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The synorogenic intrusive activity of the eastern part of the Seiland province evolved from tholeiitic basalt low in K and Ti, through high-K calc-alkaline magmas and possible transitional basalt, to alkaline olivine basalt and picrite; finally, highly differentiated alkaline magmas and carbonatites were emplaced. For intrusive rocks with equivalent SiO2 contents, K2O, K2O + Na2O and K2O/Na2O increased with time, and the degree of iron enrichment in basaltic suites dimished. The western part of the province shows no equivalent evolution, tholeiitic magmas being emplaced at the same time as calc-alkaline magmas to the east.The magmatism is believed to have stemmed from a diapiric complex established in the mantle above a Benioff zone dipping to the east beneath the deforming Andean-type margin of the Baltic plate. Tectonic shortening of the continental edge and rearward movement of the underthrust plate relative to the asthenosphere resulted in migration of the plate junction, steepening of the seismic zone, and increasing depth to the magmagenetic region.  相似文献   
Measurements of underwater irradiance, transparency and Secchi disc depth were carried out in Liverpool Bay during 1974. The depth of the photic zone measured in the green portion of the spectrum ranged from 5 m to 50 m, depending on location and season. Inshore values of photic depth were smaller than those encountered offshore. By mid-summer the depth of the photic zone had reached or exceeded the depth of the sea bed over the whole study area.Consideration was given to the error terms associated with the optical measurements and to the problems of using standard optical relationships in coastal waters. The relationship between Secchi disc depth and the depth of the photic zone could not be taken as constant but was a function of the absorption and scattering properties of the water mass.  相似文献   
This paper reports the study data on variations in the ozone content in the middle stratosphere over Moscow based on millimeter wavelength observations during a range of midwinter sudden stratospheric warmings that occurred in the past two decades. The relation of ozone with planetary waves and the intensity of the polar stratospheric vortex has been established. The ozone vertical distribution has been monitored with a highly sensitive spectrometer with a two-millimeter wave band. The discovered phenomena of a relatively long-term lower ozone content in December in the considered cold half-year periods are related to the higher amplitude of the planetary wave with n = 1. Such phenomena preceded the development of strong midwinter stratospheric warmings, which, in turn, were accompanied by a significant increase in the ozone content in January. This ozone enrichment was related to the lower amplitude of the wave with n = 1 and higher amplitude of the wave with n = 2 and was accompanied by geopotential H c.v. growth in the polar vortex center. Specific features of variations in the ozone content under the influence of the major atmospheric processes are observed not only in certain cold half-year periods but are also well seen in the general averaged pattern for winters with strong stratospheric warmings.  相似文献   
The eruptive history of the Tequila volcanic field (1600 km2) in the western Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt is based on 40Ar/39Ar chronology and volume estimates for eruptive units younger than 1 Ma. Ages are reported for 49 volcanic units, including Volcán Tequila (an andesitic stratovolcano) and peripheral domes, flows, and scoria cones. Volumes of volcanic units 1 Ma were obtained with the aid of field mapping, ortho aerial photographs, digital elevation models (DEMs), and ArcGIS software. Between 1120 and 200 kyrs ago, a bimodal distribution of rhyolite (~35 km3) and high-Ti basalt (~39 km3) dominated the volcanic field. Between 685 and 225 kyrs ago, less than 3 km3 of andesite and dacite erupted from more than 15 isolated vents; these lavas are crystal-poor and show little evidence of storage in an upper crustal chamber. Approximately 200 kyr ago, ~31 km3 of andesite erupted to form the stratocone of Volcán Tequila. The phenocryst assemblage of these lavas suggests storage within a chamber at ~2–3 km depth. After a hiatus of ~110 kyrs, ~15 km3 of andesite erupted along the W and SE flanks of Volcán Tequila at ~90 ka, most likely from a second, discrete magma chamber located at ~5–6 km depth. The youngest volcanic feature (~60 ka) is the small andesitic volcano Cerro Tomasillo (~2 km3). Over the last 1 Myr, a total of 128±22 km3 of lava erupted in the Tequila volcanic field, leading to an average eruption rate of ~0.13 km3/kyr. This volume erupted over ~1600 km2, leading to an average lava accumulation rate of ~8 cm/kyr. The relative proportions of lava types are ~22–43% basalt, ~0.4–1% basaltic andesite, ~29–54% andesite, ~2–3% dacite, and ~18–40% rhyolite. On the basis of eruptive sequence, proportions of lava types, phenocryst assemblages, textures, and chemical composition, the lavas do not reflect the differentiation of a single (or only a few) parental liquids in a long-lived magma chamber. The rhyolites are geochemically diverse and were likely formed by episodic partial melting of upper crustal rocks in response to emplacement of basalts. There are no examples of mingled rhyolitic and basaltic magmas. Whatever mechanism is invoked to explain the generation of andesite at the Tequila volcanic field, it must be consistent with a dominantly bimodal distribution of high-Ti basalt and rhyolite for an 800 kyr interval beginning ~1 Ma, which abruptly switched to punctuated bursts of predominantly andesitic volcanism over the last 200 kyrs.