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Inadequate moisture supply is one of the important factors limiting crop yields in the world. Increasing the efficiency of moisture available has an important role on the crop-producing capacity of the soil. This paper presents the results of the laboratory experiments conducted to assess the influence of two mulches of windy sand and light expanded clay aggregate (LECA) with three thicknesses (1, 3, and 4 cm) on soil surface in soil columns. Loamy soil was taken from the experimental site in Bayaz of Rafsanjan (a city in Kerman province in Iran). These experiments were done as completely randomized design with two treatments of mulches (windy sand and LECA) and tree replicates. The results show that the columns of treated soil with mulches had lower evaporation as compared to the control. The rate of evaporation from the soil surface of columns was decreased with increasing the thickness from 1 to 4 cm of each of the two mulches. The LECA mulch was more effective in reducing evaporation from the soil surface than the windy sand mulch with the same thicknesses. The most effective among the thicknesses for mulches was 3 cm.  相似文献   
One of the most important aims of blasting in open pit mines is to reach desirable size of fragmentation. Prediction of fragmentation has great importance in an attempt to prevent economic drawbacks. In this study, blasting data from Meydook mine were used to study the effect of different parameters on fragmentation; 30 blast cycles performed in Meydook mine were selected to predict fragmentation where six more blast cycles are used to validate the results of developed models. In this research, mutual information (MI) method was employed to predict fragmentation. Ten parameters were considered as primary ones in the model. For the sake of comparison, Kuz-Ram empirical model and statistical modeling were also used. Coefficient of determination (R 2), root mean square error (RMSE), and mean absolute error (MAE) were then used to compare the models. Results show that MI model with values of R 2, RMSE, and MAE equals 0.81, 10.71, and 9.02, respectively, is found to have more accuracy with better performance comparing to Kuz-Ram and statistical models.  相似文献   
Groundwater is the main water source used for drinking and cooking purposes globally. Nitrate level in most groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid areas has increased in the past several decades as a result of human activities and natural processes. This may exert a great impact on human health. To learn the contamination circumstances of groundwater nitrate in villages of Azadshahr, Iran and assess its probable risk to the health of adults, children and infants, fifty-eight groundwater samples were collected from wells and springs in 2018. Nitrate concentrations had a wide spatial variability in wells and springs of the studied villages, with values going from 1 up to 51 mg/L. Exceedances of the EPA standard value were limited to two village springs (villages Nili and Narab, with nitrate level of 51 and 46 mg/L, respectively). The hazard quotients (HQ) values for 41% of children and infants were above the safety level (i.e., HQ?>?1), suggesting that groundwater nitrate would have significant health effects on these age groups. Therefore, appropriate control measures and sanitation improvement programs should be put in place to protect the health of the residents in the contaminated villages.  相似文献   
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) logging provides priceless information about hydrocarbon bearing intervals such as free fluid porosity and permeability. This study focuses on using geostatistics from NMR logging instruments at high depths of investigation to enhance vertical resolution for better understanding of reservoirs. In this study, a NMR log was used such that half of its midpoint data was used for geostatistical model construction using an ordinary kriging technique and the rest of the data points were used for assessing the performance of the constructed model. This strategy enhances the resolution of NMR logging by twofold. Results indicated that the correlation coefficient between measured and predicted permeability and free fluid porosity is equal to 0.976 and 0.970, respectively. This means that geostatistical modeling is capable of enhancing the vertical resolution of NMR logging. This study was successfully applied to carbonate reservoir rocks of the South Pars Gas Field.  相似文献   
High‐resolution three‐dimensional images are used in digital rock physics to numerically compute rock physical properties such as permeability and elastic moduli. These images are not widely available, and their preparation is both expensive and time consuming. All of these issues highlight the importance of alternative digital rock physics methods that are based on two‐dimensional images and use different approaches to compute effective properties of three‐dimensional samples. In addition, the scale of study in both standard and alternative digital rock physics is very small, which applications of its results are questionable at wells or reservoir scale. The aim of this study is to use two‐dimensional images and alternative digital rock physics techniques for computing seismic wave velocity and permeability, which are compared with well and laboratory data. For this purpose, data from one well in a reservoir located in the southwestern part of Iran are used. First, two clean (carbonate) and two cemented (limy sandstone) samples were collected from well cores at different depths. Then, two‐dimensional images by scanning electron microscope and conventional microscope were captured. In the next step, two alternative digital rock physics methods, namely, empirical relations and conditional reconstruction, have been employed to compute P‐wave velocity and permeability of a three‐dimensional medium. Results showed that, in clean (mono‐mineral) samples, velocity values were reasonably close to well data. However, permeability values are underestimated compared with laboratory data because laboratory data were obtained at ambient pressure, whereas alternative digital rock physics results are more representative of reservoir pressure conditions. Nevertheless, permeability–porosity trends are valid for both samples. In the case of cemented samples, a two‐scale procedure, along with a method for two‐scale computation and grain‐cement segmentation, is presented and developed. Results showed that P‐wave velocity is overestimated probably due to random sampling in this method. However, velocity–porosity trends are in agreement with well data. Moreover, permeability results obtained for cemented samples were also similar to those obtained for the clean samples.  相似文献   
