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The asymptotic distribution of the coefficient of cross-association between two sequences of nominal data is investigated under the assumption of independent random sampling from a multinomial distribution slightly modified to suit geological applications. This modification is due to merging consecutive strata of the same rock type into one lithological unit, and can be described by a simple Markov chain. A distinction is made between the case in which the theoretical frequencies are known, and the situation where these have to be estimated from the observed data.  相似文献   
During the course of the geotectonic development of the West Carpathians there were ore mineralisation periods, which are associated with different stratigraphical hiatuses. Hematite-magnetite ore was deposited in the first period between the Silurian and the Devonian. In both the Middle and the Upper Carboniferous, some stratiform siderite deposits originated, which were exploited in the vicinity of Dobiná and Mlynky during about the last 100 years. In the Permian, some haematite occurrences, fossil gold placers and uranium-bearing strata were formed, the last of which was exploited. Some minor haematite occurrences are widespread in the Lower Triassic. The same type of occurrence is known in the Upper Triassic and in the Lower Jurassic, too. In the Jurassic, small occurrences of manganese ore are known. Bauxite occurreces were found in the Middle and Upper Cretaceous, but they are very small. More important are the sedimentary manganese deposits, which were deposited in the Middle Eocene. These were exploited during the last 70 years. The fossil gold placers of the east Slovakian, Paleogene flysch series are very interesting from genetic point of view. The small kaoline, bauxite and silicate-nickel occurrences, which are associated with the alteration processes of basic rocks of different age, were found during the Miocene. The Quaternary period is well known for its gold placers, from which those of the Danube river as well as others were exploited in the past.

Nach einem Vortrag gehalten auf der Tagung des Lagerstättenausschusses der G. D. M. B. und der S. G. A. in Clausthal am 4. / 5. April 1975  相似文献   
The Banská?tiavnica ore district is in the central zone of the largest stratovolcano in the Central Slovakia Neogene Volcanic Field, which is situated at the inner side of the Carpathian arc over the Hercynian basement with the Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary cover. Volcanic rocks of the High-K orogenic suite are of the Badenian through Pannonian age (16.5–8.5?Ma). Their petrogenesis is closely related to subduction of flysch belt oceanic basement underneath the advancing Carpathian arc and to back-arc extension processes. The stratovolcano includes a large caldera 20?km in diameter and a late-stage resurgent horst in its centre, exposing a basement and extensive subvolcanic intrusive complex. The following stages have been recognized in the evolution of the stratovolcano: (1)?formation of a large pyroxene/hornblende-pyroxene andesite stratovolcano; (2)?denudation, emplacement of a diorite intrusion; (3) emplacement of a large granodiorite bell-jar pluton within the basement; (4) emplacement of granodiorite/quartz-diorite porphyry stocks and dyke clusters around the pluton; (5) caldera subsidence and its filling by biotite-hornblende andesite volcanics, emplacement of quartz-diorite porphyry sills and dykes at the subvolcanic level; (6)?renewed activity of andesites from dispersed centres on slopes of the volcano; (7) uplift of a resurgent horst accompanied by rhyolite volcanics and granite porphyry dykes. The following types of ore deposits (mineralizations) have been identified in the Banská?tiavnica ore district: 1. Quartz-pyrophyllite-pyrite high-sulphidation system at ?obov, related to the diorite intrusion. 2. Magnetite skarn deposits and occurrences?at contacts of the granodiorite pluton with Mesozoic carbonate rocks. Magnetite ores occur as lenses in the calcic skarns. 3.?Stockwork/disseminated base metal deposit along an irregular network of fractures in apical parts of the granodiorite pluton and in remnants of basement rocks. Mineral paragenesis is simple, with leading sphalerite and galena and minor chalcopyrite and pyrite. In overlying andesites the mineralization is accompanied by metasomatic quartzites and argillites with pyrophyllite, kaolinite, illite and pyrite. 4. Porphyry/skarn copper deposits and occurrences related to granodiorite/quartz-diorite porphyry dyke clusters and stocks around the granodiorite intrusion. The mineralized zone is represented by accumulations of chalcopyrite in exo- and endo-skarns, usually of the magnesian type affected by serpentinization. Besides chalcopyrite, pyrhotite, minor bornite, chalcosite, tennantite and magnetite, rare molybdenite and gold are present. The alteration pattern around productive intrusions includes an external zone of propylitization, a zone of argillitic alteration (kaolinite – illite – pyrite) and an internal zone of phyllic alteration (quartz – sericite – pyrite). Biotitization is rare and limited to porphyry intrusions. 