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硅作为冶炼组分,可以提高钢的可淬性、稳定性以及耐腐蚀性.硅也是生产硅钢的重要原料,硅钢是当今最重要的软磁材料.钢铁中绝大部分的Si来自于生产过程中加入的脱氧剂--硅铁.  相似文献   
在过去的几年中,辅助燃料(如旧轮胎和塑料垃圾)在水泥行业应用越来越重要,不仅是价格原因,更重要的是这些应用在经济和环境方面对于处理废弃材料起到了重要作用.  相似文献   
为了准确测定高等级钢铁中的Si,必须使用HF。用ICP-AES法测定Si会受到Co、Mo、Ni、Ta、V和W的严重干扰,仅仅使用外标或内标(标准加入)无法保证足够的准确性,必须使用基质匹配空白校正技术才能得到准确的Si的测定结果。利用Multiwave 3000 密闭式微波加压湿法消解技术结合ICP-AES测定高等级钢铁中Si的方法,与常规重量法相比,可以极大地节省时间和减小试剂的消耗。  相似文献   
We conducted a statistical analysis to discern the relative strengths of the loading of various forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, dissolved silicate and their molar ratios on the variance in the size of the summertime low oxygen zone found off the Mississippi River, northern Gulf of Mexico. A stable statistical model that included Year and riverine nitrate+nitrite loading for the 2 months prior to the measurement of hypoxic zone size described 82% of its variation in size from 1978 to 2004. The usefulness of the term Year is consistent with the documented increase in carbon stored in sediments after the 1970s, which is when the hypoxic zone is predicted to have become a regular feature on the shelf and to have expanded westward. The increased carbon storage is anticipated to cause a sedimentary respiratory demand influencing the size of the zone, and whose temporal influence is cumulative and transcends the annual variations in nitrogen loading. The variable Year is negatively correlated with the TN:TP ratio in a way that suggests N, not P, has become more important as a factor limiting phytoplankton growth in the last 20 years. Nitrogen, in particular nitrate+nitrite, and not phosphorus, dissolved silicate, or their molar ratios, appears to be the major driving factor influencing the size of the hypoxic zone on this shelf. This conclusion is consistent with cross-system analyses that conclude that the TN:TP ratio in the Mississippi River, currently fluctuating around 20:1, is indicative of nitrogen, not phosphorus, limitation of phytoplankton growth. Nutrient management that places stronger emphasis on reducing nitrogen loading as compared to phosphorus loading, is justified.  相似文献   
Seasonal and age-specific variations of cadmium (Cd) concentration in the digestive gland were investigated in the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, with different degrees of Cd pollution. The seasonal changes in Cd concentrations of the digestive gland were inversely proportional to the dry weight of the gland. Concentrations of Cd and total Cd content (mug Cd per organ) increased with age (age-specific) to the same extent in contaminated and uncontaminated areas. There was also a strong positive correlation between Cd content in the whole digestive gland and shell weight and it is proposed that this relationship can be used as a new criterion for comparative evaluation of Cd levels in scallops from different areas We hypothesize that Cd is uptaken into scallops in proportion to the amount of calcium that absorbed through ion channels, and in addition, Cd in the digestive gland is in immobile forms (e.g. metal-rich granules) that accumulate with age. Moderate environmental pollution has no effect on the relationship between Cd content and shell size and the observed decrease in growth performance of the scallops from polluted areas may be due to other factors.  相似文献   
Predicting summer hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: redux   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report on the evolution and accuracy of a model used to predict the mid-summer area of hypoxia (oxygen ≤2 mg l(-1)) in the northern Gulf of Mexico, use it to test for impacts from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (2010), and estimate the N loading that would meet a management goal. The prediction since 2000 were 100%±6% (μ±1 SE) of the actual value. The predicted in 2010 was 99% of that actual value, suggesting that the net effect of the 2010 oil spill on the hypoxic zone size was negligible. A tropical storm, however, may have reduced the potential size of the hypoxic zone. Lowering the May nitrogen load to about 70,000 mton N nitrate+nitrite would bring the model's predicted hypoxic zone size down to the management goal of 5000 km(2) and restore hypoxic waters to normoxic conditions.  相似文献   
