We formulate an error propagation model based on solving the Vening Meinesz-Moritz (VMM) inverse problem of isostasy. The system of observation equations in the VMM model defines the relation between the isostatic gravity data and the Moho depth by means of a second-order Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. The corresponding error model (derived in a spectral domain) functionally relates the Moho depth errors with the commission errors of used gravity and topographic/bathymetric models. The error model also incorporates the non-isostatic bias which describes the disagreement, mainly of systematic nature, between the isostatic and seismic models. The error analysis is conducted at the study area of the Tibetan Plateau and Himalayas with the world largest crustal thickness. The Moho depth uncertainties due to errors of the currently available global gravity and topographic models are estimated to be typically up to 1–2 km, provided that the GOCE gravity gradient observables improved the medium-wavelength gravity spectra. The errors due to disregarding sedimentary basins can locally exceed ~2 km. The largest errors (which cause a systematic bias between isostatic and seismic models) are attributed to unmodeled mantle heterogeneities (including the core-mantle boundary) and other geophysical processes. These errors are mostly less than 2 km under significant orogens (Himalayas, Ural), but can reach up to ~10 km under the oceanic crust. 相似文献
Summary The variances, or squared standard errors, of estimates of tidal harmonic constants from analyses of a month or a year of tide-gauge data are analysed in terms of spectral properties of their noise continuum, modelled as exponential cuspsE1 superimposed on a smoothly monotonic non-tidal spectrumE0. Taking 5 representative stations, each with 19 years of data,E0 is evaluated from the inter-species noise levels, andE1 from the ratio of the variances from monthly and yearly analyses. It is shown that the cusps surrounding the diurnal tides are dominated byE0, whereas the more important semi-diurnal and higher species cusps are fitted by an exponential form forE1 with bandwidth of a few cycles per year. The variance ratios (monthly: yearly analyses) for diurnal harmonics are somewhat greater than the value expected for white noise, partly because of residual tidal lines in the monthly analyses which cannot be related to the major constituents. The corresponding ratios for semi-diurnal and higher species harmonics are less than the white noise value, on account of the cusps. The standard errors of yearly estimates of the larger tidal constituents may be predicted as proportional to their mean amplitude, as a very rough guide, in the approximate ratio of 11 mm/m.Zusammenfassung Die Varianzen — oder Quadrate der Standardabweichungen — der Abschätzungen von harmonischen Gezeitenkonstanten aus Analysen monatlicher bzw. jährlicher Pegelbeobachtungsreihen werden nach den spektralen Eigenschaften ihres Rauschens analysiert. Dieses wird durch exponentielle SpitzenE1, die einem glatten monotonen NichtgezeitenspektrumE0 überlagert sind, dargestellt. Anhand 19 jähriger Beobachtungsreihen von 5 repräsentativen Stationen wirdE0 aus dem Hintergrundrauschen ermittelt undE1 aus dem Verhältnis der Varianzen aus monatlichen und jährlichen Analysen. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Spitzen im Bereich der eintägigen Tiden vonE0 beherrscht werden, die wichtigeren Spitzen der halbtägigen Tiden und der Tiden höherer Ordnung werden dagegen durch einen exponentiellen Ausdruck fürE1 mit einer Bandbreite von einigen Perioden pro Jahr angenähert. Die Verhältnisse der Varianzen (aus monatlichen zu jährlichen Analysen) für eintägige Harmonische sind etwas größer als der Wert, den man für weißes Rauschen erwarten würde, zum Teil deshalb, weil bei monatlichen Analysen nicht alle Tiden den Hauptkomponenten zugeordnet werden können. Die entsprechenden Verhältnisse für halbtägige und höhere Harmonische sind wegen der Spitzen kleiner als der Wert für weißes Rauschen. Die Standardabweichungen der jährlichen Abschätzungen größerer Gezeitenkomponenten können grob als proportional zu ihrer mittleren Amplitude geschätzt werden mit einem Verhältnis von etwa 11 mm/m.
