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Disposal of radioactive waste in the sea floor of fracture zones associated with the flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge may be a satisfactory alternative to land disposal. Effective physiographic, sedimentary, chemical, and oceanographic barriers exist in these aseismic deep canyons, especially in the eastern Atlantic. In addition, the major producers of radioactive wastes are likely to be near the Atlantic Ocean. If such a disposal strategy is adopted, intensive study of the sedimentologic and oceanographic properties of oceanic fracture zones will be necessary.  相似文献   
A review of seismological data on the crustal structure of the East African Rift zone is presented. The only refraction line is that along the Gregory Rift, which indicates a 7.5 km/sec refractor which is presumed to be the Moho. The bulk of data is provided by surface-wave dispersion studies. Some preliminary measurements of crustal and sub-Moho velocities using the University of Durham array at Kaptagat in Kenya are included.

There is now a growing body of evidence that the crust is generally of shield type over the whole rift zone. The exception is along the axis of the Gregory Rift, where a low-velocity Moho and some crustal modification is apparent. This is presumably the result of magma intrusions and suggests some crustal separation along this section of the rift. Sub-Moho velocities are probably normal outside the rifts themselves, though anomalously low upper-mantle velocities are to be associated with rifting. There is firm evidence for thinning of the lithosphere along the eastern branch of the rift. A cross-section of the Gregory Rift which is consistent with the current data is presented.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal syntheses of chlor-hydroxyapatite have been carried out between 300 and 700° C at a constant pressure of 1000 bar. The substitution of OH for Cl varies as a function of the amount of added CaCl2, temperature, and pH. In the main reaction the incorporation of Cl is negligible at 300° C but increases to over 40 mole percent Cl-apatite at 700° C. A simple X-ray method for determining the Cl/Cl+OH ratio has been developed and this is also extended to fluorine-bearing chlor-hydroxyapatites. A number of natural chlor-fluorhydroxyapatites are discussed in the light of the X-ray method and the result of the synthesis.  相似文献   
Summary A comprehensive geological and petrological investigation has been undertaken in an area of about 10 000 km2 in the Indian Himalaya (S-Lahul, Himachal Pradesh). The development of mineral assemblages in metamorphic rocks of medium grade is considered to be a dominant Alpine event, although almost exclusively Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks have been involved. The Barrowian type of this metamorphism, ranging from the anchi- to the sillimanite zone, took place under the elavated T-gradient of about 4°C/100 m. It is suggested that normal geothermal conditions prevailed only in the outermost zone of this orogenic belt. In the Late Tertiary this metamorphic series has been moved as a huge nappe upon the Lower Himalaya. During this process a unique feature of reverse metamorphism has been formed. It can be shown that this feature was caused by a combination of metamorphism and very rapid tectonic movements.
Beziehungen zwischen Metamorphose und Orogenese in einem typischen Querschnitt des Indischen Himalaya
Zusammenfassung Ein etwa 10 000 km2 großes Gebiet des Indischen Himalaya (S-Lahul, Himachal Pradesh) wurde einer umfassenden geologischen und petrographischen Bearbeitung unterzogen. Die Ausbildung der in den mittelgradig metamorphen Gesteinen vorliegenden Mineralparagenesen wird als ein dominant alpines Ereignis betrachtet, obwohl fast nur paläozoische und präkambrische Gesteine einbezogen wurden. Die Metamorphose selbst ist von Barrow-Typus und reicht von der Anchi- bis zur Sillimanitzone. Sie fand unter einem erhöhten Temperaturgradienten von etwa 4°C/100 m statt. Nur in der äußersten Zone des Orogens entsprach der Gradient etwa normalen geothermischen Verhältnissen. Im Spättertiär wurde diese alpin-metamorphe Serie in Form einer mächtigen Kristallindecke dem Niedrigen Himalaya aufgeschoben. Dabei wurde eine einzigartige Zone inverser Metamorphose ausgebildet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß diese inverse Metamorphose durch das Zusammenwirken von Metamorphose und sehr rasch ablaufender Tektonik entstand.

