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孟加拉湾由于陆源物质大量输入产生稀释效应,使碳酸盐含量表现为冰期时减小、间冰期时增大的“大西洋型”旋回。通过对该区四支活塞岩芯的有孔虫溶解指数、浮游有孔虫沉积通量、CaCO3 沉积通量和 >16 0 μm粗组分沉积通量的分析发现,研究区碳酸盐溶解作用强烈,表现出冰期减弱而间冰期增强的总趋势,且溶解作用滞后于浮游有孔虫壳的氧同位素旋回,尤以氧同位素 4、5期的高溶解度情况与印度洋和太平洋氧同位素 5期晚期至 4期为CaCO3溶解高峰一致。因此,孟加拉湾地区的CaCO3 旋回是大西洋型稀释作用与太平洋型溶解作用两者叠加的产物.  相似文献   
The eastern Qiulitagh fold and thrust belt (EQFTB) is part of the active Kuqa fold and thrust belts of the northern Tarim Basin. Seismic reflection profiles have been integrated with surface geologic and drill data to examine the deformation and structure style of the EQFTB, particularly the deformational history of the Dina 2 gas field. Seismic interpretations suggest that Dongqiu 8 is overall a duplex structure developed beneath a passive roof thrust, which generated from a tipline in the Miocene Jidike Formation, and the sole thrust was initiated from the same Jidike Formation evaporite zone that extends westward beneath the Kuqatawu anticline. Dongqiu 5 is a pop-up structure at the western part of the EQFTB, also developed beneath the Jidike Formation evaporite. Very gentle basement dip and steep dipping topographic slope in the EQFTB suggest that the Jidike Formation salt provides effective decoupling. The strong deformation in the EQFTB appears to have developed further south, in an area where evaporite may be lacking. Since the Pliocene, the EQFTB has moved farther south over the evaporite and reached the Yaken area. Restoring a balanced cross-section suggests that the minimum shortening across the EQFTB is more than 7800 m. Assuming that this shortening occurred during the 5.3 Ma timespan, the shortening rate is approximately 1.47 mm/year.  相似文献   
The Jinping–Song Da rift structure in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province is composed of Permian high- and low-Ti volcanic and volcanoplutonic ultramafic-mafic associations of different compositions and genesis. High-Ti picrites, picrobasalts, basalts, and dolerites are enriched in LREE and depleted in HREE and show low Al2O3/TiO2 ratios (~4), commensurate εNd(T) values (+0.5 to +1.1), and low (Th/Nb)PM ratios similar to those of OIB-enriched mantle source. The established geochemical characteristics evidence that the parental melts of these rocks were generated from garnet lherzolite at the depths of garnet stability (~200 to 400 km). Later, high-Mg low-Ti volcanics (komatiites, komatiitic basalts, and basalts) and associating small peridotite-gabbro massifs and komatiite-basalt dikes were produced as a result of ~20% partial melting of depleted water-poor (≤0.03 wt.