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We examined H4 chondrites Beaver Creek, Forest Vale, Quenggouk, Ste. Marguerite, and Sena with the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) techniques of Ruzicka and Hugo (2018) to determine if there is evidence for shock metamorphism consistent with the previously inferred histories of their early impact excavation or lack thereof. We find that all samples have EBSD data consistent with a history of synmetamorphic impact shock (i.e., shock during thermal metamorphism), followed by postshock annealing. Petrographic analysis of Sena, Quenggouk, and Ste. Marguerite found exsolved Cu and irregular troilite within Fe metal, features consistent with shock metamorphism. All samples have a spatial variability in grain deformation consistent with shock processes, though Forest Vale, Quenggouk, and Ste. Marguerite may have relict signatures of accretional deformation as indicated by variability in their olivine deformation metrics. Within the context of previous workers' geochemical observations, a more complex history is inferred for each sample. The “slow-cooled” samples, Quenggouk and Sena, were subject to synmetamorphic shock without excavation and annealed at depth. The same is true of the “fast-cooled” samples, Beaver Creek, Forest Vale, and Ste. Marguerite. However, after annealing, these rocks were excavated by a secondary impact or impacts around 5.2–6.5 Ma post-CAI formation and were left to cool rapidly on the surface of the H chondrite parent body. These interpreted histories are best compatible with a model of an impact-battered but intact onion shell for the earliest history of the H parent body. However, the EBSD evidence does not preclude a parent body disruption after 7 Ma post-CAI formation.  相似文献   
The climates of the mid-Holocene (MH, 6,000 years ago) and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21,000 years ago) have been extensively documented and as such, have become targets for the evaluation of climate models for climate contexts very different from the present. In Part 1 of the present work, we have studied the MH and LGM simulations performed with the last two versions of the IPSL model: IPSL_CM4, run for the PMIP2/CMIP3 (Coupled Model Intercomparion Project) projects and IPSL_CM5A, run for the most recent PMIP3/CMIP5 projets. We have shown that not only are these models different in their simulations of the PI climate, but also in their simulations of the climatic anomalies for the MH and LGM. In the Part 2 of this paper, we first examine whether palaeo-data can help discriminate between the model performances. This is indeed the case for the African monsoon for the MH or for North America south of the Laurentide ice sheet, the South Atlantic or the southern Indian ocean for the LGM. For the LGM, off-line vegetation modelling appears to offer good opportunities to distinguish climate model results because glacial vegetation proves to be very sensitive to even small differences in LGM climate. For other cases such as the LGM North Atlantic or the LGM equatorial Pacific, the large uncertainty on the SST reconstructions, prevents model discrimination. We have examined the use of other proxy-data for model evaluation, which has become possible with the inclusion of the biogeochemistry morel PISCES in the IPSL_CM5A model. We show a broad agreement of the LGM–PI export production changes with reconstructions. These changes are related to the mixed layer depth in most regions and to sea-ice variations in the high latitudes. We have also modelled foraminifer abundances with the FORAMCLIM model and shown that the changes in foraminifer abundance in the equatorial Pacific are mainly forced by changes in SSTs, hence confirming the SST-foraminifer abundance relationship. Yet, this is not the case in all regions in the North Atlantic, where food availability can have a strong impact of foraminifer abundances. Further work will be needed to exhaustively examine the role of factors other than climate in piloting changes in palaeo-indicators.  相似文献   
Powdered samples of some jarosite-type compounds were analysed at room temperature by 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. This group of compounds is described by the formula: MFe3(SO4)2(OH)6, where M can be H3O+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Ag+, NH 4 + , Tl+, 1/2Pb2+ or 1/2Hg2+. Although all the spectra were very similar, a linear relationship between the quadrupole splitting and the iron content of the samples was observed for the monovalent jarosite-type compounds.  相似文献   
Image photometry reveals that the F ring is approximately twice as bright during the Cassini tour as it was during the Voyager flybys of 1980 and 1981. It is also three times as wide and has a higher integrated optical depth. We have performed photometric measurements of more than 4800 images of Saturn’s F ring taken over a 5-year period with Cassini’s Narrow Angle Camera. We show that the ring is not optically thin in many observing geometries and apply a photometric model based on single-scattering in the presence of shadowing and obscuration, deriving a mean effective optical depth τ  0.033. Stellar occultation data from Voyager PPS and Cassini VIMS validate both the optical depth and the width measurements. In contrast to this decades-scale change, the baseline properties of the F ring have not changed significantly from 2004 to 2009. However, we have investigated one major, bright feature that appeared in the ring in late 2006. This transient feature increased the ring’s overall mean brightness by 84% and decayed with a half-life of 91 days.  相似文献   
