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刘爽  白洁  罗格平  吕娜娜  吴淼 《地理学报》2021,76(5):1257-1273
1960年以来咸海流域大规模的水土资源开发使得社会经济用水激增,致使至1990年咸海面积萎缩50%,引发咸海生态危机.目前对引起咸海生态危机的社会经济用水的时空变化特征和趋势尚不清楚.本文在整合了多途径获取的1960-2016年咸海流域国家/州级水资源和社会经济数据的基础上,利用系统动力学模型,仿真模拟和分析了 196...  相似文献   
遥感在流域综合管理与流域科学研究中得到广泛应用并发挥着不可替代的作用。重点阐述了流域遥感的内涵、进展与面临的挑战,系统总结了相关的流域遥感数据产品。流域遥感研究流域下垫面、水循环、水资源、水灾害、流域生态的遥感解析能力并提供相关的遥感数据产品。流域遥感数据产品正逐步成为不断更新的公共产品和服务,满足了流域管理监测信息及时性、完整性、连续性和高精度的要求。流域遥感与云计算的结合,可降低流域遥感数据产品生成的技术瓶颈;与云服务结合,可降低流域遥感数据产品的应用难度和成本,将是流域遥感走向实用的主流方向,从而为流域综合管理提供全方位的信息支撑。  相似文献   
Newly acquired high-resolution shallow seismic profiles(7069 km in length) in the coastal and offshore areas of Zhejiang Province, East China Sea, China, have revealed eight marine hazardous geological features: shallow gas, sand ridges, erosion ditches, scarps, irregular bedrock features, underwater shoals, buried paleo-channels, and submarine deltas. Based on the seismic profiles, we have constructed a marine geological map of these hazardous features. Shallow gas accumulations are common and occur mainly in two separate nearshore regions that cover 4613 and 3382 km~2 respectively. There are also scattered shallow gas accumulations in the offshore area, typically accompanied by paleo-channels that occur mainly in the middle of the study area. Sand ridges, erosion ditches, scarps, and irregular bedrock features are found mainly in the northeast of the study area in association with each other. In the southeastern part of the study area, the sand ridges have a linear form and trend NW–SE, representing the western part of the linear sand ridges in the East China Sea. The maximum slope gradient is 1?, which suggests that this area is prone to landslides. These hazardous marine geological features are important to marine and engineering activities in this region.  相似文献   
选取中国北方岩溶区红色风化壳为研究对象,首先用浓度为30%的H2O2去除样品中的有机质,然后用4种不同的前处理方法分别进行处理,其中方法A未用盐酸溶液处理,方法B、C、D均用盐酸溶液分解可能存在的残余碳酸盐和次生游离氧化物,以消除其对机械颗粒可能存在的胶结作用,此外方法C的HCl在煮沸的条件下反应,方法 B的HCl在常温条件下进行,方法D则更改了超声波振荡的时间。本文样品采用Beckman公司生产的LS13320 型激光衍射粒度测试仪进行测量。结果表明,样品前处理方法对中国北方红色风化壳粒度分析结果有影响,不同的前处理方法使样品的粒度值最大产生5%左右的变化;从实验的稳定性上考虑,4种方法的平行试验标准偏差最大达到6.78%。在现有的认识条件下,粒度测量结果的可重复性是最基本的要求。本文认为方法C的测量效果要好于其他方法。   相似文献   
2010年春季西南地区干旱遥感监测及其影响评估   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
利用国产环境减灾星多光谱、热红外数据以及美国中分辨率MODIS数据建立了2010 年春季我国西南地区的干旱及其影响的遥感监测与评估方法。主要包括:1) 旱情遥感监测,利用环境减灾星多光谱数据和热红外数据构建旱情遥感综合指数监测西南地区的旱情;2) 地表可用水资源遥感监测,主要利用2010 年3 月中旬及去年同期的多光谱数据,对位于云南、贵州、广西境内的三个典型水体的水面面积进行了动态监测,以评估地表水面面积及水位的变化;3) 干旱对农作物的影响,主要通过农作物生长过程曲线分析各省(市) 区的作物受旱情的影响过程,并利用耕地面积与遥感监测作物种植成数、分类成数,以及耕地受旱比例计算作物受旱面积,通过田间实验对不同生育期冬小麦受到水分胁迫条件下的减产结果,确定不同旱情等级对应的粮食减产比例,计算各省(市) 的冬小麦减产数量。结果表明旱情最严重区域在广西西北部、贵州西南部和云南的中部与东北部,冬小麦、油菜、甘蔗等作物生长过程受到明显抑制,受旱面积分别达到9.13×105 hm2、5.43×105 hm2与9.00×105 hm2,冬小麦产量损失达到8.3×105 t,约占2009 年四省市冬小麦总产量的13.7%、全国冬小麦总产量的0.8%和全国粮食总产量的0.16%,对我国粮食总产量影响不大,但云南和贵州的冬小麦减产分别达到48%和31%,对区域粮食供应影响较大。  相似文献   
通过对王坡矿井的构造特征、水文地质条件、煤层发育特征、煤储层特征以及地形等条件进行分析,探讨了不同煤层气开发方式的适应性,并结合王坡煤矿开采煤层情况、瓦斯现状,确定3号煤层为煤层气开发的目标煤层.从王坡矿井地形条件,控制面积、集输复杂性及经济效益分析,认为该区不适合采用地面垂直井方式开发煤层气;从构造特征及钻井工艺等方面分析,不宜采用对接井、羽状水平井和水平井煤层气开发方式;丛式井开发方式对地形要求较低、占地面积较小、钻井工艺成熟,经济效益好,可作为王坡矿井进行煤层气开发的首选井型.  相似文献   
随着广电技术的飞速发展和人们审美水平的不断提高,观众对电视节目的音频质量要求越来越高.音频在节目中扩大了气象信息的传播量,提炼升华了主题,起到先声夺人、增强节目现场感的作用.气象影视节目中音频效果的好坏,跟多种因素息息相关.本文根据地市气象影视节目在音频创作中的实践和对声音客观和主观的要求,主要从片头和背景音乐的选取、主持人声音的设计构建、演播室的搭建、音频设备的选型等方面进行了简要分析,为制作出声情并茂、视听俱佳的气象影视节目提供参考.  相似文献   
