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The present study is based on the observed features of the MBL (Marine Boundary Layer) during the Bay of Bengal and Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX) — Pilot phase. Conserved Variable Analysis (CVA) of the conserved variables such as potential temperature, virtual potential temperature, equivalent potential temperature, saturation equivalent potential temperature and specific humidity were carried out at every point of upper air observation obtained on board ORV Sagar Kanya. The values are estimated up to a maximum of 4 km to cover the boundary layer. The Marine Boundary Layer Height is estimated from the conserved thermodynamic profiles. During the disturbed period when the convective activity is observed, the deeper boundary layers show double mixing line structures. An attempt is also made to study the oceanic heat budget using empirical models. The estimated short-wave radiation flux compared well with the observations.  相似文献   
It is theoretically interesting for climate change detection and practically important for agricultural producers to know whether climate change has influenced agroclimatic conditions and, if so, what the potential impacts are. We present analyses on statistical differences in means and variances of agroclimatic indices between three 30-year periods in the 20th century (i.e., 1911–1940, 1941–1970 and 1971–2000). We found many occurrences of statistically significant changes in means between pairs of the three 30-year periods. The findings consistently support agroclimatic trends identified from trend analysis as an earlier growing season start and an earlier end to spring frost (SF), together with an extended growing season, more frost-free days (FFD) and more available heat units were often found in the later 30-year periods as compared to the earlier ones. In addition, this study provides more detailed quantitative information than the trend signals for the practical interests of agricultural applications. Significant changes were detected for SF and FFD at a much larger percentage of stations between the latter two 30-year periods (1941–1970 vs. 1971–2000) as compared to the earlier two periods (1911–1940 vs. 1941–1970). In contrast, changes in variances of the selected agroclimatic indices were less evident than changes in their means, based on the percentage of stations showing significant differences. We also present new climate averages of the selected agroclimatic indices that can be useful for agricultural planning and management.  相似文献   
Alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) was determined in bulk particulate material and in a single-cell (ELF) assay at station L4 in the western English Channel during the summer of 2007. Throughout this period, the UK experienced its heaviest summertime rainfall since records began in 1914; with the result that riverine run-off into coastal waters was also elevated relative to long-term averages. Between May and August 2007, three distinct periods of elevated river run-off were observed which resulted in salinity minima at L4 on days 141, 190 and 232. An extended period of high river run-off between days 170 and 210 was responsible for decreases in near-surface salinity at L4 from 35.2068 to a minimum on day 190 of 34.7422. This contributed to the development of haline stratification which supported the development of an intense bloom of the centric diatom Chaetoceros debelis, with maximum observed chlorophyll a concentration of 8.69 μg l−1. Minima in salinity, and maxima in chlorophyll concentration on day 190 were coincident with a peak in river-derived dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) of 1.9 μmol l−1 which was >5 times greater than the summertime mean and 24 times the concentrations experienced at L4 on weeks immediately before and after. There was no accompanying increase in dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), and the DIN:DIP ratio increased to 49. With the inherent phosphorus stress that this caused, rates of APA increased from <4 to 42.4 nmolP l−1 h−1. ELF analysis on day 197 identified two taxa actively expressing alkaline phosphatase: the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans and ciliate Tiarana sp.  相似文献   
