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东北平原西部沙地近10年的沙质荒漠化   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
李宝林  周成虎 《地理学报》2001,56(3):307-315
东北平原西部沙地位于欧亚大陆中纬度巨型沙带的东部边缘,为我国沙质荒漠化土地的东缘,是我国自然环境最好的沙区,随着经济的发展,生态环境遭到严重破坏,沙质荒漠化景观日益明显,尤其是南部的科尔沁沙地,沙质荒漠化已十分严重,已经超过与其相邻的西部环境条件更差的沙区,利用RS和GIS,根据NOAA/AVHRR数据建立的沙质荒漠化监测指标,对东北平原西部沙地沙质荒膜化现代过程进行了动态监测,在此基础上利用TM数据对沙质荒漠化的发展方式与成因进行了深入的探讨,并有针对性地提出了区域沙质荒漠化的防治对策。  相似文献   
针对标准粒子滤波算法中存在的计算量大和粒子的权值退化的缺陷,将均值漂移算法和PF算法进行融合,设计基于均值漂移搜索算法的粒子滤波新算法。该算法仍遵从粒子滤波算法的计算框架,基本原理是利用MS算法对粒子的聚类作用,将均值漂移思想融合到粒子滤波算法的重要性采样过程中,对粒子集进行确定性搜索,使每个粒子收敛于局部最优值,这样粒子的状态表示更接近真实的状态分布,因此只需较少的粒子数便可达到未嵌入MS的使用大量粒子数的粒子滤波状态估计的性能,从而在缓解粒子的权值退化的同时提高粒子滤波算法的实时性。大量的数值试验和对GPS/DR组合导航数据处理的结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
辨析都市圈及其相关概念是设立模型划分都市圈的基础。本文进一步明确了首都圈的内涵、特性及影响因素 ,论述可达性和辐射、接受能力对首都圈划分的决定作用。基于重力模型和场强模型 ,提出了首都圈的划分方法和指标。并对中国首都圈进行科学划分 ,指出首都圈的功能定位为 :全国的政治文化中心 ;北部经济中心、金融商贸中心和外向型简经济中心 ;中国乃至世界的旅游文化中心 ;中国知识产业核心区和知识经济的发动机。  相似文献   
The heavy metal inventory and the ecological risk of the estuarine sediments in Hailing Bay, an important maricultural zone along the southern coast of China, were investigated. Results show that the surface sediments were mainly polluted by As (2.17-20.34 mg/kg), Ni (1.37-42.50mg/kg), Cu (1.21-58.84 mg/kg) and Zn (11.69-219.22 mg/kg). Furthermore, the aquafarming zone was significantly more polluted than the non-aquafarming zone, and cluster analysis suggested additional sources of heavy metal input in the aquafarming zone. As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were mainly present in the non-bioavailable residual form in the surface sediments, whereas Cd was predominantly in the highly mobile acid soluble and reducible fractions. The ecological risk of the polluted sediments stemmed mainly from Cd, and from As, Cu and Pb to less degrees. The highest potential risks occurred near the aquaculture base, indicating the need to control heavy metal inputs from aquafarming activities.  相似文献   
Based on data observed at the 12 small watersheds in hilly areas of the Loess Plateau, North China, the relationship between event runoff volume and sediment yield is examined. The results reveal that the runoff-sediment yield relationship at the inter-event timescale is mainly determined by the runoff-sediment concentration relationship at the intra-event timescale. In the study area, the sediment concentration tends to be stable when the flow discharge exceeds a certain critical value. Many factors that are important for determining the characteristics of low-magnitude events, such as flow discharge, particle size of fluvial sediment, and accumulation of loose material on land surfaces prior to a rainstorm, appear to have little importance for high-magnitude events. Consequently, mean sediment concentration tends to be stable for large flood events, suggesting a strong similarity between the two flow-sediment relationships at inter-and intra-event temporal scales. Furthermore, a proportional function is proposed to predict event sediment yield, and the correspondence between the predicted and observed sediment yields is examined. The performance of the model is good for high-magnitude events, especially extreme events. The applicability of the proposed model at the annual timescale is also discussed.  相似文献   
