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为分析陡坡段桥梁基桩内力及变形特性,提出一种有限杆单元计算方法。首先,基于综合刚度原理并引入双参数地基模型,建立适用于陡坡基桩内力计算分析的修正有限杆单元刚度方程;在此基础上结合杆系结构受力特征,提出考虑P-Δ效应的杆单元修正矩阵;最后,根据有限杆单元计算原理,基于MATLAB平台编制计算程序,并对某工程实例进行分析。计算结果显示:改进有限杆单元方法可行且具有较高的精度;陡坡段桥梁基桩P-Δ效应显著,应在设计计算中予以考虑;在浅层地基土抗力计算中双参数地基模型较m法精度更高。  相似文献   
沉积环境分析是古地理重建的核心内容,黔北地区寒武系明心寺组沉积环境研究存在较大争议,以致对中上扬子地区明心寺组沉积期古地理格局的认识不能统一。选取寒武系明心寺组发育齐全、出露良好的黔北镇远地区三丘田剖面为研究对象,通过野外剖面观察、室内薄片鉴定及碎屑岩粒度分析等方法对三丘田剖面明心寺组岩石学特征、沉积构造、沉积演化序列、沉积相类型进行了详细分析。结果表明:黔北镇远地区三丘田剖面寒武系明心寺组上段发育大套的石英粉-细砂岩,沉积构造以低角度冲洗交错层理为主,碎屑颗粒的成分和结构成熟度均较高;三丘田剖面明心寺组上段砂岩以双次跳跃组分为主,悬浮组分含量较少,纵向剖面自下而上显示为浅水陆棚→临滨→前滨→后滨演化序列,呈典型的陆棚相向滨岸相变化。综上所述,黔北镇远地区三丘田剖面寒武系明心寺组上段的沉积相为滨岸相。黔北镇远地区明心寺组滨岸相沉积的出现,指示了黔北地区区域上重新认识明心寺组沉积相的必要性,将直接影响对黔北地区乃至中上扬子地区寒武纪古地理格局及其大地构造背景的认识。  相似文献   
台特玛湖位于塔里木盆地东北隅,属新疆若羌县,是现塔里木河和车尔臣河的归宿地。它是由阿尔金山山前平原和塔里木河及车尔臣河冲积平原交汇处的低地积水形成的,过去曾与罗布泊相通。湖泊沉积物以细沙为主,在强劲的东北风吹蚀下,极易就地起沙。1982~1998年曾连续干涸17年,使湖西岸发展成强度沙漠化,若长期干涸,将会演变成一片沙海。这将会严重威胁218国道和将要修建的环塔里木盆地铁路以及新疆至青海铁路,对塔里木盆地东部重镇若羌的发展带来很大的影响。保护台特玛湿地,还可为候鸟迁徙提供栖息地,并可发展养鱼和育苇。湖面应保持最小面积为10~30km2,根据水面蒸发系数计算约需3000×104~4500×104m3的水量。入湖水量由塔里木河和车尔臣河各承担一半。要求塔里木河每年从大西海子下泄水量2.3×108m3,除维护下游绿色走廊生态用水外,可有1500×104~2500×104m3的水量入湖。车尔臣河向台特玛湖输水方便快捷,其上游不宜修建大型水库,使中下游水量达到1.5×108~2.0×108m3,保证所分担的水量不成问题,并通过对其下游三角洲整治,还可增加向台特玛湖的输水量,使之成为台特玛湖的主要补给水源。  相似文献   
华北克拉通在中生代以来遭受了显著破坏。前人的研究对克拉通破坏的机制和峰期取得了较大共识, 但是关于克拉通破坏的启动时间一直存在争议。本文通过对冀北金台子中生代盆地构造特征及其填充的火山岩地球化学和年代学进行分析, 为华北克拉通破坏启动时间提供新的约束。研究表明, 金台子盆地为一伸展断陷盆地。盆地呈北东-南西向展布, 东侧被正断层控制, 西侧为地层超覆边界。盆地内自下而上发育后城组、白旗组、啕北营组、九佛堂组火山-沉积组合。后城组是一套稳定的河流相红色砂砾岩沉积地层;白旗组和啕北营组主体为巨厚层流纹岩、流纹质凝灰熔岩, 局部夹安山岩和火山碎屑岩;九佛堂组是一套以砾岩、砂砾岩等为主体的碎屑岩。地球化学分析表明金台子盆地中发育的酸性火山岩源于地壳重熔。锆石U-Pb年代学研究显示, 金台子盆地内流纹岩自约145 Ma开始广泛喷发并形成巨厚层的酸性火山岩地层, 表明此时在华北北缘地区的岩石圈减薄和破坏可能就已非常剧烈, 据此华北克拉通在其北缘的破坏至少应早于145 Ma。  相似文献   
从虚拟演播室技术演变、原理、系统结构、渲染方式等方面,全面分析了虚拟布景系统与传统演播室相比所具备的优势.虚拟布景系统来源于虚拟演播室,但在硬件上却省去了支持场景实时渲染的图形工作站、摄像机传感系统、延时系统,价格优势明显;虚拟布景系统的场景采用前期合成方式,比实时渲染对计算机性能要求条件低.虚拟场景中三维物体的边缘处理、反走样、光线跟踪、镜头特效等方面较实时渲染效果更佳,抠像效果可与昂贵的三维虚拟演播室相媲美,从场景设计角度考虑更能发挥制作者的创意,而且具有良好的升级空间,非常适合气象影视业务部门使用.  相似文献   
This paper uses the ARW-WRF model to carry out a numerical simulation of a warm-sector heavy rainfall event over southern China on the 22–23 May, 2014. A composite analysis method was used to analyze the evolution process and structural features of the convective cells on a convection line during this rainfall event. This analysis identified three stages: (1) Stage of activation: the equivalent potential temperature surfaces as lower layers start to bulge and form warm cells and weak vertical convective cloud towers which are subject to the impact of low-level warm moist updrafts in the rainfall sector; (2) Stage of development: the warm cells continue to bulge and form warm air columns and the convective cloud towers develop upwards becoming stronger as they rise; (3) Stage of maturity: the warm air columns start to connect with the stable layer in the upper air; the convective cloud tower will bend and tilt westward with each increasing in height, and the convection cell is characterized by a “crescent-shaped echo” above the 700hPa plane. During this stage the internal temperature of the cell is higher than the ambient temperature and the dynamic structural field is manifested as intensive vertical upward movement. The large-value centers of the northerly and westerly winds in the middle layer correspond to the warm moist center in the cells and the