In order to investigate temporal variations of the tropopause parameters, Least-Squares Harmonic Estimation (LS-HE) is applied to the time series of the tropopause temperatures and heights derived from Global Positioning System Radio Occultation (GPS RO) atmospheric profiles of CHAMP, GRACE and COSMIC missions from January 2006 until May 2010 in different regions of Iran. By applying the univariate LS-HE to the completely unevenly spaced time series of the tropopause temperatures and heights, annual and diurnal components are detected together with their higher harmonics. The multivariate LS-HE estimates the main periodic signals, particularly diurnal and semidiurnal cycles, more clearly than the univariate LS-HE. Mixing in the values of the tropopause height and temperature is seen to occur in winter at lower latitudes (around 30°) as a result of subtropical jet, and in summer at higher latitudes (36°–42°) as an effect of subtropical high. A bimodal pattern is observed in the frequency histograms of the tropopause heights, in which the primary modes for the southern and northern parts of Iran correspond to subtropical and extratropical heights, respectively.  相似文献   
A two-dimensional signal processing algorithm is developed to obtain smoothed estimates of the gravity disturbance vector from vector measurements obtained by an inertial surveying system. The method differs from a conventional least squares regional adjustment of such measurements in that it accommodates a signal model in the smoothing process. Using principles from the physical theory of geodesy, it is shown that for a local region on the surface of the earth, an appropriate signal model is obtained by applying the two-dimensional Laplacian operator to a function representing the surface disturbance potential and equating the result to spatial white noise. The model of the vector measurement is the three orthogonal spatial derivatives of a three dimensional disturbance potential evaluated at the surface contaminated by additive white noise. The problem of simultaneous smoothing of all the gravity disturbance measurements from all survey traverses in the region is solved by representing the surface disturbance potential by a two-dimensional Karhunen-Loeve expansion that makes no specific reference to either the geometry or the ordering of the parameter space, thereby making no assumptions of causality, stationarity or isotropy. The problem of estimating the gravity anomaly and the two vertical deflection components reduces to estimating the Karhunen-Loeve coefficients which are uncorrelated and rapidly converging. Simulation results as well as smoothing of actual gravity disturbance vector measurements obtained by the U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories (USAETL) with the Rapid Geodetic Survey System (RGSS) at the White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) are presented in the paper. An analysis of these results shows that the optimal two-dimensional smoother obtains a performance benefit relative to conventional regional least squares by a factor of 2 and a benefit relative to single-traverse smoothed results by a factor of 4.
Sommaire Un algorithme de traitement du signal en deux dimensions est développé pour obtenir une estimation lissée du vecteur de la perturbation de la pesanteur à partir des mesures de vecteur obtenues avec un système d’arpentage inertiel. La méthode diffère d’un compensation régionale conventionnelle par moindres carrés de telles mesures, par le fait qu’elle contient un modèle du signal dans le processus de compensation. En s’appuyant sur les principes de la géodésie physique, il est montré que pour une région locale de la surface de la terre, un modèle approprié du signal est obtenu en appliquant l’opérateur à deux dimensions de Laplace à une fonction représentant le champ perturbateur à la surface de la terre et égalisant le résultat à un bruit blanc spatial. Le modèle du vecteur de mesures est défini par les trois dérivées spatiales de la fonction tridimensionnelle du potentiel perturbateur évaluées à la surface et contaminées par un bruit blanc. Le problème du lissage de toutes les mesures de gravité perturbatrice obtenues à partir des polygonales effectuées est résolu en représentant le potentiel perturbateur à la surface à l’aide d’un développement Karhunen-Loeve à deux dimensions qui ne fait aucunement référence à la géométrie ou à l’ordre des paramètres; ceci prévient toute dépendance spatiale des points adjacents. Le problème de l’estimation de l’anomalie de la gravité et des deux composantes de la déviation de la verticale se réduit à celle des coefficients Karhunen-Loeve qui sont non-corrélés et convergent rapidement. Les résultats de simulation aussi bien que le lissage des données du vecteur de perturbation de la pesanteur foumi par l’U.S. Army Engineer Topographics Labs (USAETL) sont présentés. L’analyse de ces résultats montre que le lissage optimal à deux dimensions améliore les résultats par un facteur 2 comparés aux résultats d’une compensation régionale par moindres carrés, et par un facteur 4 comparés aux résultats lissés d’une simple traverse.

