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Study of a high SO2 event observed over an urban site in western India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continuous measurements of SO2, NOx and O3 along with sampling based measurements of CO, CH4, NMHCs and CO2 were carried out during May, 2010 at Ahmedabad. The diurnal variations of SO2 in ambient air exhibited elevated values during the night and lower levels during the sunlit hours. The mean concentration of SO2 during the study period was 0.95 ± 0.88 ppbv. However, the ambient SO2 exceeded 17 ppbv in the night of 20 May, 2010. On the same day, tropospheric columnar SO2 from OMI showed almost 350% increase corroborating the surface observations over an extended height regime. This was also the highest columnar value of SO2 during the summer of 2010. Columnar loadings were also found to be high for formaldehyde, precipitable water vapor and aerosol optical depth on 20 May. Elevated concentrations were also recorded for other trace gases like NO2 and O3. Analysis of related data of trace gases indicated characteristics of fresh emissions with dominant contributions from mobile sources during the study period. However, SO2/NO2 ratio of 0.36 during the event period on 20th May connotes non-local influences. Analyses of meteorological parameters suggest combined impacts of transport and inversion causing higher levels of SO2 and other pollutants during 20?C21 May. Episodes of such enhancements may perturb chemical and radiative balance of the atmosphere.  相似文献   
During aircraft flights in May 1981 from Munich (40°N) to north of the Spitsbergen Islands (82°N) and to Monrovia, Liberia (6°N), air samples were obtained in the altitude range of 8 to 11 km and during the ascents and descents near the airports. These samples have been analyzed for the trace gas mixing ratios of CH4, CO and N2O. The results of these analyses are presented and discussed.The results provide new evidence of tropospheric-stratospheric exchange events in the vicinity of the subpolar and subtropical tropopause foldings and possibly show a case of transport of CO-enriched air in the upper troposphere above the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
A World Bank-aided project on sodic land reclamation in Uttar Pradesh is being executed by U.P. Bhumi Sudhar Nigam, Lucknow, and Remote Sensing Applications Centre, U.P., Lucknow has the responsibility of sodic land mapping for the execution of land reclamation programme at the cadastral level. Sodic lands are mainly concentrated in the Gangetic alluvial plains but the problem of sodicity is particularly acute in the canal-irrigated areas. A study of the distribution pattern of sodic lands in canal and noncanal command areas in a reclamation site (covering 60 villages out of which sodic lands were mapped in 51 villages) of Etah district in Uttar Pradesh, indicates that 18.39 per cent area of the canal command villages was barren sodic which was 13.41 per cent of the total geographical area of the site (15417 ha), however, 11.69 per cent area was recorded to be barren sodic in the non-canal command villages which was only 3.16 per cent of the geographical area of the site. The results of soil chemical analysis indicate that barren sodic lands of canal command area are saline-sodic with higher concentration of soluble salts (pH2 >8.5, EC2 >4 dSm−1), however, those of non-canal command area are sodic (pH2 >8.5, EC2 <4 dSm−1). The post-monsoon ground level in the canal-irrigated areas was in the critical and semicritical zone (< 3.0 mbgl) whereas it was well below the semi-critical zone in the non-canal command area, which indicates that the high ground water level is a major factor to higher the area under sodicity.  相似文献   
Kopal (Adv. Astron. Astrophys., 9, 1, 1972) introduced the concept of Roche equipotentials to analyse the effects of rotational and tidal distortions in case of stars in binary systems. In this approach a mathematical expression for the potential of a star in a binary system is obtained by approximating its inner structure with Roche model. This expression for the potential has been used in subsequent analysis by various authors to analyse the problems of structures and oscillations of synchronous and nonsynchronus binary stars as well as single rotating stars. Occasionally, doubts have been expressed regarding the validity of the use of this approach for analysing nonsynchronous binaries and rotationally and tidally distorted single stars. In this paper we have tried to clarify these doubts.  相似文献   
