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We determined the range of the tidal variations in nutrient flux across the sediment–water interface and elucidated mechanisms of the flux variation in two estuarine intertidal flats (one sand, one mud) in northeastern Japan. Nutrient flux was measured using in situ light and dark chambers, which were incubated for 2 h, 2–6 times per day. Results showed that nutrient concentration in overlying water varied by tide and was also affected by sewage-treated water inflow. The nutrient fluxes responded quickly to the tidal variation in overlying water chemistry and the range of the variation in flux was as large as the seasonal-scale variation reported in previous studies. In the sand flat, salinity increase likely enhanced benthos respiration and led to increases in both O2 consumption and PO43− regeneration under low illumination, while benthic microalgae were likely to actively generate O2, uptake PO43− and suppress PO43− release under high illumination (>900 μmol photons m−2 s−1). Also in the mud flat, PO43− flux was related with O2 flux, although the range of temporal variation in PO43− flux was small. In both the flats, NH4+ flux was always governed by NH4+ concentration in the overlying water; either an increase in NH4+ uptake or a decrease in NH4+ release was observed as the NH4+ concentration rose due to inflow of river water or input of sewage-treated water. Although NO3 tended to be released in both tidal flats when low NO3 concentration seawater dominated, their relationship was likely to be weakened under conditions of low oxygen consumption and suppressed denitrification. It is likely that tidal variation in nutrient flux is governed more by the nutrient concentration than other factors, such as benthic biological processes, particularly in the case where nutrient concentration in the overlying water is relatively high and with wide amplitude.  相似文献   
The Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study (NOPACCS) was a program aimed at investigating the carbon cycle of the North Pacific Ocean, which can be thought of as a large reservoir of carbon dioxide. NOPACCS was also aimed at estimating the North Pacific's capacity as a carbon sink. Project design, scientific results, and data availability, and subsequent projects resulting from this project are also described in this review. Studies of the upper ocean processes focused on the latitudinal differences in the fugacity of carbon dioxide; and on the detail of plankton community structures. Intermediate water was studied in relation to the formation of North Pacific Intermediate Water and the amount of accumulated anthropogenic carbon. The sedimentation process, past carbon cycle and coral reefs were also studied during the project. A preliminary, overall view of the carbon cycle of the North Pacific was drawn from the results of the project and compared to global values.  相似文献   
Temporal variations in sediment carbon content were tracked by sampling every 2 weeks for 6 to 33 months at 6 tidal flat stations with different carbon content levels (0.05–1.64%) in a single estuary. Three temporal series of current velocity at 5 cm above the sediment were also obtained. Non-cohesive and cohesive sediment stations differed in patterns of temporal variation in sediment carbon content, suggesting the difference in processes controlling sediment carbon content. In the stations of non-cohesive sandy sediment with relatively low carbon content (0.05–0.15%), sediment carbon content fluctuated within ranges specific to each station. In these stations, current velocity data suggested that frequency of sand resuspension washing out sediment carbon controls sediment carbon content level. In the stations of cohesive sediment with relatively high carbon content (0.77–1.64%), sediment carbon contents showed some unusual upward and downward peaks, recovered to usual levels specific to the stations, and was always kept higher than that in the non-cohesive sediment stations. We speculate that in the cohesive sediment stations, sand inputs may significantly control processes establishing the consolidated sediments with various carbon content levels. Spatial transitions from non-cohesive to cohesive sediments and from low to high sediment carbon contents likely occur as sand resuspension at spring tides become more irregular and less frequent. Based on these results, conceptual models describing physical processes controlling sediment carbon content at the studied stations were proposed.  相似文献   
We investigate selection effects on the size and frequency relation (logN-logS curve) of cosmic gamma-ray bursts. After analyzing the published data, we find an indication that an effect is caused by the different time profiles of the bursts. The effect is important for small bursts and causes significant changes in the logN-logS curve. in order to avoid this selection effect, we mention that it is essential to use the logN-logP relation of the logN-logS relation, as already suggested by other authors. Here,P is the peak flux of the burst, which is free from bias due to the difference in time profiles. After an analysis of the published data, we find a distribution nearP –3/2 in the range above a peak flux of 40 counts/0.25 s.We also show that the relation between the logN-logP curve and the observed celestial distribution for the bursts can easily be explained by our general arguments on a disk-like spatial distribution of burst sources in the Galaxy.  相似文献   