With 13 Figures

Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.B. Sander on the occasion of his 90th birthday.  相似文献   
Resource extraction projects in frontier regions may give rise to many problems concerning their economic viability and also their impact on the environment. The mining and processing activity in the oil sands of Alberta is a case in point. This area comprises one of the largest reservoirs of oil in the world. Long-run supply considerations in both Canada and the rest of the world should lead to further development of these oil sands. However, a review of the first two projects reveals considerable economic and environmental uncertainty. The economics of the project currently under way are questionable mainly because of inflated costs on one hand and uncertain future oil prices on the other. Controversy has developed over aspects of the land, water, and atmospheric environmental impacts of the projects partly because development proceeded before extensive studies were done. All these concerns have led to uncertainty concerning future projects and also the price the people of Alberta and Canada will pay, in economic and environmental terms, for development in this area.  相似文献   
Experiments have been carried out to study the orientation and values of the three principal extensions during folding, and to investigate the nature of the deformation paths of the strain ellipsoids at the fold hinges. Single layers embedded in a matrix were deformed by plane strain pure shear with the layers obliquely inclined to the axes of the bulk strain. The strains on the outer and inner arcs of the fold hinges were measured by means of grids on the layer surfaces. The orientation and values of three principal strains during folding depend on the layer orientation and the degree of deformation, and may be different on the outer and the inner arcs. The deformation paths in the outer arc are generally in the constriction field and those in the inner arc lie in the flattening field. The deformation paths have been computed by analyzing the manner by which components of layer shortening, tangential longitudinal strain and elongation parallel to the fold-hinge line combine to give the finite strain.  相似文献   
The main rock types of the Nemeiben ultramafic complex form grossly concentric layers of clinopyroxenite, websterite, wehrlite and dunite. These rocks were partially amphibolitized late in the Hudsonian orogeny; consequently numerous relict primary textural and mineralogical features are preserved. Disseminated primary magmatic nickeliferous pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, magnetite and chromite occur throughout this complex and local concentrations of sulfides occur. Textures, mineralogy and chemistry of these phases are indicative of a high temperature magmatic origin. Unmixing phenomena in pyrrhotite are attributable to post crystallization dissociation of a high temperature Fe-Ni-Cu-Co monosulfide solid solution. A secondary assemblage of fine-grained iron oxides, sulfides and native metals developed in altered ultramafic rocks. Magnetite and hematite, bravoite, violarite and millerite are among the minerals formed during serpentinization. Trace amounts of nickeliferous copper, native gold and silver occur in hematite veinlets and at the center of hematized former sulfide grains. Supergene alteration has affected most of the sulfides. Thus the most plausible explanation of the opaque minerals is that they represent a metamorphosed primary magmatic assemblage modified by supergene alteration.  相似文献   
New chemical analyses of Mesozoic basalts from Zambia show that low K2O tholeiites are present in central as well as southern Africa. The distribution of geochemical provinces thus recognised supports the view that the Karroo Volcanic Cycle was initiated by the convective uprise of mantle material beneath the Nuanetsi area of Zimbabwe.
Zusammenfassung Neue chemische Analysen mesozoischer Basalte von Zambia zeigen, da\ Tholeiite mit niedrigen Gehalten an K2O sowohl in Zentralals auch in Südafrika vorkommen. Die auf diese Weise ermittelte Verbreitung geochemischer Provinzen unterstützt die Ansicht, da\ der Vulkanische Zyklus von Karroo durch den konvektiven Aufstieg von Mantelmaterial unter dem Gebiet von Nuanetsi Zimbabwes ausgelöst wurde.

Résumé De nouvelles analyses chimiques de basaltes mésozoÎques de Zambie indiquent que des tholéiites à teneur basse en K2O se présentent dans le centre aussi bien que dans le sud de l'Afrique. La distribution des provinces géochimiques ainsi reconnue confirme la théorie que »La Période Volcanique de Karoo« débuta par le soulèvement convectif du matériau du manteau sous la région de Nuanetsi en Zimbabwe.

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Occasional paper No. 75 Geological Survey of Zambia. Published by permission of the Director.

Publishes with the approval of the Director, Institute of Geological Sciences (N.E.R.C.). U.K.  相似文献   
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