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Field-aligned currents in the day-time cusp-region are regarded as the superposition of various current sheets under the influence of different solar wind parameters. The principal feature of this pattern is a specific region 3 of field-aligned currents located poleward of region 1 and affected by both the azimuthal and northward components of the interplanetary magnetic field. It is shown that recent measurements carried out on the TRIAD satellite (Saflekos and Potemra, 1979) unambiguously point to the existence of region 3. The data on the transverse magnetic disturbances supplied by S3-2 satellite (Doyle et al., 1981) accord with our model on taking into account the relations between the IMF parameters and the field-aligned current intensity.  相似文献   
To predict the key parameters of the solar cycle,a new method is proposed based on the empirical law describing the correlation between the maximum height of the preceding solar cycle and the entropy of the forthcoming one.The entropy of the forthcoming cycle may be estimated using this empirical law,if the maximum height of the current cycle is known.The cycle entropy is shown to correlate well with the cycle's maximum height and,as a consequence,the height of the forthcoming maximum can be estimated.In turn,the correlation found between the height of the maximum and the duration of the ascending branch(the Waldmeier rule)allows the epoch of the maximum,Tmax,to be estimated,if the date of the minimum is known.Moreover,using the law discovered,one can find out the analogous cycles which are similar to the cycle being forecasted,and hence,obtain the synoptic forecast of all main features of the forthcoming cycle.The estimates have shown the accuracy level of this technique to be 86%.The new regularities discovered are also interesting because they are fundamental in the theory of solar cycles and may provide new empirical data.The main parameters of the future solar cycle 24 are as follows: the height of the maximum is Wmax = 95±20,the duration of the ascending branch is Ta = 4.5±0.5 yr,the total cycle duration according to the synoptic forecast is 11.3 yr.  相似文献   
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Studied waters belong to warm(T=30-50℃),alkaline(pH=8.9-9.3),low mineralized(TDS235 mg/1)Na-HCO_3 or Na-SO_4-HCO_3 thermal waters with high content of SiO_2(up to 81 mg/l)and F(up to 3.9 mg/1),occur on modern volcano-tectonic rejuvenated areas of Eastern Sikhote-Alin orogenic belt.Low~3He concentration as well as N_2/O_2 and N_2/Ar ratios exclude influence of deep mantle fluid.New rare earth element data constrain our understandmg of water-rock interaction occurring in the water source region.Meteoric origin of waters is proved by stable isotope values varying from-71‰to-136.1‰and from-10.8‰to-18.8‰forδ~2U andδ~(18)O respectively.REE patterns reflect high pH,resultfing from water-rock interaction and oxidative conditions.Calculations of deep aquifer temperature using Na-K and quartz geothermometers show 116.8-131.1°C and 82.2-125.8℃respectively.Presence of deep faults both with abnormal thermal gradient(~45-50 K/km)define unique geochemical shape of thermal waters of Sikhote-Alin,area,where no present volcanic activity is registered.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the hydroelastic responses of a mat-like, rectangular very large floating structure (VLFS) edged with a pair of horizontal/inclined perforated anti-motion plates in the context of the direct coupling method. The updated Lagrangian formulae are applied to establish the equilibrium equations of the VLFS and the total potential formula is employed for fluids in the numerical model including the viscous effect of the perforated plates through the Darcy''s law. The hybrid finite element-boundary element (FE-BE) method is implemented to determine the response reduction of VLFS with attached perforated plates under various oblique incident waves. Also, the numerical solutions are validated against a series of experimental tests. The effectiveness of the attached perforated plates in reducing the deflections of the VLFS can be significantly improved by selecting the proper design parameters such as the porous parameter, submergence depth, plate width and inclination angle for the given sea conditions.  相似文献   
The Gulf of Finland is an elongated estuary located in the north-eastern extremity of the Baltic Sea. This semi-enclosed sea-area is subject to heavy sea traffic, and is one of the main risk areas for oil accidents in the Baltic. The continuous development and validation of operational particle drift and oil-spill forecasting systems is thus seen to be essential for this sea-area.Here, the results of a three-day drift experiment in May 2003 are discussed. The field studies were performed using GPS-positioned surface floating buoys. The aim of this paper is to evaluate how well models can reproduce the drift of these buoys. Model simulations, both in forecast and hindcast modes, were carried out by three different 3D hydrodynamic models, the results of which are evaluated by comparing the calculated drifts with observations. These models were forced by HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model) and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) meteorological forecast fields.The simulated drift of the buoys showed a good agreement with observations even when, during the study period, a rapidly-changing wind situation was observed to affect the investigation area; in this situation the winds turned about 100 degrees in half an hour. In such a case it is a very complicated task to forecast the drifters' routes: there is a need to regularly update the meteorological forcing fields and to use these regularly-updated fields throughout the simulations. It is furthermore recommended that forecasts should be made using several circulation models and several meteorological forecasts, in order to get an overview of the accuracy of the forecasted drifts and related differences in between the forecasts.  相似文献   