Varianzen harmonischer Gezeitenkonstanten
Les variances des constantes harmoniques de marée
Résumé Les variances, ou carrés des écarts types, des estimations de constantes harmoniques de marée provenant d'analyses portant sur un mois ou une année de données marégraphiques sont analysées en terme de propriétés spectrales de leur continuum de bruit, modélisé comme des pics exponentielsE1 superposés à un spectre ne provenant pas de la marée sensiblement monotoneE0. Si l'on prend 5 stations représentatives, chacune comportant 19 années d'observations,E0 est évalué par les niveaux de bruit inter-espèces, etE1 par le rapport des variances provenant des analyses mensuelles et annuelles. On montre que les pics entourant les marées de type diurne sont dominés parE0, alors que les pics plus importants de type semidiurne et d'espèces supérieures sont bien approximés par une forme exponentielle pourE1 avec une largeur de bande de quelques cycles par an. Les rapports de variance (analyses mensuelles/annuelles) des harmoniques diurnes sont un peu plus grands que la valeur attendue pour le bruit blanc, partiellement à cause des composantes de marée résiduelles dans les analyses mensuelles qui ne peuvent pas être rattachées aux composantes majeures. En raison des pics, les rapports correspondants pour les harmoniques des espèces supérieures et semi-diurnes sont inférieures à la valeur du bruit blanc. Les écarts types des valeurs estimées annuelles des composantes principales de marée peuvent être définis grossièrement comme proportionnels à leur amplitude moyenne, en admettant un rapport de proportionnalité approximatif de 11 mm/m.
An intraplate earthquake doublet, with 11-min delay between the events, devastated the city of Varzeghan in northwestern Iran on August 11, 2012. The first Mw 6.5 strike-slip earthquake, which occurred after more than 200 years of low seismicity, was followed by an Mw 6.4 oblique thrust event at an epicentral separation of about 6 km. While the first event can be associated with a distinct surface rupture, the absence of a surface fault trace and no clear aftershock signature makes it challenging to identify the fault plane of the second event. We use teleseismic body wave inversion to deduce the slip distribution in the first event. Using both P and SH waves stabilize the inversion and we further constrain the result with the surface rupture extent and the aftershock distribution. The obtained slip pattern shows two distinct slip patches with dissimilar slip directions where aftershocks avoid high-slip areas. Using the estimated slip for the first event, we calculate the induced Coulomb stress change on the nodal planes of the second event and find a preference for higher Coulomb stress on the N-S nodal plane. Assuming a simple slip model for the second event, we estimate the combined Coulomb stress changes from the two events on the focal planes of the largest aftershocks. We find that 90% of the aftershocks show increased Coulomb stress on one of their nodal planes when the N-S plane of the second event is assumed to be the correct fault plane. 相似文献
The relations of river morphology and tsunami propagation in rivers were studied at several rivers in the Tohoku region during The Great Chilean Tsunami of 2010 and The Great East Japan Tsunami of 2011. It was found that river mouth morphological features play an important role in the intrusion of low magnitude tsunamis in which the geological and geographical conditions are an important factor. Nevertheless, the effects of these features were not found in the case of an extreme tsunami wave. As the wave enters the river, the propagation depends on other factors. It was found that the intrusion distance correlates well to the riverbed slope. The measurements of water level and riverbed slope were analyzed to propose an empirical method for estimating the damping coefficient for the tsunami propagation in rivers based on the tsunami of 2011. The proposed empirical method was used to approximate the length of the tsunami intrusion into a river by assuming that the furthest distance is given for the ratio of local tsunami wave height to the tsunami wave height at the river entrance of 0.05 (5 %). The estimated intrusion length from the proposed method in this study shows a good comparison with measurement data. 相似文献
Dissolved major ions, Sr concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 10 coastal lakes from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica have been studied to constrain their solute sources, transport and glacial weathering patterns in their catchments. In absence of perennial river/streams, lakes serve as only reliable archive to study land surface processes in these low-temperature regions. The lake water chemistry is mostly Na-Cl type and it does not show any significant depth variations. Sr isotope compositions of these lakes vary from 0.7110 to 0.7211 with an average value of 0.7145, which is higher than modern seawater value. In addition to oceanic sources, major ions and Sr isotopic data show appreciable amount of solute supply from chemical weathering of silicate rocks in lake catchments and dissolution of Ca-Mg rich salts produced during the freezing of seawaters. The role of sulphide oxidation and carbonate weathering are found to be minimal on lake hydro-chemistry in this part of Antarctica. Inverse model calculations using this chemical dataset provide first-order estimates of dissolved cations and Sr; they are mostly derived from oceanic (seawater + snow) sources (cations approximately 76%) and (Sr approximately 92%) with minimal supplies from weathering of silicates (cations approximately 15%); (Sr approximately 2%) and Ca-rich minerals (cations approximately 9%); (Sr approximately 7%). The silicate weathering rate and its corresponding atmospheric CO2 consumption rate estimates for Scandrett lake catchment (3.6 ± 0.3 tons/km2/year and 0.5 × 105 moles/km2/year), are lower than that of reported values for the average global river basins (5.4 tons/km2/year and 0.9 × 105 tons/km2/year) respectively. The present study provides a comprehensive report of chemical weathering intensity and its role in atmospheric CO2 consumption in low-temperature pristine environment of Antarctica. These estimates underscore the importance of Antarctica weathering on atmospheric CO2 budget, particularly during the past warmer periods when the large area was exposed and available for intense chemical weathering. 相似文献
