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Analysis of the distribution of ore-bodies in space can be useful generally in the estimation of mineral resources or the management of exploration. This study is directed to analysis of the undiscovered potential of well known areas of mining district size, referred to as metallogenic units (MUs). The analysis employs an effort-adjusted and truncated probability model for number of occurrences within a subdivision (quadrat) of a MU and Monte Carlo sampling to generate an approximation to the probability distribution for number of occurrences and number of mines within an MU when it is totally explored. Exploration potential for Monitor, Bodie, Aurora, and Camp Douglas MUs (Walker Lake quadrangle of Nevada and California) are estimated to be 9, 4, 7, and 4 mines, respectively. 相似文献
Volcanism along the northwest boundary of the Arabian Plate found in the Gaziantep Basin, southeast Turkey, is of Miocene age and is of alkaline and calc-alkaline basic composition. The rare earth element data for both compositional series indicates spinel–peridotite source areas. The rare earth and trace elements of the alkaline lavas originate from a highly primitive and slightly contaminated asthenospheric mantle; those of the calc-alkaline lavas originate from a highly heterogeneous, asthenospheric, and lithospheric mantle source. Partial melting and magmatic differentiation processes played a role in the formation of the petrological features of these volcanics. These rocks form two groups on the basis of their ~(87) Sr/~(86) Sr and ~(143) Nd/~(144) Nd isotopic compositions in addition to their classifications based on their chemical compositions(alkaline and calc-alkaline). These isotopic differences indicate a dissimilar parental magma. Therefore, high Nd isotope samples imply a previously formed and highly primitive mantle whereas low Nd isotope samples may indicate comparable partial melting of an enriched heterogeneous shallow mantle. Other isotopic changes that do not conform to the chemical features of these lavas are partly related to the various tectonic events of the region, such as the Dead Sea Fault System and the Bitlis Suture Zone. 相似文献
The results of JHKLM photometry of two carbon stars are presented: the irregular variable NQ Cas and the Mira star BD Vul. Data on the mean fluxes supplemented with mid-IR observations with the IRAS, AKARI, andWISE satellites are used to compute spherically symmetrical model dust envelopes for the stars, consisting of particles of amorphous carbon and silicon carbide. The optical depth in the visible for the comparatively cool dust envelope of BD Vul, with a dust temperature at its inner boundary T1 = 610 K, is fairly low: τV = 0.13. The dust envelope of NQ Cas is appreciably hotter (T1 = 1550 K), and has τV = 0.32. The estimated mass-loss rates are 1.5 × 10?7M⊙/yr for NQ Cas and 5.9 × 10?7M⊙/yr for BD Vul. 相似文献
Dr. T. T. Alapieti Dr. B. A. Filén Dr. J. J. Lahtinen Dr. M. M. Lavrov Dr. V. F. Smolkin Dr. S. N. Voitsekhovsky 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1990,42(1-4):1-22
Summary Early Proterozoic layered intrusions, about 2440 Ma in age, are widespread over a large area of the northeastern Fennoscandian Shield in Finland, Sweden and the Soviet Union. Only one intrusion, the Kukkola intrusion, is encountered in Sweden whereas in Finland, their number exceeds twenty. These are concentrated principally in two areas, the dicontinuous Tornio-Närdnkävaara intrusion belt which crosses northern Finland and the Koitelainen intrusion with its satellites located in central Finnish Lapland. The intrusions in the Soviet Union are concentrated in three areas: (i) on the Kola Peninsula, (ii) in the Paanajärvi area close to the Finnish border and (iii) northeast of Lake Onega.Examples of all the ore types characteristic of layered intrusions have been found in these intrusions. Chromitite layers are encountered in the Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen and Burakovsky intrusions, but only one, the Kemi chromitite, has so far been mined. The Portimo, Koillismaa, Monchegorsk and Fedorova intrusions are characterized by PGE-bearing Cu-Ni-deposits in their marginal series. Mineralized zones enriched in PGE are also encountered in the layered series. Those in the Penikat intrusion and in the Portimo intrusions are the most remarkable and the