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Gauging data are available from numerous streams throughout Australia, and these data provide a basis for historical analysis of geomorphic change in stream channels in response to both natural phenomena and human activities. We present a simple method for analysis of these data, and a brief case study of an application to channel change in the Tully River, in the humid tropics of north Queensland. The analysis suggests that this channel has narrowed and deepened, rather than aggraded: channel aggradation was expected, given the intensification of land use in the catchment, upstream of the gauging station. Limitations of the method relate to the time periods over which stream gauging occurred; the spatial patterns of stream gauging sites; the quality and consistency of data collection; and the availability of concurrent land-use histories on which to base the interpretation of the channel changes.  相似文献   
Three‐dimensional seismic data from the Gjallar Ridge were used together with X‐ray diffraction data, scientific boreholes and wireline logs to analyse the seismic structure of a silica diagenetic transformation zone. The following features were identified: (i) an interval some 150 to 300 m thick that contains anomalously high‐amplitude reflections; (ii) a strong reflection event at the top of this interval which cross‐cuts stratigraphy, interpreted as the transformation boundary between opal‐A‐rich and opal‐CT‐rich sediment; (iii) amplitude variations on stratigraphic reflections within the interval, attributed to variations in the proportions of opal‐A and opal‐CT; and (iv) a second, deeper, cross‐cutting reflection event within the interval, interpreted as the transformation boundary between opal‐CT‐rich and quartz‐rich sediment. The base of the interval containing the anomalously high‐amplitude reflections is interpreted as a stratigraphic reflection demarcating the base of the silica‐rich strata. On a stratigraphic reflection within the interval of high amplitudes, roughly circular regions of anomalously high amplitude with diameters of 0·8 to 2·5 km are separated by lower amplitude regions. This pattern is similar to the cells previously identified at the opal‐A to opal‐CT transformation boundary and probably results from more complete transformation of opal‐A to opal‐CT. All of these observations provide the first recognition from seismic data that silica diagenetic transformations are not always narrow boundaries represented by single cross‐cutting seismic reflection events, as implied previously, but can be heterogeneous and hundreds of metres in thickness, as observed at outcrop.  相似文献   
Abstract– Alloys of the refractory metals Re, Os, W, Ir, Ru, Mo, Pt, and Rh with small amounts of Fe and Ni are predicted to be one of the very first high‐temperature condensates in a cooling gas of solar composition. Recently, such alloy grains were found in acid‐resistant residues of the Murchison CM2 chondrite. We used focused ion beam (FIB) preparation to obtain electron‐transparent sections of 15 submicrometer‐sized refractory metal nuggets (RMNs) from the original Murchison residue. We studied their crystallography, microstructures, and internal compositional variations using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Our results show that all RMNs studied have hexagonal close‐packed (hcp) crystal structures despite considerable variations of their bulk compositions. Crystallographic superstructures or signs of spinodal decomposition are absent and defect microstructures are scarce. Internally, RMNs are compositionally homogeneous, with no evidence for zoning patterns or heterogeneities due to exsolution. Many RMNs show well‐defined euhedral crystal shapes and all are nearly perfect single crystal. Our findings are consistent with a direct (near‐) equilibrium condensation of refractory metals into a single alloy at high temperature in the solar nebula as predicted by current condensation models. We suggest that this alloy is generally hcp structured due to an extended ε‐phase field in the relevant multicomponent alloy system. The high degree of structural perfection and compositional homogeneity is attributed to high defect energies, high formation temperatures, slow cooling rates, small grain sizes, and rapid internal diffusion.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A time-dependent model is used to investigate the interaction between climate, extent and fluctuations of Patagonian ice sheet between 45° and 48°S during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and its subsequent deglaciation. The model is applied at 2 km resolution and enables ice thickness, lithospheric response and ice deformation and sliding to interact freely and is perturbed from present day by relative changes in sea level and equilibrium line altitude (ELA). Experiments implemented to identify an LGM configuration compatible with the available empirical record, indicate that a stepped ELA lowering of 750 to 950 m is required over 15000 years to bracket the Fenix I-V suite of moraines at Lago Buenos Aires. However, 900 m of ELA lowering yields an ice sheet which best matches the Fenix V moraine (c. 23000 a BP) and Caldenius' reconstructed LGM limit for the entire modelled area. This optimum LGM experiment yields a highly dynamic, low aspect ice sheet, with a mean ice thickness of c. 1130 m drained by numerous large ice streams to the western, seaward margin and two large, fast-flowing outlet lobes to the east. Forcing this scenario into deglaciation using a re-scaled Vostok ice core record results in an ice sheet that slowly shrinks by 25% to c. 14500 a bp , after which it experiences a rapid collapse, loosing some 85% of its volume in c. 800 years. Its margins stabilize during the Antarctic Cold Reversal after which it shrinks to near present-day limits by 11 000 a bp .  相似文献   
