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In recent years, drought has become a global issue, especially in arid and semi-arid areas. It is without doubt that the identification and monitoring of the drought phenomenon can help to reduce the damages that would occur. In addition, rain is one of the factors which directly affect the water levels of underground water reservoirs. This research applied a linear gradient regression method developed on the basis of GRACE, CHIRPS, and data from monitoring wells to investigate the groundwater storage changes.These data have been analyzed on the Google Earth Engine platform. In order to conduct temporal and spatial analyses, the water levels of the aquifer were generated from the monitoring wells and zoned into five classes. Also, the amount of water storage and rain from the year 2003 to 2017 in the West Azerbaijan Province were investigated using the GRACE satellite and the CHIRPS data, respectively. The results obtained from the GRACE satellite data show that the average water level in the underground reservoirs in Iran had started to decrease since 2008 and reached its peak in 2016 with an average decrease of 16 cm in that year. The average annual decline of groundwater level in the studied time period was 5 cm. A chart developed from the CHIRPS annual rainfall data indicates that the biggest decline in rainfall occurred in 2008, and the declining trend has remained steady. Linear analyses were made on GRACE with CHIRPS results and monitoring wells data separately, from which the correlation coefficients are between 86% and 97%, showing generally high correlations. Furthermore, the results obtained from the zoning of the aquifer showed that in the period of 2004 to 2016, due to the decrease in rainfall and the excessive withdrawal of groundwater, the water levels also decreased.  相似文献   
Paleomagnetic investigations of the folded Upper Namurian–Lower Moscovian “Hassi Bachir” Formation cropping out in the “Ahnet” basin (Central Sahara, Algeria) yield two magnetic components. A pre-folding primary magnetization (D = 136.1°, I = 22.0°, k = 217, α95 = 2.6°) enables us to define a paleomagnetic pole (32.8°S, 55.7°E, K = 328 and A95 = 2.0°) which better constrains a paleopole that was determined by Daly and Irving [Daly, L., Irving, E., 1983. Paléomagnétisme des roches carbonifères du Sahara central; analyse des aimantations juxtaposées; configurations de la Pangée. Ann. Geophys. 1, 207–216] for the same formation. A secondary component consists in a synfolding remagnetization and shows that post-Permian tectonics account for at least about half of the total folding in the studied area. This indicates that Mesozoic folding noted 150 km to the West in the Reggane basin [Smith, B., Derder, M.E.M., Henry, B., Bayou, B., Amenna, M., Djellit, H., Yelles, A.K., Garces, M., Beamud, E., Callot, J.P., Eschard, R., Chambers, A., Aifa, T., Ait Ouali, R., Gandriche, H., 2006. Relative importance of the Hercynian and post-Jurassic tectonic phases in the Saharan platform: a palaeomagnetic study of Jurassic sills in the Reggane basin (Algeria). Geophys. J. Int. 167, 380–396] is not local and affected at least the entire north-western part of the Hoggar area. This reconfirms that the folding of the Paleozoic cover in the Sahara platform should not be restricted to the Hercynian orogeny.  相似文献   
Drought is a complex phenomenon in meteorology and can affect agriculture. Its impacts vary greatly since they depend not only on the magnitude, timing, duration, and frequency of rainfall deficits but also on the differing responses of various plants to water stress. The essence of good drought management is to use this range of responses to the best advantage. Iran is one of the world’s largest and most productive suppliers of food and fiber. The objective of this study was, therefore, to gather and analyze standardized information on the Role of Early Warning Systems for Sustainable Agriculture for cereals and leguminous and industrial crops in Iran environmental zones. Annual average rainfall (mm year?1) and ETO (mm year?1) are 76.56 and 3001, respectively, in stations with very dry climate; 195.41 and 2249, respectively, in stations with dry climate; 343.9 and 1351, respectively, in stations with semi-dry climate; 583.8 and 1153, respectively, in stations with semi-humid climate; and 1272 and 949, respectively, in stations with humid climate. The maximum and minimum of annual average rainfall happened in Rasht (1337 mm year?1) and Zabol (57 mm year?1) stations, and the maximum and minimum for annual average ETO happened in Chabahar (3909.15 mm year?1) and Anzali harbor (890.6 mm year?1), respectively. Therefore, 13.63 % of stations have suitable conditions for crop productions and 86.37 % are in critical conditions.  相似文献   
