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The need to tackle climate hazards and development efforts simultaneously is widely acknowledged. However, the possibility of alternative visions of development is seldom contemplated. Instead, adaptation research usually assumes monolithic claims about development constructed from the status quo of global capitalism. This paper outlines a critical approach to adaptation and explores the interplay between visions of development, governance structures, and strategies to cope with hurricanes in the Mexican Caribbean, a region at the ‘front line’ of both globalization and climatic extreme phenomena. Critical adaptation formulates the experiencing of hazards as essentially political and tied to contingent development paths, which may eventually become hegemonic. Over a hundred semi-structured and open interviews were held in Cancun, Mahahual, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum including academics, businesspeople, bureaucrats, journalists, non-governmental organizations and tourism workers in order to characterize development visions in the Mexican Caribbean. Findings show a prevalent hegemonic vision supporting mass tourism growth which encourages hurricane coping strategies based on effective evacuation and attracting investments for rapid economic recovery. The actual implementation of this vision increases social inequalities, degrades ecosystems, and amplifies overall exposure to extreme events. Mass tourism is enforced by undemocratic governance structures sustained by a coalition of government and tourism corporations (a government-capital bloc in Gramsci's sense). Some weak signs of counter-hegemony were identified in Playa del Carmen, Tulum and Mahahual. These isolated episodes of resistance might have triggered alternative coping strategies despite having little effect in altering the overall course of development. Further critical research is needed to unveil the socio-political foundations of development visions and their influence on capacities to cope with climatic extreme events.  相似文献   
A large-scale, manipulative experiment was conducted to examine the extent and rate of recovery of meadows of the temperate Australian seagrass, Amphibolis griffithii to different light-reduction scenarios typical of dredging operations, and to identify potential indicators of recovery from light reduction stress. Shade cloth was used to mimic different intensities, durations and start times of light reduction, and then was removed to assess the recovery. The meadow could recover from 3 months of light stress (5-18% ambient) following 10 months re-exposure to ambient light, even when up to 72% of leaf biomass was lost, much faster recovery rates than has previously been observed for large seagrasses. However, when the meadow had been shaded for 6-9 months and more than 82% of leaf biomass was lost, no recovery was detected up to 23 months after the light stress had ceased, consistent with other studies. Five potential indicators of recovery were recommended.  相似文献   
We have developed cleaning methods for extracting diatomopal from bulk marine sediment samples, for measurement of both zinc (Zn) abundance and isotope composition. This cleaning technique was then applied to a set of Holocene core-top samples from the Southern Ocean. The measured δ66Zn (reported relative to the JMCLyon standard) and Zn/Si ratios from the Southern Ocean diatomopal samples range from 0.7 to 1.5‰, and from 14 to 0.9 μmol/mol, respectively. The Zn abundance and isotope composition data show a clear correlation with opal burial rates and other oceanographic parameters. In common with previous work, we interpret the systematic changes in the Zn/Si ratio to be linked to the variability in the concentrations of bioavailable Zn in the ambient surface seawater where the diatom opal is formed. This variability is likely to be primarily controlled by the degree to which Zn is taken up into phytoplankton biomass. The observed systematic pattern in the δ66Zn compositions of the diatomopal core-top samples is, similarly, likely to reflect changes in the δ66Zn composition of the ambient Zn in the surface waters above the core-top sites, which is progressively driven towards isotopically heavier values by preferential incorporation of the lighter isotopes into phytoplankton organic material. Thus, the systematic relationship between Zn isotopes and abundance observed in the core-top diatomopal samples suggests a potential tool for investigating the biogeochemical cycling of Zn in the past surface ocean for down-core diatomopal material. In this respect, it may be possible to test hypotheses that attribute variations in atmospheric CO2 on glacial–interglacial timescales to the degree to which trace metals limited primary productivity in HNLC zones.  相似文献   
