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Abstract Several small bodies of metabasite (maximum dimensions of 1000 m x 500 m) are included in the metamorphic rocks of the Nevado-Filabride Complex in the Betic Cordilleras (Almeria Region). The body of 400 m x 100 m, located 200 m due west of the Lubrin village, contains troctolitic gabbro with well-preserved igneous textures and mineral compositions, wholly amphibolitized gabbro, garnet-bearing metagabbro eclogite. Along with the textural and mineral changes, sensible and regular geochemical variations can be observed, where the content of MgO decreases from 24% to 11%, while that of CaO and Na2O increases from 7% to 11% and from 2% to 3%, respectively. In addition, the content of some minor elements such as Sr, Y, Nb, Zr and Sc increases while that of Ni and Cr decreases from troctolitic gabbro to the eclogite. The amphibolitized gabbro shows values scattered around those of the troctolitic gabbro. These geochemical variations are ascribed to inherited differences in the pre-metamorphic protolith, i.e. a fractionated gabbro which varies from olivine-rich to clinopyroxene-rich gabbro. Nevertheless, some metasomatism affected the Lubrin body without changing the main chemical trends, as documented by the significantly different 87Sr/86Sr ratios of each rock-type. This points to a metasomatism which involved the introduction of crustal radiogenic strontium. The petrographical and mineral chemical features are interpreted to be the result of syn-metamorphic fluid circulation possibly combined with deformation by shearing. The igneous texture and mineral chemistry have been retained wherever both fluid circulation and shearing were ineffective. On the contrary, where both events were effective, the formation of eclogite occurred. Later, the entire body underwent a retrogressive amphi-bolitic stage under greenschist facies conditions, which was probably responsible for the formation of the amphibolitized gabbro portion and for the retrogression of the eclogite.  相似文献   
Summary. Sea-level records at nine ports along the coasts of Namibia and South Africa are used to establish the existence of coastal trapped disturbances in sea-level as a response to the passage of synoptic weather systems. Using spectral analysis the characteristics and spatial variability of the sea-level fluctuations are identified. The results of cross-correlation analyses performed on sea-level data at adjacent ports for two periods during 1982 are discussed in detail to examine the propagation of coastal trapped waves round the coast.  相似文献   
New K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar data of tholeiitic and alkaline dike swarms from the onshore basement of the Santos Basin (SE Brazil) reveal Mesozoic and Tertiary magmatic pulses. The tholeiitic rocks (basalt, dolerite, and microgabbro) display high TiO2 contents (average 3.65 wt%) and comprise two magmatic groups. The NW-oriented samples of Group A have (La/Yb)N ratios between 15 and 32.3 and range in age from 192.9±2.2 to 160.9±1.9 Ma. The NNW-NNE Group B samples, with (La/Yb)N ratios between 7 and 16, range from 148.3±3 to 133.9±0.5 Ma. The alkaline rocks (syenite, trachyte, phonolite, alkaline basalts, and lamprophyre) display intermediate–K contents and comprise dikes, plugs, and stocks. Ages of approximately 82 Ma were obtained for the lamprophyre dikes, 70 Ma for the syenite plutons, and 64–59 Ma for felsic dikes. Because Jurassic–Early Cretaceous basic dikes have not been reported in SE Brazil, we might speculate that, during the emplacement of Group A dikes, extensional stresses were active in the region before the opening of the south Atlantic Ocean and coeval with the Karoo magmatism described in South Africa. Group B dikes yield ages compatible with those obtained for Serra Geral and Ponta Grossa magmatism in the Paraná Basin and are directly related to the breakup of western Gondwana. Alkaline magmatism is associated with several tectonic episodes that postdate the opening of the Atlantic Ocean and related to the upwelling of the Trindade plume and the generation of Tertiary basins southeast of Brazil. In the studied region, alkaline magmatism can be subdivided in two episodes: the first one represented by lamprophyre dykes of approximately 82 Ma and the second comprised of felsic alkaline stocks of approximately 70 Ma and associated dikes ranging from 64 to 59 Ma.