Presented at the Second International Symposium on Inertial Technology for Surveying and Geodesy, Banff, Canada, June 1–5, 1981.  相似文献   
The volume and grain-size of sediment supplied from catchments fundamentally control basin stratigraphy. Despite their importance, few studies have constrained sediment budgets and grain-size exported into an active rift at the basin scale. Here, we used the Corinth Rift as a natural laboratory to quantify the controls on sediment export within an active rift. In the field, we measured the hydraulic geometries, surface grain-sizes of channel bars and full-weighted grain-size distributions of river sediment at the mouths of 47 catchments draining the rift (constituting 83% of the areal extent). Results show that the sediment grain-size increases westward along the southern coast of the Gulf of Corinth, with the coarse-fraction grain-sizes (84th percentile of weighted grain-size distribution) ranging from approximately 19 to 91 mm. We find that the median and coarse-fraction of the sieved grain-size distribution are primarily controlled by bedrock lithology, with late Quaternary uplift rates exerting a secondary control. Our results indicate that grain-size export is primarily controlled by the input grain-size within the catchment and subsequent abrasion during fluvial transport, both quantities that are sensitive to catchment lithology. We also demonstrate that the median and coarse-fraction of the grain-size distribution are predominantly transported in bedload; however, typical sand-grade particles are transported as suspended load at bankfull conditions, suggesting disparate source-to-sink transit timescales for sand and gravel. Finally, we derive both a full Holocene sediment budget and a grain-size-specific bedload discharged into the Gulf of Corinth using the grain-size measurements and previously published estimates of sediment fluxes and volumes. Results show that the bedload sediment budget is primarily comprised (~79%) of pebble to cobble grade (0.475–16 cm). Our results suggest that the grain-size of sediment export at the rift scale is particularly sensitive to catchment lithology and fluvial mophodynamics, which complicates our ability to make direct inferences of tectonic and palaeoenvironmental forcing from local stratigraphic characteristics.  相似文献   
Carbonatites host some of the largest and highest grade rare earth element (REE) deposits but the composition and source of their REE-mineralising fluids remains enigmatic. Using C, O and 87Sr/86Sr isotope data together with major and trace element compositions for the REE-rich Kangankunde carbonatite (Malawi), we show that the commonly observed, dark brown, Fe-rich carbonatite that hosts REE minerals in many carbonatites is decoupled from the REE mineral assemblage. REE-rich ferroan dolomite carbonatites, containing 8–15 wt% REE2O3, comprise assemblages of monazite-(Ce), strontianite and baryte forming hexagonal pseudomorphs after probable burbankite. The 87Sr/86Sr values (0.70302–0.70307) affirm a carbonatitic origin for these pseudomorph-forming fluids. Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of strontianite, representing the REE mineral assemblage, indicate equilibrium between these assemblages and a carbonatite-derived, deuteric fluid between 250 and 400 °C (δ18O + 3 to + 5‰VSMOW and δ13C ? 3.5 to ? 3.2‰VPDB). In contrast, dolomite in the same samples has similar δ13C values but much higher δ18O, corresponding to increasing degrees of exchange with low-temperature fluids (< 125 °C), causing exsolution of Fe oxides resulting in the dark colour of these rocks. REE-rich quartz rocks, which occur outside of the intrusion, have similar δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr to those of the main complex, indicating both are carbonatite-derived and, locally, REE mineralisation can extend up to 1.5 km away from the intrusion. Early, REE-poor apatite-bearing dolomite carbonatite (beforsite: δ18O + 7.7 to + 10.3‰ and δ13C ?5.2 to ?6.0‰; 87Sr/86Sr 0.70296–0.70298) is not directly linked with the REE mineralisation.  相似文献   
As the world considers greener forms of economic growth, countries and sectors are beginning to position themselves for the emerging green economy. This paper combines patent data with international trade and output data in order to investigate who the winners of this “green race” might be. The analysis covers 110 manufacturing sectors in eight countries (China, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, South Korea, UK and the US) using date for the period 2005–2007. We identify three success factors for green competitiveness at the sector level: the speed at which sectors convert to green products and processes (measured by green innovation), their ability to gain and maintain market share (measured by existing comparative advantages) and a favourable starting point (measured by current output). We find that the green race is likely to alter the present competitiveness landscape. Many incumbent country-sectors with strong comparative advantages today lag behind in terms of green conversion, suggesting that they could lose their competitive edge. Japan, and to a lesser extent Germany, appear best placed to benefit from the green economy, while other European countries (Italy in particular) could fall behind. However, the green economy is much broader than the few flagship sectors on which the debate tends to focus, and each country has its niches of green competitiveness.  相似文献   
Climate Dynamics - Convection-permitting models (CPMs) have been proven successful in simulating extreme precipitation statistics. However, when such models are used to study climate change,...  相似文献   
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