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Some of the tridymite in the monomict Northwest Africa (NWA) 11591 eucrite are found to have sulfide‐rich replacement textures (SRTs) to varying degrees. The SRTs of tridymite in NWA 11591 are characterized by the distribution of loose porous regions with aggregates of quartz and minor troilite grains along the rims and fractures of the tridymite, and we propose a new mechanism for the origin of this texture. According to the volume and density conversion relationship, the quartz in the SRT of tridymite with a hackle fracture pattern was transformed from tridymite. We suggest that the primary tridymite grains are affected by the S‐rich vapors along the rims and fractures, leading to the transformation of tridymite into quartz. In addition, the S‐rich vapors reacted with Fe2+, which was transported from the relict tridymite and/or the adjacent Fe‐rich minerals, and/or the S‐rich vapors react with the exotic metallic Fe to form troilite grains. The sulfurization in NWA 11591 most likely occurred during the prolonged subsolidus thermal metamorphism in the shallow crust of Vesta and might be an open, relatively high temperature (>800 °C) process. Sulfur would be an important component of the metasomatic fluid on Vesta.  相似文献   
马瑾指出,应把研究我国地震的思路从以断层为中心转变为以活动块体为中心.张培震等把我国大陆及邻区的活动地块划分为两级:Ⅰ级为活动地块区,有青藏等6个;Ⅱ级为活动地块,有拉萨等20余个.我们试图从块体中心论的思想出发,以Ⅱ级活动地块为框架,分析我国大陆近期成组强震发生的构造和震源机制特征.为保持工作的连续和有可比性,我们仍延续李钦祖等采用的选取资料的方法.由于哈佛大学提供的CMT(矩张量)解1976年仅有少量结果,从1977年起才比较完整,所以,我们从1977年起开始研究.1977~2003年我国的强震(西部M≥7,东部M≥6)大致可划分为9个组.  相似文献   
云南省40年降水的基本特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
缪启龙  肖伟 《气象科学》1995,15(3):293-299
根据云南省1951-1990年18个站的降水资料,用正交函数展开,由方差贡献最大的前三个特征向量场分析了云南省降水距平均的典型分布,指出云南省全省范围内的降水距平同号较少发生,而是较多的发一降水距平异号。进而分析了四十年降水的年际变化特征,并分析了青藏高原积雪对云南降水的影响。  相似文献   
Fifty cases of regional yearly extreme precipitation events(RYEPEs)were identified over the Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley(YHRV)during 1979–2016 applying the statistical percentile method.There were five types of RYEPEs,namely Yangtze Meiyu(YM-RYEPE),Huaihe Meiyu(HM-RYEPE),southwest-northeast-oriented Meiyu(SWNE-RYEPE)and typhoon I and II(TC-RYEPE)types of RYEPEs.Potential vorticity diagnosis showed that propagation trajectories of the RYEPEs along the Western Pacific Subtropical High and its steering flow were concentrated over the southern YHRV.As a result,the strongest and most frequently RYEPEs events,about 16–21 cases with average rainfall above 100 mm,occurred in the southern YHRV,particularly in the Nanjing metropolitan area.There have been 14 cases of flood-inducing RYEPEs since 1979,with the submerged area exceeding 120 km~2as simulated by the Flood Area hydraulic model,comprising six HM-RYEPEs,five YM-RYEPEs,two TC-RYEPEs,and one SWNE-RYEPE.The combination of evolving RYEPEs and rapid expansion of urban agglomeration is most likely to change the flood risk distribution over the Nanjing metropolitan area in the future.In the RCP6.0(RCP8.5)scenario,the built-up area increases at a rate of about 10.41 km~2(10 yr)~(-1)(24.67 km~2(10 yr)~(-1))from 2010 to 2100,and the area of high flood risk correspondingly increases from 3.86 km~2(3.86 km~2)to 9.00 km~2(13.51 km~2).Areas of high flood risk are mainly located at Chishan Lake in Jurong,Lukou International Airport in Nanjing,Dongshan in Jiangning District,Lishui District and other low-lying areas.The accurate simulation of flood scenarios can help reduce losses due to torrential flooding and improve early warnings,evacuation planning and risk analysis.More attention should be paid to the projected high flood risk because of the concentrated population,industrial zones and social wealth throughout the Nanjing metropolitan area.  相似文献   
The food consumption and ecological conversion efficiency of a species marine pelagic andsmall size fish, Hyporhamphus sajori, were determined by using in situ stomach content method presented by Eggers. The results showed that: (1) the fish was taken in food all day, so empty-stomach rate was very low, taking up about 4.5% of the total determined fish number. However, the fish still has significant daily feeding rhythm. A feeding peak was found 0:00 o'clock at night, but feeding level was always high in the daytime; (2) relationship between instantaneous food content in stomach and corresponding time could be described as S_t = a ·e ~(-b ·t). There was not significant difference of instantaneous gastric evacuation rate between two determinations, with average value being 0.13 × 10~(-2)g/ (g·d) (wet weight); (3) the daily food consumption tended to change in irregular waving form, with average value being (10.16×l0~(-2)±1.19×l0~(-2) g/ (g·d) (wet weight) or (55.56 × 10~(-2) ±6.51 × 10~(-2) kJ/  相似文献   
本文讨论了北黄海11个柱状岩芯样的颗粒物(<0.063mm)中重金属的分布,采用统计学方法对Cu,Ph,Zn和Cd进行态性检验,用柱样稳定段(拐点以下)作为背景段,获得重金属环境背景值.  相似文献   