Novos dados K–Ar e 40Ar/39Ar de enxames de diques toleíticos e alcalinos localizados no embasamento onshore da Bacia de Santos (SE Brasil) apontam para diferentes pulsos magmáticos ocorridos entre o Jurássico e o Terciário. Os diques de rochas toleíticas (basalto, diabásio e microgabro), são mais velhos, exibem altos teores de TiO2 (3,65% peso na média) e podem ser subdivididos em dois grupos magmáticos. O Grupo A aflora a norte da Bacia de Resende, compreende diques orientados na direção NW, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 15 e 32,3, e idades entre 192.9±2.2 e 160.9±1.9 Ma. O Grupo B aflora a sul e a leste da Bacia de Resende, engloba diques orientados na direção NNW e NNE, com razões (La/Yb)N entre 7 e 16, e idades obtidas entre 148.3±3 e 133.9±0.5 Ma. As rochas alcalinas (sienito, traquito, fonolito, basalto alcalino e lamprófiro) possuem teores médios de K, e afloram como diques, plugs e stocks.. As idades obtidas são de ca. 82 Ma para os diques lamprofíricos, de ca. 70 Ma para os plugs sieníticos, e entre 64 e 59 Ma para os diques félsicos. Como estas idades Jurássicas para diques toleíticos ainda não foram descritas para a região sudeste do Brasil, pode-se especular que durante o emplacement dos diques do GrupoA o cenário tectônico indicaria esforços extensionais anteriores à abertura do Oceano atlântico Sul, e contemporânea ao derrame basáltico do Karoo na África do Sul. Já os diques do Grupo B são contemporâneos ao magmatismo Serra Geral e ao enxame de diques de Ponta Grossa, e portanto este episódio está diretamente relacionado à separação entre o Brasil e África no Cretáceo. O magmatismo alcalino está associado a diversos episódios tectônicos que sucedem à abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul e que resultaram no desenvolvimento das Bacias terciárias do sudeste brasileiro. Está provavelmente relacionado à chegada da Pluma de Trindade e as idades obtidas para a região em estudo indicam que o magmatismo lamprofírico é mais antigo (ca. 82 Ma), seguido pelos plútons sieníticos (ca. 70 Ma) e diques associados (64 a 59 Ma.)  相似文献   
Ambient seismic noise measurements were conducted inside the Holweide Hospital (Cologne) for checking whether its frequencies of vibration fall into the range where soil amplification is expected. If this is the case, damage might increase in case of an earthquake due to an amplified structural response of the building. Two different techniques were used: the ratio between the horizontal and vertical components of the spectra recorded at stations located inside the building and the ratio between the corresponding components of the spectra recorded simultaneously inside the building and at a reference station placed outside. While the former method might be preferred because of less equipment involved, the latter has the advantage of producing more stable results and deleting automatically the influence of the sedimentary cover, which might obscure some eigenfrequencies of vibration of the building. An independently performed finite-element analysis of the hospital showed a good correlation between measured and calculated eigenmodes.  相似文献   
Even if earthquake precursory signals can be identified, how can they be useful? This paper investigates relationships among the attributes of 229 proposed earthquake related gasgeochemical and hydrogeological precursory signals, and applies these results to improve future earthquake prediction strategies. Sub-groups of these reported signals and relationships between sub-groups are established using parameters, including earthquake magnitude, signal duration, precursory time, and epicentral distance to the monitoring site (original studies are used wherever possible to improve data quality). A strong correlation (r=0.86) between signal duration and precursory time was identified. This suggests a relationship between the investigated precursory signals and tectonic processes related to the referenced earthquakes. Moreover, these signals are categorized into four groups, reflecting differences in monitoring station densities, measurement methods and physical processes related to signal occurrence: (a) radon exhalation from the earth’s crust, (b) exhalation of other gases (helium, argon and others), (c) temporal variation in water level or discharge of springs and (d) temporal variation in temperature and dissolved ions in the water of the monitoring sites. In addition, boundary functions are used to separate signal group subsets. Finally, it is shown how these boundary functions can be used in the context of an earthquake prediction strategy by identifying potential minimum magnitudes and maximum epicentral distances from the monitoring site.  相似文献   
Big landslides are one of the main natural hazards in Kyrgyzstan, which are concentrated in the foothills of the high mountain ranges along the Eastern rim of the Fergana Basin. Because of the high number of landslides and their occurrence over large areas there is a strong need for effective and objective landslide hazard assessment at a regional scale. In Kyrgyzstan satellite remote sensing data represent the only source of multitemporal information about surface conditions covering large areas. Against this background the goal is the development of a satellite remote sensing and GIS-based system for quantitatively oriented and spatially differentiated hazard assessment. During the presented pilot investigations in the area of the Upper Maili Suu river basin a methodological framework has been developed incorporating remote sensing and GIS techniques for various levels of information extraction. So far, methodological investigations have been focused on the potential of satellite remote sensing data from different optical (Landsat-(E)TM, ASTER, MOMS-2P) and radar (ERS-1/2) systems for the creation of an improved knowledge basis for hazard assessment. This includes landslide identification, generation of topographic information and characterization of the geological setting. The derived primary information have been analyzed in a GIS environment to gain an improved process understanding as a main prerequisite for successful hazard assessment. The results show that currently available satellite remote sensing data are suitable for landslide investigation in Kyrgyzstan. Full exploitation of their information potential requires combined analysis with other thematic information based on methods of interactive and automated information extraction.  相似文献   
On 25 April 1998 the tailings dam of the Aznalcóllar mine burst, a great quantity of pyrite waste sludge and acid water was spilled reaching the vicinity of the Doñana National Park. In surface and ground water samples taken a week after dam breaking, metals, trace elements and Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) were analysed. In September 1998 a second sampling survey was carried out. The surface waters have a similar isotopic composition as the lead contained in the pyrite from the Aznalcóllar mine. The polluted groundwater of the Guadiamar aquifer also shows the influence of the mining origin of the lead. Lead isotope ratios (206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) in the groundwater of the Almonte-Marismas are very low and they differ clearly from the rest of groundwater samples. A further group of wells has a lead isotope composition intermediate between the Aznalcóllar mine and the atmospheric aerosols of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   
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