The effects of deformation on radiogenic argon (40Ar) retentivity in mica are described from high pressure experiments performed on rock samples of peraluminous granite containing euhedral muscovite and biotite. Cylindrical cores, ∼15 mm in length and 6.25 mm in diameter, were drilled from granite collected from the South Armorican Massif in northwestern France, loaded into gold capsules, and weld-sealed in the presence of excess water. The samples were deformed at a pressure of 10 kb and a temperature of 600 °C over a period 29 of hours within a solid medium assembly in a Griggs-type triaxial hydraulic deformation apparatus. Overall shortening in the experiments was approximately 10%. Transmitted light and secondary and backscattered electron imaging of the deformed granite samples reveals evidence of induced defects and for significant physical grain size reduction by kinking, cracking, and grain segmentation of the micas.Infrared (IR) laser (CO2) heating of individual 1.5-2.5 mm diameter grains of muscovite and biotite separated from the undeformed granite yield well-defined 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 311 ± 2 Ma (2σ). Identical experiments on single grains separated from the experimentally deformed granite yield results indicating 40Ar loss of 0-35% in muscovite and 2-3% 40Ar loss in biotite. Intragrain in situ ultraviolet (UV) laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages (±4-10%, 1σ) of deformed muscovites range from 309 ± 13 to 264 ± 7 Ma, consistent with 0-16% 40Ar loss relative to the undeformed muscovite. The in situ UV laser ablation 40Ar/39Ar ages of deformed biotite vary from 301 to 217 Ma, consistent with up to 32% 40Ar loss. No spatial correlation is observed between in situ40Ar/39Ar age and position within individual grains. Using available argon diffusion data for muscovite the observed 40Ar loss in the experimentally treated muscovite can be utilized to predict average 40Ar diffusion dimensions. Maximum 40Ar/39Ar ages obtained by UV laser ablation overlap those of the undeformed muscovite, indicating argon loss of <1% and an average effective grain radius for 40Ar diffusion ?700 μm. The UV laser ablation and IR laser incremental 40Ar/39Ar ages indicating 40Ar loss of 16% and 35%, respectively, are consistent with an average diffusion radius ?100 μm. These results support a hypothesis of grain-scale 40Ar diffusion distances in undeformed mica and a heterogeneous mechanical reduction in the intragrain effective diffusion length scale for 40Ar in deformed mica. Reduction in the effective diffusion length scale in naturally deformed samples occurs most probably through production of mesoscopic and submicroscopic defects such as, e.g., stacking faults. A network of interconnected defects, continuously forming and annealing during dynamic deformation likely plays an important role in controlling both 40Ar retention and intragrain distribution in deformed mica. Intragrain 40Ar/39Ar ages, when combined with estimates of diffusion kinetics and distances, may provide a means of establishing thermochronological histories from individual micas.  相似文献   
Virtually all of the economic Ni–Cu–(platinum group element (PGE)) mineralization in the central part of the Cape Smith Belt of New Québec is hosted by thick olivine cumulate units in the Katinniq Member of the Raglan Formation at the base of the 1.9 Ga Chukotat Group. These units transgress underlying gabbros and pelitic metasediments, forming 50–200-m deep and 300–1,000-m wide V-shaped embayments and have been interpreted on the basis of surface geology, deep diamond core drilling, and magnetic inversion models to represent the remnants of one or more large, long (at least 20 km, possibly ≥50 km), sinuous, komatiitic basalt lava channels that formed by thermomechanical erosion of their substrates. We have used a mathematical model to test these hypotheses regarding komatiitic lava emplacement and erosion by lava. Our modeling predicts that an initially 10-m thick komatiitic basalt flow should have flowed turbulently near the vent and should have thermomechanically eroded unconsolidated pelitic sediment during emplacement to reach the observed degree of contamination of ≤10% at distances of ~30–60 km downstream from the source. Furthermore, our models predict that, at these distances downstream, a fully inflated 100-m thick komatiitic basalt flow would have had thermal erosion rates over consolidated gabbroic substrate of ~0.7–1.5 m/day, requiring ~70–140 days to incise a 100-m deep channel, depending on the initial temperature of the lava, the