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The dynamic response to ground motion of hemispherical shells in a fluid, medium is studied numerically. In the analysis, linear thin shell theory is used and the fluid is assumed to be compressible and inviscid. The effect of the duration of the ground motion on the dynamic response is studied using two forcing functions, one with a very short duration and the other in the form of a Heaviside function. As special cases, dynamic responses of the shell in vacuo and of a rigid hemisphere in the fluid medium are investigated. The results are valid also for a ring-stiffened complete spherical shell accelerating in an acoustic medium.  相似文献   
A simple and rapid method for the detection and extraction of oxolinic acid, flumequine, florfenicol and oxytetracycline from marine sediments was developed and validated. The analytes were extracted from the marine sediment using a solution of oxalic acid diluted in methanol with sonication before detection by HPLC using a diode-array detector (florfenicol and oxytetracycline) and fluorescence (oxolinic acid and flumequine). The quantification limits (QL) were 100 ng/g for oxytetracycline and florfenicol and 5 ng/g for oxolinic acid and flumequine. The coefficients of variation of the repeatability and intermediate precision were less than 10% in all of the analytes. The calibration curves were linear between 50 and 500 ng/ml for oxytetracycline and florfenicol and 1 and 20 ng/ml for oxolinic acid and flumequine. The recuperation rate for the analytes was above 86%.  相似文献   
We have used different techniques for permeability prediction using porosity core data from one well at the Maracaibo Lake, Venezuela. One of these techniques is statistical and uses neuro-fuzzy concepts. Another has been developed by Pape et al. (Geophysics 64(5):1447–1460, 1999), based on fractal theory and the Kozeny–Carman equations. We have also calculated permeability values using the empirical model obtained in 1949 by Tixier and a simple linear regression between the logarithms of permeability and porosity. We have used 100% of the permeability–porosity data to obtain the predictor equations in each case. The best fit, in terms of the root mean-square error, was obtained with the statistical approach. The results obtained from the fractal model, the Tixier equation or the linear approach do not improve the neuro-fuzzy results. We have also randomly taken 25% of the porosity data to obtain the predictor equations. The increase of the input data density for the neuro-fuzzy approach improves the results, as is expected for a statistical analysis. On the contrary, for the physical model based on the fractal theory, the decrease in the data density could allow reaching the ideal theoretical Kozeny–Carman model, on which are based the fractal equations, and hence, the permeability prediction using these expressions is improved.  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce a new method called Forced Neural Network (FNN) to find the parameters of the object in geophysical section respect to gravity anomaly assuming the prismatic model. The aim of the geological modeling is to find the shape and location of underground structure, which cause the anomalies, in 2D cross section. At the first stage, we use one neuron to model the system and apply back propagation algorithm to find out the density difference. At the second level, quantization is applied to the density differences and mean square error of the system is computed. This process goes on until the mean square error of the system is small enough. First, we use FNN to two synthetic data, and then the Sivas–Gürün basin map in Turkey is chosen as a real data application. Anomaly values of the cross section, which is taken from the gravity anomaly map of Sivas–Gürün basin, are very close to those obtained from the proposed method.  相似文献   
In this study, the boric acid extraction from colemanite ore in aqueous media saturated by CO2 and SO2 gases was studied and the effects of relevant parameters, namely; reaction temperature, solid-to-liquid ratio, mean particle size, stirring speed and reaction time have been investigated on the boric acid extraction from colemanite ore by using the fractional factorial design and central composite design methods. The chosen experimental parameter levels were as follows: reaction temperature, 11.4–58.6 °C; solid-to-liquid ratio, 0.0685–0.1315 g/mL; mean particle size, 0.2835–3 mm; stirring speed, 107–893 rpm; reaction time, 7.125–22.875 min. A model has been developed between the boric acid extraction efficiency from colemanite ore and relevant parameters by means of variance analysis by using the matlab computer software and the obtained model was used to determine optimum conditions. The optimum conditions were found to be as follows: reaction temperature, 41 °C; solid-to-liquid ratio, 0.0685 g/mL; mean particle size, 0.2835 mm; stirring speed, 266 rpm; reaction time, 7 min. The calculated boric acid extraction efficiency from colemanite ore was approximately 99.9% under the optimum conditions.  相似文献   
The Bosphorus is oceanographically very complicated two-layer stratified strait where denser water from the Marmara Sea flows towards North under the lighter water which is frequently flowing from the Black Sea towards South. The water level difference between both ends of the Bosphorus varies seasonally within the range of ?0.2 and 0.6 m. The seasonal variability depends mainly on the water level changes in the adjacent basins related to the hydrological cycle, short-term changes in the atmospheric pressure and the wind characteristics. These variations together with the depth and alignment of the cross section along the strait dominate the spatial and temporal variations and sometimes sharp changes in the flow pattern in three dimensions. Although these hydrodynamic conditions are critical for all marine and hydraulic works along the Bosphorus, there was not continuous long-term measurement for a sufficient time span in the strait for detailed evaluation of the current climate. An extensive site surveying work including current, wind, pressure and water level measurements was carried out between September 2004 and January 2006 in relation to the design and construction requirements of the Bosphorus Tube Crossing Project. In this study, the characteristics of stratified flow in the Bosphorus Strait and their relation to local and regional, short- and long-term changes in the meteorological parameters are studied by using the measurement data and the results are discussed comparatively.  相似文献   