best known to date. Vanadium-bearing Fe-Ti-oxide layers are encountered in several intrusions, but only one, the Mustavaara deposit, is presently being exploited.Two types of parental magma have tentatively been proposed for these intrusions. The first type is represented by a magma which was relatively rich in magnesium and chromium and was as a whole boninitic in composition, whereas the plagioclase-rich intrusions and megacyclic units are interpreted as having crystallized from a magma which was greatly depleted in these elements, especially Cr, and had melted crustal material incorporated in it.The emplacement of the early Proterozoic layered intrusions in Fennoscandia was part of the world-wide igneous activity indicated by other layered intrusions and mafic dyke swarms of similar age in other ancient cratons, i.e. the Jimberlana intrusion in Australia, the Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, the Scouric picrite suite in Scotland, the Hearst-Matachewan dyke swarm, Copper Cliff Formation and East Bull Lake intrusion in Ontario, Canada, and the Vestfold Hills and Napier Complex dyke swarms in Antarctica. This almost contemporaneous occurrence in different parts of the world would suggest a more intimate relationship between the Fennoscandian Shield, northwest Scotland, Canadian Shield, Yilgarn Block, Zimbabwe Craton and East Antarctic Shield at the beginning of the Proterozoic than at present.
With 7 Figures 相似文献
Früh-Proterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen im nordöstlichen Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes
Zusammenfassung Im Nordost-Teil des Fennoskandischen Schildes in Finnland, Schweden und der Sowjetunion kommen fast vierzig frühproterozoische geschichtete Intrusionen, die ungefähr 2440 Mio J. alt sind, vor. Nur eine davon, die Kukkola Intrusion, liegt in Schweden, während in Finnland mehr als zwanzig Intrusionen vorkommen. Diese sind hauptsächlich in zwei Gebieten konzentriert, nämlich in dem nicht-zusammenhängenden Tornio-Näränkävaara Gürtel, der das nördliche Finnland durchzieht, und die Koitelainen-Intrusion mit ihren Satelliten im zentralen Finnischen Lapland. Die Intrusionen in der Sowjetunion sind in drei Gebieten konzentriert: (i) auf der Kola Halbinsel (ii) im Paanajärvi Gebiet nahe der Finnischen Grenze und (iii) östlich vom Onega-See.Beispiele aller für geschichtete Intrusionen charakteristischen Erztypen kommen vor. Chromititlagen sind in den Intrusionen von Kukkola/Tornio, Kemi, Penikat, Koitelainen und Burakovsky zu finden, aber nur eine davon, der Kemi Chromitit, ist bisher in Abbau genommen worden.Die Portimo-, Koillismaa-, Monchegorsk- und Fedorova-Intrusionen werden durch PGE-führende Kupfer-Nickel-Lagerstätten in ihren randlichen Bereichen charakterisiert. Mineralisierte Zonen die an PGE angereichert sind kommen auch in den geschich teten Serien vor. Die bemerkenswertesten sind die PGE-Vererzungen der Penikat- und der Portimo-Intrusionen. Vanadium-führende Fe-Ti-Oxidlagen kommen in verschiedenen Intrusionen vor, aber nur eine davon, die Mustavaara-Lagerstätte, ist bisher abgebaut worden.Diese Intrusionen werden auf zwei verschiedene Magmentypen zurückgeführt. Ersteres ist ein Magma das relativ reich an Magnesium und Chrom war und eine boninitische Zusammensetzung hatte, während die Plagioklas-reichen Intrusionen, und die megazyklischen Einheiten auf ein Magma das an diesen Elementen (besonders Cr) verarmt war, und das Krustenmaterial aufgeschmolzen hat, zurückgehen.Die Platznahme der frühproterozoischen geschichteten Intrusionen in Fennoskandien stellt einen Teil weltweiter magmatischer Aktivität dar, die durch andere geschichtete Intrusionen und mafische Gänge von fast identischem Alter in anderen alten Kratonen repräsentiert wird. Hier ist die Jimberlana-Intrusion in Australien, der Great Dyke in Zimbabwe, die Pikrit-Suite von Scourie in Schottland, die Gänge von Hearst-Matachewan, die Copper Cliff Formation und die East Bull Lake Intrusion in Ontario, Kanada ebenso wie die Gangsysteme der Vesthold Hills und des Napier Komplexes in Antarctica zu nennen. Diese fast gleichaltrigen Vorkommen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt weisen auf eine engere Beziehung zwischen dem Fennoskandischen Schild, Nordwest-Schottland, dem Kanadischen Schild, dem Yilgarn Block, dem Zimbabwe-Craton und dem Ostantarktischen Schild zum Beginn des Proterozoikums hin.
