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High-frequency velocities are measured during stick-slip motion in the immediate vicinity of a fault in a granite sample to reveal the microscopic process taking place in the breakdown zone defined in the slip-weakening model. It is found that 1) the onset time of the observed strong motion approximately coincides with the local rupture onset time, 2) the observed near-fault high-frequency strong-motion duration is approximately proportional to the local breakdown time, and 3) the power spectra of strong motions exhibit significant amplitudes at frequencies above the value off max, wheref max is a cut-off frequency relevant to rupturing the breakdown zone. These observations suggest that the high-frequency motion would be due to the incoherent brittle microfracture whose characteristic scale is much shorter than the breakdown zone size. We present a stochastic fault model to synthesize the near-fault high-frequency velocity waveforms. In the model, a number of small circular subfaults are distributed randomly on the fault and the rupture onset time of an individual subfault is assumed to be random. The main features of the observed velocity waveforms are well explained by this numerical modeling. It is concluded that approximately half of the total energy of high-frequency elastic waves observed at a point is radiated from the propagating breakdown zone. We emphasize the importance of the observation of near-fault high-frequency strong motions for large shallow earthquakes.  相似文献   
Sediment trap experiments were carried out in two oceans, the eastern Pacific Ocean and the Antarctic Ocean, which have very different biological productivities. The natural radionuclides,234Th,210Po and210Pb were used as tracers of reactive metals. Larger particulate fluxes of these radionuclides were found in the seas where total mass fluxes were larger, although the concentrations of these radionuclides in the settling particles were somewhat smaller. The concentrations of234Th in the settling particles varied widely and irregularly with depth, whereas the concentrations of210Po and210Pb in the settling particles steadily increased with increasing water depth. The ratios of210Po/210Pb in the settling particulates were larger than unity which the ratio of234Th/excess210Po as larger than234Th/210Po in the deep water. These results suggest that, when the particles sink through the water column, these radionuclides are being absorbed by settling particles in the order234Th>210Po>210Pb. The observed particulate fluxes of210Pb are about one eighth of those calculated from the disequilibria between226Ra and210Pb at the stations in the subtropical eastern Pacific, although the observed fluxes are the same as the calculated ones in the northern North Pacific and the Antarctic Ocean. Thus, there must be a horizontal flow carrying these reactive metals from the oligotorophic ocean to the biologically productive ocean where the metals are removed by settling particles even in deep water.  相似文献   
We report the role of particle composition and lateral particle movement that influences the oceanic distribution of 231Pa and 230Th. Settling particles were collected during sediment trap experiments. These and surface sediments were obtained from five stations along 38 to 44°N in the northwestern North Pacific. The high total mass flux and seasonal variations in the marginal area of the western North Pacific are controlled by the supply of lithogenic materials and primary productivity. The high content of the lithogenic material in the settling particles in this area contributes to 230Thex fluxes that exceed the local rate of supply. The lithogenic materials are important as a carrier of 230Th and contribute to the fractionation between 230Th and 231Pa in the ocean, as the 231Paex/230Thex ratio in the settling particles decreases with increasing 232Th concentration. The 231Paex/230Thex ratio in the settling particles collected in the abyssal basin decreases with water depth, which indicates that lateral transport of the lithogenic particles from the marginal area and/or shallower depth plays an important role in determining the 231Paex/230Thex ratio in a population of settling particles and remineralization. This indicates that lateral redistribution of particles and sediment focusing influence the 231Paex/230Thex ratios in surface sediments. Thus, the observations reported here mean that the use of the sediment 231Paex/230Thex ratio as a paleoproductivity proxy will be problematic in the northwestern North Pacific. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Since 1572, 33 phreatic to phreatomagmatic eruptions have occurred on Taal volcano (Philippines), some of them causing several hundred casualties. Considering the time delay between two consecutive eruptions, there is an 88% probability that Taal volcano should have already erupted. Since 1992, several phases of seismic activity have been recorded accompanied by ground deformation, opening of fissures, and surface activity. The volcanic activity of Taal appears to be controlled by dike injections and magma supply, buffered by a hydrothermal system that releases fluids and heat through boiling and subsequent steaming. In early 2005, a multidisciplinary project was launched for studying the hydrothermal activity. To map the hydrothermal system, combined surveys were carried out to investigate self-potential, total magnetic field, ground temperature and carbon dioxide soil degassing, along with satellite thermal imaging of the Main Crater Lake. The elevated temperatures and high concentrations of carbon dioxide, as well as electromagnetic anomalies, indicate large-scale hydrothermal degassing. This process is enhanced along the tectonic features (e.g., crater rim and faults) of the volcano, while active fissures opened along the E–W northern flank during the 1992–1994 seismic activity. Heat and fluids from the hydrothermal system are essentially released in the northern part of the crater, which is bounded to the South by a suspected NW–SE fault along which seismicity seems to take place, and dikes are thought to be intruded. During the January 2005 surveys, a new seismic crisis started, and the felt earthquakes prompted spontaneous evacuation of hundreds of inhabitants living on the volcano. Repeated surveys show changes of self-potential, total magnetic field, and ground temperature with time, without any noticeable spatial enlargement. These observations suggest that the northern flank located between the crater rim and the 1992–1994 fissures is connected with a deep thermal source in Main crater and is reactivated during seismic crises. This sector could be subjected to flank failure.  相似文献   
General circulation models (GCMs) fitted with stable isotope schemes are widely used to interpret the isotope–climate relationship. However, previous studies have found that the spatiotemporal isotope/precipitation correlation simulated by GCMs is stronger and more widespread than the observed value. To understand the reason for this failure, we investigated the factors influencing the empirically well-known isotope/precipitation relationship, or precipitation amount effect, in the tropics using newly obtained daily precipitation isotope monitoring data over Asia. As in previous studies, we found an apparent correlation between the long-term monthly mean isotopic content and the corresponding precipitation amount (local precipitation) observed at sub-tropical island stations. Furthermore, on a monthly timescale, the isotopic variability of precipitation for these stations was more clearly related to the regional precipitation amount than to local precipitation. This correlation of isotopic content with the regional precipitation amount was observed at the equatorial (Maritime Continent) stations. For these stations, isotope/local precipitation relationships only appeared over longer timescales, with different regression line slopes at each station. However, at the coastal stations, there was a strong linear relationship between the monthly mean isotopic content and corresponding regional precipitation, and regression line slopes were spatially uniform. For the two sub-tropical terrestrial (Indochina Peninsula) stations, the isotopic minimum appeared without any relationship to rainfall amount but usually occurred at the leeward station during the rainy season. These results suggest that the isotopic variations of precipitation did not depend on the ’local’ rain-out history but on the rain-out process in the surrounding region. However, local rainfall events were associated not only with large-scale disturbances but also with regional circulation. Thus, the scale difference of controlling factors between local rainfall amount and isotopic value results in the weakening of the rainfall amount effect at the observation site and in the discrepancy between GCM simulations and observations. This finding suggests that regional precipitation–isotope relationships should be compared with GCM results. Additionally, because the isotope signal reflects the rain-out history at a regional scale, evaluation of the isotopic field using isotopic GCMs will be useful not only to reconstruct paleoclimate conditions but also to examine how GCMs can reproduce real atmospheric circulation over the tropics.  相似文献   
Size and taxonomic structure of plankton community carbon biomass for the 0.2–2000 μm equivalent spherical diameter range were determined at the equator at 175°E in September 1990–1993 and April 1994. Total biomass of the plankton community ranged from 1944 to 3448 mg C m−2. Phytoplankton, zooplankton and bacteria carbon biomasses were 604–1669 mg C m-2, 300–797 mg C m2, and 968–1200 mg C m-2, and the percentages were 31–54%, 15–26%, and 29–54%, respectively. Biomass of heterotrophic bacteria was always the largest fraction andProchlorococcus biomass was second. Heterotrophic and autotrophic flagellates and dinoflagellates in the nanoplankton size range and copepods (adults and copepodites) in the mesoplankton range were also high. Relatively small biomass was observed in the microplankton size range. The differences in integrated biomass of plankton community for El Nin˜o type oligotrophic conditions of September 1990–1993 and non-El Nifio type mesotrophic conditions of April 1994 were generally small compared with the interannual difference during 1990–1993. However, the percentage ofProchlorococcus in phytoplankton carbon biomass was larger in non-El Nin˜o year. Biomasses of cyanobacteria, diatom, dinoflagellates, nauplii of copepods, and crustaceans other than copepods were larger in the non-El Nin˜o year. Primary production increased significantly from El Nin˜o to non-El Nin˜o years. Carbon flow through the plankton food chain was estimated using the plankton carbon biomass data, primary production measurements, and published empirical relationships.  相似文献   
