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We examine a model for the expected contributions to the soft X-ray background (SXRB) due to bremsstrahlung and re-combination radiation of gas, enriched with heavy elements, located in groups of galaxies taken from Tully'sCatalog of Nearby Groups of Galaxies. It is shown that the contribution to the SXRB of groups of galaxies can explain up to 20% of the observed flux depending on the chemical composition and ratio of emitting mass to assumed virial mass.  相似文献   
Clay-rich mine tailings from phosphate mine operations in Florida are a major environmental and economic problem. Options for reclamation and restoration for these tailings are very limited and are fundamentally restricted by poor physical properties such as low mechanical strength, low hydraulic conductivity, and heavy metal content. The major control on these bulk physical properties is the mineralogy of the materials. Eight continuous push borings were obtained to investigate stratigraphy, mineralogy, aspects of geochemistry, and bulk properties of a deposit of clay-rich mine tailings from a phosphate mine near Bartow, Florida that ceased operations in the early 1970s. Stratigraphy is dominated by laminated clay-rich sediment with minor units of silt and sand. An intact kaolinite liner occurs near the impoundment walls and the impoundment floor has approximately 4 m of relief. Moisture content varies from 4.35 to 57.40 wt% and organic content varies from 0.41 to 9.53 wt%. Bulk XRF investigation indicates that the P2O5 concentrations vary from approximately 4 to 21 wt%. A very strong correlation (r 2 = 0.92) between CaO and P2O5 indicates that apatite is a major control on the phosphate. The strong correlation (r 2 = 0.77) of Al2O3 and TiO2 suggests that the source materials for this deposit are comparatively uniform. A number of heavy metal elements and trace elements occur. Cr, V, Ni, Cu are interpreted to be in phosphate minerals, largely apatite. Sr and Pb are interpreted to be in both phyllosilicates and phosphate minerals. Two populations of apatite were observed in the clay-sized fraction, one that was Fe and Si- bearing and another that was only Si-bearing. Fe-bearing apatite had Fe2O3 contents that varied from 0.38 to 5.32 wt% and SiO2 contents that varied from 0.90 to 3.32 wt%. The other apatite population had a wider range of SiO2 contents that varied from 0.77 to 8.80 wt%. TEM imaging shows that apatite grains are dominantly single crystals with lesser amounts of aggregates. Wavellite commonly occurs as individual or clusters of lath-like crystals and the chemical composition differs from the pure aluminium phosphate end member with average concentrations of components being that of CaO (1.57 wt%), Fe2O3 (1.98 wt%), SiO2 (5.94 wt%). In the clay-sized phosphate minerals investigated no fluorine was found above detection limit (approximately 0.15 wt%), nor was any uranium, radium, heavy metal, or REE element detected. The phyllosilicate mineralogy of the deposit is dominated by smectite (montmorillonite with lesser amounts of nontronite), palygorskite, illite and kaolinite. No systematic variation in the relative proportions of phyllosilicates was observed in the clay deposit. Energy dispersive spectroscopy EDS analysis indicates that chemical compositions of phyllosilicates are somewhat typical but overall are enriched with respect to Fe compared to theoretical end members. The relative enrichment of Fe is interpreted to be a primary sedimentary feature. Ca content in smectite minerals is high and may inhibit stabilization using lime or similar methods. The high percentages of montmorillonite and palygorskite explain the high bulk water contents observed. This investigation provides fundamentally new details regarding clay tailing deposits from closed phosphate mines in central Florida which can be used in restoration and reclamation efforts.  相似文献   
