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The use of aerial photo-interpretation technique in preparing an applied hydromorphological map is discussed. The practical utility of the map for ground water exploration in granitic terrain is presented. An attempt to prepare a similar map using LANDSAT CCT by analysis through a Multispectral Data Analysis System and the relative merits of computer aided map and aerial photo map are discussed. The details available in aerial photo map have been found to be lacking in computer aided map. Visual interpretation of LANDSAT imagery can improve the computer aided classification results.  相似文献   
Rainfall over south peninsular India during the northeast (NE) monsoon season (Oct–Dec) shows significant interannual variation. In the present study, we relate the northeast monsoon rainfall (NEMR) over south peninsular India with the major oscillations like El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), and Equatorial Indian Ocean Oscillation (EQUINOO) in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. For establishing the teleconnections, sea surface temperature, outgoing long wave radiation, and circulation data have been used. The present study reveals that the positive phase of ENSO, IOD, and EQUINOO favor the NEMR to be normal or above normal over southern peninsular India. The study reveals that the variability of NEMR over south peninsula can be well explained by its relationship with positive phase of ENSO, IOD, and EQUINOO.  相似文献   
The continuous and large-scale abstraction of groundwater has created a groundwater depletion problem in several parts of the Punjab state including Bist Doab, the interfluve region of Beas and Satluj rivers. In the present study, a few important parameters, viz. water level, stable isotope, EC, temperature, groundwater age, that can be used to fingerprint the over-exploitation of groundwater have been examined. It has been observed that with the increase in over-exploitation, the yield of shallow aquifer is progressively getting reduced and as a result forcing the farmers to sink their wells to deeper depths. With abstraction of deeper aquifer, the storage of old groundwater at the deeper aquifer is declining and getting replaced by induced accelerated inflow of young water from the recharge zone and the overlying shallow aquifer. The signatures of the modern water have been observed in the data analyzed for isotopic, hydro-chemical facies, electrical conductivity and temperature of water from deeper aquifer. The study has identified the usefulness of these parameters for identifying groundwater over-exploitation in the region. Depleting water resource may stagnate the economic progress of the region. The paper provides suitable water resource management strategies to be adopted to improve the sustainability of water resources and economic growth in the region.  相似文献   
Daily and zonal (latitudinal belt) averages of heat and momentum fluxes were computed using bulk aerodynamic formulae, from the meteorological parameters measured onboard M. S. Thuleland during the sixth Indian scientific expedition to Antarctica (26th November, 1986 to 22nd March, 1987). Both estimates showed significant variations, the momentum flux showing the largest variation. The maximum values of sensible and latent heat fluxes were observed over the 30°–40° S and 10°–20° S zones during the southern summer and fall respectively while the minimum values of latent heat flux were observed in the 60°–70° S zone for both seasons. The sensible heat flux minimum was observed in the 50°°60° S and 60°–70° S zones for summer and fall, respectively. Higher momentum flux values over the 40°–50° S zone in summer shifted to the 50°–60° S zone during fall.  相似文献   
Investigation for high yielding water wells in the khondalitic terrain (graneti ferrous silliminite gnesiss) is mostly faced with the problem of identification of the extent of the depth of kaolinisation of the aquifer. The traditional Vertical Electrical Sounding survey, Seismic Refraction survey and Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic survey could not identify the kaolinisation of the aquifer in the present investigations. The Two Dimensional (2D) Resistivity and Induced Polarization (IP) Imaging surveys are attempted for the identification of kaolinised layer and depth of kaolinisation. Number of 2D Resistivity and IP Imaging profiles were conducted near Chipurupally in Vizianagaram district of Andhra Pradesh, India along successful and failed wells located within short distances. Resistivity and IP measurements were carried out using an ABEM SAS 4000 Terrameter. The resistivity and I.P. images have provided a clear view of the thickness of the highly weathered zone (kaolinised zone) at both successful and failed wells. The highly weathered zone is identified with the resistivity values below 25 ohm.m. The depth of highly weathered material at failed well is extended about 8–10 m more deeper than the successful wells at some places to as much as 20 m more deep at some other places. This extended deeper kaolinisation of the aquifer is responsible for failure of wells. Layers having resistivities between 25–65 Ohm.m are identified as aquifer layers which are composed of moderately weathered and fractured khondalitic suit of rocks (Garnti ferrous sillimanite/biotite gneiss). Layers with resistivities greater than 65 Ohm.m are interpreted to have basement characteristics belonging to the granite gneiss. Interestingly IP imaging has not provided any greater insights in delineating the kaolinistion of the aquifer when compared to resistivity Imaging, in fact resitivity imaging has shown greater depths of kaolinisation than IP Imaging.  相似文献   