% H2O) peridotite substratum from the hottest upper part of mantle plume at relatively shallow depths (100–120 km). The LREE-depleted komatiites and komatiitic basalts are characterized by low (Ce/Yb)CH values, 187Re/188Os = 0.05–1.2, 87Sr/86Sr = 0.704–0.706, positive εNd(T) values (+3 to +8), γOs = –0.5 to +0.9, and strong negative anomalies of Ba, K, and Sr on the spidergrams. The scarcer LREE-enriched komatiites, komatiitic basalts, and basalts vary greatly in chemical composition and values of εNd(t) (+6.4 to –10.2), 87Sr/86Sr (0.706–0.712), and γOs (+14.8 to +56), which is due to the different degrees of crustal contamination of parental magmas. The Rb-Sr isotopic age of basaltic komatiite is 257 ± 24 Ma. The Re-Os age determined by analysis of 12 komatiite samples is 270 ± 21 Ma. These data agree with the age of flood basalts of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province. The komatiite-basalt complex of the Song Da rift is still the only Phanerozoic PGE-Cu-Ni-complex of this composition. The geochemistry of accompanying Cu-Ni-PGE-ores confirms their relationship with komatiite-basaltic magmatism.  相似文献   
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依据绿水洞矿井地质构造和煤层构造变形特征,对该矿煤层(成)气赋存运移规律进行了系统的分析,就该矿生产中煤层(成)气涌出及可能产生的动力现象进行了地质评价,认为在矿井深部仍存在沿岩层裂隙和溶洞发生煤层(成)气涌出的可能,田湾向斜东翼为全井田煤层(成)气突出危险程度最高的区域。   相似文献   
在多波地震勘探中,转换点位置的求取精度直接影响共转换点道集的抽取,进而影响转换波速度分析的精度。利用DSR方程,对比了用不同的转换点计算方法进行转换波速度分析,分析其计算精度。  相似文献   
以二氯乙酸和三氯乙酸为目标污染物,研究了光助Fenton氧化去除水中卤乙酸的可行性及影响因素,并对其动力学进行了初步研究.结果表明,影响光助Fenton氧化的因素很多,氙灯功率500 W、H2O2和Fe2+投加量分别为5.0和1.0 mmol·L-1、pH=4.0反应60 min是所考察范围内的最佳降解条件,浓度为100 μg·L-1的二氯乙酸和三氯乙酸的降解率分别为90.32%、87.77%;在实际水质pH=7.0时,相同浓度的二氯乙酸和三氯乙酸的降解率分别为75.34%、68.80%.紫外辐射与Fenton氧化对二氯乙酸和三氯乙酸的降解具有协同效应.光助Fenton氧化对二氯乙酸和三氯乙酸的降解符合一级反应动力学,表观活化能分别为30.11、31.09 kJ·mo1-1,受温度影响不大.  相似文献   
岫岩地区晚侏罗世侵入岩属钙碱性钾质系列过铝的岩石类型,根据岩性和接触关系分为二期。岩石类型由早期的中细粒黑云母(角闪石)二长花岗岩向晚期的细粒角闪石黑云母二长花岗岩演化;黑云母成分由早期铁叶云母向晚期铁质黑云母演化。斜长石排号逐渐减小。副矿物组合均为锆石-鳞灰石型。  相似文献   
陈轩  赵宗举  张宝民  刘银河 《沉积学报》2009,27(5):1001-1011
通过对大量露头和岩心资料的分析,塔中孤立台地北缘上奥陶统良里塔格组识别出滩、障积礁、灰泥丘、藻席、潮下低能带五种沉积微相。并按照沉积能量由高到低的顺序,建立起高频沉积组合,它们分别是:滩—礁组合、滩—礁—丘组合、滩—丘组合、粒屑滩组合、滩—席组合、丘—席组合、藻席组合、低能带—藻席组合,进而在层序格架内分析了这八种高频沉积组合在时空上的演化规律。在此基础上,结合地震资料以及前人研究成果,将该区精细刻画为四种加积型镶边台地沉积模式:1)断控型窄陡镶边台地,以塔中261井区为代表;2)断控型宽陡镶边台地,以塔中62井区为代表;3)沉积型宽陡镶边台地,以塔中82井区为代表;4)沉积型宽缓镶边台地,以塔中45井区为代表。断控型的台地边缘能量相对较高,有利于礁滩体的发育,沉积型台地边缘能量相对较低,礁滩体欠发育。这四种模式的建立为该区下一步的储层预测和油气藏开发提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
本实验选用ZLI-3654型铁电液晶(FLC)以及SE-3140型取向剂制备FLC器件样品,通过改变FLC相变过程中的降温速率以及相变前的热力学平衡态来研究FLC相变前的热力学平衡态对FLC排列的影响,共进行了十组实验.实验后,将FLC器件静态对比度进行比较,得出手性向列相到近晶A相(N*-SmA)相变前的热力学平衡态对FLC实现均匀排列起着极其重要的作用的结论.实验结果表明:器件的静态对比度可高达620 ∶1, N*-SmA相变前的热力学平衡态有利于形成高对比  相似文献   
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