paleoslope, and the initial temperature and solidus temperature of the gabbro. These erosion rates would have been associated with volumetric flow rates of >105–106 m3/s and eruption volumes of >103–104 km3. Although these flow rates are orders of magnitude larger than those of most modern terrestrial basaltic flows, they are of the same order as those estimated for the largest terrestrial flood basalt flows and with those inferred for some of the largest extraterrestrial flows. Our predicted flow volumes are also of the same order as those of the largest terrestrial flood basalt units, consistent with the great thickness and widespread distribution of the Chukotat Group. Our modeling of thermomechanical erosion of gabbro by komatiitic basalt results in negligible contamination (<1%), and geochemical studies show that the spatially and petrogenetically related Chukotat basalts are uncontaminated, suggesting that the observed enrichments in U–Th–Light Rare Earth Elements (REE) > Middle REE–Heavy REE > Nb–Ta–Ti represent contamination by underlying Povungnituk semipelites. This result is consistent with present models for the genesis of the Ni–Cu–(PGE) mineralization in the Raglan Formation that involve thermomechanical erosion of unconsolidated, sulfidic semipelitic sediments, and decoupling of the miscible silicate and immiscible sulfide components.  相似文献   
Existing methods for black carbon (BC) quantification measure different parts of the BC continuum, which complicates the calculation of a global BC budget. Benzenepolycarboxylic acids (BPCA) are used as molecular markers to quantify and characterize BC in soils and sediments using gas chromatography for BPCA separation (GC-BPCA). Recently, this method was refined for BC analysis in seawater using high performance liquid chromatography (LC-BPCA), which omits the cleaning steps and derivatization necessary in GC analysis. As yet it is not clear whether the two analytical methods yield similar results. Here we apply both methods to a suite of laboratory produced charcoals derived from wood and grass. We found systematically lower total BPCA-C contents and larger analytical variability for all tested charcoals when using GC-BPCA compared to LC-BPCA, the latter giving 1.5 ± 0.3 times higher yields for the charcoal samples formed at 275-700 °C. At lower and higher pyrolysis temperatures the differences between the two analytical methods were larger. The main reason for the differences between the two methods is the loss of BPCA during sample preparation for GC analysis. We propose a correction factor of 1.5 to account for at least part of these losses. No qualitative biases, i.e. towards more or less functionalized BPCAs, were observed between the two methods. The relative contribution of mellitic acid C to total BPCA-C, a measure for the degree of condensation of BC, was the same in the two analytical techniques. Qualitative differences between wood and grass charcoals as detected by both methods were small.  相似文献   
Certain biomarkers in petroleum provide information on of the geologic age of its source rock and these can also be used to track the evolution, radiation and relationships between taxa and as proxies for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Triaromatic 23,24-dimethylcholesteroids (TA-DMC), which undoubtedly derive from 23,24-dimethylcholesterols in dinoflagellates, haptophytes and diatoms, provide a useful parameter to distinguish Paleozoic from Mesozoic and younger oil and rock extracts at higher specificity than previously proposed biomarkers. In this report, we present a study of the relative abundance of a novel series of TA-DMC in source rock extracts and crude oil from different global localities and ages. Based on their taxon specificity for important primary producers, such biogeochemicals also have implications for paleoenvironmental studies, including paleoclimate and global change, such as radiations following the Permian-Triassic boundary mass extinction.  相似文献   
This study focuses on the detailed provenance evolution of young, syn- to post-orogenic extensional grabens in orogens like the Himalaya to trace the tectonic history of such late-stage basins, using the Neogene Thakkhola-Mustang Graben as a case study. The graben is situated within the Tibetan-Tethys zone and is filled with > 870 m of continental deposits of Miocene to Holocene age-. Based on logged sections within the predominantly alluvial to coarse-grained fluvial fill of the graben we investigated paleocurrent data and the petrology of sandstones and conglomerates including heavy minerals studies to interpret provenance and source areas in detail. Significant changes are recorded by slight differences in