Fluxes of dissolved forms of iron and manganese across the sediment–water interface were studied in situ in the Gulf of Finland and the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea), and in the Golubaya Bay (Black Sea) from 2001 to 2005. Fluxes were measured using chamber incubations, and sediment cores were collected and sliced to assess the porewater and solid phase metal distribution at different depths. Measured and calculated benthic fluxes of manganese and iron were directed out of sediment for all sites and were found to vary between 70–4450 and 5–1000 µmole m− 2 day− 1 for manganese and iron, respectively. The behavior of the studied metals at various redox conditions in the near-bottom water and in the sediment was the main focus in this study. Our results show the importance of bottom water redox conditions for iron fluxes. We measured no fluxes at oxic conditions, intermediate fluxes at anoxic conditions (up to 200 μmole m− 2 day− 1) and high fluxes at suboxic conditions (up to 1000 μmole m− 2 day− 1). Total dissolved iron fluxes were generally dominated by iron(II). Contribution of iron(III) to the total iron flux did not exceed 20%. Obtained fluxes of manganese at all studied regions showed a linear correlation (r2 = 0.97) to its concentration in the porewater of the top sediment layer (0–5 mm) and did not depend on dissolved oxygen concentrations of bottom water. Organically complexed iron and manganese were in most cases not involved in the benthic exchange processes.  相似文献   
舍尔金井位于俄罗斯东西伯利亚萨哈共和国雅库茨克市中心,总深度为116.5 m,是多年冻土区第一口深度超过100 m的井。井的挖掘从筹划到完工(1837年)历时10年,是俄罗斯商人费多尔·舍尔金(φедор Шергин)为挖井取水而建造的。舍尔金井的温度资料无可辩驳地证明了多年冻土的存在,它不仅是重要的文化和历史遗产,还是多年冻土存在的重要证据及冻土学发展的见证。  相似文献   
Numerical modelling, incorporating coupling between surface processes and induced flow in the lower continental crust, is used to address the Quaternary evolution of the Gulf of Corinth region in central Greece. The post-Early Pleistocene marine depocentre beneath this Gulf overlies the northern margin of an older (Early Pleistocene and earlier) lacustrine basin, the Proto Gulf of Corinth Basin or PGCB. In the late Early Pleistocene, relief in this region was minimal but, subsequently, dramatic relief has developed, involving the creation of  900 m of bathymetry within the Gulf and the uplift by many hundreds of metres of the part of the PGCB, south of the modern Gulf, which forms the Gulf's main sediment supply. It is assumed that, as a result of climate change around 0.9 Ma, erosion of this sediment source region and re-deposition of this material within the Gulf began, both processes occurring at spatial average rates of  0.2 mm a− 1. Modelling of the resulting isostatic response indicates that the local effective viscosity of the lower crust is  4 × 1019 Pa s, indicating a Moho temperature of  560 °C. It predicts that the  10 mm a− 1 of extension across this  70 km wide model region, at an extensional strain rate of  0.15 Ma− 1, is partitioned with  3 mm a− 1 across the sediment source,  2 mm a− 1 across the depocentre, and  5 mm a− 1 across the ‘hinge zone’ in between, the latter value being an estimate of the extension rate on normal faults forming the major topographic escarpment at the southern margin of the Gulf. This modelling confirms the view, suggested previously, that coupling between this depocentre and sediment source by lower-crustal flow can explain the dramatic development in local relief since the late Early Pleistocene. The effective viscosity of the lower crust in this region is not particularly low; the strong coupling interpreted between the sediment source and depocentre results instead from their close proximity. In detail, the effective viscosity of the lower crust is expected to decrease northward across this model region, due to the northward increase in exposure of the base of the continental lithosphere to the asthenosphere; in the south the two are separated by the subducting Hellenic slab. The isostatic consequences of such a lateral variation in viscosity provide a natural explanation for why, since  0.9 Ma, the modern Gulf has developed asymmetrically over the northern part of the PGCB, leaving the rest of the PGCB to act as its sediment source.  相似文献   
The influence of deep crustal processes on basin formation and evolution and its relation to current morphology is not well understood yet. A key feature to unravel these issues is a detailed seismic image of the crust. A part of the data recorded by the hydrocarbon industry in the late 1970s and 1980s in the North German Basin were released to the public recently. The seismic reflection data were recorded down to 15 s two-way travel time. The mean Common Midpoint fold of about 20 is relatively low compared to contemporary seismic acquisitions. The processing of the 1980s focussed on the sedimentary structures to explore the hydrocarbon potential of this area. We applied the Common Reflection Surface stack technique to the data sets, which is well suited for low-fold data. The reprocessing was focussed on the imaging of the subsedimentary crustal range. The reprocessed images show enhanced reflections, especially in the mid and lower crustal part. Also, the image of the salt structures in the graben area was improved. Furthermore, the reprocessed images indicate an almost flat Moho topography in the area of the Glückstadt Graben and an additional lower crustal structure, which can be correlated with a high-density body found in recent gravity modeling studies.  相似文献   

