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The effect of heterogeneity in meso level geometric and material properties on tensile strength and size effect in split cylinder specimens is investigated. Critical meso geometric parameters are identified by studying their influence on the evolution of the fracture process zone. A statistical analysis is used to account for dependencies between the parameters. A reversal of the size effect, important for the strength of field specimens, is observed for certain meso geometries. Meso level explanations for this are proposed, and meso geometries likely to show such a reversal are identified. For moderately sized specimens, major trends in the size effect are seen to be almost entirely explained by heterogeneity in the meso geometry.  相似文献   
Because conventional observations over the oceans are not available, especially during tropical cyclones, multi-spectral atmospheric motion vectors (AMVs) estimated from geostationary satellites are routinely assimilated in the numerical weather prediction models at different operational centres across the globe. The derived AMVs are generally validated with radiosonde observations available over land at synoptic hours; however, over the ocean there is a limited scope to assess the quality of AMVs. Over ocean, AMVs can be validated with radiosonde data available from opportunistic ships or using dropsonde data available from aircrafts. In this study, the accuracy of the AMVs derived from the geostationary satellites Kalpana-1 and Meteosat-7 is evaluated over the oceanic region. Radiosonde data available from a ship cruise held in the Bay of Bengal during the period 09 July–08 August 2012 and from the Cal/Val site situated at Kavaratti Island (72.62°E, 10.57°N) in the southern Indian Ocean are used to assess the AMV accuracy. In this study, 83 radiosonde profiles are used to validate the Kalpana-1 AMVs, to allow a better understanding of AMV errors over the Indian Ocean. The RMSVD of Kalpana-1 AMVs for the high-, mid- and low-levels are found to be 7.9, 9.4 and 5.3 m s?1, respectively, while the corresponding RMSVD for Meteosat-7 AMVs are 9.1, 5.5 and 3.7 m s?1. A similar accuracy is observed when the AMVs are validated against the NCEP analyses collocated with the nearest radiosonde locations. The high RMSVD and bias for Kalpana-1 AMVs at the mid-level and Meteosat-7 AMVs at the high-level are associated with the limitation of satellite winds to resolve the upper-level easterly jet in conjunction with errors in the height assignment. This study could help the numerical modellers to assign appropriate observation error over this region during the assimilation of AMVs into the NWP models.  相似文献   
A few prediction methods have been developed based on the precursor technique which is found to be successful for forecasting the solar activity. Considering the geomagnetic activity aa indices during the descending phase of the preceding solar cycle as the precursor, we predict the maximum amplitude of annual mean sunspot number in cycle 24 to be 111 ± 21. This suggests that the maximum amplitude of the upcoming cycle 24 will be less than cycles 21–22. Further, we have estimated the annual mean geomagnetic activity aa index for the solar maximum year in cycle 24 to be 20.6 ± 4.7 and the average of the annual mean sunspot number during the descending phase of cycle 24 is estimated to be 48 ± 16.8.  相似文献   
In the present work, a simplified model has been developed to study the behavior of stone column-supported embankment under axi-symmetric loading condition. The rate of consolidation of stone column-reinforced soft ground under axi-symmetric condition has also been presented in the paper. Mechanical model elements such as Pasternak shear layer, spring–dashpot system are used to model the different components such as granular layer, soft soil, stone columns etc. The governing differential equations are solved by finite difference technique. Parametric study has also been carried out to show the effect of different model variables on the settlement, stress concentration ratio of the foundation system. It is observed that for lower diameter ratio, at a particular time, the degree of consolidation predicted by the present method for axi-symmetric loading condition is almost same or lower than the degree of consolidation obtained by unit cell approach, but as the diameter ratio increases present analysis predicts higher degree of consolidation as compared to the unit cell approach. The maximum settlement decreases as the modular ratio increases and beyond the modular ratio value 30, the reduction rate of settlement decreases.  相似文献   
Breithauptite (NiSb), a rare antimonide, is generally found associated with hydrothermal vein ores of Ni and Co. In India, it has so far been recorded only from the gold-quartz veins of the Kolar Gold Field. Occurrence of this antimonide in a sediment-hosted milieu however, has seldom been noted. We report here the identification and characterization of this rare phase in both the stratiform and the vein-type ores of the sediment-hosted Zn-Pb sulphide deposits and prospects within the Dariba-Rajpura-Bethumni metallogenic belt in Northwestern India. Metamorphic remobilization from the stratiform ores of the belt has been postulated as a possible mechanism for the conspicuous segregation of breithauptite as a discrete phase within these ores.  相似文献   
