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The structure and dynamics of neutral sheets in the solar wind is examined. The internal magnetic topology of the sheet is argued to be that of thin magnetic tongues greatly distended outward by the expansion inside the sheet. Due to finite conductivity effects, outward flow takes place across field lines but is retarded relative to the ambient solar wind by the reverse J×B force. The sheet thickness as well as the internal transverse magnetic field are found to be proportional to the electrical conductivity to the inverse one third power. Estimating a conductivity appropriate for a current carried largely by the ions perpendicular to the magnetic field, we find sheet dimensions of the order of 500km representative for the inner solar corona. For a radial field of strength 1/2G at 2R , the transverse field there is about 2 × 10–3G and decreases outward rapidly.The energy release in the form of Joulean dissipation inside the sheet is estimated. It is concluded that ohmic heating in current sheets is not a significant source of energy for the overall solar wind expansion, mainly because these structures occupy only a small percentage of the total coronal volume. However, the local energy release through this mechanism is found to be large - in fact, over 7 times that expected to be supplied by thermal conduction. Therefore, ohmic heating is probably a dominant energy source for the dynamical conditions within the sheet itself.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
Localized compaction in porous rocks is a recently recognized phenomenon that has been shown to reduce permeability dramatically. Consequently, the phenomenon is relevant to a variety of technologies involving fluid injection or withdrawal. This article summarizes current understanding of localized compaction and impediments to further progress. The article is based on discussions at a small workshop on localized compaction sponsored by the Office of Science, U. S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   
The use of general circulation models in the estimation of the impact of climatic change on the global ecosystem is seen to depend primarily on their ability to reliably depict the seasonal and geographical distribution of the changes in surface climate variables. While present GCMs generally simulate the observed distribution of surface air temperature reasonably well, they show significantly different changes in the equilibrium temperature as a result of doubled CO2, for example. These disagreements are attributed to differences in the model's resolution and parameterization of subgrid-scale processes. Such model-dependent errors notwithstanding, much more information of possible use in impact analysis can be extracted from general circulation model simulations than has generally been done so far. The completeness, consistency and experimental possibilities offered by simulated data sets permit the systematic extraction of a wide variety of statistics important to the surface ecosystem, such as the length of the growing season, the duration of rainless periods, and the surface moisture stress.Assuming further model improvements, the elements of a model-assisted methodology for climate impact analysis are seen to be: (1) the determination of the seasonal and geographical distribution of that portion of simulated climatic changes which are both statistically and physically significant; (2) the transformation of the (significant) large-scale climatic changes onto the local scale of impact (the climate inversion problem); and (3) the design of specific statistical parameters or functions relevant to local ecosystem impacts.  相似文献   
Chloride and Bromide Loss from Sea-Salt Particles in Southern Ocean Air   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Datasets on aerosol composition in Southern Ocean air at Cape Grim and Macquarie Island, and rainwater composition at Cape Grim, have been analysed for sea-salt components in order to test the validity of the multiphase autocatalytic halogen activation process proposed initially by Sander and Crutzen (1996) and developed fully for clean marine air by Vogt et al. (1996). Four distinct datasets from the two locations were analysed. All four datasets provided consistent evidence in support of three predictions of the autocatalytic model: (1) overall Cl- deficits in sea-salt aerosol were small, difficult to quantify against analytical uncertainty and at most a few percent; (2) Br- deficits were large, averaging –30% to –50% on an annual basis, with strong seasonality ranging from about –10% in some winter samples to –80% or more in some summer samples; and (3) the Br- and Cl- deficits were clearly linked to the availability of strong, S-acidity in the aerosol, confirming the importance of acid catalysis to the dehalogenation process.  相似文献   
Six new 40Ar/39Ar and three cosmogenic 36Cl age determinations provide new insight into the late Quaternary eruptive history of Erebus volcano. Anorthoclase from 3 lava flows on the caldera rim have 40Ar/39Ar ages of 23 ± 12, 81 ± 3 and 172 ± 10 ka (all uncertainties 2σ). The ages confirm the presence of a second, younger, superimposed caldera near the southwestern margin of the summit plateau and show that eruptive activity has occurred in the summit region for 77 ± 13 ka longer than previously thought. Trachyte from “Ice Station” on the eastern flank is 159 ± 2 ka, similar in age to those at Bomb Peak and Aurora Cliffs. The widespread occurrences of trachyte on the eastern flank of Erebus suggest a major previously unrecognized episode of trachytic volcanism. The trachyte lavas are chemically and isotopically distinct from alkaline lavas erupted contemporaneously in the summit region < 5 km away.  相似文献   
Most Australian estuaries are subject to riverine discharge regimes that are highly episodic. This characteristic poses difficulties for estimating nutrient budgets of such systems based on sampling regimes that do not resolve the discharge variation and the changes in nutrient distributions that they cause. This paper presents a method for calculating nutrient budgets in estuaries having episodic hydrology. The method utilises a simple hydrodynamic transport model that is calibrated using measured salinities and which is used to describe the transport properties of the estuary as they respond to river discharge. Using this transport model, the temporal variation in nutrient concentrations within the estuary can be resolved between sampling surveys even when the discharge events are of short duration. An inverse method is then applied to calculate internal fluxes of nutrients from measurements obtained on successive sampling surveys. The approach is demonstrated through an application to the Fitzroy Estuary in Queensland, Australia.  相似文献   