With 7 Figures 相似文献
B. Rosner 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》1970,28(2):135-146
Quantitative electronprobe microanalyses of natural skutterudites from various localities have shown that the formula (Co, Fe, Ni), (As, S)3 is valid for this mineral.The area of solid solution in the ternary diagram of the natural Co-Fe-Ni-skutterudites is nearly congruent with the area determined for synthetic skutterudites by Roseboom (1962). However, the range of solid solution may be enlarged in the diagram to the Ni-corner.Furthermore, the metal/arsenic ratio was found to conform to 13.00. Arsenic can be replaced by sulfur up to 4.5 weight-%. In addition, published analysis of skutterudites are discussed.
Teil einer von der Fakultät für Bergbau und Hüttenwesen der TH Aachen angenommenen Dissertationsschrift.
Danksagung. Der Verf. möchte Frau Prof. D. Schachner herzlich danken für die Förderung dieser Arbeit, die im Rahmen einer Dissertation entstand, ferner für die Erlaubnis, Sammlungsmaterial des Institutes zu benutzen. Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. G. Springer gilt mein Dank für die Einführung in die Mikrosondentechnik. Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. D. D. Klemm am Institut für allgemeine und angewandte Geologie und Mineralogie der Universität München bin ich für die freundliche Überlassung einiger Anschliffe dankbar. Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft bin ich zu Dank verpflichtet für die Erlaubnis, die von ihr zur Verfügung gestellte Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde benutzen zu dürfen. 相似文献
Teil einer von der Fakultät für Bergbau und Hüttenwesen der TH Aachen angenommenen Dissertationsschrift.
Danksagung. Der Verf. möchte Frau Prof. D. Schachner herzlich danken für die Förderung dieser Arbeit, die im Rahmen einer Dissertation entstand, ferner für die Erlaubnis, Sammlungsmaterial des Institutes zu benutzen. Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. G. Springer gilt mein Dank für die Einführung in die Mikrosondentechnik. Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. D. D. Klemm am Institut für allgemeine und angewandte Geologie und Mineralogie der Universität München bin ich für die freundliche Überlassung einiger Anschliffe dankbar. Der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft bin ich zu Dank verpflichtet für die Erlaubnis, die von ihr zur Verfügung gestellte Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde benutzen zu dürfen. 相似文献
Partitioning of heavy metals on soil samples from column tests 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
R. N. Yong W. Z. W. Yaacob S. P. Bentley C. Harris B. K. Tan 《Engineering Geology》2001,60(1-4):307-322
In this study, column tests were used to determine the retention capability of three types of estuarine alluvia collected adjacent to landfill sites in South Wales. Selective sequential extraction (SSE) was used to study the retention mechanisms of heavy metals in the soil columns obtained from leaching experiments. Acid digestion was later used to check the validity of the SSE results. Breakthrough curves show good retention of heavy metal ions (Pb, Cu, and Zn) by all soils, where almost 99% of heavy metals were retained with the Ce/Co values in the order of 10−3. The retention strength of these soils was observed to be constant up to five pore volumes (PV). This corresponds with the pH of the effluents and pore water of soil slices, which also show good buffering capacity against very acidic leachate up to 5PV. The heavy metal extraction profiles from SSE show very similar trends with the retention profiles from the leaching experiments, where heavy metals were retained mainly at the top part where the leachate entered the column. SSE indicates qualitatively that heavy metals precipitated with carbonates and amorphous materials (oxides/hydroxides) are higher than heavy metal retention via exchangeable mechanisms. The mass balance calculation gives range of deviation of 1–16% of the total soil extraction. The distribution of the heavy metals with various soil constituents are ranked in the following order: Carbonates>Amorphous oxides hydroxides>Organic matter>Exchangeable phases. 相似文献