Godavari sub-watershed is a part of buried pediplain developed over ‘Chotanagpur’ granite gneiss. Aquifer is unconfined in nature and groundwater occurs under water table condition. In the study area, groundwater is being exploited only through dugwells which are not capable of sustaining long duration pumping. Groundwater exploration involves the investigation of depth and nature of weathered and fractured horizon. To understand the groundwater storage and retrieval in the area, the basement topography derived from Digital Basement Topography Modelling (DBTM), the lineaments identified on remotely sensed data and geohydrological and physiographic data have been analysed. From DBTM, fracture zones have also been inferred. Lineaments (probable fractures) identified with the help of remotely sensed data are linear features representated on a planner surface. Lineaments in the area are subtle in expression due to deeply buried pediplian. Correlation of lineaments with DBTM reveals that a few lineaments/fractures are deep seated and a few have no sub-surface extensions. Also some sub-surface fractures inferred from DBTM have no expressions on the image. Attempt has been made to delineate more authentic lineaments/fractures with the help of remotely sensed data and DBTM. Correlation of probable fractures inferred from remotely sensed data and fracture zones inferred from DBTM indicated that 40 per cent of lineaments seems to be real fractures. Higher correlation may be achieved where lineaments are prominent and reproducible. It has also been observed that those lineaments which correlate with the fracture zones inferred from DBTM, are also not completely traceable in their linear extent. The exaggeration in length of lineaments may be due to subtle nature of lineaments. Correlation shows that remotely sensed lineaments are improtant for groundwater exploration and its authenticity can be further ascertained with DBTM.  相似文献   
We have determined the production yields for radionuclides in Al2O3, SiO2, S, Ar, K2SO4, CaCO3, Fe, Ni and Cu targets, which were irradiated with slow negative muons at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen (Switzerland). The fluences of the stopped negative muons were determined by measuring the muonic X-rays. The concentrations of the long-lived and short-lived radionuclides were measured with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and γ-spectroscopy, respectively. Special emphasis was put on the radionuclides 10Be, 14C and 26Al produced in quartz targets, 26Al in Al2O3 and S targets, 36Cl in K2SO4 and CaCO3 targets, and 53Mn in Fe2O3 targets. These targets were selected because they are also the naturally occurring target minerals for cosmic ray interactions in typical rocks. We also present results of calculations for depth-dependent production rates of radionuclides produced after cosmic ray μ capture, as well as cosmic ray-induced production rates of geologically relevant radionuclides produced by the nucleonic component, by μ capture, by fast muons and by neutron capture.  相似文献   
Measurements of five cosmogenic32Si vertical profiles in Atlantic waters (27°N to 60°S) are presented. The amounts of dissolved SiO2 extracted range from 2 to 54 g; the amounts of water from which SiO2 was extracted range between 540 kg and 270, 000 kg. In additon, SiO2 recovered from four surface particulate composites (64°N to 61°S) were also analyzed for32Si.32Si measurements were made by milking and counting the daughter activity, 32P. The net32P activities range from 0.7 to 6.8 cph; typical errors in measurements of the32P activities are 20–30%.The32Si concentrations vary from 0.6 dpm/106 kg of water in the North Atlantic surface waters to 235 dpm/106 kg at 400 m depth in the circumpolar waters. The vertical profiles of32Si at the five Atlantic stations approximately follow the Si profiles but the depth gradients are different. This would be expected also considering the in-situ release mechanisms due to dissolution and advection/diffusion from the bottom waters. Except for the circumpolar station 89, where the Si and32Si profiles show the effect of marked vertical mixing (nearly depth independent profiles), the profiles show the following features: (1) specific activities of32Si (32Si/SiO2 ratios) are lowest at intermediate depths, and (2) on an average the surface specific activities are higher, by 2–4 times, than the bottom water values. These data are consistent with generation of the highest specific activity32Si waters at the surface, where Si concentrations are lowest and precipitation adds cosmogenic32Si scavenged from the troposphere. Rapid removal of biogenic silica to the water-sediment interface, without much dissolution during transit, leads to the second regime of high32Si specific activities.The32Si inventories in the water column in the latitude belt 27°N-27°S are in the range (1–1.4) × 10−2 dpm32Si/cm2, which is consistent with the expected fallout of cosmogenic32Si. However, the32Si column inventories south of 40°S are higher by a factor of 5–7, whereas the corresponding Si inventories increase by only a factor of 3. This excess32Si in the Southern Ocean cannot be explained by direct fallout from the stratosphere or by melting of Antarctic snow and ice. Instead, this excess is maintained primarily by the southward deep-water transport of32Si dissolved from sinking particulates.  相似文献   