Experience of previous earthquakes shows that a considerable portion of buildings reinforced with plain bars sustain relatively large damages especially at the beam–column joints where the damages are mostly caused by either diagonal shear cracks or intersectional cracks caused by bar slippage. While previous works mainly focus on shear failure mode, in this study, the emphasis is placed on slip based cracks as the dominant failure mode. A systematic procedure is introduced to predict the dominant failure mode at the joint which is based on the dimensional properties, reinforcement details, and axial and shear load at the joint. In addition, a relatively simple and efficient nonlinear model is proposed to simulate pre- and post-elastic behavior of the joints which fail under bar slippage mode. In this model, beam and column components are represented by linear elastic elements, dimensions of the joint panel are defined by rigid elements, and effect of slip is taken into account by a nonlinear rotational spring at the end of the beam. The proposed method is validated by experimental results for both internal and external joints . 相似文献
Two hilly sites were selected to study seismic site response due to topography effects. The sites were selected in a manner to be as much as possible homogenous and free of the soft soil layers effects. The hills were instrumented by nine velocimetric stations to record microtremors and the obtained data were analyzed using horizontal to vertical spectral ratios. Some standard spectral ratio tests were performed on noise as well. Then the instrumented hills were modeled (both 2D and 3D) assuming a linear elastic constitutive behavior subjected to vertically propagating SV and P Ricker wavelets. All calculations were performed in time domain using direct boundary element method. Different transfer function components, amplification patterns and spectral ratios were calculated in frequency domain. The frequency of vibration, obtained by experimental studies, is between 4 and 5 Hz for both of the hills. The spectral ratios derived by numerical simulations were compared with the observed spectral ratios. They show relatively good similarities between the results of these two methods. The frequencies of vibration derived from different methods seem to be nearly identical. The agreement in term of resonance frequency between microtremors and numerical modeling suggests that noise measurements could represent a simple, even if preliminary, tool in order to identify possible topographic amplification. 相似文献
On October 7, 2021, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck the Harnai (Baluchistan) region of Pakistan, causing several fatalities and injuries within the epicentral area. First-order tectonic deformation in this region is caused by the convergence of the Indian Plate with respect to the Eurasian Plate. The Katwaz Block hinders the motion of the Indian Plate, resulting in the formation of strike-slip faults. In this study, the P-wave first-motion polarity technique was used to determine the mainshock faulting style. Cyclic scanning of the polarity solutions was applied to determine the most suitable focal mechanism solution among the available solutions generated by the FOCMEC (focal mechanism) software. The nodal planes correspond to different faulting styles (i.e., thrust and strike-slip faulting). A nodal plane oriented in the NW-SE direction corresponded to a strike-slip mechanism, which was considered to be the fault plane. Tectonically, this earthquake was associated with the Harnai-Karahi strike-slip fault zone owing to the fault strike and direction of slip. The apparent stress drop, fault length, and moment magnitude of the Harnai earthquake were 35.4 bar, 6.1 km, and 5.9, respectively. A lower b-value for the Gutenberg-Richter law was observed prior to the earthquake. Higher α- than b-values (α > b) indicate that this earthquake was governed by large events as opposed to small-magnitude events. The Harnai sequence had a decay exponent close to unity, lasted for 145 days, and produced few aftershocks. The study will help the future hazard mitigation in the region. 相似文献
A photogeologic study of Jebel Abu Nahl in the Bayouda Desert reveals that it is a Late Precambrian ring-complex, larger and more intricate than the three ring-complexes already known from the Northern Sudan. Like the latter, the Abu Nahl complex must have formed as a result of near-surface volcanic activities whereby extrusion of mainly acid lavas and tuffusites and the emplacement of high-level granites were accompanied by repeated subsidence of surface or near-surface blocks along arcuate ring-faults. 相似文献
In this study, a seismic analysis of semi-sine shaped alluvial hills above a circular underground cavity subjected to propagating oblique SH-waves using the half-plane time domain boundary element method (BEM) was carried out. By dividing the problem into a pitted half-plane and an upper closed domain as an alluvial hill and applying continuity/boundary conditions at the interface, coupled equations were constructed and ultimately, the problem was solved step-by-step in the time domain to obtain the boundary values. After solving some verification examples, a semi-sine shaped alluvial hill located on an underground circular cavity was successfully analyzed to determine the amplification ratio of the hill surface. For sensitivity analysis, the effects of the impedance factor and shape ratio of the hill were also considered. The ground surface responses are illustrated as three-dimensional graphs in the time and frequency domains. The results show that the material properties of the hill and their heterogeneity with the underlying half-space had a significant effect on the surface response.