在过去的几年中,辅助燃料(如旧轮胎和塑料垃圾)在水泥行业应用越来越重要,不仅是价格原因,更重要的是这些应用在经济和环境方面对于处理废弃材料起到了重要作用。水泥回转窑的高温是塑料垃圾焚烧的最好条件。旧轮胎作为辅助燃料的应用已经很长时间了,因为它们的材料、反应行为及对最终产品的影响都已经得到了很好的认知,而塑料垃圾的分析相对比较困难。如塑料瓶子及塑料薄膜往往添加各种不同的色素及添加剂。水泥对锌和其他痕量元素非常敏感,尤其是氯元素。因此,在燃烧前,必须先将PVC材料挑出,而食品包装材料必须先经过清洗避免氯化钠残留而带入氯元素。这就是粉碎垃圾需要完全消解及分析的关键原因。因为垃圾的组成是不均一的,完全  相似文献   
The development of oil and gas recovery offshore of the Mississippi River delta began in shallow water in the 1950s, expanded into deeper waters, and peaked in the 1990s. This area of the outer continental shelf (OCS) is the historical and present location of >90% of all US OCS oil and gas production and reserves. The juxtaposition of its 4000 producing platforms, recovering $10 billion yr(-1) of oil, gas and produced water in the same area where about 28% of the US fisheries catch (by weight) is made and near 40% of the US coastal wetlands, makes this an area worth monitoring for regional pollutant loading. This loading may come from several sources, including sources related to OCS development, but also from the Mississippi River watershed. In this context, any contaminant loading on this shelf may be neither detectable nor significant against a background of climatic or biological variability. We examined the sedimentary record for indicators of industrial byproducts from OCS oil and gas development and of industrial products entering via the Mississippi River, primarily using vanadium (V) and barium (Ba) concentrations normalized for aluminum (Al). Barium is primarily used in drilling muds in the form of barite, whereas V is an important strengthening component of metal alloys, including steel. The fluctuations in the accumulation of Ba, but not V, were coincidental with the presumed use of barite. The fluctuations in V concentration in the sediments were coincidental with the national consumption of V. Copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in sediments fluctuate coincidentally with V, not Ba, thus indicating that the dominant source of these trace metals in offshore sediments were derived from riverine sources, and were not primarily from in situ industrial processes releasing them on the shelf. This is not to suggest that local site-specific contamination is not a significant management or health concern. The low oxygen (hypoxia; < or = 2 mg l(-1)) zone that consistently covers much of this continental shelf's bottom layer in summer is attributed to nitrate loading from the Mississippi River. Increased nitrogen loading from river to shelf stimulates diatom production whose loading to the bottom layer and subsequent metabolism results in oxygen being depleted faster than it is replaced. In the last two decades there has been an increased accumulation of organic matter in sediments near the mouth of the Mississippi River. This coupling between river water, surface water and bottom water has recently expanded westward of the Atchafalaya River delta towards the Texas coast. The accumulation of biogenic silica (BSi) and carbon in dated sediments is coincidental with variations in riverine nitrate flux, but not with either V or Ba accumulation rates. These analyses indicate that both OCS development and riverine sources exert strong influences on the sediment constituents offshore, and that these influences may be independent of one another.  相似文献   
最新的流行病学研究表明,空气中较高浓度的悬浮细颗粒可能对人类的健康有不利的影响。根据该项研究显示,由于心脏病、慢性呼吸问题和肺功能指标恶化而导致死亡率的升高与细尘粒子有关。这些研究结果已经促使欧盟于1999年4月出台了限制空气中二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氧化氮、铅和颗粒物含量的法案(1999/30/EC),对各项指标包括对可吸入PM10颗粒的浓度提出了新的限制性指标。PM10颗粒是指可以通过预分级器分离采集的气体动力学直径小于10 μm的细颗粒。目前研究的兴趣重点逐步偏向PM2.5这些更细微颗粒物,PM2.5这种颗粒物对健康有明显的不利影响。在欧盟指令2008/50/EC中,对PM10和PM2.5都提出了具体测定要求。  相似文献   
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