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We report application of the flank method using the electron microprobe to a suite of twelve (Mg,Fe)O samples with composition 2–47 wt% Fe and Fe3+/ΣFe = 1 to 11%, where Fe3+/ΣFe was determined independently using Mössbauer spectroscopy on the same grains used for the flank method measurements. A calibration curve of the form Fe2+ = A + B × (ΣFe)2 + C × (Lβ/Lα) was fit to the data and gave excellent agreement between Fe3+/ΣFe calculated from the flank method and Fe3+/ΣFe determined using Mössbauer spectroscopy. We found the method to be sufficiently sensitive to determine meaningful variations in Fe3+/ΣFe for geophysically relevant compositions of (Mg,Fe)O (<25 wt% Fe), and calibration parameters remained constant within experimental uncertainty over the course of the entire study (20 months). Flank method measurements on an inhomogeneous sample of synthetic (Mg,Fe)O showed evidence of diffusion processes resulting from rupture of the capsule during the high-pressure experiment and the possibility to measure Lβ/Lα variations with a spatial resolution of a few microns. We detected the presence of exsolved magnesioferrite in a suite of (Mg,Fe)O single crystals using transmission electron microscopy and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Flank method measurements on the same suite of single crystals showed enhanced Fe3+/ΣFe values, consistent with the presence of magnesioferrite even though the grains were too small to be resolved by conventional electron microprobe measurements.  相似文献   
Some traits of the bacterial community dynamics associated to the rhizosphere of the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica, growing in carbonate sediments, were analyzed during a 2-year period in an enclosed bay of the Balearic Islands. The diversity of the bacterial community was studied by the construction of 16S rDNA clone library. For testing temporal and vertical differences in the abundance of total cells and active Bacteria, we used 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Moreover, some relevant groups of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were occasionally assessed by FISH. Despite the observed decrease in the total DAPI-stained cells, bacterial counts, and sulfate reduction rates throughout the sampling time, we found an increase in both the pore-water sulfide concentration and the proportion of SRB. Overall, the results revealed a very high bacterial diversity and indicated shifts in bacterial dynamics that could not be related to temperature-dependent factors, suggesting a link between the documented regression of the seagrass meadow and the decline of the microbial community, likely due to large organic matter inputs to the bay.  相似文献   
The European green crab Carcinus maenas is a widely spread invasive species. Studying the most recently introduced population of the species in the Atlantic coast off Patagonia, it became apparent to us that carapaces (the dorsal cover of the visceral-cavity detaching from the rest of the exoskeleton after ecdysis) accumulated on the intertidal may be used as a valuable complementary material to analyze the size structure of crabs. However, since growth rate (and consequently size at instar) of crabs differs between males and females, finding a method to distinguish crab sex by observation of carapace morphology was necessary to allow the construction of independent size frequency distributions for each sex. In this work, we examined the shape of the carapaces from both sexes of C. maenas, and using Elliptical Fourier Analysis successfully identified sexual dimorphism. Thus, a reliable method to identify sexes by visual observation of the carapace was developed. Based on our results, we discuss the evolutionary significance of carapace form differentiation of both sexes.  相似文献   
The Peruvian anchovy or anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) supports the highest worldwide fishery landings and varies in space and time over many scales. Here we present the first comprehensive sub-mesocale study of anchoveta distribution in relation to the environment. During November 2004, we conducted a behavioural ecology survey off central Peru and used a series of observational and sampling tools including SST and CO2 sensors, Niskin bottles, CTD probes, zooplankton sampling, stomach content analysis, echo-sounder, multibeam sonar, and bird observations. The sub-mesoscale survey areas were chosen from mesoscale acoustic surveys. A routine coast-wide (2000 km) acoustic survey performed just after the sub-mesoscale surveys, provided information at an even larger population scale. The availability of nearly concurrent sub-mesoscale, mesoscale and coast-wide information on anchoveta distribution allowed for a unique multi-scale synthesis. At the sub-mesoscale (100s m to km) physical processes (internal waves and frontogenesis) concentrated plankton into patches and determined anchoveta spatial distribution. At the mesoscale (10s km) location relative to the zone of active upwelling (and age of the upwelled water) and the depth of the oxycline had strong impacts on the anchoveta. Finally, over 100s km the size of the productive area, as defined by the upwelled cold coastal waters, was the determining factor. We propose a conceptual view of the relative importance of social behaviour and environmental (biotic and abiotic) processes on the spatial distribution of anchoveta. Our ecological space has two y-axis; one based on self-organization (social behaviour), and the other based on the environmental processes. At scales from the individual (10s cm), to the nucleus (m), social behaviour (e.g. the need to school) drives spatial organization. At scales larger than the school, environmental forces are the main driver of fish distribution. The conceptual ecosystem models presented in this paper may provide the final links needed to develop accurate forecasts of the spatial distribution of anchoveta over multiple scales.  相似文献   