For the calibration of chromatographic systems,different methods can be used.One class of methodsutilizes three-way approaches.The calibration problem is stated in such a way that the decompositionof a three-way array can serve for the prediction of retention on new stationary phases.Two three-way approaches are presented:the Unfold-PCA and PARAFAC models.The theory ofboth methods is presented and the differences are highlighted,the main difference being that PARAFACis a trilinear decomposition whereas Unfold-PCA is not.Both three-way methods are evaluated on asmall data set consisting of retention measurements of eight solutes at six mobile phase compositions onsix stationary phases.The differences in performance of the two models are minor,For calibration purposes,two variants of the methods are discussed:three-way PLS and an extensionof PARAFAC.Again the theory and differences between the two methods are explained.The predictiveperformance of the two methods is compared using the same data set as earlier.The differences inpredictive performance,however,are minor.Both methods are capable of predicting 98% of thevariation in the test sets.Yet,there are other considerations when comparing methods than predictiveperformance,e.g.the quality of the predictions.  相似文献   
孙庆峰  程波  赵黎 《中国沙漠》2014,34(5):1237-1247
在青藏高原北缘共和盆地达连海钻取了40.92 m沉积柱,其14C年代有10个控制点,底部年龄最大值为14.5 cal ka BP,沉积柱为末次冰消期以来的湖泊沉积物。在沉积柱中按20 cm/70 a分辨率选出200个样品进行了黏土矿物、粒度、碳酸盐、沉积速率等非生物指标与生物指标的孢粉等多项指标的综合分析。结果表明:末次冰消期以来,达连海沉积柱中非生物指标与生物指标反映的气候和环境变化阶段的显著性不同,反映的气候环境的变化阶段也不尽一致,出现气候环境的相位差。冰消期黏土矿物非生物指标与孢粉生物指标有约1.0~1.2 ka的相位差;早、中全新世黏土矿物反映的气候变化时段较孢粉指标指示的时段滞后约1.0 ka;在晚全新世黏土矿物反映的气候变化较孢粉滞后约0.1 ka。造成黏土矿物和孢粉反映气候环境相位差的原因是孢粉和黏土矿物对气候响应的差异性、黏土矿物和孢粉搬运方式的不同、气候条件及其转换、地貌等多因素的综合影响。  相似文献   
The prominent types of Danxia landform in Fangyan include enclosed valleys, mesas, peaks, stone columns and grooves etc. Their spatial combinations have regular configurations along the northwest–southeast direction: typical grooves and caves are located in the northwestern Wufengshuyuan mainly; abundant fresh collapsed stones may be observed in central Jimingfeng and Taohuafeng; stone drums and stone columns are in the southeastern Shiguliao particularly; enclosed valleys are encircling joints of peaks and plains from three directions east, west, and south. Their spatial combinations reflect that the developments of Danxia landform have undergone stages of geomorphic cyclical erosion in the form of weathering, collapse, transportation, sedimentation and other processes, together with the “sculpture” of external forces mainly as tectonic uplift. The picturesque Danxia landform began its formation at that point. Danxia landform developed mainly in the strata of Fangyan Formation (K1f) caused by the alluvial fan-braided river phase of anterior fan in the late period of the Early Cretaceous. Regular patterns of weathering of stones and features of braided alluvial phase sediments may be verified by the analysis of three groups of experimental data. Danxia landform of Fangyan is a unique representative of the “adolescent” development type in the application of the World Natural Heritages status in China, by virtue of its outstanding universal aesthetic and scientific value.  相似文献   

对宝墩遗址T3321剖面第9~13层(深度为150~308 cm)的53个样品进行孢粉分析,结合AMS 14C测年和考古断代,恢复了遗址区全新世适宜期至4300 cal.a B.P.前后的古植被及古气候演变过程。遗址区古环境演变可以划分为4个阶段:阶段1(7400~6500 cal.a B.P.)和阶段2(6500~6000 cal.a B.P.)的孢粉组合反映了以亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林为主的森林植被景观,气候较为温暖湿润;阶段2环纹藻属(Concentricystes)的出现以及大量蕨类植物的增加暗示着遗址区开始出现湖沼。阶段3(6000~4700 cal.a B.P.)主要以稀疏乔木、灌木及陆生草本为主的植被景观,本阶段后期气候由暖湿向冷干方向发展;环纹藻属比例在本阶段达到剖面最大后逐渐降低,表明遗址区水域面积大幅增加后逐渐减小。阶段4(4700~4300 cal.a B.P.)为古蜀先民在遗址生活时期,孢粉组合反映出人类活动明显增强。T3321剖面孢粉所揭示的古环境演变趋势与西南地区中晚全新世以来气候由暖湿向冷干转变的过程基本一致。阶段3和阶段4孢粉组合的变化揭示了古环境变迁与人类活动的关系,人类活动对植被变化产生深刻影响。陆生草本植物,尤其是伴人植物的增多以及湖沼面积的减少反映出人类对环境的改造作用以及农业种植活动的出现。

本文通过对南极磷虾不同部位中氟含量的测定,结合氟在测区环境中的分布特征及南极磷虾体中其它元素的分析资料,讨论了氟在磷虾体内的分布和赋存形式,并对其可能的富集机理及与环境的关系作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   
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