This paper presents a selective review of applications of data on seawater light scattering for the study and monitoring of marine particles. Particular emphasis is placed on ocean waters and the seas surrounding Russia, where earlier studies by the author with his coworkers are little known because published mostly in Russian. In those assessments, methods of solving the inverse problem of seawater light scattering have been developed. Low-parametric models of optical properties were created by means of statistical analyses of experimental data, solving the inverse problem and comparing results derived from optical methods with those based on particle counts. Estimates of the volume and mass concentrations of suspended matter and its components were derived from light-scattering data for different regions. The potential of using optical methods for assessing spatiotemporal variability in suspended matter supply, propagation, and distribution is also considered.  相似文献   
The distribution and origin of shallow gas seeps in the vicinity of the Posolsky Bank in Lake Baikal were studied based on the integration of detailed seismic, multibeam, and hydro-acoustic water-column investigations. In all, 65 acoustic flares have been detected on the Posolsky Fault scarp near the crest of the bank and in a similar, nearby setting at water depths of ?43 to ?332?m. The seismic data reveal BSRs (bottom-simulating reflectors) occurring up to water depths of ?300?m. Calculations involving hydrate stability, heat flow, and topographic modulation based on BSR occurrence and multibeam bathymetry enabled prediction of a methane–ethane gas mixture and heat-flow values that would account for gas hydrate stability in the lake sediments under prevailing ambient conditions. These predictions are supported by ground truth data. The findings suggest that seeps concentrated along the crest of the Posolsky Bank are fed mainly by gas coming from below the base of the gas hydrate stability zone, which would migrate updip via permeable stratigraphic pathways beneath the bank. Gas would ultimately be released into the water column where these pathways are cut off by faults.
Conceptual seep model for the Posolsky Bank, Lake Baikal  相似文献   
A unified method of approximation, extrapolation, and objective layering is offered for processing vertical oceanographic profiles. The method is demonstrated using seawater density and consists of adjustable splitting of each individual profile into N vertical layers based on tentative, piecewise linear homogeneous approximation with specified accuracy and a final fitting of an N-layered analytical model to data. A set of 3N coefficients of the model includes one density value at the sea surface; N−1 depths of layer interfaces; and N pairs of coefficients that describe a profile shape within the n-th layer—an asymptotic density value (a key parameter for extrapolation) and a vertical scale of maximum density variability (related to vertical gradient). Several distinctive characteristics of the technique are: (1) It can be used for the analysis of the vertical structure of individual profiles when N is an unknown parameter, and spatial interpolation when N should be equal for all profiles. (2) A justified downward extrapolation of incomplete data is possible with the model, especially if historical deepwater profiles are available. (3) Layer interfaces, as well as other coefficients, are derived with only one fitting to the entire profile. (4) The technique, using its general formulation, can serve as a parent for developing various types of models. The simpler step-like (with hyperbolic or exponential approximation) and more complicated smooth (continuous in gradient space) models were designed and tested against a large number of density profiles from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Gulf of California. Comparison of parametric, z-levels and isopycnal averaging was done for the region off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin.  相似文献   
Using the high-resolution spectrometer SPI on board the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory ( INTEGRAL ), we search for a spectral line produced by a dark matter (DM) particle with a mass in the range  40 keV < M DM < 14 MeV  , decaying in the DM halo of the Milky Way. To distinguish the DM decay line from numerous instrumental lines found in the SPI background spectrum, we study the dependence of the intensity of the line signal on the offset of the SPI pointing from the direction toward the Galactic Centre. After a critical analysis of the uncertainties of the DM density profile in the inner Galaxy, we find that the intensity of the DM decay line should decrease by at least a factor of 3 when the offset from the Galactic Centre increases from 0° to 180°. We find that such a pronounced variation of the line flux across the sky is not observed for any line, detected with a significance higher than 3σ in the SPI background spectrum. Possible DM decay origin is not ruled out only for the unidentified spectral lines, having low (∼3σ) significance or coinciding in position with the instrumental ones. In the energy interval from 20 keV to 7 MeV, we derive restrictions on the DM decay line flux, implied by the (non-)detection of the DM decay line. For a particular DM candidate, the sterile neutrino of mass M DM, we derive a bound on the mixing angle.  相似文献   
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