Estimation of ground-motion amplitudes of different hazard levels is of paramount importance in planning of urban development of any metropolis. Such estimation can be computed through a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). This paper concentrates on the PSHA of an area located in Shiraz city, southern Iran. The area includes whole of Shiraz city (i.e., one of the largest and most populous cities of Iran) and its outskirts. Conventional and Monte Carlo simulation-based approaches are utilized to perform the PSHA of the studied area. Two areal seismic source models are delineated, and thence seismicity parameters of all zones associated with their corresponding uncertainties are computed. Uncertainties in ground-motion prediction are accounted for via three ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) within the logic tree framework. These GMPEs are applied to estimate bedrock ground shaking (Vs30?=?760 m/s) for several return periods (i.e., 75, 475, 975, and 2475 years). In general, the results of the two abovementioned PSHA approaches show relatively similar results. However, the Monte Carlo simulation-based approach overpredicts bedrock spectral accelerations at periods of 0.4–2.5 s compared to the conventional PSHA approach for return periods of 475, 975, and 2475 years.  相似文献   
This study investigates the efficiency of two types of rehabilitation methods based on economic justification that can lead to logical decision making between the retrofitting schemes. Among various rehabilitation methods, concentric chevron bracing (CCB) and cylindrical friction damper (CFD) were selected. The performance assessment procedure of the frames is divided into two distinct phases. First, the limit state probabilities of the structures before and after rehabilitation are investigated. In the second phase, the seismic risk of structures in terms of life safety and financial losses (decision variables) using the recently published FEMA P58 methodology is evaluated. The results show that the proposed retrofitting methods improve the serviceability and life safety performance levels of steel and RC structures at different rates when subjected to earthquake loads. Moreover, these procedures reveal that financial losses are greatly decreased, and were more tangible by the application of CFD rather than using CCB. Although using both retrofitting methods reduced damage state probabilities, incorporation of a site-specific seismic hazard curve to evaluate mean annual occurrence frequency at the collapse prevention limit state caused unexpected results to be obtained. Contrary to CFD, the collapse probability of the structures retrofitted with CCB increased when compared with the primary structures.  相似文献   
Long-period pulses in near-field earthquakes lead to large displacements in the base of isolated structures.To dissipate energy in isolated structures using semi-active control,piezoelectric friction dampers(PFD) can be employed.The performance of a PFD is highly dependent on the strategy applied to adjust its contact force.In this paper,the seismic control of a benchmark isolated building equipped with PFD using PD/PID controllers is developed.Using genetic algorithms,these controllers are optimized to create a balance between the performance and robustness of the closed-loop structural system.One advantage of this technique is that the controller forces can easily be estimated.In addition,the structure is equipped with only a single sensor at the base floor to measure the base displacement.Considering seven pairs of earthquakes and nine performance indices,the performance of the closed-loop system is evaluated.Then,the results are compared with those given by two well-known methods:the maximum possive operation of piezoelectric friction dampers and LQG controllers.The simulation results show that the proposed controllers perform better than the others in terms of simultaneous reduction of floor acceleration and maximum displacement of the isolator.Moreover,they are able to reduce the displacement of the isolator systems for different earthquakes without losing the advantages of isolation.  相似文献   
The degradation and leaching of napropamide were compared between Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales (BRIS) soil samples, and the same soil samples amended with 20 mg ha?1 of either chicken dung (CD) or palm oil mill effluent (POME). The effects of removing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from the soil samples on napropamide degradation and leaching were also studied. The addition of CD and POME to BRIS soil increased the napropamide half‐life values to 69 and 49.5 days, respectively. Sterilization of the soil samples resulted in partial inhibition of napropamide degradation in all soil samples. The half‐lives of napropamide in BRIS soils receiving 0, 20, 100, and 200 mg kg?1 of DOC derived from CD were 43, 46.2, 53.4, and 63 days, respectively. The napropamide half‐lives in soil samples treated with 0, 20, 100, and 200 mg kg?1 of DOC derived from POME were 43, 49.2, 57.7, and 69 days, respectively. However, in the sterilized soil samples, there were no significant effects of adding DOC derived from either CD or POME on napropamide half‐lives. Incorporating either CD or POME decreased napropamide leaching and total amounts of napropamide remained in the soil columns after two pore volumes of water has been leached were higher in the amended than the non‐amended soil. The CD was more effective in decreasing napropamide leaching than the POME. There were no effects of DOC on napropamide leaching in all soil treatments.  相似文献   
Monitoring the concentration of radon gas is an established method for geophysical analyses and research, particularly in earthquake studies. A continuous radon monitoring station was implemented in Jooshan hotspring, Kerman province, south east Iran. The location was carefully chosen as a widely reported earthquake-prone zone. A common issue during monitoring of radon gas concentration is the possibility of noise disturbance by different environmental and instrumental parameters. A systematic mathematical analysis aiming at reducing such noises from data is reported here; for the first time, the Kalman filter (KF) has been used for radon gas concentration monitoring. The filtering is incorporated based on several seismic parameters of the area under study. A novel anomaly defined as “radon concentration spike crossing” is also introduced and successfully used in the study. Furthermore, for the first time, a mathematical pattern of a relationship between the radius of potential precursory phenomena and the distance between epicenter and the monitoring station is reported and statistically analyzed.  相似文献   
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