Abstract. In the callianassid shrimp Nihonotrypaea harmandi (Bouvier 1901), the trichomycete fungus Enteromyces callianassae Lichtwardt 1961 occurs exclusively on the foregut lining. The enzymes from both the shrimp and the fungus apparently hydrolyze certain nitrogen and carbon compounds in detritus. The activities of various proteases and carbohydrases contained in the foregut juice were compared between fungus-infected shrimps collected from a sandflat in Kyushu, Japan (51 % infection rate) and uninfected shrimps from a nearby sandflat. The concentration of enzymatically hydrolyzable amino acids (EHAA) in sediment liberated by the foregut juice with fungi was slightly lower than that by 0.1 mg·ml-1 proteinase-K and significantly higher than that by the foregut juice without fungi. In both foregut juices, substantial enzyme activities were recorded for proteinase(s), peptidases, amylase, cellulase and β-1,3-glucanase, and minimal ones for maltase and cellobiase. Of the commercial substrates examined, only in the case of the mixture of 16 kinds of dipeptides was a significantly higher enzyme activity in the foregut juice with fungi observed. In the process of EHAA liberation from sediment, peptidases secreted by the fungus most probably act as a supplement to the endogenous secretion by the shrimp. This may explain the higher shrimp growth rate recorded for the population with fungi. However, the significantly higher sediment EHAA concentration of the sandflat inhabited by this population versus the population without fungi could be another crucial factor explaining the site difference in shrimp growth rate.  相似文献   

The mechanism that controls particulate organic carbon (POC) flux in the deep sea differs depending on the season and sea. The POC produced in the western subarctic North Pacific are known to be transported to the deep sea efficiently, but the direct relationship between the POC flux and physical processes is still unclear. In this study, we evaluated the effect of mesoscale eddies on POC flux in the western subarctic North Pacific. The seasonal and interannual variabilities of POC flux were investigated using data from a time-series sediment trap deployed at 4810 m at station K2 (47°N, 160°E) from 2005 to 2018. POC flux was high during May–November, appearing to reflect spring and fall blooms at the ocean surface. POC flux also showed interannual variability, with twelve peaks that were mostly affected by enhanced bloom just before the peak. Nine peaks of the twelve peaks were affected by mesoscale eddies, which enhanced bloom around K2 by extending the area with a high chlorophyll-a concentration along the coastal region into the offshore region, suggesting that mesoscale eddies strongly impact the interannual variability of POC flux at K2.

In situ X-ray diffraction measurements of Fe- and Al-bearing MgSiO3-rich perovskite (FeAl-Pv), which was synthesized from a natural orthopyroxene, were performed at pressures of 19–32 GPa and temperatures of 300–1,500 K using a combination of a Kawai-type apparatus with eight sintered-diamond anvils and synchrotron radiation. Two runs were performed using a high-pressure cell with two sample chambers, and both MgSiO3 perovskite (Mg-Pv) and FeAl-Pv were synthesized simultaneously in the same cell. Thus we were able to measure specific volumes (V/V 0) of Mg-Pv and FeAl-Pv at the same P−T conditions. At all the measurement conditions, values of the specific volume of FeAl-Pv are consistent with those of Mg-Pv within 2 Standard Deviation, strongly suggesting that effect of incorporation of iron and aluminum on the thermoelastic properties of magnesium silicate perovskite is undetectable in this composition, pressure, and temperature range. Two additional runs were performed using a high-pressure cell that has one sample chamber and unit-cell volumes of FeAl-Pv were measured at pressures and temperatures up to 32 GPa and 1,500 K, respectively. All the unit-cell volume data of FeAl-Pv perovskite were fitted to the high temperature Birch–Murnaghan equation of state and a complete set of thermoelastic parameters of this perovskite was determined with an assumption of K′ 300,0 = 4. The determined parameters are K 300,0 = 243(3) GPa, (∂K T,0/∂T) P = −0.030(8) GPa/K, a 0 = 2.78(18) × 10−5 K−1, and b 0 = 0.88(28) × 10−8 K−2, where a 0 and b 0 are the coefficients of the following expression describing the zero-pressure thermal expansion: α T,0 = a 0 + b 0 T. The equation-of-state parameters of FeAl-Pv are in good agreement with those of MgSiO3 perovskite at the conditions corresponding to the uppermost part of the lower mantle.  相似文献   
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