Previous determination of a well-constrained thermal profilerepresenting peak conditions of metamorphism for the contactaureole of the Kiglapait Intrusion, Labrador, provides the basisfor critical comparative geothermometry of cation exchange thermometersapplied to mafic and ultramafic granulites. Knowledge of theshape of the profile and constraints on the temperature of theintruding magma allow calculation of cooling rates which rangefrom 150?C/m.y. at the contact to 30?C/m.y. at 2500 m from thecontact. Substitution of these rates in diffusion equationspermits discrimination between geothermometers which are eitheradequately or poorly calibrated, as well as thermometers whichare probably inappropriate for use in metamorphic terranes.Our results suggest that the two-pyroxene thermometer (Lindsley& Andersen, 1983) is accurate from 950 to 750?C. Below 750?C,both limbs of the miscibility gap require at least minor recalibration,or the projection scheme of Lindsley & Andersen (1983) requiresadjustment. Results from the cpx-ilm thermometer are erraticand imply that the solution models for pyroxene and ilmenite,as presently formulated in this thermometer, are inadequate.Results from the opx-ilm, ol-ilm, and opx-ol thermometers areinconsistent. Theoretical calculations at both high and lowtemperatures show that these three thermometers cannot giveinternally consistent results. Results from Fe-Ti oxide thermometrysuggest that these minerals are easily re-equilibrated due tocation interdiffusion between grains. However some grain pairsappear to retain compositions appropriate to peak thermal conditions.  相似文献   
The application of dendrochronological techniques to shrubs found in arctic and alpine plant communities is opening previously untapped regions to the exploration of plant‐climate ecological relationships and climate reconstruction. In this pilot study, we present growth (1963–2004), reproduction (1963–2004), and stable carbon isotope ratio (1975–2004) chronologies for Cassiope mertensiana from a subalpine site in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA. Based on simple linear correlation analysis, positive correlations characterize plant growth and previous year mean maximum temperature in April and June, suggesting the influence of temperature on snowpack and, in turn, on growing season length, plant and soil insulation, and nutrient and moisture availability. Plant growth and reproduction are significantly correlated with current year July mean maximum temperature and total precipitation, indicating the importance of a warm and extended growing season for optimal plant development. Using step‐wise multiple linear regression analysis, we developed a preliminary calibration model for July mean maximum temperature (R = 0.63), extending over the 1974–2004 time period. This archive has the potential to elucidate multi‐scale, spatially‐explicit, ecological and climatic information for alpine ecosystems situated along a north‐south transect from the southern Yukon to the Pacific Northwest of the United States.  相似文献   
High resolution swath bathymetry data reveal a previously glaciated submarine terrain 20 km offshore Anglesey, north Wales, UK. The detailed documentation of remarkably well-preserved subglacial and ice-marginal bedforms provides evidence for a grounded part of the Irish Sea Ice Stream in a phase of deglaciation. The observed ribbed moraines, drumlins, flutes and eskers indicate a converging ice flow to the west, which then turns south into the deeper central Irish Sea Basin. Using the relative position of the bedforms, their spatial distribution and the morphological resemblance with bedforms described in the literature, this subglacial terrain is interpreted as representing a transition zone of frozen to thawed bed conditions during deglaciation, with an eastwards migrating thawing front that partly altered the edge of the surveyed ribbed moraine field by drumlinization. The abundant De Geer moraines and iceberg scour marks superimposed on drumlins and flutes reveal that the final retreat of the grounded ice margin in the surveyed area terminated into a water-mass with extensive iceberg calving. As the glacial terrain is well preserved, no significant burial has taken place, either by glacially or terrestrially derived sediment. The strong tidal currents at present keep the submarine terrain swept clean of contemporary sediment cover.  相似文献   
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