Cosmic ray produced 10Be (half-life = 1.36 × 106 yr), 26Al (7.05 × 105 yr), and 36Cl (3.01 × 105 yr) were measured in a depth profile of 19 carefully-ground samples from the glass-coated lunar surface rock 64455. The solar cosmic ray (SCR) produced 26Al and 36Cl in this rock are present in high concentrations, which in combination with the low observed erosion rate, <0.5 mm/Myr, provide well defined depth profiles characterizing the SCR component of the cosmic rays. In conjunction with new experimentally determined excitation functions, the 36Cl concentrations suggest a softer solar-proton spectral shape than that derived from most previous measurements. The fact that no SCR-produced 10Be activity could be detected in 64455 is in good agreement with observations in 68815 and also indicates a softer SCR spectrum. Comparison of observed SCR profiles in 64455 with theoretical calculations indicates that the average solar-proton spectrum over the past 2 Myr (based on 26Al) has an exponential rigidity parameter (R0) of about 90 MV with a proton flux (J) of 73 protons/cm2/s·4π above 10 MeV. Over the last ∼0.5 Myr (based on 36Cl) R0 is about 70 MV with a flux of ∼196 protons/cm2/s·4π above 10 MeV. These SCR fluxes are consistent with most previous work.  相似文献   
The melting reaction at the solidus of mantle peridotite is commonly peritectic in nature, with liquid and one or more solid phases produced upon melting. In some situations, one of the phases participating on the reactant side of the reaction is present in low abundance. This article explores the possible effects of the low abundance of a reactant phase on the melting behavior of mantle peridotite.For example, spinel lherzolite begins to melt via the peritectic reaction, clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + spinel = olivine + liquid in the ∼1- to 2-GPa pressure range. In natural spinel lherzolites, spinel is a modally minor mineral and may be infrequently in contact with both clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. If these mutual contacts are insufficient to generate an interconnected melt, then significant melting may not occur until a combination of minerals that are modally abundant and in contact begin to melt. This scenario could have implications for the physical process of melting and for the timing of formation of an interconnected melt network and separation of the melt from the residue.To begin to investigate this possibility, the spatial relationships between the constituent minerals in two fertile spinel lherzolites were determined by elemental mapping with the electron microprobe. Olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene are of similar size, whereas the spinel was smaller and interstitial. Spinel and clinopyroxene are frequently in contact, but mutual contacts of spinel, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene are rare. Because of the changes in modal mineralogy anticipated for these lherzolites with increasing temperature, these mutual contacts will be even less common at the solidus. Therefore, an interconnected, potentially extractable, melt may not occur by the solidus spinel + orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene melting reaction.  相似文献   
Diverse latest Pliocene volcanic and plutonic rocks in the north-central Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia are newly interpreted as components of a large caldera system that erupted a compositionally zoned rhyolite-dacite ash-flow sheet at 2.83 ± 0.02 Ma (sanidine and biotite 40Ar/39Ar). Despite its location within a cratonic collision zone, the Chegem system is structurally and petrologically similar to typical calderas of continental-margin volcanic arcs. Erosional remnants of the outflow Chegem Tuff sheet extend at least 50 km north from the source caldera in the upper Chegem River. These outflow remnants were previously interpreted by others as erupted from several local vents, but petrologic similarities indicate a common origin and correlation with thick intracaldera Chegem Tuff. The 11 × 15 km caldera and associated intrusions are superbly exposed over a vertical range of 2,300 m in deep canyons above treeline (elev. to 3,800 m). Densely welded intracaldera Chegem Tuff, previously described by others as a rhyolite lava plateau, forms a single cooling unit, is > 2 km thick, and contains large slide blocks from the caldera walls. Caldera subsidence was accommodated along several concentric ring fractures. No prevolcanic floor is exposed within the central core of the caldera. The caldera-filling tuff is overlain by andesitic lavas and cut by a 2.84 ± 0.03-Ma porphyritic granodiorite intrusion that has a cooling age analytically indistinguishable from that of the tuffs. The Eldjurta Granite, a pluton exposed low in the next large canyon (Baksan River) 10 km to the northwest of the caldera, yields variable K-feldspar and biotite ages (2.8 to 1.0 Ma) through a 5-km vertical range in surface and drill-hole samples. These variable dates appear to record a prolonged complex cooling history within upper parts of another caldera-related pluton. Major W-Mo ore deposits at the Tirniauz mine are hosted in skarns and hornfels along the roof of the Eldjurta Granite, and associated aplitic phases have textural features of Climax-type molybdenite porphyries in the western USA. Similar 40Ar/39Ar ages, mineral chemistry, and bulk-rock compositions indicate that the Chegem Tuff, intracaldera intrusion, and Eldjurta Granite are all parts of a large magmatic system that broadly resembles the middle Tertiary Questa caldera system and associated Mo deposits in northern New Mexico, USA. Because of their young age and superb three-dimensional exposures, rocks of the Chegem-Tirniauz region offer exceptional opportunities for detailed study of caldera structures, compositional gradients in volcanic rocks relative to cogenetic granites, and the thermal and fluid-flow history of a large young upper-crustal magmatic system.  相似文献   
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