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Emergency road networks (ERNs), an important part of local disaster prevention systems, can provide security to residents and their property. Exploring the ERNs structure is of great significance in terms of promoting disaster prevention and establishing road safety in dangerous mountainous areas. This study considered the ERNs of the Kangding section of the Dadu River Basin as the area for a case study. Complex Network Analysis was used to examine the relationship between the four characteristic indicators of mountain roads and the degree of earthquake impacts under the Lushan, Wenchuan, and Kangding Earthquake scenarios. Based on the analysis results, the southwest mountain road network was evaluated; then, computer simulations were used to evaluate the structural changes in the road network after index changes. The network was optimized, and the corresponding emergency avoidance network was proposed to provide a reference for the establishment of the mountainous ERN. The results show that the overall completeness of the mountainous ERNs in Southwest China is poor and prone to traffic accidents. Moreover, the local stability is poor, and the network is susceptible to natural hazards. The overall structure of the road network is balanced, but that of certain road sections is not. Road sections with different attributes present a 相似文献
西安是中国地面沉降和地裂缝等地质灾害集中发育的地区之一。西安市的地面沉降与地下水超采密切相关。近年来,西安市持续开展的地下水人工回灌,地下水位有所恢复。笔者采用小基线集干涉测量InSAR技术对西安城区 2019 年1月至2022年8月期间的 47景升轨 Sentinel-1A 数据进行处理, 获取了西安地区最新的地面形变特征。研究发现,随着地下水位回升,西安市目前地面沉降已经有效缓解,典型沉降区鱼化寨、电子城等已经出现了地面回弹现象,大范围的地面沉降几乎不可见,仅在城区东南处见零星分布的沉降区。地下水位变化是导致地表回弹的重要原因。无论是电子城区域还是鱼化寨区域,其地表抬升形变已经度过土层快速变形的弹性形变时期。总体回弹量在安全范围,对周边的地铁及建筑的影响有限。 相似文献
土壤中的多环芳烃(PAHs)会威胁人类健康和生态环境安全。为掌握北运河流域(北京段)土壤中PAHs的分布特征及其形成机制,采用克里格插值、主成分分析-多元线性回归等多元统计方法,结合同分异构体比值法对该区域表层土壤中16种优控PAHs的质量分数、分布趋势、空间分布特征及其污染来源进行了研究。结果表明:(1)研究区216件土壤样品中16种PAHs均被检出,且主要为高环PAHs(4~6环),总PAHs的质量分数范围在10.5~19466.5 μg/kg,受污染土壤样品占29.63% ;(2)表层土壤中的PAHs在东西及南北方向上均呈现出中部高、两端低的趋势,在空间分布上总体表现为北部区域及中部城区含量较高、其他地区相对较低的特征,且由于人为活动影响导致个别点位PAHs富集,存在点源污染或局部污染;(3)PAHs同分异构体比值法及主成分分析法研究表明,研究区内PAHs的来源为以煤/生物质燃烧及交通燃烧为主、石油泄漏等石油化工源为辅的混合源,多元线性回归方法分析后得到 2 者的贡献率分别为89%和11%。研究结果可为研究区的污染防控、土地质量评价和国土空间规划等工作提供有力支撑。 相似文献
为深入研究雄安新区东北部地面沉降主控因素,以大营镇分层标组为研究对象,利用常规土工试验、高压固结试验与分层沉降观测数据,结合前人研究成果对地面沉降成因进行探讨。结果表明:大营镇分层标组G1孔内第四系松散层总厚度412 m,其中浅部地层(第I、II含水组)厚度约170 m,黏性土占比66.4%~80.2%,结构松散,砂黏互层交替频繁,释水条件较好。浅部黏性土颗粒较细、分选性好、孔隙度大,液性指数多大于0.25,呈软塑、可塑态,自重压缩系数为0.03~0.43,均值0.08,与深部相比压缩性较强。浅部黏性土层以欠固结、正常固结夹欠固结状态为主,0~90 m超固结比均值为0.55,90~280 m超固结比均值为0.89,易于发生塑性变形,形成永久性沉降。雄安新区主要开采浅层地下水,地面沉降与地下水关系密切。2020年12月—2021年12月,大营镇分层标组监测结果显示,第四系松散层总沉降量为61 mm。其中,5~160 m第四系松散层沉降贡献量最大,为42 mm,表现为塑性形变特征;160~415 m第四系地层沉降贡献量小,为19 mm,表现为黏弹塑性形变特征。过量开采浅层地下水引起浅部固结程度低、压缩性高的黏性土层发生塑性变形是发生严重沉降的主要原因。 相似文献
厘清地质建造对土壤性质制约的作用及程度有助于建立起地质背景与生态环境之间的联系,为地质工作服务生态文明建设提供理论支撑。笔者以西昌地区6种类型地质建造上发育的红壤为例,系统分析每种类型地质建造内基岩和红壤中植物营养元素和重金属元素的含量,以及红壤的质地、酸碱性等理化性质。结果显示,土壤的营养元素和重金属元素含量与下伏地质建造中相应元素的含量呈现明显的线性正相关关系(S、N、As除外),相关系数R的平方值为0.54~0.97,不同类型地质建造上形成红壤的营养元素丰缺度、重金属污染风险、质地、酸碱性等性质存在明显差异。因此,地质建造可以在多个方面有效制约其形成土壤的性质,且这种制约作用具有普遍性,据此提出了“地质建造–土壤性质–生态环境”为主线的山地丘陵区生态地质调查工作思路。 相似文献
