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Turbulent mixing induces variability in concentration that is important in many applications, such as reactive plumes, risk assessments or odour impact analyses (when the effects can have time scales on the order of a second). In urban canopies, the variability may be modified by the presence of buildings. Our purpose is to study concentration fluctuation variance in built-up areas using an Eulerian approach. We performed numerical simulations with the computational fluid dynamics model Mercure_Saturne, which is a three-dimensional model adapted to atmospheric flow and pollutant dispersion. We use a k − ϵ turbulence closure and predict the concentration variance with a transport equation model. The model performance is evaluated with the near-full scale experiment MUST (Mock Urban Setting Test), a field experiment conducted in Utah’s West Desert Test Center. The modelled root-mean-square of the concentration fluctuations is compared to measurements for 20 of the MUST trials. The model shows good agreement with the measurements, with the fraction of predictions within a factor of two of observations of 60.1%, with better results for horizontal lines of detectors than for the detectors on vertical masts (with fractions of predictions within a factor of two of observations of respectively 66.4% and 52.6%). The influence of different parameters on the fluctuation variance is also studied and we show the importance of taking into account the stability of the stratification when modelling the turbulent kinetic energy.  相似文献   
The Western Ghats plays a pivotal role in determining the hydrological and hydroclimatic regime of Peninsular India. The mountainous catchments of the Ghats are the primary contributors of flow in the rivers that sustains the life and agricultural productivity in the area. Although many studies have been conducted in the past decades to understand long term trends in the meteorological and hydrological variables of major river basins, not much attention have been made to unfold the relationship existing among rainfall and river hydrology of natural drainages on either side of the Western Ghats which host one of the unique biodiversity hotspots across the world. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this paper to examine the short term (last three decades) changes in the rainfall pattern and its influence on the hydrological characteristics of some of the important rivers draining the southern Western Ghats as a case study. The short term, annual and seasonal trends in the rainfall, and its variability and discharge were analyzed using Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s estimator of slope. The study showed a decreasing trend in rainfall in the southwest monsoon while a reverse trend is noticed in northeast monsoon. Correspondingly, the discharge of the west and east flowing rivers also showed a declining trend in the southwest monsoon season. The runoff coefficient also followed the trends in the discharge. The runoff coefficient of the Periyar river showed a decreasing trend, whereas the Cauvery river exhibited an increasing trend. A high-resolution analysis of rainfall data revealed that the number of moderate rainfall events showed a decreasing trend throughout the southern Western Ghats, whereas the high intensity rainfall events showed an opposite trend. The decline in groundwater level in the areas which recorded an increase in high intensity rainfall events and decrease in moderate rainfall events showed that the groundwater recharge process is significantly affected by changes in the rainfall pattern of the area.  相似文献   
Olivine is the principal mineral of kimberlite magmas, and isthe main contributor to the ultramafic composition of kimberliterocks. Olivine is partly or completely altered in common kimberlites,and thus unavailable for studies of the origin and evolutionof kimberlite magmas. The masking effects of alteration, commonin kimberlites worldwide, are overcome in this study of theexceptionally fresh diamondiferous kimberlites of the Udachnaya-Eastpipe from the Daldyn–Alakit province, Yakutia, northernSiberia. These serpentine-free kimberlites contain large amountsof olivine (50 vol.%) in a chloride–carbonate groundmass.Olivine is represented by two populations (olivine-I and groundmassolivine-II) differing in morphology, colour and grain size,and trapped mineral and melt inclusions. The large fragmentalolivine-I is compositionally variable in terms of major (Fo85–94)and trace element concentrations, including H2O content (10–136ppm). Multiple sources of olivine-I, such as convecting andlithospheric mantle, are suggested. The groundmass olivine-IIis recognized by smaller grain sizes and perfect crystallographicshapes that indicate crystallization during magma ascent andemplacement. However, a simple crystallization history for olivine-IIis complicated by complex zoning in terms of Fo values and traceelement contents. The cores of olivine-II are compositionallysimilar to olivine-I, which suggests a genetic link betweenthese two types of olivine. Olivine-I and olivine-II have oxygenisotope values (+ 5·6 ± 0·1 VSMOW, 1 SD)that are indistinguishable from one another, but higher thanvalues (+ 5·18 ± 0·28) in ‘typical’mantle olivine. These elevated values probably reflect equilibriumwith the Udachnaya carbonate melt at low temperatures and 