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Summary The structure of the surface-air temperature field in meso-alpha and meso-beta scale is studied for the purpose of regionalisation and for the optimum interpolation meso-analysis in Slovenia. The possibilities of subregionalisation, of the split into the horizontal and the vertical part of autocorrelation function and of separation according to the general weather type have been tested. It was found that the influence of weather type could not be introduced without the simultaneous introduction of first-guess fields for each weather type. The relative importance of first-guess field versus the importance of the type of autocorrelation function is estimated by several tests of the optimum interpolation meso analysis.With 6 Figures  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die luftelektrischen Grundanschauungen haben im Laufe der Entwicklung mehrfach erhebliche Wandlungen durchgemacht. Auf die Entwicklungsperiode, in der man die auffallenden Parallelen im Verhalten luftelektrischer und meteorologischer Größen aufzuklären sich bestrebte — sie findet etwa mitF. Exner ihr Ende—, folgt eine Phase bewußter Emanzipation der luftelektrischen Forschung, während der man in den meteorologischen Einflüssen nur Störungen sieht. Etwa in den zwanziger Jahren beginnt dann eine Reaktion gegen dieses Isolationsbestreben und mit der früher lange vergeblich versuchten Aufklärung des luftelektrischen Grund- und Existenzproblems leitet sich eine neue Entwicklungsphase ein, die man sinngemäß als korrelative Phase bezeichnen möchte. Nach einer eingehenden und nach den inneren gründen dieser mehrmaligen Schwenkung suchenden Darstellung wird im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit das Problem der luftelektrischen Tagesgänge behandelt und als Beweis für die komplexe elektro-meteorologische Arbeits- und Betrachtungsweise in seinen neuesten Entwicklungen kurz dargestellt. Die enge Verbindung zwischen dem luftelektrischen Geschehen und dem vertikalen atmosphärischen Massenaustausch legt die Benutzung luftelektrischer Untersuchungen in der Austausch-und Luftkörperforschung nahe.
Summary In the course of the development the fundamental notions about atmospheric electricity have experienced considerable changes. In a first period expiring about withF. Exner, one tried to explain the striking parallels of electrical and meteorological phenomena; then follows a period with a distinct emancipation of atmospheric electricity, where meteorological influences were admitted but as perturbations. In the twenties begins a reaction to this isolationist views and a new evolution starts which might be called correlative phase. The author analyses and explains these repeated changes, and in a second part he discusses the problem of the diurnal variation of atmospheric electricity and shows the complexity of electro-meteorological relations. The close connexion between the phenomena of atmospheric electricity and the turbulent vertical exchange urges to employ investigations of atmospheric electricity for investigations in exchange and air-mass research.

Résumé En matière d'électricité atmosphérique les points de vue ont souvent varié considérablement. Dans une première période allant jusqu'àF. Exner environ, on a essayé d'expliquer le parallélisme évident entre les phénomènes électriques et météorologiques; puis on a envisagé les premiers pour eux-mêmes, indépendamment des influences météorologiques considérées alors comme des «perturbations». Autour des années 1920, une réaction se dessine contre cette discrimination, et une nouvelle phase commence que l'on pourrait appeler corrélative. Après une analyse approfondie de ces fluctuations de la théorie, l'auteur aborde dans la deuxième partie de son étude le problème des variations diurnes des phénomènes électriques et montre la complexité des relations les unissant à ceux de l'atmosphère ellemême. La liaison étroite entre les phénomènes de l'électricité atmosphérique et les échanges turbulents de masse dans la verticale prouve l'utilité des recherches électriques pour l'étude de cet échange et pour celle des masses d'air de l'atmosphère.

Mit 14 Textabbildungen.

Herrn Prof. Dr.H. Benndorf zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
In order to fulfill the society demand for climate information at the spatial scale allowing impact studies, long-term high-resolution climate simulations are produced, over an area covering metropolitan France. One of the major goals of this article is to investigate whether such simulations appropriately simulate the spatial and temporal variability of the current climate, using two simulation chains. These start from the global IPSL-CM4 climate model, using two regional models (LMDz and MM5) at moderate resolution (15–20 km), followed with a statistical downscaling method in order to reach a target resolution of 8 km. The statistical downscaling technique includes a non-parametric method that corrects the distribution by using high-resolution analyses over France. First the uncorrected simulations are evaluated against a set of high-resolution analyses, with a focus on temperature and precipitation. Uncorrected downscaled temperatures suffer from a cold bias that is present in the global model as well. Precipitations biases have a season- and model-dependent behavior. Dynamical models overestimate rainfall but with different patterns and amplitude, but both have underestimations in the South-Eastern area (Cevennes mountains) in winter. A variance decomposition shows that uncorrected simulations fairly well capture observed variances from inter-annual to high-frequency intra-seasonal time scales. After correction, distributions match with analyses by construction, but it is shown that spatial coherence, persistence properties of warm, cold and dry episodes also match to a certain extent. Another aim of the article is to describe the changes for future climate obtained using these simulations under Scenario A1B. Results are presented on the changes between current and mid-term future (2021–2050) averages and variability over France. Interestingly, even though the same global climate model is used at the boundaries, regional climate change responses from the two models significantly differ.  相似文献   
Two cases of simultaneous nighttime measurements of NO2 and OClO in the winter polar stratosphere are analyzed in order to test our present knowledge of halogen chemistry in the presence of high amount of NO2 at low temperature. Comparisons with Lagrangian model calculations using several hypotheses are performed. First simulations, using the admitted constant rates of chemical reaction, strongly underestimate the measured OClO while the NO2 profiles are correctly reproduced. If uncertainties in actinic fluxes calculations are taken into account, simulation results do not show a significant reduction of the underestimation. A better agreement can be achieved if the formation of unstable isomers of ClONO2 and of BrONO2 occurs in the cold conditions of the polar stratosphere. An approximate value of the branching ratios of the channels leading to ClONO2 and ClOONO, and to BrONO2 and BrOONO, necessary to reproduce both OClO and NO2 is given and discussed.  相似文献   

