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南海北部陆架和陆坡区小型底栖动物群落的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解南海北部陆架与陆坡区小型底栖动物的群落特征,以及影响群落特征的环境因素,2015年6月对南海北部海域(19.3°—21.4°N, 112.4°—115.1°E)7个站位的小型底栖动物及环境因子进行了采样,并对陆架和陆坡区小型底栖动物群落的丰度、生物量、类群组成和群落结构进行比较。结果表明,在陆架站位,小型底栖动物由13个类群组成,平均丰度为(132±130)ind./10cm2,平均生物量为(169±79)μgdwt/10cm2;在陆坡站位由8个类群组成,平均丰度为(33±14)ind./10cm2,平均生物量为(56±35)μgdwt/10cm2。单因素方差分析结果表明,陆坡区小型底栖动物的总丰度和总生物量以及线虫和多毛类的丰度均显著低于陆架区,但优势类群的相对丰度组成没有显著不同,海洋线虫占总丰度的83%,其次为多毛类和桡足类,分别占7%和3%。环境因子的主成分分析(Principal ComponentsAnalysis,PCA)将陆架和陆坡站位沿第一主分量轴分开,小型底栖生物丰度和生物量与沉积物叶绿素a和脱镁叶绿酸含量以及底层水温呈最大正相关,与水深呈负相关;聚类(Cluster)和排序(non-metric Multidimensional Scaling, MDS),以相似性系数65%将7个站位划分为2组,与按照水深划分的陆架和陆坡组基本吻合;单因素相似性分析(one-way ANOSIM)显示陆架和陆坡区小型底栖动物群落结构差异显著;生物-环境分析(Biota-Environment,BIOENV)表明影响群落结构的最佳环境因子组合为叶绿素a和底层水温。综上可知,随水深增加的食物减少和底层水温的下降是限制南海北部研究海域小型底栖动物丰度和生物量及影响群落组成和结构的主要因素。  相似文献   
The Bocaina Plateau, which is situated on the eastern flank of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil, is the highest part of the Serra do Mar. Topographic relief in this area is suggested to be closely related to its complex tectono-magmatic evolution since the breakup of Western Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic Ocean. Apatite fission track ages and track length distributions from 27 basement outcrops were determined to assess these hypotheses and reconstruct the denudation history of the Bocaina Plateau. The ages range between 303 ± 32 and 46 ± 5 Ma, and are significantly younger than the stratigraphic ages. Mean track lengths vary from 13.44 ± 1.51 to 11.1 ± 1.48 μm, with standard deviations between 1.16 and 1.83 μm. Contrasting ages within a single plateau and similar ages at different altitudes indicate a complex regional tectonothermal evolution. The thermal histories inferred from these data imply three periods of accelerated cooling related to the Early Cretaceous continental breakup, Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatism, and the Paleogene evolution of the continental rift of southeastern Brazil. The oldest fission track ages (> 200 Ma) were obtained in the Serra do Mar region, suggesting that these areas were a long-lived source of sediments for the Paraná, Bauru, and Santos basins.  相似文献   
Numerous field surveys have provided quantitative information on the characteristics of talus deposits. Much less has been done to quantify the basic dynamics processes of blocks involved in talus evolution. In this work, we perform a set of experiments at the reduced scale of some metres using an inclined board covered with a loose granular medium. The complexity of the processes forming a talus is simplified by studying the interaction of only two kinds of grain sizes at a time. Grains of one class size are dropped from a fixed height onto the board covered by a layer of grains of a different class size, and their final distribution is recorded. We find that when small grains fall on large grains, the granular abundance decreases rapidly as a function of the distance from the fall point, which is explained by the effect of multiple bouncing on the irregular surface. In contrast, large grains falling on a bed of smaller grains lose much more energy at impact. They may stop at once, or roll down slope, often reaching the whole board length; as a consequence, their abundance peaks in the fall zone and at the change of slope. Experiments also show that grains travel longer with increasing fall height and sloping angle. The results clarify in a physical manner one mechanism that might explain why large blocks are typically found in the distal part of a talus slope, while smaller blocks remain near the fall zone. Based on these and previous experiments, a schematic view of talus evolution is discussed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The 20 May 2016 MW 6.1 Petermann earthquake in central Australia generated a 21 km surface rupture with 0.1 to 1 m vertical displacements across a low-relief landscape. No paleo-scarps or potentially analogous topographic features are evident in pre-earthquake