The SOLAR-A spacecraft has spectroscopic capabilities in a wide energy band from soft X-rays to gamma-rays. The Wide Band Spectrometer (WBS), consisting of three kinds of spectrometers, soft X-ray spectrometer (SXS), hard X-ray spectrometer (HXS) and gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS), is installed on SOLAR-A to investigate plasma heating, high-energy particle acceleration, and interaction processes. SXS has two proportional counters and each counter provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 2–30 keV range every 2 s and 2-channel pulse count data every 0.25 s. HXS has a NaI scintillation detector and provides 32-channel pulse height data in the 20–400 keV range every 1 s and 2-channel pulse count data every 0.125 s. GRS has two identical BGO scintillation detectors and each detector provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 0.2–10 MeV range every 4 s and 4-channel pulse count data (0.2–0.7, 0.7–4, 4–7, and 7–10 MeV) every 0.25–0.5 s. In addition, each of the BGO scintillation detectors provides 16-channel pulse height data in the 8–100 MeV range every 4 s and 2-channel pulse count data (8–30 and 30–100 MeV) every 0.5 s. The SXS observations enable one to study the thermal evolution of flare plasma by obtaining time series of electron temperatures and emission measures of hot plasma; the HXS observations enable one to study the electron acceleration and heating mechanisms by obtaining time series of the electron spectrum; and the GRS observations enable one to study the high-energy electron and ion acceleration and interaction processes by obtaining time series of electron and ion spectra.After the launch the name of SOLAR-A has been changed to YOHKOH.  相似文献   
Soil pipes, continuous macropores parallel to the soil surface, are an important factor in hillslope hydrological processes. However, the water flow dynamics in soil pipes, especially closed soil pipes, are not well understood. In this study, the water and air dynamics within closed soil pipes have been investigated in a bench‐scale laboratory experiment by using a soil box with an artificial acrylic soil pipe. In order to grasp the state of water and air within the soil pipe, we directly measured the existing soil pipe flow and air pressure in the soil pipe. The laboratory experiment showed that air in the soil pipe had an important role in the water flow in the closed soil pipe. When air entrapment occurred in the soil pipe before the soil matrix around the soil pipe was saturated with water, water intrusion in the soil pipe was prevented by air entrapped in the pipe, which inhibited the soil pipe flow. This air entrapment in the soil pipe was controlled by the soil water and air flow. Moreover, after the soil pipe flow started, the soil pipe was not filled completely with water even when the soil pipe was completely submerged under the groundwater table. The entrapped air in the soil pipe prevented further water intrusion in the soil pipe.  相似文献   
The western Barents Sea and the Svalbard archipelago share a common history of Caledonian basement formation and subsequent sedimentary deposition. Rock formations from the period are accessible to field study on Svalbard, but studies of the near offshore areas rely on seismic data and shallowdrilling. Offshore mapping is reliable down to the Permian sequence, but multichannel reflection seismic data do not give a coherent picture of older stratigraphy. A survey of 10 Ocean Bottom Seismometer profiles was collected around Svalbard in 1998. Results show a highly variable thickness of pre-Permian sedimentary strata, and a heterogeneous crystalline crust tied to candidates for continental sutures or major thrust zones. The data shown in this paper establish that the observed gravity in some parts of the platform can be directly related to velocity variations in the crystalline crust, but not necessarily to basement or Moho depth. The results from three new models are incorporated with a previously published profile, to produce depth-to-basement and -Moho maps south of Svalbard. There is a 14 km deep basement located approximately below the gently structured Upper Paleozoic Sørkapp Basin, bordered by a 7 km deep basement high to the west, and 7–9 km depths to the north. Continental Moho-depth range from 28 to 35 km, the thickest crust is found near the island of Hopen, and in a NNW trending narrow crustal root located between 19°E and 20°E, the latter is interpreted as a relic of westward dipping Caledonian continental collision or major thrusting. There is also a basement high on this trend. Across this zone, there is an eastward increase in the VP, VP/VS ratio, and density, indicating a change towards