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目前我国盐渍土地面积较大,尤其是青藏高原的盐渍地,常伴有干旱、半干旱的生境,导致植物不易生长,生态环境日渐恶劣,这种生态现状亟待解决。盐生植物具有一定的耐盐性和耐旱性,是改善盐渍地的首选植物,种子的活力决定了种子萌发的情况,多数学者为改善严峻的生态环境开始了盐生植物引种的研究。测定种子活力有直接方法和间接方法,大多数学者采用的是直接方法,即在实验室模拟一定条件直接测定萌发率。本文简述了盐生植物的概况、制造胁迫的主要方法以及检测种子活力的指标,综述了近年来各位学者对盐爪爪、白刺等具有代表性的22种盐生植物在种子萌发期的耐盐性以及抗旱性的相关研究,为改善盐渍地的生态环境、提升盐渍地的生产量提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
升温率略高于平均最高气温的升温率.珠峰地区日照时数和平均风速的显著下降,以及相对湿度的明显增加可能是蒸发皿蒸发量下降的主要原因.  相似文献   
Rivers draining to the Great Barrier Reef are receiving increased attention with the realisation that European land use changes over the last  150 years may have increased river sediment yields, and that these may have adversely affected the reef environment. Mitigation of the effects associated with such changes is only possible if information on the spatial provenance and dominant types of erosion is known. To date, very few field-based studies have attempted to provide this information. This study uses fallout radionuclide (137Cs and 210Pbex) and geochemical tracing of river bed and floodplain sediments to examine sources over the last  250 years for Theresa Creek, a subcatchment of the Fitzroy River basin, central Queensland, Australia. A Monte Carlo style mixing model is used to predict the relative contribution of both the spatial (geological) sources and erosion types. The results indicate that sheetwash and rill erosion from cultivated basaltic land and channel erosion from non-basaltic parts of the catchment are currently contributing most sediment to the river system. Evidence indicates that the dominant form of channel erosion is gully headcut and sidewall erosion. Sheetwash and rill erosion from uncultivated land (i.e., grazed pasture/woodland) is a comparatively minor contributor of sediment to the river network. Analysis of the spatial provenance of floodplain core sediments, in conjunction with optical dating and 137Cs depth profile data, suggests that a phase of channel erosion was initiated in the late nineteenth century. With the development of land underlain by basalt in the mid-twentieth century the dominant source of erosion shifted to cultivated land, although improvements in land management practices have probably resulted in a decrease in sediment yield from cultivated areas in the later half of the twentieth century. On a basin-wide scale, because of the limited spatial extent of cultivation, channel sources are likely to be the largest contributor of sediment to the Fitzroy River. Accordingly, catchment management measures focused on reducing sediment delivery to the Great Barrier Reef should focus primarily on decreasing erosion from channel sources.  相似文献   

在环境因素起制约作用的背景下,随着中国古人类演化与生存能力的进步,其数量和空间分布在不同时间段呈现出不同的特征。为了更好地了解中国早期人类的时空分布特征,本研究以中国境内已发表的2110处旧石器遗址的坐标和年代信息为基础,采用统计学和空间分析的方法,对遗址的时间分布进行以蒙特卡洛模拟为基础的时间不定性模拟,对遗址的空间分布进行核密度估计和聚类分析;同时,利用环境空间数据集中的海拔、水源、气温和降水信息,对不同时期内各个遗址所在地的环境条件进行统计分析。研究结果表明,在旧石器时代,随着时间的发展,中国境内的遗址数量不断增多,分布范围也逐渐从中部、南部和东部地区向条件较恶劣的北部和西部扩张。其中,600 ka和57 ka为这一变化的两个关键时间点,600 ka之前遗址数量较少,分布也较为局限;在600 ka至57 ka之间,遗址数量缓慢增加,分布范围也在季风区内逐渐扩大;57 ka之后,遗址数量迅速增长,分布遍布中国境内的大部分地区。本文所梳理的中国境内旧石器遗址整体时空分布特征,为进一步解读中国早期人类的环境适应能力,特别是古人类的体质演化和技术进步的环境驱动机制提供参考。

Subsurface video footage can be used as a successful identification tool for various marine organisms; however, processing of such information has proven challenging. This study tests the use of automated software to assist with photo-identification of the great white shark Carcharodon carcharias in the region of Gansbaai, on the south coast of South Africa. A subsurface photo catalogue was created from underwater video footage. Single individuals were identified by using pigmentation patterns. From this catalogue, two images of the head for each individual were inserted into automated contour-recognition software (Interactive Individual Identification System Beta Contour 3.0). One image was used to search the database, the other served as a reference image. Identification was made by means of a contour, assigned using the software to the irregular border of grey and white on the shark's head. In total, 90 different contours were processed. The output provided ranks, where the first match would be a direct identification of the individual. The method proved to be accurate, in particular for high-quality images where 88.24% and 94.12%, respectively, were identified by two independent analysts as first match, and with all individuals identified within the top 10 matches. The inclusion of metadata improved accuracy and precision, allowing identification of even low-quality images.  相似文献   
拉萨近45年浅层地温的变化特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
杜军  李春  廖健  拉巴  路红亚 《干旱区地理》2007,30(6):826-831
利用1961-2005年拉萨0~40cm各层逐月平均地温,采用气候倾向率、累积距平、信噪比等气候统计方法,研究了近45年拉萨浅层平均地温的变化趋势、气候突变和异常年份等。结果表明:浅层各季节平均地温均呈现为极显著的升高趋势,升温率为0.43~0.60℃/10a,春季最大、夏季最小。各层年平均地温以0.45~0.66℃/10a的升温率显著上升,40cm深度的升温率最大,与同时期平均气温的升温率比较,地温比气温对气候变暖的响应更强。20世纪60年代至90年代浅层年、季平均地温呈明显的逐年代升高趋势,以冬、春季最为明显。60年代到80年代中期为偏冷阶段,80年代后期至90年代地温为偏暖阶段。各浅层平均地温在1986年秋季均发生了突变,冬季突变时间都出现在1984年。年平均地温除在40cm处1999年异常偏高外,其它各层为异常偏低年份,且发生在20世纪60年代。  相似文献   
