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Mass depletion of bodies through successive collisional disruptions (i.e., collision cascade) is one of the most important processes in the studies of the asteroids belt, the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt, debris disks, and planetary formation. The collisional disruption is divided into two types, i.e., catastrophic disruption and cratering. Although some studies of the collision cascades neglected the effect of cratering, it is unclear which type of disruption makes a dominant contribution to the collision cascades. In the present study, we construct a simple outcome model describing both catastrophic disruption and cratering, which has some parameters characterizing the total ejecta mass, the mass of the largest fragment, and the power-law exponent of the size distribution of fragments. Using this simple outcome model with parameters, we examine the model dependence of the mass depletion time in collision cascades for neglect of coalescence of colliding bodies due to high collisional velocities. We find the cratering collisions are much more effective in collision cascades than collisions with catastrophic disruption in a wide region of the model parameters. It is also found that the mass depletion time in collision cascades is mainly governed by the total ejecta mass and almost insensitive to the mass of the largest fragment and the power-law exponent of fragments for a realistic parameter region. The total ejecta mass is usually determined by the ratio of the impact energy divided by the target mass (i.e. Q-value) to its threshold value for catastrophic disruption, as well as in our simple model. We derive a mass depletion time in collision cascades, which is determined by of the high-mass end of collision cascades. The mass depletion time derived with our model would be applicable to debris disks and planetary formation.  相似文献   
Young (6 Ma) alkali-basalts were collected from the toe of the oceanward slope of the northern Japan Trench. Two types of olivine are present in these lavas, xenocrysts with reaction rims and magmatic. The forsterite (Fo) (no. 91–92) values and NiO contents (0.3–0.5 wt%) of the xenocrysts are similar in composition to those of the depleted mantle peridotite. The groundmass olivines have relatively lower Fo values (no. 81–88) and NiO contents (0.1–0.5 wt%). Reaction rims and the vicinity of the silicate inclusion in xenocrysts show the intermediate compositions between the xenocryst and magmatic olivines. Chromian spinel inclusions in the xenocrysts also show the depleted composition in the range of abyssal peridotite. CO2 fluid inclusions in the xenocryst records pressures before entrainment into the host magma up to 0.4 GPa, which corresponds to a depth of up to 14 km of lithospheric mantle. These data indicate that the xenocrysts originate from MORB-depleted mantle.  相似文献   
We studied the elemental and isotopic (Pb, B and Li isotopes) composition of melt inclusions hosted in highly forsteritic (Fo83–91) olivines that were collected from San Bartolo lava and pumice (ST79p, ST82p and ST531p) samples erupted by Stromboli in historical times. The studied melt inclusions have primitive calcalkaline to shoshonitic basaltic compositions. They cover a compositional range far wider than that exhibited by the whole-rocks and differ in key trace element ratios. San Bartolo melt inclusions are characterized by lower incompatible trace element abundances, higher ratios between fluid-mobile (B, Pb, U and LILE) and less fluid-mobile (REE, Th, HFSE) elements and lower La/Yb ratios relative to the pumice-hosted melt inclusions and pumiceous melts erupted during paroxysmal events. Trace elements, along with different Pb, B and Li isotopic signatures, attest to source heterogeneity on the small scale and provide new insights into subducted components beneath Stromboli. Results of a mixing model suggest that metasomatism of the mantle source of pumice-hosted melt inclusions was driven by solute-rich high-pressure fluids (<20%) expelled from the deep portion of the slab. Heterogeneous Pb isotopic composition together with light δ11B (−8.6 to −13.7‰) and δ7Li (+2.3 to −1.7‰) indicates that high-pressure liquids were released in variable proportions from highly dehydrated metabasalts and metasediments. On the other hand, the elemental and isotopic (δ11B ~ −1.9 to −5.9‰) composition of San Bartolo melt inclusions is better explained by the addition of a prevalent aqueous component (~2 to 4%) escaped at shallower depths from sediments and altered basaltic crust in almost equivalent proportions, with a smaller contribution by high-pressure fluids. Owing to the high-angle dip of the subducted cold Ionian slab, aqueous fluids and high-pressure fluids would rise through the mantle wedge and locally superimpose on each other, thus giving origin to variously metasomatized mantle domains.  相似文献   
