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The Grüneisen ratio, γ, is defined as γy=αK TV/Cv. The volume dependence of γ(V) is solved for a wide range in temperature. The volume dependence of αK T is solved from the identity (? ln(αK T)/? ln V)Tδ T-K′. α is the thermal expansivity; K T is the bulk modulus; C V is specific heat; and δ Tand K′ are dimensionless thermoelastic constants. The approach is to find values of δ T and K′, each as functions of T and V. We also solve for q=(? ln γ/? ln V) where q=δ T -K′+ 1-(? ln C V/? ln V)T. Calculations are taken down to a compression of 0.6, thus covering all possible values pertaining to the earth's mantle, q=? ln γ/? ln V; δ T=? ln α/? ln V; and K′= (?K T/?P)T. New experimental information related to the volume dependence of δ T, q, K′ and C V was used. For MgO, as the compression, η=V/V 0, drops from 1.0 to 0.7 at 2000 K, the results show that q drops from 1.2 to about 0.8; δ T drops from 5.0 to 3.2; δ T becomes slightly less than K′; ? ln C V/? In V→0; and γ drops from 1.5 to about 1. These observations are all in accord with recent laboratory data, seismic observations, and theoretical results.  相似文献   
— Earthquake faultings have a wide variety of slip behaviors, such as, a log-linear frequency-magnitude relation, characteristic earthquakes, slow slip events, and so on. We report a model which can reproduce a certain variety of observed complex slip behaviors on a fault. Our 3-D model simulates the seismic cycle on a shallow dipping subduction fault in a homogeneous elastic half-space, on which frictional sliding is controlled by a rate- and state-dependent friction law. We find that the behaviors of reproduced seismic cycles depend on a lateral dimension of a seismogenic zone (H) with respect to a constant seismogenic width in dip direction (W). The following three domains appear in the seismic cycle behaviors: (1) Regular, periodic behaviors when H is comparable to W; (2) transitional, quasi-periodic behaviors when H/W~ 3; and (3) complex behaviors when H/W is larger than about 4. The slip behavior in the domain (1) is characterized by a periodical recurrence of a characteristic earthquake, which is centered in strike direction. In the domain (2), although earthquakes are still centered, these recurrence intervals and the sizes are modulated within a certain range. Also, in the domain (3), earthquakes occur not only at the center but at various lateral positions on the seismogenic zone. In this domain, the log-linear frequency-magnitude relations, like the Gutenberg-Richter relation, are produced. Slow slip events also occur at source areas of the earthquakes. It is suggested that a heterogeneous stress distribution at a source region is important, as well as heterogeneities in friction properties on the fault, for understanding the wide variety of slip behaviors in faultings.  相似文献   
在以往实验的基础上,跟踪调查了筛选出的化学诱导物质对紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)幼虫变态后的生长和成活率的影响,并比较了其与相同条件下自然诱导物、微生物膜诱导后的稚贝的生长和成活率.实验结果表明,肾上腺素、苯肾上腺素、可乐宁、KCI和NH_4Cl 5种化学物质均成功地诱导了该种幼虫的变态,其变态后稚贝同微生物诱导变态后的稚贝以相同的速度生长,且在培育过程中无死亡稚贝出现.因此,这些化学物质可作为该种养殖以及海洋防污染研究中幼虫变态的有效人工诱导物.  相似文献   
The seasonal intensive sampling of gases and particulate matter in ambient air was conducted at the site established in urban area of Japan to study the seasonal difference of the temporal variation of gases and particulate matter concentrations in urban atmosphere as well as to illustrate the different transport regimes that impacts air pollutants. The sample was collected by the four-stage filter-pack method with 6-h interval for one week in four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter). The trans-boundary transport of air pollutants with high concentration was characteristically observed in the spring sampling. On the other hand, we could successfully detect the in-country transports of air pollutants in the summer sampling. Four-season’s intensive survey considered, we could show the characteristic transport of air pollutants to provide the episodic high concentration for ambient air in the urban area of Japan, and successfully illustrate the seasonal-dependent transport regimes to impact on air pollutants.  相似文献   
Coral reef terraces are one of the best recorders of relative sea-level changes during the last glacial cycle. Thus far, knowledge of relative sea-level record based on coral reefs during the marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (OIS) 3 has been limited to studies of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. High-precision a α-spectrometric 230Th/234U dating demonstrated an offlapping sequence of five coral reef complexes, ages of which are 66, 64, 62, 55 and 52 ka, in the northern part of Kikai Island, central Ryukyus of Japan. Interstadial reefs, characterized by deepening-upward sequences of coral assemblages, recorded three hemicycles from transgression to highstand at 52, 62, and 66 ka, during which these reefs were drowned. These highstands in the relative sea-level record can be correlated with the eustatic record reconstructed from the Huon reef terraces and with the interstadials 14, 18, and 19 of the GISP 2 oxygen isotope record. This consistency confirms the Huon sea-level record of OIS 3 and implies that the eustatic sea level responded to the millennial-scale climate changes even during the glacial period of OIS 4.  相似文献   
The Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal vent field (24°51′N, 122°42′E) is located at water depths of 1370–1385 m near the western edge of the southern Okinawa Trough. During the YK03–05 and YK04–05 expeditions using the submersible Shinkai 6500, both hydrothermal precipitates (sulfide/sulfate/carbonate) and high temperature fluids (Tmax = 328°C) presently venting from chimney‐mound structures were extensively sampled. The collected venting fluids had a wide range of chemistry (Cl concentration 376–635 mmol kg?1), which is considered as evidence for sub‐seafloor phase separation. While the Cl‐enriched smoky black fluids were venting from two adjacent chimney‐mound structures in the hydrothermal center, the clear transparent fluids sometimes containing CO2 droplet were found in the peripheral area of the field. This distribution pattern could be explained by migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid within a porous sediment layer after the sub‐seafloor phase separation. The collected hydrothermal precipitates demonstrated a diverse range of mineralization, which can be classified into five groups: (i) anhydrite‐rich chimneys, immature precipitates including sulfide disseminations in anhydrite; (ii) massive Zn‐Pb‐Cu sulfides, consisting of sphalerite, wurtzite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and marcasite; (iii) Ba‐As chimneys, composed of barite with sulfide disseminations, sometimes associated with realgar and orpiment overgrowth; (iv) Mn‐rich chimneys, consisting of carbonates (calcite and magnesite) and sulfides (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, alabandite, and minor amount of tennantite and enargite); and (v) pavement, silicified sediment including abundant native sulfur or barite. Sulfide/sulfate mineralization (groups i–iii) was found in the chimney–mound structure associated with vapor‐loss (Cl‐enriched) fluid venting. In contrast, the sulfide/carbonate mineralization (group iv) was specifically found in the chimneys where vapor‐rich (Cl‐depleted) fluid venting is expected, and the pavement (group v) was associated with diffusive venting from the seafloor sediment. This correspondence strongly suggests that the subseafloor phase separation plays an important role in the diverse range of mineralization in the Yonaguni IV field. The observed sulfide mineral assemblage was consistent with the sulfur fugacity calculated from the FeS content in sphalerite/wurtzite and the fluid temperature for each site, which suggests that the shift of the sulfur fugacity due to participation of volatile species during phase separation is an important factor to induce diverse mineralization. In contrast, carbonate mineralization is attributed to the significant mixing of vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid and seawater. A submarine hydrothermal system within a back‐arc basin in the continental margin may be considered as developed in a geologic setting favorable to a diverse range of mineralization, where relatively shallow water depth induces sub‐seafloor phase separation of hydrothermal fluid, and sediment accumulation could enhance migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   
The 2.45-Byr-old weathering profile developed on early Proterozoic mafic volcanics located near Cooper Lake, Ontario, Canada, was examined geochemically and mineralogically for a better understanding of the atmospheric oxygen evolution. Ferrous to ferric ion, Fe(II) and Fe(III), respectively, ratios of the bulk rock samples were analyzed by Mössbauer spectrometry. The total Fe (Fe(T)) and Fe(II) concentrations decrease from 12.0 and 11.2 wt.% to 1.85 and 0.89 wt.%, respectively, from the bottom to the top of the weathering profile. The Fe(T) and Fe(II) concentrations normalized to Ti and Zr, as well as the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio of raw data, linearly decrease with depth toward the top, while the Fe(III) concentration remains nearly constant throughout the profile. The linear decrease of Fe(II), accompanied by the nearly constant distribution of Fe(III), is difficult to be explained by the scenario of oxidizing weathering and subsequent reducing hydrothermal alteration. The behaviors of Fe(II) and Fe(III) can be simply explained by anoxic weathering. The anoxic weathering suggests that the 2.45-Ga atmosphere was anoxic. The slight increase of Fe/(Fe+Mg) in the octahedral sites of chlorite toward the top and no Ce anomaly in the REE patterns are also consistent with anoxic weathering.  相似文献   
In low-lying areas of urban and suburban regions in Asia, the use of landfill has allowed urban land use to encroach onto watery landforms, such as back marshes, which were formerly used as rice fields. To improve understanding of the associations between land-use patterns and landfill development, we carried out a case study in the urban fringe of Metro Manila in the Philippines. We examined landfill volume derived from land-use change using GIS, and field surveyed qualitative aspects of the landfill used. We calculated the rate of application of landfill in low-lying housing development areas to be 5.0 × 10m3 km?2 year?1, most of which consisted of offsite disposal of construction waste or crushed rock produced by urban development and renewal on the adjoining uplands. The flow of fill material from offsite sources to onsite landfill development areas was on the basis of individual agreements between suppliers and developers.  相似文献   
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