复兴屯银铅锌多金属矿是近两年在大兴安岭成矿带中生代陆相火山盆地里首次发现的特大型银铅锌多金属矿床.在矿床普查与勘查期间开展了地面高精度磁测、时间域激发极化法面积性测量、AMT电磁测深等物探方法,发挥了重要指导作用.①通过地面磁异常数据RGIS软件处理解释判定了普查区构造构局;②综合利用地磁异常和视电阻率异常特征,结合地...  相似文献   

利用1961—2015年丹江口水库水源区41个气象站点逐日降水、气温资料及该水库同期入库径流数据,对丹江口水库水源区水文气象特征进行分析,建立气候弹性模拟公式,开展水库入库径流序列模拟;结合未来RCP2.6、4.5、8.5三种情景下的降水、气温预估数据,预测未来径流演变。结果表明:近50多年来丹江口水库水源区气温以0.13 ℃·(10 a)-1的速率显著增加,增温主要发生在1990年代以后;入库径流年际和年代际变化显著,整体呈-64.3 m3·s-1·(10 a)-1的减少趋势。气候弹性模型能较好地模拟出水库入库径流演变趋势,相比气温,径流对降水弹性系数更大;未来三种情景下降水、气温均有所增加,入库径流变化趋势不一,其中RCP2.6情景下各年代入库径流偏少,偏少幅度超270 m3·s-1,RCP4.5情景下各年代一致偏多,RCP8.5情景下径流呈-14.2 m3·s·-1 (10 a)-1减少趋势,年际间波动最为剧烈,不利于水资源调度。

龙门山断裂带区域内大震频发、构造运动活跃, 其地史演化与隆升动力学机制一直未有定论.2013年4月20日雅安大地震后, 于小金至雅安段布设了一条垂直于龙门山构造带长约200 km的大地电磁剖面.为了克服龙门山地形起伏影响, 同时增强大地电磁反演的垂向分辨率, 本文采用宽角折/反射地震走时反演获得的速度模型作为结构约束, 通过交叉梯度项引入大地电磁非线性共轭梯度二维反演, 实现了考虑地形的速度结构约束大地电磁二维算法.设计地堑-地垒模型进行合成数据反演试算, 结果显示基于速度结构约束的带地形二维大地电磁反演算法能够减少由地形影响引起的假异常, 同时对异常体边界轮廓的刻画更加清晰.实测数据未加地震资料约束的大地电磁二维反演结果, 具有明显"低-高-低"的宏观电性特征, 与前人结果基本吻合.本文将新算法应用于实测数据反演的结果表明: 松潘—甘孜地块下方包含两部分低阻异常带, 并有相互连通趋势.西侧低阻体埋深更深, 分布于15~45 km范围内, 顶部有通道延伸至地表; 东侧低阻体相对变浅, 向东逐渐延伸至高阻异常体之上, 具有向扬子地体逆冲推覆的趋势.龙门山构造带薄皮盖层下方大规模高阻异常体厚约50 km, 以Moho面为底界, 且呈现北西倾向的特征, 与人工地震资料推测的龙门山三条主断裂的深部延伸的产状一致.  相似文献   
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