当前地表基质调查工作刚刚起步,多个环节处于探索阶段,其中查清土质地表基质类型及其分布是地表基质调查工作中的一项基本任务。通过对河北省易县东部的山区平原过渡地区开展土质地表基质调查,从分析土质地表基质质地组分(砂粒、黏粒)的空间异质性入手,运用经典统计学和地统计学方法,确定砂粒和黏粒的含量为中等程度的变异,拟合的最优半变异函数模型均为球面模型,在相应变程(7 km)内具有中等程度的空间自相关性,进而确定了研究区最合理的采样网度为6.5 km2/点。分别对砂粒和黏粒组分进行克里金插值,得到研究区土质地表基质的分布格局,总结出土质地表基质的空间异质性特征及规律为: 受高程、坡度、距河流距离等地形因素的影响,偏砂质的土质地表基质出现在高程低、坡度缓、距离河流近的区域; 偏黏质的土质地表基质出现在高程大、坡度陡、远离河流的山区。该研究为土质地表基质调查的工作部署和成果表达提供了基础资料。 相似文献
蒋科迪;殷勇;贾培红;张凌;李月 《测绘地理信息》2021,46(S1):65-70
基于多时相中高分辨率遥感影像,利用RS和GIS平台获取海岸带和近海资源环境信息是当前遥感技术应用领域一大热点。区别于直接从地形地貌学、海岸动力学角度对陵水海岸类型的调查和判读,研究利用1987—2017年多时相遥感影像,结合数字图像处理技术、GIS技术和目视解译标志定量获取陵水近30年陵水岸线空间位置变化和双湖区(新村潟湖、黎安潟湖)面积变化信息。与此同时,对影像所反映特征信息进行针对性的野外考察,解译陵水外沿海岸20个侵蚀岸段并探讨双湖区演化规律,最终为准确评估陵水海岸带资源环境承载力提供参考依据。 相似文献
地球表面的人工甚低频台站信号可以穿透电离层泄漏进地球磁层导致内辐射带电子沉降到两极大气.因此研究人工甚低频台站信号的空间全球分布特性对于分析辐射带电子的损失具有重要科学意义.本文使用范阿伦双星从2013年到2018年共计6年的高质量的波动观测数据,统计了NWC(19.8 kHz)、NAA(24.0 kHz)两个人工VLF台站信号的全球分布,分析了台站信号的电场功率谱密度对地理经纬度、磁壳值L、磁地方时MLT、地磁活动水平的依赖性.结果表明,在内磁层中,人工台站VLF信号主要沿着台站位置对应的磁力线传播,夜侧强度高于日侧,冬季高于夏季.这种日夜和夏冬差异的形成是因为夜侧和冬季的日照强度较弱,电离层电子密度较低,VLF信号较容易穿透电离层进入磁层.此外人工VLF台站信号的全球分布受地磁活动的影响很弱.这些统计观测结果给出了NWC和NAA两个重要人工VLF台站信号强度的全球分布特征,为进一步分析人工VLF台站信号与地球辐射带电子的波粒相互作用提供了关键信息.
Zhe Wang; Li-juan Wang; Jian-mei Shen; Zhen-long Nie; Ling-qun Meng; Le Cao; Shi-bo Wei; Xiang-feng Zeng 《China Geology》2021,4(3):421-432
The Badain Jaran Desert is the third largest desert in China, covering an area of 50000 km2. It lies in Northwest China, where the arid and rainless natural environment has a great impact on the climate, environment, and human living conditions. Based on the results of 1∶250000 regional hydrogeological surveys and previous researches, this study systematically investigates the circulation characteristics and resource properties of the groundwater as well as the evolution of the climate and ecological environment since the Quaternary in the Badain Jaran Desert by means of geophysical exploration, hydrogeological drilling, hydrogeochemistry, and isotopic tracing. The results are as follows. (1) The groundwater in the Badain Jaran Desert is mainly recharged through the infiltration of local precipitation and has poor renewability. The groundwater recharge in the desert was calculated to be 1.8684×108 m3/a using the water balance method. (2) The Badain Jaran Desert has experienced four humid stages since the Quaternary, namely MIS 13-15, MIS 5, MIS 3, and the Early–Middle Holocene, but the climate in the desert has shown a trend towards aridity overall. The average annual temperature in the Badain Jaran Desert has significantly increased in the past 50 years. In detail, it has increased by about 2.5°C, with a higher rate in the south than in the north. Meanwhile, the precipitation amount has shown high spatial variability and the climate has shown a warming-drying trend in the past 50 years. (3) The lakes in the hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert continuously shrank during 1973–2015. However, the vegetation communities maintained a highly natural distribution during 2000–2016, with the vegetation cover has increased overall. Accordingly, the Badain Jaran Desert did not show any notable expansion in that period. This study deepens the understanding of groundwater circulation and the climate and ecological evolution in the Badain Jaran Desert. It will provide a scientific basis for the rational exploitation of the groundwater resources and the ecological protection and restoration in the Badain Jaran Desert.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office. 相似文献