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Representing environments in flux: case studies from East Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dominant view in the ecology and anthropology of the 1950s saw populations harmoniously interacting in self-regulating systems; climax forests and stable societies were the ruling hypotheses. Now, however, ecology and social sciences are investigating nature and culture in flux. The flux paradigms of nature and culture describe a human–ecological relationship that is non-equilibrial, historically contingent and constantly negotiated at both material and ideological levels by unequal actors. In this paper, we examine the effect of changing ecological and cultural paradigms on interpretations of environmental change in three areas of East Africa: the North Pare Mountains, Tanzania, the Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania and the Tsavo National Park, Kenya. We explore how discursive and materialist approaches can complement one another, by expanding the domains of ecological inquiry and demanding that analysts cross-check their data for unquestioned assumptions regarding stability, variability and spatial and temporal scales. Rather than testing a ruling hypothesis, we suggest that ecologists and social scientists work with multiple hypotheses, with the aim of understanding the interplay between ecological, environmental and social influences.  相似文献   
Freshwater and marine ecosystems are exposed to various multi-component mixtures of pollutants. Nevertheless, most ecotoxicological research and chemicals regulation focus on hazard and exposure assessment of individual substances only, the problem of chemical mixtures in the environment is ignored to a large extent. In contrast, the assessment of combination effects has a long tradition in pharmacology, where mixtures of chemicals are specifically designed to develop new products, e.g. human and veterinary drugs or agricultural and non-agricultural pesticides. In this area, two concepts are frequently used and are thought to describe fundamental relationships between single substance and mixture effects: Independent Action (Response Addition) and Concentration Addition. The question, to what extent these concepts may also be applied in an ecotoxicological and regulatory context may be considered a research topic of major importance, as the concepts would allow to make use of already existing single substance toxicity data for the predictive assessment of mixture toxicities. Two critical knowledge gaps are identified: (a) There is a lack of environmental realism, as a huge part of our current knowledge about the applicability of the concepts is restricted to artificial situations with respect to mixture composition or biological effect assessment. (b) The knowledge on what exactly is needed for using the concepts as tools for the predictive mixture toxicity assessment is insufficient. Both gaps seriously hamper the necessary, scientifically sound consideration of mixture toxicities in a regulatory context.In this paper, the two concepts will be briefly introduced, the necessity of considering the toxicities of chemical mixtures in the environment will be demonstrated and the applicability of Independent Action and Concentration Addition as tools for the prediction and assessment of mixture toxicities will be discussed. An overview of the specific aims and approaches of the BEAM project to fill in the identified knowledge gaps is given and first results are outlined.  相似文献   
Glasses from Mauna Loa pillow basalts, recent subaerial vents, and inclusions in olivine were analyzed for S, Cl, F, and major elements by electron microprobe. Select submarine glasses were also analyzed for H2O and CO2 by infrared spectroscopy. The compositional variation of these tholeiitic glasses is dominantly controlled by crystal fractionation and they indicate quenching temperatures of 1,115-1,196 °C. Submarine rift zone glasses have higher volatile abundances (except F) than nearly all other submarine and subaerial glasses with the maximum concentrations increasing with water depth. The overwhelming dominance of degassed glasses on the submarine flanks of Mauna Loa implies that much of volcano's recent submarine growth involved subaerially erupted lava that reached great water depths (up to 3.1 km) via lava tubes. Anomalously high F and Cl in some submarine glasses and glass inclusions indicate contamination possibly by fumarolic deposits in ephemeral rift zone magma chambers. The relatively high CO2 but variable H2O/K2O and S/K2O in some submarine rift zone glasses indicates pre-eruptive mixing between degassed and undegassed magma within Mauna Loa's rift system. Volatile compositions for Mauna Loa magmas are similar to other active Hawaiian volcanoes in S and F, but are less Cl-rich than Ll'ihi glasses. However, Cl/K2O ratios are similar. Mauna Loa and Ll'ihi magmas have comparable, but lower H2O than those from Kilauea. Thus, Kilauea's source may be more H2O-rich. The dissimilar volatile distribution in glasses from active Hawaiian volcanoes is inconsistent with predictions for a simple, concentrically zoned plume model.  相似文献   
