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In the Dabieshan, the available models for exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) rocks are poorly constrained by structural data. A comprehensive structural and kinematic map and a general cross-section of the Dabieshan including its foreland fold belt and the Northern Dabieshan Domain (Foziling and Luzenguang groups) are presented here. South Dabieshan consists from bottom to top of stacked allochtons: (1) an amphibolite facies gneissic unit, devoid of UHP rocks, interpreted here as the relative autochton; (2) an UHP allochton; (3) a HP rock unit (Susong group) mostly retrogressed into greenschist facies micaschists; (4) a weakly metamorphosed Proterozoic slate and sandstone unit; and (5) an unmetamorphosed Cambrian to Early Triassic sedimentary sequence unconformably covered by Jurassic sandstone. All these units exhibit a polyphase ductile deformation characterized by (i) a NW–SE lineation with a top-to-the-NW shearing, and (ii) a southward refolding of early ductile fabrics.

The Central Dabieshan is a 100-km scale migmatitic dome. Newly discovered eclogite xenoliths in a Cretaceous granitoid dated at 102 Ma by the U–Pb method on titanite demonstrate that migmatization post-dates HP–UHP metamorphism. Ductile faults formed in the subsolidus state coeval to migmatization allow us to characterize the structural pattern of doming. Along the dome margins, migmatite is gneissified under post-solidus conditions and mylonitic–ultramylonitic fabrics commonly develop. The north and west boundaries of the Central Dabieshan metamorphics, i.e. the Xiaotian–Mozitan and Macheng faults, are ductile normal faults formed before Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous. A Cretaceous reworking is recorded by synkinematic plutons.

North of the Xiaotian–Mozitan fault, the North Dabieshan Domain consists of metasediments and orthogneiss (Foziling and Luzenguang groups) metamorphosed under greenschist to amphibolite facies which never experienced UHP metamorphism. A rare N–S-trending lineation with top-to-the-south shearing is dated at 260 Ma by the 40Ar/39Ar method on muscovite. This early structure related to compressional tectonics is reworked by top-to-the-north extensional shear bands.

The main deformation of the Dabieshan consists of a NW–SE-stretching lineation which wraps around the migmatitic dome but exhibits a consistently top-to-the-NW sense of shear. The Central Dabieshan is interpreted as an extensional migmatitic dome bounded by an arched, top-to-the-NW, detachment fault. This structure may account for a part of the UHP rock exhumation. However, the abundance of amphibolite restites in the Central Dabieshan migmatites and the scarcity of eclogites (found only in a few places) argue for an early stage of exhumation and retrogression of UHP rocks before migmatization. This event is coeval to the N–S extensional structures described in the North Dabieshan Domain. Recent radiometric dates suggest that early exhumation and subsequent migmatization occurred in Triassic–Liassic times. The main foliation is deformed by north-verging recumbent folds coeval to the south-verging folds of the South Dabieshan Domain. An intense Cretaceous magmatism accounts for thermal resetting of most of the 40Ar/39Ar dates.

A lithosphere-scale exhumation model, involving continental subduction, synconvergence extension with inversion of southward thrusts into NW-ward normal faults and crustal melting is presented.  相似文献   

