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Platinum metals (Pd, Ir, Pt) and Au were determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA) on Cretaceous-Tertiary (K---T) boundary samples collected at Gubbio, Italy. In addition, about thirty elements were determined by instrumental NAA (INAA) for both the Cretaceous and the Tertiary layer samples, as well as the boundary clay samples. Iridium and other Pt metals were observed to be similarly enriched, relative to CI-chondrite, in the boundary layers, i.e., they occur in chondritic ratios. On the other hand, correlations among the metals are not very good, suggesting that Pt metals were not incorporated into clay materials in a single phase, but rather, they behaved separately according to their own solution chemistries. In the Gubbio section, the chemical composition does not change so much across the K---T boundary layer, except for Ir (and possibly other Pt group elements) and is very similar to that of the “North American shale composite (NASC)”. Arsenic and Sb were observed not to be anomalously enriched in the Gubbio K---T boundary layers. This implies that their abundances cannot be a clue in elucidating an event which must have happened at the K---T boundary period. NASC-normalized REE abundance patterns for the boundary samples show characteristic features due to some REE precipitation out of seawater. REE abundances are not variable among the Cretaceous, the Tertiary, and the boundary samples, suggesting that conditions for precipitation and sedimentation were similar across the K---T boundary at Gubbio.  相似文献   
This paper presents the effects of electron–positron pair production on the linear growth of the resistive hose instability of a filamentary beam that could lead to snake-like distortion. For both the rectangular radial density profile and the diffuse profile reflecting the Bennett-type equilibrium for a self-collimating flow, the modified eigenvalue equations are derived from a Vlasov–Maxwell equation. While for the simple rectangular profile, current perturbation is localized at the sharp radial edge, for the realistic Bennett profile with an obscure edge, it is non-locally distributed over the entire beam, removing catastrophic wave–particle resonance. The pair production effects likely decrease the betatron frequency, and expand the beam radius to increase the resistive decay time of the perturbed current; these also lead to a reduction of the growth rate. It is shown that, for the Bennett profile case, the characteristic growth distance for a preferential mode can exceed the observational length-scale of astrophysical jets. This might provide the key to the problem of the stabilized transport of the astrophysical jets including extragalactic jets up to  Mpc (∼3 × 1024 cm)  scales.  相似文献   
Abstract— Petrological and bulk geochemical studies were performed on a large silicate clast from the Mount Padbury mesosiderite. The silicate clast is composed mainly of pyroxene and plagioclase with minor amounts of ilmenite, spinel, and other accessory minerals, and it shows subophitic texture. Pyroxenes in the clast are similar to those in type 5 eucrites and could have experienced prolonged thermal metamorphism after rapid crystallization from a near‐surface melt. Ilmenite and spinel vary chemically, indicating growth under disequilibrium conditions. The clast seems to have experienced an episode of rapid reheating and cooling, possibly as a result of metal‐silicate mixing. Abundances of siderophile elements are obviously higher than in eucrites, although the clast is also extremely depleted in highly siderophile elements. The fractionated pattern can be explained by injection of Fe‐FeS melts generated by partial melting of metallic portions during metal‐silicate mixing. The silicate clast had a complex petrogenesis that could have included: 1) rapid crystallization from magma in a lava flow or a shallow intrusion; 2) prolonged thermal metamorphism to equilibrate the mineral compositions of pyroxene and plagioclase after primary crystallization; 3) metal‐silicate mixing probably caused by the impact of solid metal bodies on the surface of the mesosiderite parent body; and 4) partial melting of metal and sulfide portions (and silicate in some cases) caused by the collisional heating, which produced Fe‐FeS melts with highly fractionated siderophile elements that were injected into silicate portions along cracks and fractures.  相似文献   
The lunar meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2200 is a regolith breccia with a ferroan feldspathic bulk composition (Al2O3 = 30.1 wt.%; Mg# = molar 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 59.2) and low Th content (0.42 μg/g). Lithologically, NWA 2200 is a diverse mixture of lithic and glassy clasts, mineral fragments, and impact glass spherules, all embedded in a dark glassy matrix. NWA 2200 contains some feldspathic brecciated rock components (ferroan anorthositic granulitic breccia, poikiloblastic granulitic breccia, and glassy melt breccia with an intersertal texture). The bulk compositions of these brecciated components indicate they are derived from ferroan troctolitic or noritic anorthosite lithologies (bulk Al2O3 = 26–30 wt.%; bulk FeO/MgO > 1.0). The bulk composition of NWA 2200 is more ferroan and feldspathic than the Apollo feldspathic regolith samples and feldspathic lunar regolith meteorites, and is also more depleted in incompatible elements (e.g., rare earth elements) than Apollo 16 feldspathic regolith samples. We conclude that NWA 2200 originated from a location different to the Apollo landing sites, and may have been sourced from the ferroan KREEP-poor highlands, “KREEP” materials are enriched in such elements as potassium (K), rare earth elements (REE), phosphorus (P).  相似文献   

Knowledge of rainfall characteristics is important for estimating soil erosion in arid areas. We determined basic rainfall characteristics (raindrop size distribution, intensity and kinetic energy), evaluated the erosivity of rainfall events, and established a relationship between rainfall intensity I and volume-specific kinetic energy KEvol for the Central Rift Valley area of the Ethiopian highlands. We collected raindrops on dyed filter paper and calculated KEvol and erosivity values for each rainfall event. For most rainfall intensities the median volume drop diameter (D50) was higher than expected, or reported in most studies. Rainfall intensity in the region was not high, with 8% of rain events exceeding 30 mm h-1. We calculated soil erosion from storm energy and maximum 30-min intensity for soils of different erodibility under conditions of fallow (unprotected soil), steep slope (about 9%) and no cover and management practice on the surface, and determined that 3 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 is the threshold erosivity, while erosivity of >7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 could cause substantial erosion in all soil types in the area.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate Editor Q. Zhang  相似文献   