A. van Geen K. Radloff Z. Aziz Z. Cheng M.R. Huq K.M. Ahmed B. Weinman S. Goodbred H.B. Jung Y. Zheng M. Berg P.T.K. Trang L. Charlet J. Metral D. Tisserand S. Guillot S. Chakraborty A.P. Gajurel B.N. Upreti 《Applied Geochemistry》2008
One of the reasons the processes resulting in As release to groundwater in southern Asia remain poorly understood is the high degree of spatial variability of physical and chemical properties in shallow aquifers. In an attempt to overcome this difficulty, a simple device that collects groundwater and sediment as a slurry from precisely the same interval was developed in Bangladesh. Recently published results from Bangladesh and India relying on the needle-sampler are augmented here with new data from 37 intervals of grey aquifer material of likely Holocene age in Vietnam and Nepal. A total of 145 samples of filtered groundwater ranging in depth from 3 to 36 m that were analyzed for As (1–1000 μg/L), Fe (0.01–40 mg/L), Mn (0.2–4 mg/L) and S (0.04–14 mg/L) are compared. The P-extractable (0.01–36 mg/kg) and HCl-extractable As (0.04–36 mg/kg) content of the particulate phase was determined in the same suite of samples, in addition to Fe(II)/Fe ratios (0.2–1.0) in the acid-leachable fraction of the particulate phase. Needle-sampler data from Bangladesh indicated a relationship between dissolved As in groundwater and P-extractable As in the particulate phase that was interpreted as an indication of adsorptive equilibrium, under sufficiently reducing conditions, across 3 orders of magnitude in concentrations according to a distribution coefficient of 4 mL/g. The more recent observations from India, Vietnam and Nepal show groundwater As concentrations that are often an order of magnitude lower at a given level of P-extractable As compared to Bangladesh, even if only the subset of particularly reducing intervals characterized by leachable Fe(II)/Fe >0.5 and dissolved Fe >0.2 mg/L are considered. Without attempting to explain why As appears to be particularly mobile in reducing aquifers of Bangladesh compared to the other regions, the consequences of increasing the distribution coefficient for As between the particulate and dissolved phase to 40 mL/g for the flushing of shallow aquifers of their initial As content are explored. 相似文献
The present study focused on detecting variations in trophic relationships among blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) consumers according to water quality along two estuaries in North Carolina. Stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) analyses of particulate organic matter and bivalve(Rangia cuneata andCorbicula fluminea) food sources were examined in combination with an Isosource mixing model. Results suggest that blue crab δ13C values increased significantly with increasing salinity from upper to lower sites along the Neuse River estuary (NRE; R2
= 0.87, p < 0.01) and Alligator River estuary (R2 = 0.92, p < 0.01). There was a positive relationship between blue crab δ15N values and nitrate concentrations for the NRE (R2 = 0.48, p = 0.12). This study found that blue crab δ13C values increased with salinity from upper to lower regions along both estuaries. Results suggest that blue crab production
may have used alternative food sources that were isotopically (δ13C) depleted, especially in the upper NRE, and enriched sources in the mid to lower regions of both estuaries. Consumers sampled
from the upper NRE may be influenced by higher nitrogen input from urban land use and municipal wastewater. 相似文献