The intramontane basins of the Betic Cordilleras (SE Spain) formed subsequent to the main phase of orogenic deformation during the middle Miocene in a close genetic relation to the Trans-Alboran Shear zone. Left lateral movements along a local branch (Carboneras fault zone, CF; strike NE–SW) of this zone played a major role in controlling the formation and dynamics of the Nijar-Carboneras Basin. To the south of the fault, a major phase of strike-slip faulting is recorded during the late Tortonian. The expression of this event is the Brèche Rouge de Carboneras (BRC), which seals a deep denudational surface on top of dislocated fault blocks formed by volcanics of the Cabo de Gata complex and early Tortonian shallow marine calcarenite. The sedimentary facies of this widely distributed unit in the Carboneras-Subbasin mirror the submarine topography and the distribution of the fault zones. Along strike-slip fault zones, autoclastic breccias and neptunian dikes preferentially oriented NW–SE and NE–SW occur, which are interpreted to represent the near-surface expression of the faults. Red limestone forms the groundmass of the autoclastic breccia and infills of neptunian dikes, which exhibit multiple phases of opening of fissures, gravitational sedimentary infill, lithification, and renewed creation of cracks. Steep relief, probably along fault scarps, was mantled by epiclastic volcanic conglomerate with a red carbonate matrix. Well-lithified coarse skeletal limestone rich in planktonic foraminifera formed pavements along sediment starved rocky surfaces in deep water. Laterally, within topographic depressions, the pavement limestone grades into thick accumulations of skeletal rudstone composed of fragmented azooxanthellate corals and stylasterid hydrozoans, which were concentrated by powerful bottom currents and gravitiy flows. Within the shallow water zone of dip slope ramps, cross-bedded calcarenite and calcirudite formed. Based on textures, fabrics and biota, rocks of the BRC were grouped into nine genetic lithofacies which document cryptic, deep-aphotic and shallow-photic environments typical of a sediment starved extensional basin.  相似文献   
The concentrations of Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Redox Sensitive Elements (RSE) were measured in groundwaters along a transect of the forest-marsh interface of a surficial aquifer system in North Inlet, SC. The well transect extended from a forest recharge area across the marsh and tidal creek to a tidal recharge area of beach ridge. The concentrations of the RSE (Fe, Mn, and U) were consistent with reducing conditions through the transect. Fe was present at concentrations ranging from a few micromolar to greater than one hundred micromolar in most wells. U was depleted with respect to salinity predicted concentrations, indicating removal with respect to the seawater endmember. Dissolved Mn concentrations were generally low in all wells, indicating no significant solid source of Mn (as MnOx) in this system. When extrapolated to a global scale, estimates of U removal during seawater exchange with the aquifer solids equaled 10–20% of the total riverine dissolved U input flux. REE concentrations in the forest recharge area were high in shallow wells, and showed a light enriched fractionation pattern, characteristic of soil leaching by Natural Organic Matter (NOM) rich waters. A decrease in REE concentration with depth in the forest wells coupled with a trend towards Heavy REE (HREE) enriched fractionation pattern indicated removal of the REE coincident with NOM and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) removal. The saline waters of the beach ridge wells show a Light REE (LREE) enriched fractionation pattern and have the highest overall concentrations of the REE, indicating a significant REE source to the seawater endmember waters. The concentration gradients along the beach ridge flow path indicate a large source in the deep wells, and net export of dissolved REE to the tidal creek system and the coastal ocean. Ultrafiltration experiments indicate a transition from a colloidal dominated reservoir for the REE in the forest wells to a colloidal and dissolved reservoir in the beach ridge wells. The ultrafiltration data coupled with a correlation with Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) release suggest that there is diagenetic mobilization of an REE rich organic carbon phase in the saline endmember wells. We suggest here that degradation of this relic terrestrial organic carbon and REE rich phase results in the export of dissolved REE equal to or exceeding river inputs in this region.  相似文献   