To understand the sedimentary development of the Boso Forearc Basin, central Japan, since ~ 3 Ma, we investigated paleothermal structure and consolidation trends in the central and eastern parts of the forearc basin through vitrinite reflectance measurements and consolidation tests. Vitrinite reflectance (Rm) was in the range 0.33 % to 0.61 % for the Miura Group in the central part of the forearc basin and 0.34 % to 0.41 % for the Miura and Kazusa Groups in the eastern. These values suggest a roughly uniform vitrinite reflectance for the Miura Group from the central to eastern parts. No significant vitrinite reflectance difference is observed across the ~ 3 Ma Kurotaki Unconformity in the eastern part of the basin. The consolidation yield stress (pc) was calculated as 27.5 MPa and 32.2 MPa for the Kiyosumi and Amatsu Formations of the Miura Group in the eastern part, respectively. Both the pc values are consistent quantitatively with represent the trend of the maximum overburden pressure estimated from the thickness and density of overlying sediments, and the difference in pc is expected by the maximum burial depths of the strata at the sampling localities. Values of pc in the eastern part of the basin increase with thickness of overlying sediment, showing no break across the Kurotaki Unconformity. Considering the eroded thickness of the Miura Group, the continuous trends in vitrinite reflectance and consolidation between the Miura and Kazusa Groups in the eastern part reflect the greater deposition of the eastern part of the Boso Forearc Basin since ~ 2.3 Ma.  相似文献   
We observed the partial pressure of oceanic CO2, pCO2 sea, and related surface properties in the westernmost region of the subarctic North Pacific, seasonally from 1998 to 2001. The pCO2 sea in the Oyashio region showed a large decrease from winter to spring. In winter, pCO2 sea was higher than 400 μatm in the Oyashio region and this region was a source of atmospheric CO2. In spring, pCO2 sea decreased to extremely low values, less than 200 μatm (minimum, 139 μatm in 2001), around the Oyashio region with low surface salinity and this region turned out to be a strong sink. The spatial variations of pCO2 sea were especially large in spring in this region. The typical Oyashio water with minimal mixing with subtropical warm water was extracted based on the criterion of potential alkalinity. The contribution of main oceanic processes to the changes in pCO2 sea from winter to spring was estimated from the changes in the concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon and nutrients, total alkalinity, temperature and salinity observed in surface waters in respective years. These quantifications indicated that photosynthesis made the largest contribution to the observed pCO2 sea decreases in all years and its magnitude was variable year by year. These year-to-year differences in spring biological contribution could be linked to those in the development of the density stratification due to the decrease in surface salinity. Thus, the changes in the surface physical structure could induce those in pCO2 sea in the Oyashio region in spring. Furthermore, it is suggested that the direction and magnitude of the air-sea CO2 flux during this season could be controlled significantly by the onset time of the spring bloom. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Fu  Haiyue  Wang  Yan  Mao  Liang  Hong  Nana  Wang  Zhaoya  Zhao  Shuchang  Liao  Chuan 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(7):1261-1280
Journal of Geographical Sciences - It remains unclear on how transportation network interacts with economic network in an urban-rural agglomeration, while such knowledge is crucial for urban-rural...  相似文献   
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