In the present study using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and Eta models, recent heavy rainfall events that occurred (i) over parts of Maharastra during 26 to 27 July, 2005, (ii) over coastal Tamilnadu and south coastal Andhra Pradesh during 24 to 28 October, 2005, and (iii) the tropical cyclone of 30 September to 3 October, 2004/Monsoon Depression of 2 to 5 October 2004, that developed during the withdrawal phase of the southwest monsoon season of 2004 have been investigated. Also sensitivity experiments have been conducted with the WRF model to test the impact of microphysical and cumulus parameterization schemes in capturing the extreme weather events. The results show that the WRF model with the microphysical process and cumulus parameterization schemes of Ferrier et al. and Betts-Miller-Janjic was able to capture the heavy rainfall events better than the other schemes. It is also observed that the WRF model was able to predict mesoscale rainfall more realistically in comparison to the Eta model of the same resolution.  相似文献   
Summary Lunar and luni-solar geomagnetic components have been computed upto four harmonics for low latitude station Alibag, outside equatorial electrojet belt, and the equatorial electrojet stations Annamalainagar, Kodaikanal and Trivandrum in the south Indian region. The computations are confined to data of very high solar activity period 1958–61. Amplitudes of lunar semidiurnal component (L 2), in the horizontal intensity (H), undergo an equatorial enhancement. Phase difference of 2 hrs is noticed inL 2 (H) between nonelectrojet and electrojet stations. In the vertical intensity (Z), L 2 is maximum ine andj-seasons at Trivandrum, close to the magnetic equator. Ind-season, however, maximumL 2 (Z) occurs at Annamalainagar (dip 5°.4N). The phase difference between the electrojet and nonelectrojet stations observed inL 2 (H) is not noticed inL 2 (Z). The differential vertical upward drift motion of charged particles may explain the observed phase difference inL 2 (H). Seasonal variations in amplitudes and times of maxima are noticed at all the stations inL 2 (H) andL 2 (Z). Similar variation is also noticed at Alibag inL 2 of declination (D).  相似文献   
中国地级以上城市土地经济密度差异的时空演化分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
匡兵  卢新海  周敏  饶映雪 《地理科学》2017,37(12):1850-1858
以中国336个地级以上城市为研究对象,利用核密度估计和探索性空间数据分析方法,对2001~2014年中国地级以上城市土地经济密度差异的时空格局演化及影响因素进行分析和探讨。结果表明: 中国地级以上城市土地经济密度的总体水平不断提高,平均值从2001年的4.769亿元/km2增加至2014年的15.375亿元/km2,但地区差距逐渐扩大;中国地级以上城市土地经济密度表现出显著的全局空间正相关性,相邻地市相互影响,呈现出“高–高”或“低–低”的空间集聚态势,且从LISA集聚图来看,城市土地经济密度通过空间聚类可以划分为“高水平均质型地域”、“塌陷型地域”、“极化型地域”和“低水平均质型地域”4种类型,不同地域类型的空间分布范围和稳定性等都存在差异;中国地级以上城市土地经济密度冷、热点区域的空间分布具有相对稳定性,总体上表现出“东热西冷”的分布格局,热点区主要分布在东部的京津冀地区、长江三角洲地区和珠江三角洲地区等,广大中、西部地区则大多处于低值簇,属于城市土地经济密度的冷点区或次冷点区;自然条件状况决定城市土地的供给能力和开发潜力,是导致中国地级以上城市土地经济密度差异的基础性因素,区域经济发展水平、经济发展政策、土地利用管理政策也会对城市土地经济密度差异造成一定程度的影响。  相似文献   
Surface aeration experiments were conducted in two types of rectangular tanks of aspect ratios i.e., length to width ratio (L/W) of 1.5 and 2 and developed simulation equations to correlate the oxygen transfer coefficient, k and power number, P0 with a parameter governing theoretical power per unit volume X. The parameter X is defined as equal to F4/3R1/3, where F and R are impellers’ Froude and Reynolds numbers respectively). Results have shown that the P0 can not be simulated singularly with either Reynolds number, R or Froude number, F, which results in scale-effects; there appears to be a need to incorporate the effects of both F and R. It was found that P0 is uniquely related to X for rectangular aeration tanks of both aspect ratios, however, such relationships are different depending upon the aspect ratios. It has been demonstrated that energy can be saved substantially if the aeration tanks are run at relatively higher input powers. It is also demonstrated that smaller sized tanks are more energy conservative and economical when compared to big sized tanks, while aerating the same volume of water, and at the same time by maintaining a constant input power in all the tanks irrespective of their size.  相似文献   
中西部地区高温炎热 台风引发致洪暴雨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饶晓琴 《气象》2006,32(10):117-123
7月份,黄淮南部、江淮、江南南部、华南、西北中东部降水偏多,皖、苏、湘、赣、闽、桂、粤等省(区)出现暴雨洪涝灾害;东北中南部、华北东南部、西南地区大部降水偏少,四川、重庆等地出现严重伏旱。全国大部地区月平均气温接近常年或偏高,江南大部、华南北部、四川东部、重庆、新疆东南部、内蒙古西部等地出现多日高温酷热天气。西北太平洋及南海有3个热带气旋活动,其中0604号强热带风暴碧利斯和0605号台风格美先后在福建省登陆西行,使江南、华南暴雨成灾。  相似文献   
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