Carbonyl sulphide (OCS) is an important precursor of sulphate aerosols and consequently a key species in stratospheric ozone depletion. The SPectromètre InfraRouge d'Absorption à Lasers Embarqués (SPIRALE) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) balloon-borne instruments have flown in the tropics and in the polar Arctic, and ground-based measurements have been performed by the Qualité de l'Air (QualAir) Fourier Transform Spectrometer in Paris. Partial and total columns and vertical profiles have been obtained to study OCS variability with altitude, latitude, and season. The annual total column variation in Paris reveals a seasonal variation with a maximum in April–June and a minimum in November–January. Total column measurements above Paris and from SWIR balloon-borne instrument are compared with several MkIV measurements, several Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) stations, aircraft, ship, and balloon measurements to highlight the OCS total column decrease from tropical to polar latitudes. OCS high-resolution in situ vertical profiles have been measured for the first time in the altitude range between 14 and 30?km at tropical and polar latitudes. OCS profiles are compared with Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) satellite measurements and show good agreement. Using the correlation between OCS and N2O from SPIRALE, the OCS stratospheric lifetime has been accurately determined. We find a stratospheric lifetime of 68?±?20 years at polar latitudes and 58?±?14 years at tropical latitudes leading to a global stratospheric sink of 49?±?14?Gg?S?y?1.  相似文献   
Size segregated sampling of aerosol particles at the coal-fired power station Šoštanj, Slovenia was performed by a newly developed system. In addition, simultaneous sampling of particles was performed at two locations, Velenje and Veliki vrh, chosen on the basis of long term monitoring of SO2 in the influential area of power plant. The signature of the power plant (e.g. characteristic size distributions of some typical trace elements) was identified. For elements, like As, Mo, Cd and Ga, which are typical for coal combustion, the highest concentrations were observed in the size range between 1 and 4 μm. For Se and sometimes for Ga two modes were identified, first between 0.1 and 0.5 μm and second between 1 and 4 μm. Ratios between the average concentrations of selected elements in fine and coarse particles collected at Veliki vrh (the most influenced location) and Velenje (usually not influenced by the thermo power station) were significantly higher than 1 in the case of Mo and Se for coarse and fine size range, while for As the ratio was higher than 1 for the coarse fraction. Consequently, Mo, Se and As were found as the most important tracers for the emissions from the investigated source. On the basis of the ratios between the concentrations of elements measured in particles at low and high SO2 concentrations at Veliki vrh, Cd was shown to be a typical tracer as well. Our results definitely showed that size segregated measurements of particles at the source and in the influenced area give more precise information on the influence of source to the surrounding region. It was found that patterns of size distributions for typical trace elements observed at the source are found also in the influenced area, i.e. Veliki vrh.  相似文献   

Chile has a rich, but poorly known history of placer gold mining. At present, this sector is almost nonexistent and there are some restrictions for its revival: disperse and partial information on existing resources and limited technical expertise to assess the potential of placer gold mine sites. This paper presents the background, methodology and results of the prioritization process of known prospects of this kind in Chile. This research was part of a publicly funded project aimed to incentivize the development of this industry. The ranking was carried out using the analytic hierarchy process, which allowed to include different quantitative and qualitative variables related to the economic potential, technical aspects, contextual viability and socioeconomic factors in the analysis. The results show that, despite the increasing relevance of environmental and community issues in mining development, the business potential and the economic/technical aspects are the main factors in the early selection of a site to advance in exploration and development activities. Both variables represented around 40% and 37% of weights in the final selection, respectively. In contrast, contextual viability and local socioeconomic impacts only accounted for the remaining 23%. This study also shows that the inclusion of experts with different backgrounds in the process enriches the analysis and does not significantly distort the final outcome of the prioritization. Finally, the relevance of using MCDM tools when assessing the attractiveness of mine sites for their development is highlighted, particularly when public funds for subsequent exploration activities are committed.


In the European Alps, high mountain environments are subject to major impacts resulting from climate change, which strongly affect human activities such as mountaineering. The purpose of the study was to examine changes in access routes to 30 high mountain huts in the Western Alps since the 1990s. Data were derived from the use of two different methods, geo-historical studies and a questionnaire, and were used to identify both the climate-related processes affecting the climbing routes and the strategies implemented by public entities, Alpine clubs, guide companies, and hut keepers to maintain acceptable safety and technical conditions. The case studies revealed issues affecting three access routes and the results from the questionnaire showed that the main processes affecting access routes were loss of ice thickness and retreat from the front of the glaciated areas. Commonly, in situ equipment was installed to facilitate access for mountaineers and/or a part of a route was relocated to a safer area. The authors conclude that in most cases, the measures were effective but they were limited by financial, ethical and legal issues, especially in protected or classified areas that could jeopardise their durability and effectiveness.  相似文献   
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