Equilibrium-kinetic modeling allows investigating metal behavior in the water–rock-organic matter system with time to evaluate anthropogenic effects on the environment. In the article, the interactions of stagnant mine drainage water of the flooded mine “Arsenic” with ore and gangue minerals were simulated using different organic matter incorporation approaches. If the model is closed to humic substances (no additional organic matter input), most fulvic acids are bound in the Fe fulvate complex. While under the removal of Fe fulvate from the model, the Cu fulvate becomes prevalent, the contribution of the fulvate complexes with Zn, Mg, and Ca also increases. This scenario simulates the organo-mineral complexes behavior well and allows identifying the sequence of metal binding to organic ligands as follows Fe?>?Cu?>?Zn?>?Mg?>?Ca. The second scenario imitates the constant input of organic matter to the model (open system regarding humic substances). The dissolved metal concentrations in the model solution are extremely high in comparison to the mine drainage water. This scenario demonstrates that excessive input of organic matter leads to the accumulation of the metals in a dissolved form and blocks the secondary mineral formation despite the faster dissolution of the primary minerals under a more acidic pH than in the first scenario. However, despite the differences between the model solution and the mine drainage water, this scenario is useful to address specific issues associated with changes in natural and anthropogenic conditions. Both scenarios show the importance of organic matter incorporation to the equilibrium-kinetic models.

Drifting sediment traps were deployed at 9 stations in May-June (ice-covered conditions) and July-August (ice-free conditions) 2004 in the Chukchi Sea to investigate the variability in export fluxes of biogenic matter in the presence and absence of sea ice cover. Measurements of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate nitrogen (PN), phytoplankton, zooplankton fecal pellets, and the stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) of the sinking material were performed along Barrow Canyon (BC) and a parallel shelf-to-basin transect from East Hanna Shoal (EHS) to the Canada Basin. POC export fluxes were similarly high in the presence (378±106 mg C m−2 d−1) and in the absence of ice cover (442±203 mg C m−2 d−1) at the BC stations, while fluxes were significantly higher in the absence (129±98 mg C m−2 d−1) than in the presence of ice cover (44±29 mg C m−2 d−1) at the EHS stations. The C/N ratios and δ13C values of sinking organic particles indicated that POC export fluxes on the Chukchi continental shelf were mostly composed of freshly produced labile material, except at the EHS stations under ice cover where the exported matter was mostly composed of refractory material probably advected into the EHS region. Chl-a fluxes were higher under ice cover than in ice-free water, however, relatively low daily loss rates of Chl-a and similar phytoplankton carbon fluxes in ice-covered and ice-free water suggest the retention of phytoplankton in the upper water column. An increase in fecal pellet carbon fluxes in ice-free water reflected higher grazing pressure in the absence of ice cover. Elevated daily loss rates of POC at the BC stations confirmed other indications that Barrow Canyon is an important area of carbon export to the basin and/or benthos. These results support the conclusion that there are large spatial and temporal variations in export fluxes of biogenic matter on the Chukchi continental shelf, although export fluxes may be similar in the presence and in the absence of ice cover in highly productive regions.  相似文献   
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