Tropical forests act as a major sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide, and store large amounts of carbon in biomass. India is a tropical country with regions of dense vegetation and high biodiversity. However due to the paucity of observations, the carbon sequestration potential of these forests could not be assessed in detail so far. To address this gap, several flux towers were erected over different ecosystems in India by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology as part of the MetFlux India project funded by MoES (Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India). A 50 m tall tower was set up over a semi-evergreen moist deciduous forest named Kaziranga National Park in north-eastern part of India which houses a significant stretch of local forest cover. Climatically this region is identified to be humid sub-tropical. Here we report first generation of the in situ meteorological observations and leaf area index (LAI) measurements from this site. LAI obtained from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is compared with the in situ measured LAI. We use these in situ measurements to calculate the total gross photosynthesis (or gross primary productivity, GPP) of the forest using a calibrated model. LAI and GPP show prominent seasonal variation. LAI ranges between 0.75 in winter to 3.25 in summer. Annual GPP is estimated to be \(2.11\,\hbox {kg C m}^{-2} \, \hbox {year}^{-1}\).  相似文献   
A finite volume-based numerical modeling framework using a hierarchical fracture representation (HFR) has been developed to compute flow-induced shear failure. To accurately capture the mechanics near fracture manifolds, discontinuous basis functions are employed which ensure continuity of the displacement gradient across fractures. With these special basis functions, traction and compressive forces on the fracture segment can be calculated without any additional constraints, which is extremely useful for estimating the irreversible displacement along the fracture (slip) based on a constitutive friction law. The method is further extended to include slip-dependent hydraulic aperture change and grid convergent results are obtained. Further, the change in hydraulic aperture is modeled using an asymptotic representation which respects the experimentally observed behavior of pore volume dilation due to shear slip. The model allows the initial rapid increase in hydraulic aperture due to shear slip and asymptotically approaches a finite value after repeated shearing of a fracture segment. This aperture increase is the only feedback for mechanics into the fluid flow for a linear elastic mechanics problem. The same model is also extended to include poroelastic relations between flow and mechanics solver. The grid convergence result in the case of poroelastic flow-mechanics coupling for flow-induced shear failure is also obtained. This proves the robustness of the numerical and analytical modeling of fracture and friction in the extended finite volume method (XFVM) set-up. Finally, a grid convergent result for seismic moment magnitude for single fracture and fracture network with random initial hydraulic and friction properties is also obtained. The b-value, which represents the slope of seismic moment occurrence frequency decay vs seismic moment magnitude, which is approximately constant in a semi-logarithmic plot, is estimated. The numerical method leads to converged b-values for both single fracture and fracture network simulations, as grid and time resolutions are increased. For the resulting linear system, a sequential approach is used, that is, first, the flow and then the mechanics problems are solved. The new modeling framework is very useful to predict seismicity, permeability, and flow evolution in geological reservoirs. This is demonstrated with numerical simulations of enhancing a geothermal system.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Fortsetzung einer früheren Arbeit (Chatterjee, 1962) werden weitere Beispiele vesuvianführender Paragenesen aus der Grünschieferfazies Bowie aus der Albit-Epidot-Hornfelsfazies beschrieben. Hieraus ergibt sich, daß die Paragenesen Vesuvian + Epidot, Vesuvian + Tremolit und Vesuvian + Chlorit für die niedrig-temperierten Mineralfazies kennzeichnend sind, und zwar unabhängig vom wirksamen Gesamtdruck. Die Bildungsmöglichkeiten des Vesuvians und seine Umbildungen bei stärkerer Metamorphose werden anhand von stöchiometrischen Reaktionsgleichungen behandelt. Die Reaktionen Bind schematisch in ACF-Diagrammen dargestellt, und die Gleichgewichtstemperaturen sind qualitativ in Abhängigkeit von der Zusammensetzung der Gasphase mit Hilfe einer vonGreenwood (1962) aufgestellten thermodynamischen Beziehung abgeleitet.