5. Intrusion related “mesothermal” gold deposit in an andesitic environment just above the granodiorite intrusion. Gold of high fineness with base metal mineralization is contained in brecciated and/or banded quartz veins of subhorizontal orientation, parallel to the surface of granodiorite pluton. At least the first phase of mineralization is older than quartz-diorite porphyry sills, which separate granodiorite and blocks of mineralized andesite. 6. Hot spring type advanced argillic systems in the caldera filling. Silicites and opalites accompanied by kaolinite, alunite and pyrite grade downward into smectite dominated argillites. 7. Vein type epithermal precious/base metal deposits and occurrences as a result of the long lasting interaction among structural evolution of the resurgent horst and evolving hydrothermal system, extensive intrusive complex and deep seated siliceous magma chamber serving as heat and magmatic fluid source. Three types of epithermal veins occur in a zonal arrangement: (a) base metal veins ± Au with transition to Cu?±?Bi mineralization at depth in the east/central part of the horst, (b)?Ag – Au veins with minor base metal mineralization and (c) Au – Ag veins located at marginal faults of the horst. Isotopic composition of oxygen and hydrogen in hydrothermal fluids indicate mixing of magmatic and meteoric component (with generally increasing proportion of meteoric component towards younger mineralization periods?). Veins are accompanied by zones of silicification, adularization and sericitization, indicating a low sulphidation environment. 8.?Replacement base metal mineralization of a limited extent in the Mesozoic carbonate rocks next to sulphide rich epithermal base metal veins.  相似文献   
The Plechy pluton, southwestern Bohemian Massif, represents a late-Variscan, complexly zoned intrusive center emplaced near the crustal-scale Pfahl shear zone; the pluton thus provides an opportunity to examine the interplay among successive emplacement of large magma batches, magmatic fabric acquisition, and the late-Variscan stress field associated with strike-slip shearing. The magmatic history of the pluton started with the emplacement of the porphyritic Plechy and Haidmühler granites. Based on gravity and structural data, we interpret that the Plechy and Haidmühler granites were emplaced as a deeply rooted, ∼NE–SW elongated body; its gross shape and internal fabric (steep ∼NE–SW magmatic foliation) may have been controlled by the late-Variscan stress field. The steep magmatic foliation changes into flat-lying foliation (particularly recorded by AMS) presumably as a result of divergent flow. Magnetic lineations correspond to a sub-horizontal ∼NE–SW finite stretch associated with the divergent flow. Subsequently, the Třístoličník granite, characterized by steep margin-parallel magmatic foliation, was emplaced as a crescent-shaped body in the central part of the pluton. The otherwise inward-younging intrusive sequence was completed by the emplacement of the outermost and the most evolved garnet-bearing granite (the Marginal granite) along the southeastern margin of the pluton. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The spectra of two roAp stars have been analyzed as part of a project to study lithium in magnetic Ap stars. Variability of the Li I 6708 Å resonance doublet and rare-earth lines was detected, which can be explained using an oblique rotator model with the lithium spots located at the magnetic poles. Synthetic spectra obtained at different rotational phases have yielded the first data on the atmospheric chemical compositions of these spotted stars. Using refined atomic data and the most complete line lists has enabled a detailed study of the spectra near the Li I 6708 Å line and computation of the Li I line profile taking into account the spotted distribution of the lithium over the stellar surfaces. The positions of two lithium spots and lithium abundances for each of the spots have been determined.  相似文献   
Summary An attempt is made to show possible ways of predicting radio wave absorption in the midlatitude lower ionosphere using relations between absorption and the intensity of solar ionizing radiation and/or common solar activity indices, and between absorption and f0F2.
aa mu nuau nu a¶rt;u ¶rt;um u u a mu ¶rt; nu u umum uuu uu (uu uu u¶rt;au amumu) u ¶rt; nu u f0F2.
Summary The magnification achieved with the standard sine-wave method using seismometers with the calibration and signal coils tightly wound on the same coil former can be erroneous at high frequencies due to the mutual inductance between both coils. An attempt was made to eliminate this influence from the calibration data. The application of theoretical equations was tested with a short-period digital seismograph.
ma¶rt;ama auau aa nu ¶rt;uu ¶rt;uu maauu m m m a u amma ua u a au u¶rt;mumu ¶rt; ua u auau am, u u a¶rt;m n¶rt;m umu. a ¶rt;aa nnma muam auau ¶rt;a. uu mmuu au u¶rt;a nu auauu mnu¶rt;u aa u anu.
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