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at Editorial responsility: J. Donnelly-NolanThis revised version was published online in January 2005 with corrections to Tables 1 and 3.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Onboard the International Space Station (ISS), two instruments are observing the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) at wavelengths from 16 to 2900 nm. Although the ISS platform orientation generally precludes pointing at the Sun more than 10?–?14 days per month, in November/December 2012 a continuous period of measurements was obtained by implementing an ISS ‘bridging’ maneuver. This enabled observations to be made of the solar spectral irradiance (SSI) during a complete solar rotation. We present these measurements, which quantify the impact of active regions on SSI, and compare them with data simultaneously gathered from other platforms, and with models of spectral irradiance variability. Our analysis demonstrates that the instruments onboard the ISS have the capability to measure SSI variations consistent with other instruments in space. A comparison among all available SSI measurements during November–December 2012 in absolute units with reconstructions using solar proxies and observed solar activity features is presented and discussed in terms of accuracy.  相似文献   
The transient response of a conductive shell-shell model in the one-loop version was obtained analytically. The results indicate that four zones, namely early, late early, intermediate, and late zone can be identified in the total transient characteristic of the model. In case the measurements are carried out in the late early zone, a conductive target appears as a resistive one. It is suggested that the optimum time of measurement should be so selected as to fall in the intermediate zone.  相似文献   
Summary. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements have been performed on 154 specimens taken from 25 different seams in the South Wales Coal Field, up to 24 samples per seam. The magnetic fabric determined is represented, in general, by oblate spheroids with minimum ( K c) AMS axes usually clustered at a near-vertical, or occasionally, near-horizontal pole which is normal to the magnetic foliation plane defined by great circle distributions of maximum ( K a) and intermediate ( K b) axes. The results suggest that the coalification process and variations in rank within the coal field are due to the combined effects of vertical compression and compaction resulting from variations in overburden pressure, and to horizontal compression, due to variations in tectonic thrusting during the Variscan Orogeny. Analysis of the AMS of closely spaced samples across a single anthracite seam shows no systematic variability in magnetic properties within the seam.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the distribution, abundance and characteristics of plastic particles in plankton samples collected routinely in Northeast Pacific ecosystems, and to contribute to the development of ideas for future research into the occurrence and impact of small plastic debris in marine pelagic ecosystems. Plastic debris particles were assessed from zooplankton samples collected as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) ongoing ecosystem surveys during two research cruises in the Southeast Bering Sea in the spring and fall of 2006 and four research cruises off the U.S. west coast (primarily off southern California) in spring, summer and fall of 2006, and in January of 2007. Nets with 0.505 mm mesh were used to collect surface samples during all cruises, and sub-surface samples during the four cruises off the west coast. The 595 plankton samples processed indicate that plastic particles are widely distributed in surface waters. The proportion of surface samples from each cruise that contained particles of plastic ranged from 8.75 to 84.0%, whereas particles were recorded in sub-surface samples from only one cruise (in 28.2% of the January 2007 samples). Spatial and temporal variability was apparent in the abundance and distribution of the plastic particles and mean standardized quantities varied among cruises with ranges of 0.004-0.19 particles/m3, and 0.014-0.209 mg dry mass/m3. Off southern California, quantities for the winter cruise were significantly higher, and for the spring cruise significantly lower than for the summer and fall surveys (surface data). Differences between surface particle concentrations and mass for the Bering Sea and California coast surveys were significant for pair-wise comparisons of the spring but not the fall cruises. The particles were assigned to three plastic product types: product fragments, fishing net and line fibers, and industrial pellets; and five size categories: <1 mm, 1-2.5 mm, >2.5-5 mm, >5-10 mm, and >10 mm. Product fragments accounted for the majority of the particles, and most were less than 2.5 mm in size. The ubiquity of such particles in the survey areas and predominance of sizes <2.5 mm implies persistence in these pelagic ecosystems as a result of continuous breakdown from larger plastic debris fragments, and widespread distribution by ocean currents. Detailed investigations of the trophic ecology of individual zooplankton species, and their encounter rates with various size ranges of plastic particles in the marine pelagic environment, are required in order to understand the potential for ingestion of such debris particles by these organisms. Ongoing plankton sampling programs by marine research institutes in large marine ecosystems are good potential sources of data for continued assessment of the abundance, distribution and potential impact of small plastic debris in productive coastal pelagic zones.  相似文献   
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