本文比较了基于AMSR-E被动微波数据的3种土壤冻融判别算法在青藏高原相关地区的分类精度。3种算法分别是:双指标算法、决策树算法、判别函数算法。本文选取了来自青藏高原那曲、玛曲、阿里3个地区土壤温湿度观测网的地表温度数据,并结合AMSR-E被动亮温数据,对上述算法在以上地区的分类精度分别进行了比较评价。结果表明:不论是白天还是夜间,相较于干旱区微波信号来自深层土壤的难以准确探测,在青藏高原半湿润半干旱区算法可取得相对较好的判别准确率;双指标算法相较于其他2种算法,在观测区具有较高的分类精度,且夜间分类精度高于白天;实测数据存在资料代表性不普遍即网格所包含站点信息量不够的问题,这也是后续工作中提高分类精度值得关注的着手点。  相似文献   
<正>El Soplao outcrop,an Early Cretaceous amber deposit recently discovered in northern Spain (Cantabria),has been shown to be the largest site of amber with arthropod inclusions that has been found in Spain so far.Relevant data provided herein for biogeochemistry of the amber,palynology,taphonomy and arthropod bioinclusions complement those previously published.This set of data suggests at least two botanical sources for the amber of El Soplao deposit.The first(type A amber)strongly supports a source related to Cheirolepidiaceae,and the second(type B amber)shows non-specific conifer biomarkers.Comparison of molecular composition of type A amber with Frenelopsis leaves(Cheirolepidiaceae)strongly suggests a biochemical affinity and a common botanical origin.A preliminary palynological study indicates a regional high taxonomical diversity,mainly of pteridophyte spores and gymnosperm pollen grains.According to the preliminary palynological data,the region was inhabited by conifer forests adapted to a dry season under a subtropical climate.The abundant charcoalified wood associated with the amber in the same beds is evidence of paleofires that most likely promoted both the resin production and an intensive erosion of the litter,and subsequent great accumulation of amber plus plant cuticles.In addition,for the first time in the fossil record, charcoalified plant fibers as bioinclusions in amber are reported.Other relevant taphonomic data are the exceptional presence of serpulids and bryozoans on the surfaces of some amber pieces indicating both a long exposure on marine or brackish-water and a mixed assemblage of amber.Lastly,new findings of insect bioinclusions,some of them uncommon in the fossil record or showing remarkable adaptations,are reported.In conclusion,a documented scenario for the origin of the El Soplao amber outcrop is provided.  相似文献   
Ship-based acoustic Doppler current profiler (S-ADCP) technology, used in survey mode, has enabled near- synoptic views of the in situ 3-D current field in the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) Bight to be elucidated for the first time. Data acquired by the research vessels RS Africana and RS Algoa in June 2005, September 2007, March 2009 and July 2010 are presented. Each S-ADCP dataset showed similar circulation characteristics whereby the continental slope and outer shelf of the KZN Bight were strongly influenced by the south-westward flowing Agulhas Current. This was particularly evident in the extreme north between Cape St Lucia and Richards Bay where the shelf is narrowest and velocities exceeded 200 cm s?1. The widening of the bight to the south moves the Agulhas Current further from the coast, resulting in a diminishing velocity gradient on the outer shelf which terminates around the midshelf axis. The southern region of the bight was mostly influenced by the Durban cyclonic eddy (Durban Eddy), and in June 2005 and September 2007, by a cyclonic ‘swirl’ that occupied the entire southern half of the KZN Bight, the latter identified by a combination of S-ADCP-, satellite-derived SST- and ocean colour data. Satellite data showed low-chlorophyll offshore water to move into this swirl and northwards along the inner- and midshelf, reaching the Thukela River. Inner-shelf circulation north of the Thukela River was weak (<20 cm s?1) and highly variable. Satellite-tracked surface drogues deployed in the Durban Eddy found their way into the northward coastal current in the KZN Bight, with velocities exceeding 90 cm s?1 at times. The drogues also highlighted the strong influence of wind, especially in the northern bight between Durnford Point and Cape St Lucia, with residence times on the shelf exceeding 14 days, suggesting this region to be of biological importance particularly for recruitment.  相似文献   
Les roahes carbonatées et siliaatées appar-tiement à un domaine de compositions dans lequel la mesure d'un fond libre d'interférence ou d'une rate diffusée du tube peut permettre à la fois de aorriger les effets de pures absorptions et d'étalonner les fonds sous les raies analytiques. Cette propriété est illustrée sur I'exemple du dosage de 6 éléments en traces dans 30 standards géoahimiques.
La méthode proposée permet d'obtenir dans un domaine de concentration de 1 à 2000 ppm des ré-sultats dont la qualité est à rapprocher de la trés grarde rapidité de rmise en oeuvre.  相似文献   
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