is almost devoid of organic carbon (<0·1%). The δ13Corg values are similar to those of unit 1 (?25·5‰ to ?26‰). Deposition occurred in a basinal environment surrounded by a carbonate platform. Primary productivity was high but not exceptional; terrestrial organic inputs were scarce. Bottom waters were probably euxinic during the deposition of unit 1. The presence of both hopane-rich and sulphur-rich nanoscopically amorphous organic matter may be the result of strong sulphate-reducing bacterial activity. Coupled with low amounts of iron, this led to intense vulcanization of the organic matter and thus good preservation. With the onset of unit 2 deposition, environmental conditions became less extreme, perhaps because of cooler water temperatures. Finally, the depositional conditions became oxic, leading to the accumulation of pale-coloured organic-poor limestones of unit 3.  相似文献   
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