The Vicência meteorite, a stone of 1.547 kg, fell on September 21, 2013, at the village Borracha, near the city of Vicência, Pernambuco, Brazil. It was recovered immediately after the fall, and our consortium study showed it to be an unshocked (S1) LL3.2 ordinary chondrite. The LL group classification is based on the bulk density (3.13 g cm?3); the chondrule mean apparent diameter (0.9 mm); the bulk oxygen isotopic composition (δ17O = 3.768 ± 0.042‰, δ18O = 5.359 ± 0.042‰, Δ17O = 0.981 ± 0.020‰); the content of metallic Fe,Ni (1.8 vol%); the Co content of kamacite (1.73 wt%); the bulk contents of the siderophile elements Ir and Co versus Au; and the ratios of metallic Fe0/total iron (0.105) versus total Fe/Mg (1.164), and of Ni/Mg (0.057) versus total Fe/Mg. The petrologic type 3.2 classification is indicated by the beautifully developed chondritic texture, the standard deviation (~0.09) versus mean Cr2O3 content (~0.14 wt%) of ferroan olivine, the TL sensitivity and the peak temperature and peak width at half maximum, the cathodoluminescence properties of chondrules, the content of trapped 132Xetr (0.317 × 10?8cm3STP g?1), and the Raman spectra for organic material in the matrix. The cosmic ray exposure age is ~72 Ma, which is at the upper end of the age distribution of LL group chondrites. The meteorite is unusual in that it contains relatively large, up to nearly 100 μm in size, secondary fayalite grains, defined as olivine with Fa>75, large enough to allow in situ measurement of oxygen and Mn‐Cr isotope systematics with SIMS. Its oxygen isotopes plot along a mass‐dependent fractionation line with a slope of ~0.5 and Δ17O of 4.0 ± 0.3‰, and are similar to those of secondary fayalite and magnetite in the unequilibrated chondrites EET 90161, MET 96503, and Ngawi. These data suggest that secondary fayalite in Vicência was in equilibrium with a fluid with a Δ17O of ~4‰, consistent with the composition of the fluid in equilibrium with secondary magnetite and fayalite in other unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. Secondary fayalite and the chondrule olivine phenocrysts in Vicência are not in isotopic equilibrium, consistent with low‐temperature formation of fayalite during aqueous alteration on the LL parent body. That alteration, as dated by the 53Mn‐53Cr chronology age of secondary fayalite, took place 4.0 ? 1.1 + 1.4 Ma after formation of CV CAIs when anchored to the quenched angrite D'Orbigny.  相似文献   
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchment area has been monitored simultaneously for sediment and nutrient exports from 10 priority catchments discharging into the GBR lagoon between 2006 and 2009. This allows GBR catchment-wide exports to be estimated and spatially compared within a discrete time-frame. Elevated levels of sediment and nutrient exports were recorded in all monitored catchments as compared to pre-European estimates, but vary around previous estimates of mean annual loads. During the period of monitoring, the Burdekin and Fitzroy catchments contributed the highest sediment and nutrient exports, however when loads were normalised for area, these catchments produced the lowest unit yields. In contrast, the highest yields were produced in the wetter and proportionately more intensively cultivated Johnstone, O'Connell, and Pioneer catchments particularly for dissolved nitrogens. This assessment offers the necessary scientific foundation for future monitoring, assessment, and management of sediment and nutrient loads entering the GBR.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first application of the event‐based MHYDAS‐Erosion model to a small agricultural watershed under temperate climate conditions (Quebec, Canada). Simulation results based on observed and synthetic rainfall events revealed a bimodal behaviour of sediment yield. During high‐intensity rainfall events, most of the sediments reaching the watershed outlet originate from cropland. Meanwhile, during low‐intensity events, most of the sediments come from the drainage network. Furthermore, simulation results show that implementation of 5‐m and 20‐m wide vegetated filters throughout the watershed or at the edge of the most problematic fields (4% of the total fields) could reduce soil loss by 52% and 31%, respectively. The modeling framework could be used for the design and location of beneficial management practices such as grass strips and riparian zones Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receivers, the first signal processing stage is the acquisition, which consists of detecting the received GNSS signals and determining the associated code delay and Doppler frequency by means of correlations with a code and carrier replicas. These codes, as part of the GNSS signal, were chosen to have very good correlation properties without considering the effect of a potential received Doppler frequency. In the literature, it is often admitted that the maximum GPS L1 C/A code cross-correlation is about ?24 dB. We show that this maximum can be as high as ?19.2 dB when considering a Doppler frequency in a typical range of [?5, 5] kHz. We also show the positive impact of the coherent integration time on the cross-correlation and that even a satellite with Doppler outside the frequency search space of a receiver impacts the cross-correlation. In addition, the expression of the correlation is often provided in the continuous time domain, while its implementation is typically made in the discrete domain. It is then legitimate to ask the validity of this approximation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is twofold: First, we discuss typical approximations and evaluate their regions of validity, and second, we provide characteristic values such as maximums and quantiles of the auto- and cross-correlation of the GPS L1 C/A and Galileo E1 OS codes in the presence of Doppler, for frequency ranges up to 50 kHz and for different integration times.  相似文献   
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