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一次黄河气旋特大暴雨过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分析了1975年7月底由一个黄河气旋在河北省东部造成的一次暴雨过程。分析说明这次暴雨的形成主要是由于太平洋副热带高压南缘与向西偏北方向移动的台风之间形成一支低空的东南急流。这支从东南洋面上来的暖湿气流,在与贝加尔湖高压脊前的东北方向来的冷空气垫的共同作用下形成了气旋东北部大片的暴雨区。指出了低纬系统对华北夏季暴雨的重要性。同时指出气旋的暖区及锋区附近的中尺度系统的活动也是产生暴雨不可忽视的因子。并为预报这种黄河气旋的暴雨过程提供了一些线索。  相似文献   
The responses of the climate system to increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO_2)arestudied by using a new version of the Bureau of Meteorological Research Centre(BMRC)globalcoupled general circulation model(CGCM).Two simulations are run:one with atmospheric CO_2concentration held constant at 330 ppm,the other with a tripling of atmospheric CO_2(990 ppm).Results from the 41-year control coupled integration are applied to analyze the mean state,seasonal cycle and interannual variability in the model.Comparisons between the greenhouseexperiment and the control experiment then provide estimations of the influence of increased CO_2on climate changes and climate variability.Especially discussed is the question on whether theclimate changes concerned with CO_2 inerease will impact interannual variability in tropical Pacific,such as ENSO.  相似文献   
农田土壤水分预测模型应用研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文在分析100多年来北半球平均气温长期变化基本特征的基础上,讨论了北半球气温变化对我国气候变化的影响。结果表明,我国大范围气温距平与北半球平均气温有显著的正相关,长江中下游和华北平原的温度距平值平均为北半球平均气温距平的1.4-1.6倍。还表明,我国降水距平分布与北半球气温变化也有一定的联系。在北半球平均气温偏高和偏低年份,欧亚地区500hPa环流特征的差异是显著的。这表明,我国大范围气候距平与北半球平均气温距平的统计相关是有一定的物理基础的。  相似文献   
本文分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气环流模式(IAP GCM)模式大气5~9月平均环流(本文称为背景环流)。结果表明;厄尔尼诺年一系列重要系统(南方涛动、瓦克环流、哈德莱环流、西太平洋副热带高压和热带辐合带)及大范围降水均发生明显异常;北半球西太平洋热带、副热带是环流异常的主要区域。它们与观测资料的分析结果基本一致,从而论证了该模式在低纬环流研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   
《周礼》十煇为世界最早的光象分类体系。其含义历来众说纷纭。有探讨、重建并评价的必要。本文比照历史上有影响的五家十煇定义,分析其含糊矛盾之处,提出复原十煇原义的三条原则,从而重建了十煇原义表,介绍了古代观测十煇的方法。最后对《周礼》十煇这个光象分类体系进行了评价。  相似文献   
One of the fundamental questions concerning the nature and prediction of the oceanic states in the equatorial eastern Pacific is how the turnabout from a cold water state (La Nina) to a warm water state (El Nino) takes place, and vice versa. Recent studies show that this turnabout is directly linked to the interannual thermocline variations in the tropical Pacific Ocean basin. An index, as an indicator and precursor to describe interannual thermocline variations and the turnabout of oceanic states in our previous paper (Qian and Hu, 2005), is also used in this study. The index, which shows the maximum subsurface temperature anomaly (MSTA), is derived from the monthly 21-year (1980-2000) expendable XBT dataset in the present study. Results show that the MSTA can be used as a precursor for the occurrences of El Nino (or La Nina) events. The subsequent analyses of the MSTA propagations in the tropical Pacific suggest a one-year potential predictability for El Nino and La Nina events by identifying ocean temperature anomalies in the thermocline of the western Pacific Ocean. It also suggests that a closed route cycle with the strongest signal propagation is identified only in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. A positive (or negative) MSTA signal may travel from the western equatorial Pacific to the eastern equatorial Pacific with the strongest signal along the equator. This signal turns northward along the tropical eastern boundary of the basin and then moves westward along the north side of off-equator around 16°N. Finally, the signal returns toward the equator along the western boundary of the basin. The turnabout time from an El Nino event to a La Nina event in the eastern equatorial Pacific depends critically on the speed of the signal traveling along the closed route, and it usually needs about 4 years. This finding may help to predict the occurrence of the El Nino or La Nina event at least one year in advance.  相似文献   
本文分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气环流模式(IAP GCM)模式大气波谱结构(沿纬圈的谐波波谱和时域上的频率谱)及其在厄尔尼诺年的异常。结果表明,超长波是低纬波动的主要空间形式,准40天振荡在一定地理区域内显著存在,并与观测结果有一定联系,它们在厄尔尼诺年均发生明显异常。本工作对鉴定GCM性能及开发GCM的研究领域可能是一种有益的尝试。  相似文献   
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