In this work we have assessed the hybrid algorithm of NeuroFuzzy logic (NFL), to establish a correlation between global climatic changes (benthic foraminiferal δ18O data), experimental S-ratio (factor characterizing stability of remanent magnetization) and magnetic susceptibility (κ). Magnetic proxies have been measured in 44 samples of the Colombian stratigraphic well Saltarín 1A (distal Llanos foreland basin). κ and Sratios were linked to global δ18O data assuming a constant accumulation rate for a 305 meters thick stratigraphic interval flanked by the two palynological age constrains available. This interval encompasses, from top to base, the bottom of the Guayabo formation, the León, and the upper unit of the Carbonera formations (lower to middle Miocene). The best inference is accomplished applying a Takagi-Sugeno-Kan (TSK) fuzzy model with four fuzzy rules and the δ18O, S-ratios and κ data used in a linear form to train the system. These results are interpreted as the outcome of a significant influence of global climatic changes upon magnetic proxies. A stronger correlation is perhaps prevented by the likely influence of local and regional tectonic events and climatic changes that could have affected the distal segment of the Colombian Llanos foreland basin during Miocene times. We argue that late diagenesis of primary magnetic minerals and the assumption of a constant accumulation rate might have a minor influence on these results.  相似文献   
The Aegean region is tectonically a complex area characterized mainly by the subduction of African oceanic lithosphere beneath the Aegean continental lithosphere including extensional subbasins and mantle driven block rotations. In this study, spatial distribution of earthquakes, b-value distribution, and heat flow data have been analyzed to reveal the deep structural features of the Aegean region. b-value distributions show two low NE–SW and NW–SE trending b-anomaly zones in the western and eastern side of the Crete, implying slab tear within the Aegean slab. Earthquake foci distribution indicates that the Aegean slab steepens in the eastern side of the Crete, compared to its western side. Earthquake foci reach maximum depth of 180 km along the Cycladic arc axis, suggesting northward subducted slab geometry. The low seismic activities and high b-value anomalies within Aegean basin, except North Aegean Trough, can be compared to higher heat flow. We concluded that collision-induced westward mantle flow beneath Turkey followed by hard collision between Arabian-Eurasian continental plates played a major role in the evolution of clockwise rotational retreat of the Aegean slab and slab steepening to the east of the Crete.  相似文献   
Soil gas radon release patterns have been monitored continuously for more than 3 years in the Eastern Mediterranean Province (EMP) (Southern Turkey), alongside regional seismic events, providing a multidisciplinary approach. In the period from January 2008 to January 2011, 14 earthquakes M L ≥4 occurred in the study area. By monitoring the sites for more than 3 years, the site-characteristic patterns of soil radon emanation of each site have become evident. Radon emanation data show seasonal (semi-annual) variation characteristics; high soil radon values are between May and October and low soil radon values are between November and April. With available rainfall data, the soil gas radon data can be more reliably evaluated. It is shown in this paper that if radon emanation data are available over sufficiently long periods of time and baseline data (and their seasonal variations) are known with certainty for each monitoring site, then the observation of positive anomalies might provide a correlation or connection to seismic activity.  相似文献   
Eastern Anatolia consisting of an amalgamation of fragments of oceanic and continental lithosphere is a current active intercontinental contractional zone that is still being squeezed and shortened between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. This collisional and contractional zone is being accompanied by the tectonic escape of most of the Anatolian plate to the west by major strike-slip faulting on the right-lateral North Anatolian Transform Fault Zone (NATFZ) and left-lateral East Anatolian Transform Fault Zone (EATFZ) which meet at Karlıova forming an east-pointing cusp. The present-day crust in the area between the easternmost part of the Anatolian plate and the Arabian Foreland gets thinner from north (ca 44 km) to south (ca 36 km) relative to its eastern (EAHP) and western sides (central Anatolian region). This thinner crustal area is characterized by shallow CPD (12–16 km), very low Pn velocities (< 7.8 km/s) and high Sn attenuation which indicate partially molten to eroded mantle lid or occurrence of asthenospheric mantle beneath the crust. Northernmost margin of the Arabian Foreland in the south of the Bitlis–Pötürge metamorphic gap area is represented by moderate CPD (16–18 km) relative to its eastern and western sides, and low Pn velocities (8 km/s). We infer from the geophysical data that the lithospheric mantle gets thinner towards the Bitlis–Pötürge metamorphic gap area in the northern margin of the Arabian Foreland which has been most probably caused by mechanical removal of the lithospheric mantle during mantle invasion to the north following the slab breakoff beneath the Bitlis–Pötürge Suture Zone. Mantle flow-driven rapid extrusion and counterclockwise rotation of the Anatolian plate gave rise to stretching and hence crustal thinning in the area between the easternmost part of the Anatolian plate and the Arabian Foreland which is currently dominated by wrench tectonics.  相似文献   
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