Knowledge of seasonal variation in soil structural and related properties is important for the determination of critical periods during which soil is susceptible to accelerated erosion and other degradative processes. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the magnitude of seasonal variations in selected soil and deposited sediment properties in relation to soil erodibility for a Miamian silt-loam soil (Typic Hapludalf) in central Ohio. Erosion plots (USLE-type) were established on a 4·5% slope and maintained under bare, ploughed conditions from 1988 to 1991. Particle size distribution, bulk density(ρb), percentage water stable aggregates (WSA), soil organic carbon (SOC), and total soil nitrogen (TSN) of both soil and sediment samples were monitored between Autumn 1989 and Spring 1991. The soil and sediment particle size distributions followed no clear seasonal trends. Soil ρb increased following tillage (1·20 Mg m−3) and was highest (1·45 Mg m−3) during the autumn owing to soil slumping and consolidation upon drying. Low winter and spring values of ρb and %WSA (20–50% lower than in autumn) were attributed to excessive wetness and freeze–thaw effects. Both SOC and soil TSN contents progressively declined (from 2·18 to 1·79% and 1·97 to 1·75 g kg−1, respectively) after ploughing owing to maintenance of plots under bare, fallow conditions. Spring highs and autumn lows of sediment SOC (3·12 vs. 2·44%) and TSN (2·70 vs. 1·96 g kg−1) contents were a result of the combined effects of soil microbial activity and rainfall erosivity. Soil properties such as bulk density, SOC and WSA, which vary seasonally, can potentially serve as predictors of seasonal soil erodibility, which, in turn, could improve the predictive capacity of soil erosion prediction models. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Particulates amounting to 0.1–2.0 g efficiently collected from large volumes of Atlantic and Pacific surface waters have been analyzed for carbonate, opal, quartz and several natural and man-made radioisotopes.The concentrations of particles range between 10 and 600 μg/kg. In the equatorial regions particle concentrations are low and similar in both the oceans. At higher latitudes (>30°N or S), the Atlantic waters, however, have higher concentrations of particles compared to those in the Pacific. The latitudinal distribution exhibits a north-south symmetry with higher concentrations in the 30°–60° belt. Based on the particulate abundance for CaCO3 and opal and their sedimentation, we have estimated their production and in-situ integrated dissolution rates for a few regions.Radioisotopes having different source functions, namely14C and239Pu injected due to nuclear weapon tests,234Th,230Th and228Th produced in-situ in seawater,232Th which derives primarily from land,210Pb introduced via wet precipitations and226Ra introduced through diffusion from deep-sea sediments have been measured in the particulates. The relative enrichment factors for these nuclides in particles vary as Th ? Pu > Pb > Ra. The atmospheric bomb fallout pattern is discernible in the surface particulates; the239Pu concentration increases with latitude in both the hemispheres; however, the values are about a factor of two lower in the southern hemisphere.The distribution pattern of radioisotopes is found to be complex, even for234Th whose source function in the oceans is uniform. In view of the differences in the source functions it becomes possible to delineate the principal geochemical/geophysical processes which determine the concentrations of these nuclides in surface waters.  相似文献   
We propose suitable modifications in the concept of Roche equipotentials to account for the effect of mass distribution inside a star. The Kippenhahn and Thomas (1970) approach is used to incorporate the effects of rotational and tidal forces in the equations of stellar structure. The proposed method is applied to compute structures of certain rotationally and tidally distorted polytropic models.  相似文献   
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