We report here an unusually high concentration of iridium in some alkali basalts and alkaline rocks of Deccan region having
an age of about 65Ma, similar to the age of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The alkali basalts of Anjar, in the western
periphery of Deccan province, have iridium concentration as high as 178pg/g whereas the alkaline rocks and basalts associated
with the Amba Dongar carbonatite complex have concentrations ranging between 8 and 80 pg/g. Some of these values are more
than an order of magnitude higher than the concentration in the tholeiitic basalts of Deccan, indicating the significance
of alkaline magmatism in the iridium inventory at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Despite higher concentration, their contribution
to the global inventory of iridium in the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clays remains small. The concentration of iridium in
fluorites from Amba Dongar was found to be <30 pg/g indicating that iridium is not incorporated during their formation in
hydrothermal activity. 相似文献
The occurrences of 5772 microwave bursts recorded by the Sagamore Hill and Manilla Solar Radio Observatories over the period January 1968 to July 1970, covering the maximum phase of the current solar cycle at frequencies 2695, 4995 and 8800 MHz and their energy excesses have been examined in relation to the S-component of solar radio emission. The average slowly varying component has been determined by the superposed epoch method commonly known as the Chree analysis. Similar treatment of the bursts, data, mentioned above has been made to examine any probable 27-day variation and the results obtained have been compared with that of the S-component. Further, spectra of the microwave bursts under the so-called spectral type - inverted U, particularly those having a peak at 4995 MHz, have also been examined and compared with the average spectrum of the S-component. Some of the important results obtained from the present analysis are: (1) the nature of variation of both the average number of occurrences and energy excesses of the microwave bursts follow in general the average 27-day variation of the S-component, (2) the number of occurrences and energy excesses of the microwave bursts are comparatively greater in the ascending phase of the 27-day cycle than those in the descending phase, (3) bursts at progressively higher frequencies originate at lower levels in the solar atmosphere than those of the associated S-component, and (4) the average spectrum of the microwave bursts of inverted U spectral type having a peak at 4995 MHz is quite identical in nature to that of the S-component. 相似文献
Habitat analysis for sambar in terms of food, cover, water, space and extent of edge in Corbett National Park using remote sensing and GIS has been attempted. Other physical parameters include climate, topography, fire history, disturbance regimes, weeds etc. IRS-IB LISS II data (FCC, hardcopy) on 1:50.000 scale was interpreted to generate vegetation cover and density map. Other maps showing drainage, water bodies, roads, human habitations and contours were prepared using Survey of India topographical maps. During evaluation of sambar habitat information regarding habitat parameters and their tolerance was collected from existing literature as well as during field observations. Twenty-two transects of one km. length were laid down in all the strata randomly to collect information regarding the structure and composition of the forest and also habitat use (direct and indirect evidences) by sambar. This was then integrated using condition-based equations in the GIS domain to generate suitability maps. Actual sightings on the ground to a large extent supported the results. 相似文献
Forest vegetation of Vindhyan range located in the north of G.B. Pant Sagar (dam) has been subjected to degradation due to high biotic pressure caused by the installation of thermal power plants, coal mining, heavy cattle grazing etc. In the present study Landsat TM FCC of 1∶250,000 scale was visually analysed with respect to forest vegetation types, crown density and structure along with other landuse/land cover classes. ExceptShorea robusta (Sal) andLagerstroemia parviflora (Lendia) all forest vegetation types show higher percentage of degradation and under-stocked condition with respect to their areal extent under study. Overall classification accuracy of the forest types has been found to be 88.94%. This indicates that for obtaining reliable mapping accuracy in dry deciduous areas, satellite remote sensing data of appropriate season is essential.