To improve the seismic performance of masonry structures, confined masonry that improves the seismic resistance of masonry structures by the confining effect of surrounding bond beams and tie columns is constructed. This study investigated the earthquake resisting behaviour of confined masonry structures that are being studied and constructed in China. The structural system consists of unreinforced block masonry walls with surrounding reinforced concrete bond beams and tie columns. The characteristics of the structure include: (1) damage to blocks is reduced and brittle failure is avoided by the comparatively lower strength of the joint mortar than that of the blocks, (2) the masonry walls and surrounding reinforced concrete bond beams and tie columns are securely jointed by the shear keys of the tie columns. In this study, wall specimens made of concrete blocks were tested under a cyclic lateral load and simulated by a rigid body spring model that models non‐linear behaviour by rigid bodies and boundary springs. The results of studies outline the resisting mechanism, indicating that a rigid body spring model is considered appropriate for analysing this type of structure. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In order to facilitate the understanding of the geological evolution of the Kalahari Craton and its relation to South America, the provenance of the first large-scale cratonic cover sequence of the craton, namely the Ordovician to Carboniferous Cape Supergroup was studied through geochemical analyses of the siliciclastics, and age determinations of detrital zircon. The Cape Supergroup comprises mainly quartz-arenites and a Hirnantian tillite in the basal Table Mountain Group, subgreywackes and mudrocks in the overlying Bokkeveld Group, while siltstones, interbedded shales and quartz-arenites are typical for the Witteberg Group at the top of the Cape Supergroup. Palaeocurrent analyses indicate transport of sediment mainly from northerly directions, off the interior of the Kalahari Craton with subordinate transport from a westerly source in the southwestern part of the basin near Cape Town. Geochemical provenance data suggest mainly sources from passive to active continental margin settings. The reconnaissance study of detrital zircons reveals a major contribution of Mesoproterozoic sources throughout the basin, reflecting the dominance of the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Belt, situated immediately north of the preserved strata of Cape Supergroup, as a source with Archaean-aged zircons being extremely rare. We interpret the Namaqua-Natal Metamorphic Belt to have been a large morphological divide at the time of deposition of the Cape Supergroup that prevented input of detrital zircons from the interior early Archaean Kaapvaal cratonic block of the Kalahari Craton. Neoproterozoic and Cambrian zircons are abundant and reflect the basement geology of the outcrops of Cape strata. Exposures close to Cape Town must have received sediment from a cratonic fragment that was situated off the Kalahari Craton to the west and that has subsequently drifted away. This cratonic fragment predominantly supplied Meso- to Neoproterozoic, and Cambrian-aged zircon grains in addition to minor Silurian to Lower Devonian zircons and very rare Archaean (2.5?Ga) and late Palaeoproterozoic (1.8-2.0?Ga) ones. No Siluro-Devonian source has yet been identified on the Kalahari Craton, but there are indications for such a source in southern Patagonia. Palaeozoic successions in eastern Argentina carry a similar detrital zircon population to that found here, including evidence of a Silurian to Lower Devonian magmatic event. The Kalahari and Río de la Plata Cratons were thus in all likelihood in close proximity until at least the Carboniferous.  相似文献   
The nature and origin of the concentrated deformation zone along the Japan Sea coast (NKTZ: Niigata-Kobe tectonic zone) was investigated by carefully analyzing the GPS data and qualitatively modeling the lower crust in NKTZ. It was concluded that this deformation zone is not a plate boundary between the Amurian plate (AMU) and the North America plate but is rather an internal deformation zone near the eastern margin of AMU. The data previously obtained on the conductivity anomalies in the lower crust and the 3He/4He ratios suggest that the concentrated deformation in NKTZ results from the lower crust in NKTZ being weakened by a high water content. The high water content is thought to result from the dehydration of subducting slabs. NKTZ has a higher water content in the lower crust than other regions do because there is no Philippine Sea plate (PHS) seismic slab beneath NKTZ. In other regions, it is estimated that the mantle wedge above the seismic Philippine Sea slab prevents the water dehydrated from the slab from rising to the lower crust, and that the lithosphere within PHS itself prevents the water dehydrated from the Pacific plate from rising up through it.  相似文献   