A transparent aqueous-saturated sand surrogate for use in physical modeling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents the geotechnical properties of a new family of synthetic transparent soils made of fused quartz, saturated with a matched refractive index water-based sucrose solution, suitable for modeling the behavior of sand in small-scale model tests. The dry density ranged between 1,134 and 1,358 kg/m3. The peak angle of friction was found to range from 46° to 57°. The average hydraulic conductivity was 1.7 × 10?5 cm/s. The compressibility index (C c) ranged from 0.34 to 0.57. The main advantage of fused quartz over available sand surrogates made of silica gel is that its solid structure better models the behavior of natural sand. The matching pore fluids are inert and non-toxic, which facilitates their use in educational settings. The availability of a safe and easy-to-use transparent sand permits measurement of three-dimensional deformation patterns and flow characteristics in controlled research experiments. The introduction of an aqueous solution permits the use of two immiscible pore fluids, one made of mineral oil and the other made of a sucrose solution, for modeling multiphase flow problems, as well as coupled flow-deformation problems.  相似文献   
Micro-organisms producing microbially induced sedimentary structures, particularly epibenthic cyanobacteria, are not facies-dependent and could flourish in any environment if appropriate ecological conditions were provided. Hence, the changes in environmental parameters are the controlling factors on ecological tolerance of the producers. This study on the lower Cambrian successions of the Lalun Formation in Central Iran shows that paralic environments reacted differently to changes in parameters such as river and tide energy, palaeo-topography, the rate of sediment supply and fluctuations in sea-level, even though all were characterized by sandy substrates suitable for the development of microbially induced sedimentary structures. Therefore, the abundance and preservation of microbially induced sedimentary structures varied in the different paralic environments. From a sequence stratigraphic viewpoint, this study demonstrates that erosional discontinuities lacked the conditions required for the substrate stabilization by microbial communities. The distribution, size and type of microbially induced sedimentary structures within high frequency cycles generally follow the trends of changes in vertical facies stacking patterns. Within systems tracts, the pattern, morphological diversity and size of microbially induced sedimentary structures are not dependent on the type of systems tract, but on the type of depositional system developed such as delta, incised valley, coastal plain, estuaries and shoreline to shelf systems. Generally, estuarine and peritidal carbonates record an increase in the development of mat colonization during the transgressive systems tract, owing to decreased sedimentation rate as well as extended shallow water habitats. In contrast, the existence of microbially induced sedimentary structures depends on the pattern of shoreline shift in depositional systems developed during the highstand systems tract, such as open coast tidal flat and delta environments. If a shoreline regression was continuous (depositional trend and stacking pattern are a set of high frequency cycles), a greater increase in the aggradational component than the progradational component would cause intensified destructive processes hindering the development of microbial communities.  相似文献   

Exact evaluation of scour depth around piers under debris accumulation is crucial for the safe design of pier structures. Experimental studies on scouring around pier bridges with debris accumulation have been conducted to estimate the maximum scour depth using various empirical relationships. However, due to the oversimplification of a complex process, the proposed relationships have not always been able to accurately predict the pier scour depth. This research proposes linear genetic programming (LGP) approach as an extension of the genetic programming to predict the scour depth around bridge piers. Among the artificial intelligence techniques, LGP and locally weighted linear regression (LWLR) models have not been used to predict the scour depth at bridge piers. Literature experimental data were collected and used to develop the models. The performance of the LGP method was compared with gene-expression programming, LWLR, multilinear regression and empirical equations using rigorous statistical criteria. The correlation coefficient (R) and the root mean squared error (RMSE) were (R?=?0.962, RMSE =0.31) and (R?=?0.885, RMSE =0.542) for the LGP and LWLR, respectively. The results demonstrated the superiority of the LGP method for increasing the accuracy of the predicted scour depth in comparison with the other models.  相似文献   