18O is an ideal tracer for characterizing hydrological processes because it can be reliably measured in several watershed hydrological compartments. Here, we present multiyear isotopic data, i.e. 18O variations (δ18O), for precipitation inputs, surface water and groundwater in the Shingobee River Headwaters Area (SRHA), a well‐instrumented research catchment in north‐central Minnesota. SRHA surface waters exhibit δ18O seasonal variations similar to those of groundwaters, and seasonal δ18O variations plotted versus time fit seasonal sine functions. These seasonal δ18O variations were interpreted to estimate surface water and groundwater mean residence times (MRTs) at sampling locations near topographically closed‐basin lakes. MRT variations of about 1 to 16 years have been estimated over an area covering about 9 km2 from the basin boundary to the most downgradient well. Estimated MRT error (±0·3 to ±0·7 years) is small for short MRTs and is much larger (±10 years) for a well with an MRT (16 years) near the limit of the method. Groundwater transit time estimates based on Darcy's law, tritium content, and the seasonal δ18O amplitude approach appear to be consistent within the limits of each method. The results from this study suggest that use of the δ18O seasonal variation method to determine MRTs can help assess groundwater recharge areas in small headwaters catchments. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Comprehensive sea surface surveys of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) have been made in the upwelling system of the coastal (0–200 km from shore) southeastern tropical Pacific since 2004. The shipboard data have been supplemented by mooring and drifter based observations. Air–sea flux estimates were made by combining satellite derived wind fields with the direct sea surface pCO2 measurements. While there was considerable spatial heterogeneity, there was a significant flux of CO2 from the ocean to the atmosphere during all survey periods in the region between 4° and 20° south latitude. During periods of strong upwelling the average flux out of the ocean exceeded 10 moles of CO2 per square meter per year. During periods of weaker upwelling and high productivity the CO2 evasion rate was near 2.5 mol/m2/yr. The average annual fluxes exceed 5 mol/m2/yr. These findings are in sharp contrast to results obtained in mid-latitude upwelling systems along the west coast of North America where the average air–sea CO2 flux is low and can often be from the atmosphere into the ocean. In the Peruvian upwelling system there are several likely factors that contribute to sea surface pCO2 levels that are well above those of the atmosphere in spite of elevated primary productivity: (1) the upwelling source waters contain little pre-formed nitrate and are affected by denitrification, (2) iron limitation of primary production enhanced by offshore upwelling driven by the curl of the wind stress and (3) rapid sea surface warming. The combined carbon, nutrient and oxygen dynamics of this region make it a candidate site for studies of global change.  相似文献   
Giant volcanic landslides are one of the most hazardous geological processes due to their volume and velocity. Since the 1980 eruption and associated debris avalanche of Mount St. Helens hundreds of similar events have been recognised worldwide both on continental volcanoes and volcanic oceanic islands. However, the causes and mobility of these enormous mass movements remain unresolved. Tenerife exhibits three voluminous subaerial valleys and a wide offshore apron of landslide debris produced by recurrent flank failures with ages ranging from Upper Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene. We have selected the La Orotava landslide for analysis of its causes and mobility using a variety of simple numerical models. First, the causes of the landslide have been evaluated using Limit Equilibrium Method and 2D Finite Difference techniques. Conventional parameters including hydrostatic pore pressure and material strength properties, together with three external processes, dike intrusion, caldera collapse and seismicity, have been incorporated into the stability models. The results indicate that each of the external mechanism studied is capable of initiating slope failures. However, we propose that a combination of these processes may be the most probable cause for giant volcanic landslides. Second, we have analysed the runout distance of the landslide using a simple model treating both the subaerial and submarine parts of the sliding path. The effect of the friction coefficient, drag forces and hydroplaning has been incorporated into the model. The results indicate that hydroplaning particularly can significantly increase the mobility of the landslide, which may reach runout distances greater than 70 km. The models presented are not considered definite and have mainly a conceptual purpose. However, they provide a physical basis from which to better interpret these complex geologic phenomena and should be taken into account in the prediction of future events and the assessment of landslide related hazards.  相似文献   
An analytical solution in the Laplace transform domain is obtained for the transient heat and moisture transport in an unsaturated clay buffer with a geometry simulating repository conditions. A numerical inversion scheme based on Crump's method is used to obtain the time‐domain solution. The coupled effect of thermally driven moisture transport is especially investigated because of its importance to alter the flow field in low‐permeability buffers. The practical background is based on the case of an engineering bentonite barrier placed in a drift excavated in rock in the context of underground disposal of high‐level radioactive waste. Parametric study has been performed to assess the effects of dimensionless geometry and material parameters on flow field. Despite the simplified assumptions required in order to obtain analytical expressions, the results incorporate the main mechanisms involved in the coupled thermo‐hydraulic (T–H) problem, and they may be eventually used for validation purposes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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