Phase and group velocities and Q of mantle Love and Rayleigh waves from the 1963 Kurile Islands earthquake (Mw = 8.5) were determined over 37 great circle paths by a time variable filtering technique, in a period range 100–500 s for the fundamental modes and 100–275 s for the first higher modes. The preliminary reference Earth model (PREM) explains reasonably well the average dispersion results for the fundamental Love and Rayleigh waves. There exists a small, but significant inconsistency between the observation and the model for the first higher Love and Rayleigh waves. The Q structure of PREM is inconsistent with the observation for the fundamental Love waves, but explains other observations reasonably well. The dispersion of each mode shows a clear azimuthal dependence from which the four azimuthal windows were established. The phase and group velocity measurements for each window were, in general, shown to be mutually consistent. The azimuthal variations are largest for the first higher Rayleigh waves, indicating strong lateral heterogeneity in the structure of the low velocity zone. The first of the four windows is characterized by the largest fraction of Precambrian shields and the second window by the largest fraction of normal oceans. A comparison of these two windows may give some insight into deep lateral heterogeneity between continents and oceans. The observed phase and group velocities of the first window are systematically higher than those of the second window for the fundamental Love and Rayleigh waves at periods up to 400 s, and for the first higher Love and Rayleigh waves up to 175 s. Their differences are greatest for the first higher Rayleigh waves and least for the fundamental Rayleigh waves. Although the fundamental Rayleigh waves show the least velocity differences, their persistence up to a period of longer than 300 s is in striking contrast with some of the pure path phase velocities derived earlier for continents and oceans. A set of models for continents and oceans. PEM-C and PEM-O are not consistent with our observation. The third azimuthal window is characterized by trench-marginal seas and the fourth window by mountainous areas, typically the Asian high plateaus from northern China to the Middle East through Tibet. A comparison of these two windows gives some information about deep structural differences between subduction zones and continental collision zones, both belonging to plate convergence zones. For the fundamental and the first higher Love waves, the phase and group velocities for the third window are markedly low, whereas those for the fourth window are somewhat comparable to those for the second window. Slow Rayleigh waves are evident for two windows, with the fourth window apparently being the slowest for the fundamental Rayleigh above 200 s and for the first higher Rayleigh. For the fundamental Rayleigh waves, the third window is very slow below 200 s, but becomes progressively fast as the period increases and tends to be the fastest window around 400 s, suggesting a deep seated high velocity anomaly beneath trench-marginal seas. The dispersion characteristics of the fourth window indicate a thick high velocity lid with an extensive low velocity zone beneath it. The shield-like lithosphere, coupled with an extensive low velocity zone, may be a characteristic feature of continental collision zones. The particle motion of the fundamental Love waves was found not to be purely transverse to a great-circle connecting the epicenter to a station. The departure from the purely transverse motion is systematic among different periods, different G arrivals (G2, G3,…) and different stations, which may be interpreted as being due to lateral refraction.  相似文献   
We observed metamorphosed clasts in the CV3 chondrite breccias Graves Nunataks 06101, Vigarano, Roberts Massif 04143, and Yamato‐86009. These clasts are coarse‐grained polymineralic rocks composed of Ca‐bearing ferroan olivine (Fa24–40, up to 0.6 wt% CaO), diopside (Fs7–12Wo44–50), plagioclase (An52–75), Cr‐spinel (Cr/[Cr + Al] = 0.4, Fe/[Fe + Mg] = 0.7), sulfide and rare grains of Fe‐Ni metal, phosphate, and Ca‐poor pyroxene (Fs24Wo4). Most clasts have triple junctions between silicate grains. The rare earth element (REE) abundances are high in diopside (REE ~3.80–13.83 × CI) and plagioclase (Eu ~12.31–14.67 × CI) but are low in olivine (REE ~0.01–1.44 × CI) and spinel (REE ~0.25–0.49 × CI). These REE abundances are different from those of metamorphosed chondrites, primitive achondrites, and achondrites, suggesting that the clasts are not fragments of these meteorites. Similar mineralogical characteristics of the clasts with those in the Mokoia and Yamato‐86009 breccias (Jogo et al. 2012 ) suggest that the clasts observed in this study would also form inside the CV3 chondrite parent body. Thermal modeling suggests that in order to reach the metamorphosed temperatures of the clasts of >800 °C, the clast parent body should have accreted by ~2.5–2.6 Ma after CAIs formation. The consistency of the accretion age of the clast parent body and the CV3 chondrule formation age suggests that the clasts and CV3 chondrites could be originated from the same parent body with a peak temperature of 800–1100 °C. If the body has a peak temperature of >1100 °C, the accretion age of the body becomes older than the CV3 chondrule formation age and multiple CV3 parent bodies are likely.  相似文献   
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