Potentially toxic metals, such as Cu, Pb and Zn, are leached from weathered rocks at many closed mine sites due to the acidic environments and mineralogical modifications. The mobilized toxic metals may cause contamination of surrounding water bodies. In this study, both laboratory column experiments and field observations at a former mine located in the north of Japan were carried out to compare the leaching behavior of Cu, Pb and Zn. The thickness of the surface weathered rock was varied (10, 20 and 30 cm) for the columns experiments while porous cups for porewater sampling were set up at different depths (GL-15, -45, -70, and -95 cm) for the field observations. Deionized water was added once a week over 75 weeks to the columns to simulate rainfall while porewater was extracted by a vacuum pump in several sampling campaigns (over 18 months). Similar low pH and leaching behavior of potentially toxic metals were observed for column experiments and field observations. A moderate increase in concentration with depth was observed for Cu and Zn. However, no increase in concentration was observed for Pb. This suggests that the leaching of Cu and Zn is enhanced by the length of the flow pathway through the weathered rock layer while Pb concentration is restricted by the precipitation of insoluble Pb sulfate. Thus, the thickness of the weathered rock layer is an important parameter that should be taken into consideration to estimate the loads of some potentially toxic metals, which is important when designing remediation schemes.  相似文献   
 This paper develops a computational method for analyzing changes in polygon distributions. Unmovable polygons that change discontinuously without explicit functional linkage information are discussed. Six types of primitive events are used to describe the change: 1) generation, 2) disappearance, 3) expansion, 4) shrinkage, 5) union, and 6) division. The change of polygon distributions is decomposed into a combination of these events. A computational procedure for deducing a set of events from polygon distributions of two times is proposed. The method is applied to the analysis of the spatial competition between the major and small chains of convenience stores in Tokyo, Japan. Some empirical findings are shown. Received: 3 August 2000 / Accepted: 6 February 2001  相似文献   
Summary A geothermal and meteorological observation was carried out inside a hot tunnel (named Torigoe tunnel) penetrating through a volcanic zone in northeastern Japan, just after it has been penetrated. Rock wall surface temperature, some thermal properties of rock samples, temperature profile in slender pits drilled into the rock body, temperature of water flowing on the floor and the meteorological elements of air passing through the tunnel are contained in the observation.Introducing the coefficient of heat transfer determined from the Reynolds analogy for turbulent forced convection in a circular tube, the heat budget of the air-tunnel system is investigated with those observed data. The results show that the net sensible heat of 58.61 kW is drawn out from the tunnel by air passing through it and seems to be overcompensated by the net heat supply of 67.21 kW from the rock wall to air, while for the net latent heat removal of 101.56 kW by air the apparent undercompensation of 80.01 kW is found from the water flowing on the floor. Consideration is carried out on such excess and deficiency of heat supplies.
Zusammenfassung In einem heißen Tunnel (dem Torigoe-Tunnel), der durch vulkanisches Gebiet im nordöstlichen Japan verläuft, wurden unmittelbar nach Tunneldurchstoß geothermische und meteorologische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Die Temperatur der Gesteinsoberfläche, spezifische thermische Eigenschaften der Gesteinsproben, das Temperaturprofil von dünnen Bohrkernen, als auch die Temperatur des Wassers am Tunnelgrund und meteorologische Daten der Durchzugsluft werden in dieser Untersuchung berücksichtigt.Durch Einführung des durch die Reynolds-Analogie determinierten Wärmeaustauschkoeffizienten für turbulente, erzwungene Konvektion in einer kreisförmigen Röhre wird der Wärmehaushalt der Luft im Tunnelsystem unter Heranziehung der angeführten Daten untersucht. Die Resultate zeigen, daß 58.61 kW fühlbare Wärme dem Tunnel durch die Luft entzogen werden, die jedoch durch eine Zufuhr von 67.21 kW von der Felswand an die Luft abgegebener fühlbarer Wärme überkompensiert zu werden scheint, während der dauernden latenten Wärmeabfuhr durch die Luft von 101.56 kW eine Unterkompensierung von 80.01 kW durch das am Tunnelgrund fließende Wasser gegenübersteht. Die Folgen dieses Überschusses bzw. Defizites werden genauer diskutiert.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
Abstract— The isotopic compositions of Sm and Gd in seven lunar samples from the Apollo 15 deep drill core were determined to discuss the effects of neutron capture near the lunar surface. Large isotopic deviations of 150Sm/149Sm, 156Gd/155Gd, and 158Gd/157Gd derived from neutron capture effects were observed in all samples. Although neutron capture products in lunar samples were investigated extensively in the 1970s, our precise isotopic measurements resulted in several new findings. The neutron fluence in the Apollo 15 drill core is a function of depth with a symmetric peak at 190 g/cm2 depth from the surface, confirming the results of earlier investigations. Neutron fluence values calculated from the isotopic shifts by comparison to artificially irradiated standard reagents were (5.16–7.49) × 1016 n/cm2. These values are 1.3 to 1.4x larger than those previously reported. Variations of εSmGd with depth are interpreted as being due to variations in the neutron energy spectrum. Here εSm and εGd are defined as in previous studies of lunar neutron stratigraphy. Our data suggest that the neutron is more thermalized at the lower layers than it is at the upper layers. In addition to large isotopic shifts for 149Sm, 150Sm, 155Gd, 156Gd, 157Gd, and 158Gd, isotopic enrichments of 152Gd and 154Gd derived from neutron capture for 151Eu and 153Eu, respectively, were also observed in all samples.  相似文献   
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