heavy mineral and pebble compositions.The sandstones can be classified as lithic greywackes, lithic arkoses and feldspathic litharenites. Sandstone, mudstone, quartzite and some granite clasts are dominant in conglomerates of the central part of the graben. Tetang Formation conglomerates of Miocene age comprise mostly clasts of Mesozoic rocks with an eastern provenance, consistent with measured paleocurrent directions. All paleocurrent data and compositional analyses of imbricated conglomerates of the Miocene–Pliocene Thakkhola Formation in the northeast of the graben suggest that clasts were derived from eastern source areas comprising mainly Mesozoic rocks whereas Paleozoic clasts of a western to northern source area predominate in the centre of the graben.Heavy mineral analysis indicates that tourmaline, staurolite, zircon, garnet and apatite constitute a significant proportion of the assemblages of all formations through time whereas epidote, andalusite, kyanite, chloritoid, hornblende, chrome-spinel, rutile and amphiboles are less common. These assemblages reflect in general stable minerals and low to high-grade metamorphic source rocks, and are principally controlled by reworking of older, passive margin sediments of the Tibetan-Tethys zone as indicated by provenance discrimination diagrams.Three successive stages in provenance evolution were recognized: (1) The Miocene Tetang Formation, characterized by higher kyanite values, corresponding to the Himalayan foreland evolution; (2) the Thakkhola Formation, characterized by granite clasts and significantly higher amounts of andalusite, indicating source area expansion and erosion of the Mustang-Mugu granites to the northwest; (3) the Upper Pleistocene/Holocene Kaligandaki Formation, bearing higher amounts of epidote/klinozoisite and ophiolite and high-pressure/low temperature detritus as indicated by chrome spinel and blue amphiboles, derived from the north-lying Indus-Tsangpo suture zone. The change in source areas from the Miocene/Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene/Holocene is interpreted as a result of the evolution from an initial stage of high-angle normal faulting and collapse basin formation to a low-angle extensional detachment basin system.  相似文献   
Numerical and experimental results of drying and wetting foam are presented. Foam can be wetted by wash water delivered on its top boundary, or drained by allowing the liquid to move downward in response to gravity. These processes are governed by nonlinear equations that in special cases accept exact solutions. Here we develop a numerical model that satisfies realistic boundary conditions. Numerical results are presented in conjunction with experiments conducted with coarsening foam. In addition, calculations were carried out modeling the wetting and draining of coarsened foam. From the simulations and experiments, coarsening bubbles were found responsible for accelerating drainage, or vice versa.  相似文献   
Stratigraphy, structure and host-rock chemistry are dominant controls on the location of Au in Archaean greenstone-hosted Au deposits, but the stratigraphy in such deposits is seldom obvious due to the monotonous nature of the host rocks or pervasive alteration associated with Au mineralisation. Portable, hand-held, X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry provides a method to rapidly collect large amounts of whole-rock geochemical data that can yield new insights into both stratigraphy and Au localisation. Here we present results of pXRF analyses of samples from a representative section through Au-mineralised amphibolite-facies metabasaltic rocks at Plutonic Gold Mine, Western Australia. These data illustrate a geochemical stratigraphy in which individual lava flows can be identified on the basis of element concentrations. The most evolved basalts are at the structural base of the succession, and the least evolved at the top of the sequence, confirming previous geochemical interpretations and textural evidence that the sequence is overturned, and demonstrating for the first time that the presented section does not involve significant structural repetition. In conjunction with Au assay data, the pXRF data reveal that Au commonly occurs along basalt flow boundaries. The elemental concentration data clearly demonstrates for the first time the stratigraphic control on Au mineralisation that is not readily apparent at the macroscopic level. The methods described in this paper are readily applied, and have the potential to enhance the understanding of otherwise unclear stratigraphy and its control on mineralisation in many different types of deposits worldwide.  相似文献   
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