relatively cold center south of the warm air column. Further analysis shows that the formation of the “crescent-shaped” convective cell is associated with horizontal vorticity. Horizontal vorticity in the center and west of the warm cell experiences stronger cyclonic and anticyclonic shear transformation over time; this not only causes the original suborbicular cell echo shape to develop into a crescent-like shape, but also makes a convection line consisting of cells that develop to the northwest.  相似文献   
The timing of high lake-level stands during the Late Pleistocene in western China remains controversial. Here we report new results from Megalake Tengger based on a study of palaeo-shorelines and a drill core from Baijian Lake in the northwestern Tengger Desert. Multiple dating methods, based on luminescence signals (quartz optically stimulated luminescence, K-feldspar post infrared-infrared stimulated luminescence) and electron spin resonance signals of quartz, were used to date beach sands from palaeo-shoreline profiles at altitudes of ~1310 m (+20 m above lake level), ~1320 m (+30 m) and ~1350 m (+60 m), and from the top 20 m of sandy sediments from the drill core obtained from the modern beach of Baijian Lake. The dating results show that high lake-level stands associated with the previously reported Megalake Tengger (~1310–1320 m) occurred during the late Early to Middle Pleistocene, which is much earlier than previously reported. In addition, no geomorphological evidence of shorelines and sedimentary evidence from the drill core profile were found to support the previously reported Late Pleistocene lake levels. Our results indicate that the exact age of the previously reported ‘high lake level event’ in a large part of northwestern China during the Late Pleistocene needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
四川汶川系列地震距太原基准地震台约1000km,介于近震与远震之间,震相特殊,识别困难。本文通过对汶川主、余震和四川其他地区远震波形的对照,及对主要震相周期、幅度及波形特点的分析,认为PN、SG两个震相是太原地震台记录四川汶川地震的主要定位震相。  相似文献   
Outburst risk of barrier lakes in Sichuan,China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
34 barrier lakes induced by earthquake have been formed by wedged debris on the river channels after a massive earthquake happening on May 12 in Sichuan, China. Among them, the Tangjiashan Barrier Lake is the largest one. It faces very urgent risk of dam breaking when water level reaches the top and begins overflow in case of storm rainfalls and continually aftershocks, threatening already devastated cities and villages with about 1.5 million people downstream. The outburst of a similar barrier lake occurred in the Minjiang River in 1933, causing a catastrophic flood. Risk analysis indicates that not all barrier lakes are highly dangerous. Only those lakes with very high dams and water to be filled up in short period need to be dealt with immediately.  相似文献   
透岩浆流体成矿体系   总被引:35,自引:10,他引:35  
根据透岩浆流体成矿理论,熔浆体系与含矿流体体系可以看作是两个相互独立的地质体系,它们因相互需要而耦合在一起形成一个复杂的混合体系。当熔浆与流体发生解耦时,可以在不同的边界条件下发生不同类型的成矿作用。因此,可以将透岩浆流体成矿体系进一步划分成正岩浆成矿体系、接触带成矿体系、远程热液成矿体系和火山热液成矿体系。如果熔浆具有很强的流体圈闭能力,所有的含矿流体都将被封存在岩浆体内,并随着岩浆的固结而析出成矿物质,形成正岩浆矿床。当岩浆具有较高的渗透率且含矿流体逸出岩浆体时,如果岩浆的直接围岩具有较强的捕获成矿物质的能力,即发生接触带成矿作用。否则,含矿流体将在岩浆热驱动下远离岩浆体,形成远程热液矿床。如果有利的流体通道直达岩浆体,含矿流体甚至可以喷出地表或其附近,形成火山热液矿床或水底喷流沉积矿床。这种理论分析似乎与许多成矿事实相吻合,可以有效地指导区域成矿预测和矿床勘探。  相似文献   
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