Alluvial fan is among the important geomorphic positions in arid and semi-arid environments, and the history of settlement in central parts of Iran plateau has significantly been related to this landform. Soil properties are also related to the stability and the position of geomorphic surfaces. To study and compare clay mineralogy and soil physicochemical responses to geomorphic positions, 11 representative pedons on stable and unstable alluvial fan surfaces and plain geomorphic position in a transect from Sarcheshmeh Mountains toward Rafsanjan Plain were studied. Soil moisture and temperature regimes of the area were aridic and mesic, respectively. Smectite, kaolinite, chlorite, illite, and palygorskite clay minerals were found in almost all the studied soils. More salinity was investigated in stable alluvial fan surfaces than unstable positions. Evidence of a more humid paleoclimate shown by buried Bt horizons in plain surface was observed. Transformation of palygorskite to smectite in surface horizon of unstable alluvial fan position and preservation of palygorskite associated by gypsum crystals in By horizon of stable fan surfaces were among the important findings of the research. There was a significant and mutual relationship between geomorphology and physicochemical and mineralogical properties of soils under study.  相似文献   
Metal fluxes to the sediments of the Moulay Bousselham lagoon,Morocco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metal content in surface sediments (0–2 cm, 26 samples), in a sediment core (120, 1 cm slices), taken from Moulay Bousselham (Morocco) was investigated. Concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Cd, As, and Hg were evaluated in surface and cored sediments of Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Significantly high concentrations in μg g−1 dw of Pb (31.7–6.2), Zn (758.9–167), Cu (310.7–22), Ni (96–10.5), Cr (113–18.9), Cd (0.84–0.02), As (1–0.1), and Hg (0.61–0.02) were found in sediment samples from Moulay Bousselham lagoon. Calculated enrichment factors [EFMe = (Me/Al)sample/(Me/Al)background], using Al as a normalizer, and correlation matrices showed that metal pollution in Merja Zerga of Moulay Bousselham lagoon was the product of anthropogenic sources, while the metal content in Merja Kehla was of natural origins. The results suggest that a major change in the sedimentary regime of the lagoon, associated with internal trapping and re-distribution of heavy metal, has been occurring in the past few decades. The cause would appear to be the construction of a Nador Canal at the lagoon. Probable effects concentrations (PEC) were often exceeded for heavy metals in the lagoon sediments, especially for Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr, and four stations, stations MZ-11, MZ-12, MZ-13, MZ-14, MZ-16, and MZ-17, had multiple metals at presumptively toxic levels. These comparisons suggest that sediment metal levels in the river are clearly high and probably pose an environmental risk at some stations. The levels of most of the metals were not greatly enriched, a consideration that is of the utmost importance when contamination issues are at stake. Metal concentrations found in Moulay Bousselham lagoon were comparable to aquatic systems classified as contaminated from other regions of the world.  相似文献   
In this paper, an upper bound estimate of the limit load on non-associative coaxial granular materials is presented. The kinematic approach of the upper bound limit analysis has been utilised. The failure mechanism is assumed to coincide with the direction of the shear bands at every point throughout the body. The shear band orientation in non-associative coaxial materials, i.e. those with the same major principal stress and major principal strain increment directions, can be found based on the angle of dilation and the major principal stress direction. Therefore, having known the stress field at limiting equilibrium, the orientation of the shear bands and hence, the failure mechanism can be obtained. In this study, the stress field is first determined by the method of stress characteristics. Then, the finite element interpolation technique is used to interpolate the stress field and to find the orientation of the shear bands at every point within the field. Once the failure mechanism and the stress state at every point along velocity discontinuities have been found, the upper bound limit analysis has been performed to estimate the limit load.  相似文献   
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