18O-enrichedmantle source. The volumetrically significant rims of olivine-IIhave constant Fo values (89·0 ± 0·2 mol%),but variable trace element compositions. The uniform Fo compositionsof the rims imply an absence of fractionation of the melt'sFe2+/Mg, which is possible in the carbonatite melt–olivinesystem. The kimberlite melt is argued to have originated inthe mantle as a chloride–carbonate liquid, devoid of ‘ultramafic’or ‘basaltic’ aluminosilicate components, but becameolivine-laden and olivine-saturated by scavenging olivine crystalsfrom the pathway rocks and dissolving them en route to the surface.During emplacement the kimberlite magma changed progressivelytowards an original alkali-rich chloride–carbonate meltby extensively crystallizing groundmass olivine and gravitationalseparation of solids in the pipe. KEY WORDS: kimberlite; olivine; partial melting; carbonatitic melt; oxygen isotopes; H2O  相似文献   
More than 99% of mineral inclusions in diamonds from the River Ranch pipe in the Late Archean Limpopo Mobile Belt (Zimbabwe), are phases of harzburgitic paragenesis, namely olivine (Fo92–93), orthopyroxene (Mg# = 93), G10 garnets and chromites. The diamond inclusion (DI) chemistry demonstrates a limited overlap with River Ranch kimberlite macrocrysts: the DI garnets are more Ca-undersaturated, and DI spinel and garnet are more Mg-rich. Most River Ranch diamond inclusions were equilibrated at T = 1080–1320 °C, P = 47–61 kbar, and f O2 between IW and WM buffers. The P/T profile beneath the Limpopo Mobile Belt (LMB) is consistent with a paleo-heat flow of 41–42 mW/m2, similar to calculations for Roberts Victor, but hotter than for the Finsch, Kimberley, Koffiefontein and Premier Mines. This is ascribed to the younger tectonothermal age of the LMB and its proximity to Late Archean oceans. Like diamond inclusions from all other kimberlites studied, the River Ranch DI have a lithospheric affinity and therefore indicate that an ancient, chemically depleted, thick (at least 200 km) mantle root existed beneath the Limpopo Mobile Belt 530–540 Ma ago. The mantle root might have developed beneath the continental Central Zone of the LMB as early as the Archean, and could be alien to the overthrust allochthonous sheet of the Limpopo Belt. Oxygen fugacity estimates for diamond inclusions at River Ranch are similar to other diamondiferous harzburgites beneath the Kaapvaal craton, indicating that the Kaapvaal mantle as a whole was well buffered and homogeneous with respect to f O2 at the time of peridotitic diamond crystallization. Received: 11 January 1995 / Accepted: 10 June 1997  相似文献   
After molecular nitrogen, methane is the most abundant species in Titan’s atmosphere and plays a major role in its energy budget and its chemistry. Methane has strong bands at 3.3 μm emitting mainly at daytime after absorption of solar radiation. This emission is strongly affected by non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) in Titan’s upper atmosphere and, hence, an accurate modeling of the non-LTE populations of the emitting vibrational levels is necessary for its analysis. We present a sophisticated and extensive non-LTE model which considers 22 CH4 levels and takes into account all known excitation mechanisms in which they take part. Solar absorption is the major excitation process controlling the population of the v3-quanta levels above 1000 km whereas the distribution of the vibrational energy within levels of similar energy through collisions with N2 is also of importance below that altitude. CH4-CH4 vibrational exchange of v4-quanta affects their population below 500 km. We found that the ν3 → ground band dominates Titan’s 3.3 μm daytime limb radiance above 750 km whereas the ν3 + ν4 → ν4 band does below that altitude and down to 300 km. The ν3 + ν2 → ν2, the 2ν3 → ν3, and the 13CH4ν3 → ground bands each contribute from 5% to 8% at regions below 800 km. The ν3 + 2ν4 → 2ν4and ν2 + ν3 + ν4 → ν2 + ν4 bands each contribute from 2% to 5% below 650 km. Contributions from other CH4 bands are negligible. We have used the non-LTE model to retrieve the CH4 abundance from 500 to 1100 km in the southern hemisphere from Cassini-VIMS daytime measurements near 3.3 μm. Our retrievals show good agreement with previous measurements and model results, supporting a weak deviation from well mixed values from the lower atmosphere up to 1000 km.  相似文献   
Martian regolith breccia NWA 7533 (and the seven paired samples) is unique among Martian meteorites in showing accessory pyrite (up to 1% by weight). Pyrite is a late mineral, crystallized after the final assembly of the breccia. It is present in all of the lithologies, i.e., the fine‐grained matrix (ICM), clast‐laden impact melt rocks (CLIMR), melt spherules, microbasalts, lithic clasts, and mineral clasts, all lacking magmatic sulfides due to degassing. Pyrite crystals show combinations of cubes, truncated cubes, and octahedra. Polycrystalline clusters can reach 200 μm in maximum dimensions. Regardless of their shape, pyrite crystals display evidence of very weak shock metamorphism such as planar features, fracture networks, and disruption into subgrains. The late fracture systems acted as preferential pathways for partial replacement of pyrite by iron oxyhydroxides interpreted as resulting from hot desert terrestrial alteration. The distribution and shape of pyrite crystals argue for growth at moderate to low growth rate from just‐saturated near neutral (6 < pH<10), H2S‐HS‐rich fluids at minimum log fO2 of >FMQ + 2 log units. It is inferred from the maximum Ni contents (4.5 wt%) that pyrite started crystallizing at 400–500 °C, during or shortly after a short‐duration, relatively low temperature, thermal event that lithified and sintered the regolith breccias, 1.4 Ga ago as deduced from disturbance in several isotope systematics.  相似文献   