We describe a method for measuring the 40Ar/36Ar ratio and the 84Kr/36Ar ratio in air from bubbles trapped in ice cores. These ratios can provide constraints on the past thickness of the firn layer at the ice core site and on the magnitude of past rapid temperature variations when combined with measured 15N/14N. Both variables contribute to paleoclimatic studies and ultimately to the understanding of the controls on Earth’s climate. The overall precision of the 40Ar/36Ar method (1 standard error of the mean) is 0.012‰ for a sample analyzed in duplicate, corresponding to ±0.6 m in reconstructed firn thickness. We use conventional dynamic isotope ratio mass spectrometry with minor modifications and special gas handling techniques designed to avoid fractionation. About 100 g of ice is used for a duplicate pair of analyses. An example of the technique applied to the GISP2 ice core yields an estimate of 11 ± 3K of abrupt warming at the end of the last glacial period 15,000 years ago. The krypton/argon ratio can provide a diagnostic of argon leakage out of the bubbles, which may happen (naturally) during bubble close-off or (artifactually) if samples are warmed near the freezing point during core retrieval or storage. Argon leakage may fractionate the remaining 40Ar/36Ar ratio by +0.007‰ per ‰ change in 84Kr/36Ar, introducing a possible bias in reconstructed firn thickness of about +2 m if thermal diffusion is not accounted for or +6 m if thermal diffusion effects are quantified with measured 15N/14N. Reproducibility of 84Kr/36Ar measured in air is about ±0.2‰ (1 standard error of the mean) but is about ±1‰ for ice core samples. Ice core samples are systematically enriched in 84Kr/36Ar relative to atmosphere by ∼5‰, probably reflecting preferential size-dependent exclusion of the smaller argon atom during bubble entrapment. Recent results from the Siple Dome ice core reveal two climate events during the last deglaciation, including an 18-m reduction in firn thickness associated with an abrupt warming at sometime between 18 and 22 kyr BP and a partial or total removal of the firn during an ablation event at 15.3 kyr BP.  相似文献   
Based on the experience of the U.S. National Assessment, we propose a program of research and analysis to advance capability for assessment of climate impacts, vulnerabilities, and adaptation options. We identify specific priorities for scientific research on the responses of ecological and socioeconomic systems to climate and other stresses; for improvement in the climatic inputs to impact assessments; and for further development of assessment methods to improve their practical utility to decision-makers. Finally, we propose a new institutional model for assessment, based principally on regional efforts that integrate observations, research, data, applications, and assessment on climate and linked environmental-change issues. The proposed program will require effective collaboration between scientists, resource managers, and other stakeholders, all of whose expertise is needed to define and prioritize key regional issues, characterize relevant uncertainties, and assess potential responses. While both scientifically and organizationally challenging, such an integrated program holds the best promise of advancing our capacity to manage resources and the economy adaptively under a changing climate.  相似文献   
During SESAME phase I ground-based FTIR measurements were performed atEsrange near Kiruna, Sweden, from 28 January to 26 March 1994. Zenith columnamounts of ClONO2, HCl, HF, HNO3,O3, N2O, CH4, and CFC-12 werederived from solar absorption spectra. Time series of ClONO2and HCl indicate a chlorine activation at the end of January and around 1March. On 1 March a very low amount of HCl of 2.09times; 1015molec. cm-2 was detected, probably caused by a second chlorineactivation phase starting from an already decreased amount of HCl. The ratioof column amounts of HCl to ClONO2 decreased inside the vortexfrom about 1 in January to 0.4 in late March compared to values of about 2outside the vortex. Although the Arctic stratosphere was rather warm in winter1993/94 and PSCs occurred seldom, chlorine partitioning into its reservoirspecies HCl and ClONO2 changed during that winter andClONO2 is the major chlorine reservoir at the end of thewinter as in cold winters like 1991/92 and 1994/95.  相似文献   
Particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and plant pigments (chlorophylls and carotenoids) were measured approximately bimonthly from March 1992 to October 1993 in the Sabine-Neches estuary (Sabine Lake region), located on the Texas-Louisiana border. High freshwater inflow into this shallow turbid estuary results in the shortest hydraulic residence time (ca. 7 d) of all Texas estuaries (Baskaran et al. in press). Annual averages of chlorophyll-a (3.0 μg l?1) and particulate organic carbon (1.1 mg l?1) in the water column were extremely low in comparison to other shallow estuaries. The highest chlorophyll-a concentrations were observed in October 1993, in the mid and lower regions of the estuary, during the lowest river discharge. Zeaxanthin and fucoxanthin concentrations suggested that much of the chlorophyll-a during this low flow period was represented by cyanobacteria and diatoms that entered from the Gulf of Mexico. The range of DOC concentrations was generally high (4.4–20.9 mg l?1) and were significantly correlated with POC, but not with chlorophyll-a concentrations. When total suspended particulate (TSP) concentrations were below 20 to 30 mg l?1, there were significant increases in %POC and %PON of the TSP. The unusually high POC: chlorophyll-a ratios (highest value of 1423) suggested that much of the POC contained low concentrations of chlorophyll-a that had degraded during transport from wetlands in the Sabine and Neches rivers. Based on these data, this estuary can be characterized as a predominantly heterotrophic system, with low light penetrance, short particle-residence times, high DOC, and low inputs from autochthonous carbon sources.  相似文献   
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