Land surface temperature (LST) shows negative correlation with the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Variability in the degree of correlation between LST and NDWI is ascribed to the physical character of specific geological material. Northwest India exhibits various landforms with different geological materials and has been broadly classified into four zones. Structural ridges of Aravalli Mountain of different rock compositions show strong variability both in NDWI (range 1.154, SD?=?0.0599) and in LST (range 24 °C and SD?=?2.54). Negative LST–NDWI correlation in this sector is partially linear. Western Thar Desert, having homogenous silica sand of lower emissivity shows least variability in its NDWI (range 0.88, SD?=?0.027) and moderate variability in its LST (20 °C, SD?=?2.389). Strong negative correlation of LST with NDWI is exhibited here. Band ratio Silica map in this sector shows strong positive correlation with LST. The eastern part of the Thar desert with mixed rocky knobs, and wind-blown sand shows low variability in NDWI (range 0.85) as well as LST (range 15 °C). Area in Indus–Bias–Sutlej River basin, dominated with fluvial sediments with lesser amount of windblown sediments, show low variability of NDWI (0.85) and moderate variability of LST (range 23 °C). In the areas, around Luni river higher NDWI trend is recorded, which is unrelated to present drainage trends indicating presence of palaeo-drainage. In addition, high NDWI and high LST bearing linear zones at places are interpreted as structural lineaments/faults based on pattern, moisture content and thermal high. 相似文献
Stresses building up during an earthquake preparation phase also manifest themselves in the form of a so called increased land surface temperature (LST) leading to a thermal precursor prior to the earthquake event. This phenomenon has now been validated by our observations of short-term thermal anomalies detected by infrared satellite sensors for several recent past earthquakes around the world. The rise in infrared radiance temperature was seen to vary between 5 and 12 °C for different earthquakes. We discuss in this paper different explanations for the generation of such anomalies that have been offered. Emission of gases due to the opening and closure of micropores upon induced stresses and also the participation of ground water have been propounded as a possible cause for generation of thermal anomalies. Seismo-ionosphere coupling, by which gases like radon move to the earth–atmosphere interface and cause air ionization thus bringing about a change in air temperature, relative humidity, etc., has been put forth by some workers. A mechanism of low frequency electromagnetic emission was tested and experimented by scientists with rock masses in stressed conditions as those that exist at tectonic locations. The workers proposed the positive hole pair theory, which received support from several scientific groups. Positive holes (sites of electron deficiency) are activated in stressed rocks from pre-existing yet dormant positive hole pairs (PHPs) and their recombination at rock–air interface leads to a LST rise. A combination of remote sensing detection of rock mechanics behavior with a perception of chemistry and geophysics has been applied to propose the remote sensing rock mechanics theory. Remote sensing detections of such anomalies confirm so far proposed lab theories for such a hotly debated field as earthquake precursor study by providing unbiased observations with consistency in time and space distribution. 相似文献
Employing integrated remote sensing and GIS technology the western most part of Tripura region (Northeast India) and adjoining
Bangladesh region has been investigated in the light of its geomorphological characteristics. Nature of fold ridges, several
streams and the respective drainage basins are well depicted in satellite images and digital elevation model providing meaningful
information. Quantitative parameters such as stream sinuosity, drainage basin asymmetry, basin elongation ratio have been
computed. Main rivers of the study area, namely the Gomti and Khowai follows extremely meandering path and crosses through
the transversely faulted anticlinal ridges. Fluvial anomalies viz. shift in stream channel and the abandoned meandering loops
have been inferred and mapped. The Haora river in the study area exhibits northward shift in some part. Development of drainage
system towards north and south from the drainage divide along the latitude 23°45′N indicated up arching of the region which is also corroborated by the extracted topographic profiles. It has been observed
that several tributary streams have gone dry and agricultural fields are developed along the dried up stream. These derived
parameters remained useful to understand the nature of topographical modification attributed to the possible tectonic activity. 相似文献
Continuous measurements of 3-dimensional winds, spectral parameters, and tropopause height for ~114 h during the passage of a tropical depression using mesosphere–stratosphere–troposphere (MST) radar at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) are discussed. The spectral analysis of zonal and meridional winds shows the presence of inertia-gravity wave (IGW) with the dominant periodicity of 56 h and intrinsic period of 27 h in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). The strengthening of easterly jet and associated wind shears during the passage of the depression is one of the causative mechanisms for exciting the IGW. A well-established radar method is used to identify the tropopause and to study its response to the propagating atmospheric disturbances. The significance of the present study lies in showing the response of tropopause height to the IGW during tropical depression for the first time, which will have implications in stratosphere–troposphere exchange processes. 相似文献
Water Resources - Sediment mobility in stream corroborates many significant mechanisms in terms of interactions of transported particles in the carrier fluid flows. In general, the sediment... 相似文献