Mafic high-pressure granulite, eclogite and pyroxenite xenoliths have been collected from a Mesozoic volcaniclastic diatreme in Xinyang, near south margin of the Sino-Korean Craton (SKC). The high-pressure granulite xenoliths are mainly composed of fine-grained granoblasts of Grt+Cpx+Pl+Hbl±Kfs±Q±Ilm with relict porphyritic mineral assemblage of Grt+Cpx±Pl±Rt. PT estimation indicates that the granoblastic assemblage crystallized at 765–890 °C and 1.25–1.59 GPa, corresponding to crustal depths of ca. 41–52 km with a geotherm of 75–80 mW/m2. Calculated seismic velocities (Vp) of high-pressure granulites range from 7.04 to 7.56 km/s and densities (D) from 3.05 to 3.30 g/cm3. These high-pressure granulite xenoliths have different petrographic and geochemical features from the Archean mafic granulites. Elevated geotherm and petrographic evidence imply that the lithosphere of this craton was thermally disturbed in the Mesozoic prior to eruption of the host diatreme. These samples have sub-alkaline basaltic compositions, equivalent to olivine– and quartz–tholeiite. REE patterns are flat to variably LREE-enriched (LaN/YbN=0.98–9.47) without Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu*=0.95–1.11). They possess 48–127 ppm Ni and 2–20 ppm Nb with Nb/U and La/Nb ratios of 13–54 and 0.93–4.75, respectively, suggesting that these high-pressure granulites may be products of mantle-derived magma underplated and contaminated at the base of the lower crust. This study also implies that up to 10 km Mesozoic lowermost crust was delaminated prior to eruption of the Cenozoic basalts on the craton.  相似文献   
The forces of interaction were measured between the siderophore azotobactin and the minerals goethite (α-FeOOH) and diaspore (α-AlOOH) in aqueous solution using force microscopy. Azotobactin, a pyoverdin-type siderophore, was covalently linked to a hydrazide terminated atomic force microscope tip using a standard active ester protein coupling technique. Upon contact with each mineral surface, the adhesion force between azotobactin and goethite was two to three times the value observed for the isostructural Al-equivalent diaspore. The affinity for the solid iron oxide surface reflected in the force measurements correlates with the specificity of azotobactin for aqueous ferric iron. Further, the adhesion force between azotobactin and goethite significantly decreases (4 nN to 2 nN) when small amounts of soluble iron (0.1 μM FeCl3 · 6H2O) are added to the system at pH 3.5 suggesting a significant specific interaction between the chelating reactive center of azotobactin and the mineral surface. Changes in the force signature with pH and ionic strength were fairly predictable when considering mineral solubility, the charge character of the mineral surfaces, the molecular structure of azotobactin, and the intervening solution. For example, azotobactin-goethite adhesion values were consistently smaller at pH 3.5 relative to the forces at pH 7. At the lower pH, the large number of protons and the increase in the mineral solubility provides additional electron acceptors (e.g., H+ and Fe3+(aq)) that are free to compete for the basic oxygen chelating sites in the azotobactin structure. It is believed that this competition disrupts siderophore affinity for the surface resulting in decreased adhesion values.  相似文献   
A combination of flow-injection analysis and kinetic analysis was used to examine the speciation of iron(II) and iron(III) in fulvic acid solutions as a function of pH, ionic strength, and time. This methodology was used to follow a shift in iron speciation from faster to slower reacting species over a timescale of several days. This speciation data shows that both iron(II) and iron(III)-fulvic acid complexes are important iron species in humic-containing natural waters and that their amounts and their rates of transformation to colloidal iron are controlled primarily by the kinetics of thermal (dark) reduction and iron(II) oxidation. The kinetic analysis methodology also yielded the rate constants for the thermal reduction of iron by the fulvic acid. These rate constants decrease with increasing pH and are independent of ionic strength. While thermal reduction was found to be too slow to produce large amounts of steady state iron(II) at circumneutral pH, it does provide a mechanism for iron redox cycling in the absence of photochemical or biochemical processes.  相似文献   
The enantiomeric and carbon-isotopic composition of the amino acid isovaline have been analyzed in several samples of the Murchison meteorite and one sample of the Murray meteorite. l-Enantiomeric excesses of the amino acid were found to range from 0 to 15.2%, varying significantly both between meteorite stones and at short distances within a single stone. The upper limit of this range is the largest enantiomeric excess measured to date for a biologically rare meteoritic amino acid and raises doubts that circularly polarized light irradiation could have been the sole cause of amino acids chiral asymmetry in meteorites. Individual d- and l-isovaline δ13C values ware found to be about +18‰, with no significant differences between the two enantiomers to suggest terrestrial contamination. The amino acid relative abundance also varied between samples, with isovaline/alanine ratios of 0.5 to 6.5. X-ray diffraction analyses of contiguous meteorite fragments suggest a possible correlation between isovaline and hydrous silicates abundances.  相似文献   
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