Subsurface microbial oxidation of overridden soils and vegetation beneath glaciers and ice sheets may affect global carbon budgets on glacial-interglacial timescales. The likelihood and magnitude of this process depends on the chemical nature and reactivity of the subglacial organic carbon stores. We examined the composition of carbon pools associated with different regions of the Greenland ice sheet (subglacial, supraglacial, proglacial) in order to elucidate the type of dissolved organic matter (DOM) present in the subglacial discharge over a melt season. Electrospray ionization (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometry coupled to multivariate statistics permitted unprecedented molecular level characterization of this material and revealed that carbon pools associated with discrete glacial regions are comprised of different compound classes. Specifically, a larger proportion of protein-like compounds were observed in the supraglacial samples and in the early melt season (spring) subglacial discharge. In contrast, the late melt season (summer) subglacial discharge contained a greater fraction of lignin-like and other material presumably derived from underlying vegetation and soil. These results suggest (1) that the majority of supraglacial DOM originates from autochthonous microbial processes on the ice sheet surface, (2) that the subglacial DOM contains allochthonous carbon derived from overridden soils and vegetation as well as autochthonous carbon derived from in situ microbial metabolism, and (3) that the relative contribution of allochthonous and autochthonous material in subglacial discharge varies during the melt season. These conclusions are consistent with the hypothesis that, given sufficient time (e.g., overwinter storage), resident subglacial microbial communities may oxidize terrestrial material beneath the Greenland ice sheet.  相似文献   
Corals are animals living in shallow seas (where they may form coral reefs) or in the deep sea. Because they fossilize well, these stones inform us in detail about the geological past; not only about the history of the Earth as a whole (rotation, tectonics, sea-level changes), but also about past local environmental conditions in the sea. Joint research of marine biology and marine geology can therefore solve many questions about our changing world, and can be used to discover what factors cause deterioration of living coral reefs.  相似文献   
Estimates of future flood hazards made under the assumption of stationary mean sea level are biased low due to sea-level rise (SLR). However, adjustments to flood return levels made assuming fixed increases of sea level are also inadequate when applied to sea level that is rising over time at an uncertain rate. SLR allowances—the height adjustment from historic flood levels that maintain under uncertainty the annual expected probability of flooding—are typically estimated independently of individual decision-makers’ preferences, such as time horizon, risk tolerance, and confidence in SLR projections. We provide a framework of SLR allowances that employs complete probability distributions of local SLR and a range of user-defined flood risk management preferences. Given non-stationary and uncertain sea-level rise, these metrics provide estimates of flood protection heights and offsets for different planning horizons in coastal areas. We illustrate the calculation of various allowance types for a set of long-duration tide gauges along U.S. coastlines.  相似文献   
Explicit notions of “communities”, as key actors in conservation and development projects across the Global South, are common. Narratives about “indigenous people” or “forest-dependent communities” in forest conservation programmes prevail, portraying a picture of “communities” as homogeneous and harmonious entities. In this study, we unfold “communities” as a construct with an empirical example of a community-based forest protection project, Northern Cambodia. Based on qualitative interviews, field observations and document analysis, we examine the “community” construct in terms of establishment of boundaries, geographical composition and social coherence. We not only find that the establishment of forest “community” boundaries are dominated by powerful external actors rather than the “community members” themselves, but that the spatial composition of “communities” is complex, and affects the ability of local people to benefit from the project. We also find that the studied “communities” show low levels of social coherence and mainly consist of migrant farmers, as opposed to common policy narratives. Taking these inconsistencies into account, we discuss implications of constructing “communities” for the success of forest conservation projects, and argue in favour of more discursive and political analyses to better understand, acknowledge and adapt to existing and changing conditions in present and prospective project locations.  相似文献   
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