In continuation of a former paper (Chatterjee, 1962), further data pertaining to vesuvianite-bearing mineral parageneses from the greenschist fades of the western Alps, albite-epidote-hornfels facies of eastern Harz Mountains as well as from the hornblende hornfels facies of the Oslo region are reported. It is shown that the coexistence of vesuvianite-epidote, vesuvianite-tremolite and vesuvianite-chlorite is characteristic of the lower temperature mineral facies, irrespective of the different total pressures acting during the metamorphism. Metamorphic reactions have been derived to explain the formation of vesuvianite, successive changes of the critical parageneses as well as its final disappearence within the system CaO-(Mg, Fe2+)O-(Al, Fe3+)2O3-SiO2-H2O ± CO2. The phase transformations are illustrated on ACF diagrams as a function of temperature and mole fraction CO2 of the gaseous phase (in an isobaric section).
Occurences of stable vesuvianite-epidote paragenesis within greenschist facies of metamorphism are described. It is suggested that this paragenesis gives way to grossularite-diopside (plus vesuvianiteor epidote) assemblage in the almandine-amphibolite facies. This interpretation conforms best to the results of petrographic observations and also satisfies the topological requirements of the CaO-(Mg, Fe2+, Mn)O-(Al, Fe3+)2O3-SiO2H2O-CO2 system, to which these assemblages belong. Contrary to the ideas in vogue, it is suggested that vesuvianite can very well originate within the greenschist facies, whereas the appearence of grossularite and diopside (consequent on which vesuvianite and epidote becomesmutually incompatible) ushers the almandine-amphibolite facies in.  相似文献   
The Neoproterozoic Purana succession in the eastern part of Chattisgarh basin around Sarangarh has been classified into a conglomerate-sandstone-shale dominated proximal assemblage, and a lithographic limestone-shale dominated distal assemblage. The proximal assemblage constitutes the Chandarpur Group, and unconformably overlies the Archean crystalline basement complex. The Chandarpur succession has been classified into three formations that were deposited in fan-fan delta, deep water prodelta and storm- tide dominated prograding shelf environments. The distal assemblage, the Raipur Group, conformably overlies the Chandarpur Group, and may be subdivided into two shale-dominated formations separated by a limestone-dominated formation. The limestone sequence, the Sarangarh Limestone, comprises a lower member of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic succession deposited in a storm dominated shallow water platform, and an upper member of pelagic limestone that grades upward into a deep water shale, the Gunderdehi Shale. The rapid transition from shallow water platformal succession to deep-water pelagic limestone and shale points to abrupt deepening of the basin and drowning of the craton. The peak of transgression is represented by a persistent horizon of black limestone, a product of basin wide anoxia. Disposition of facies belts in proximal and distal assemblages and palaeocurrent directions measured from different facies belts point to a north-northwesterly palaeoslope of the basin. Signatures of intense storm and tidal currents in different litho-units collectively point to an open marine circulation condition. It has been inferred that the basin was connected to a major seaway that skirted the northern and north-western margin of the craton. Development of thick fan-delta sequence at the base of the succession, occurrence of felsic welded tuff within the Gunderdehi Shale, thick sandstone-mudstone cyclothems in the Chandarpur Group, and abrupt drowning of the carbonate platform leading to pelagic sedimentation collectively point to major tectonic control on basin evolution. The basin developed as a cratonic rift and evolved into a deeply subsiding one, without any major stratigraphic hiatus, through episodic tectonic pulses.  相似文献   
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