a more mafic average crustal composition. The northward basement/Moho trend projects onto the Billefjorden Fault Zone (BFZ) on Spitsbergen. The eastern side of the BFZ correlates closely with coincident linear positive gravity and magnetic anomalies on western Ny Friesland, apparently originating from an antiform with high-grade metamorphic Caledonian terrane. A double linear magnetic anomaly appears on the BFZ trend south of Spitsbergen, sub-parallel to and located 10–50 km west of the crustal root. Based on this correlation, it is proposed that the suture or major thrust zone seen south of Svalbard correlates to the BFZ. The preservation of the relationship between the crustal suture, the crustal root, and upper mantle reflectivity, challenges the large-offset, post-collision sinistral transcurrent movement on the BFZ and other trends proposed in the literature. In particular, neither the wide-angle seismic data, nor conventional deep seismic reflection data south of Svalbard show clear signs of major lateral offsets, as seen in similar data around the British Isles.  相似文献   
The Sunda Strait is located in a transitional zone between two different modes of subduction, the Java frontal and Sumatra oblique subductions. Western Java and Sumatra are, however, geologically continuous.The Krakatau complex lies at the intersection of two graben zones and a north-south active, shallow seismic belt, which coincides with a fracture zone along this seismic belt with fissure extrusion of alkali basaltic rocks commencing at Sukadana and continuing southward as far as the Panaitan island through Rajabasa, Sebuku and Krakatau.Paleomagnetic studies suggest that the island of Sumatra has been rotating clockwise relative to Java from at least 2.0 Ma to the present at a rate of 5–10h/Ma, and therefore the opening of the Sunda Strait might have started before 2 Ma (Nishimura et al. 1986).From geomorphological and seismological studies, it is estimated that the western part of Sumatra has been moving northward along the Semangko fault and the southern part of Sunda Strait has been pulled apart.Assuming that the perpendicular component (58 mm/yr; Fitch 1972) of the oblique subduction has not changed, we can estimate that the subduction started at 7–10 Ma. Huchon and LePichon (1984) also estimated that the subduction started at 13 Ma.Recent crustal earthquakes in the Sunda Strait area are clustered into three groups: (1) beneath the Krakatau complex where they are typically of tectonic origin, (2) inside a graben in the western part of the strait, and (3) in a more diffuse zone south of Sumatra. The individual and composite focal mechanisms of the events inside the strait show an extensional regime. A stress tensor, deduced from the individual focal mechanisms of the Krakatau group shows that the tensional axis has a N 130°E orientation (Harjono et al. 1988).These studies confirm that the Sunda Strait is under a tensional tectonic regime as a result of clockwise rotation along the continental margin and northward movement of the Sumatra sliver plate along the Semangko fault zone.  相似文献   
Assuming a dust model of Reeset al. (1969), we study the time dependence of the infrared emission from grains which absorb variable ultraviolet radiation. A time scale for the variability is shown to be fairly small compared with the light travel-time across the infrared emitting region, of which size depends on the wavelength strongly. Comparison of calculated infrared light curves with observations of NGC 4151 leads to the conclusion that the variability at 2.2 is consistent with interpretation by the infrared emission on the basis of thermal process.  相似文献   
We examine the basic characteristics of inflations at Semeru Volcano, Indonesia, to clarify the pressurization process prior to two different styles of explosive eruptions: Vulcanian eruptions and gas bursts. Analysis of data obtained from tilt meters installed close to the active crater allows clarification of the common features and the differences between the two styles of eruptions. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio and to determine the mean characteristics of the inflations, we stack tilt signals obtained from eruptions of different magnitudes and evaluate the maximum amplitude of the seismic signal associated with these eruptions. Vulcanian eruptions, which explosively release large amounts of ash, are preceded by accelerating inflation about 200–300 s before the eruption, which suggests volume expansion of the gas phase. In contrast, gas bursts, which rapidly effuse water steam accompanied by explosive sounds, follow non-accelerating changes of inflation starting 20 s before each emission. Tilt amplitudes increase with the magnitude of eruptions for both eruption styles. This suggests that the volume and/or pressure of magma or gas stored in the conduit before eruptions controls the magnitude of volcanic eruptions. These results further suggest that the magnitude of eruptions can be predicted from geodetic measurements of volcano inflation.  相似文献   
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