Worldview-1 and Worldview-2 satellite data. Two excavations across the surface rupture expose near-surface fault geometry and mixed aeolian-sheetwash sediment faulted only in the 2016 earthquake. A 10.6 ± 0.4 ka optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age of sheetwash sediment provides a minimum estimate for the period of quiescence prior to 2016 rupture. Seven cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) bedrock erosion rates are derived for samples < 5 km distance from the surface rupture on the hanging-wall and foot-wall, and three from samples 19 to 50 km from the surface rupture. No distinction is found between fault proximal rates (1.3 ± 0.1 to 2.6 ± 0.2 m Myr−1) and distal samples (1.4 ± 0.1 to 2.3 ± 0.2 m Myr−1). The thickness of rock fragments (2–5 cm) coseismically displaced in the Petermann earthquake perturbs the steady-state bedrock erosion rate by only 1 to 3%, less than the erosion rate uncertainty estimated for each sample (7–12%). Using 10Be erosion rates and scarp height measurements we estimate approximately 0.5 to 1 Myr of differential erosion is required to return to pre-earthquake topography. By inference any pre-2016 fault-related topography likely required a similar time for removal. We conclude that the Petermann earthquake was the first on this fault in the last ca. 0.5–1 Myr. Extrapolating single nuclide erosion rates across this timescale introduces large uncertainties, and we cannot resolve whether 2016 represents the first ever surface rupture on this fault, or a > 1 Myr interseismic period. Either option reinforces the importance of including distributed earthquake sources in fault displacement and seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   
A modified commercial (Setaram C80) calorimeter has been used to measure the isobaric volumetric heat capacities of concentrated alkaline sodium aluminate solutions at ionic strengths from 1 to 6 mol kg−1, with up to 40 mol.% substitution of hydroxide by aluminate, at temperatures from 50 to 300 °C and a pressure of 10 MPa. Apparent molar heat capacities for the mixtures, Cp?, derived from these data were found to depend linearly on the aluminate substitution level, i.e., they followed Young’s rule. These quantities were used to estimate the apparent molar heat capacities of pure, hypothetical sodium aluminate solutions, Cp? (‘NaAl(OH)4’(aq)). Slopes of the Young’s rule plots were invariant with ionic strength at a given temperature but depended linearly on temperature. The heat capacities of ternary aqueous sodium hydroxide/aluminate mixtures could therefore be modelled using only two parameters in addition to those needed for the correlation of Cp? (NaOH(aq)) reported previously from these laboratories. An assessment of the standard thermodynamic quantities for boehmite, gibbsite and the aluminate ion yielded a set of recommended values that, together with the present heat capacity data, accurately predicts the solubility of gibbsite and boehmite at temperatures up to 300 °C.  相似文献   
The application of modern bulk emulsion explosive systems at an underground gold mine resulted in a 57% improvement in gold dilution. While this improvement is impressive and could be expected to be achieved at other sites, the work required to assess and demonstrate the benefits is painstaking. Forty-eight rings involving a total of approximately 50 000 tonnes of ore were monitored using various modern surveying instruments over a 6-month period. The geometric data included blasthole locations and deviation, and the cavity monitoring of stopes. Implementation of a bulk emulsion system not only provided logistical benefits but it also has the desirable explosive properties associated with reducing the effects of blast damage and blast dilution.  相似文献   
Spawning biology and spawn fishery of three valuable species of Indian major carps,Catla catla, Labeo rohita andCirrhinus mrigala, in the lower Halda River, Bangladesh, were studied in 1978. The major carps spawned only in the Sonairchar oxbow-bend from April to June on or near the dates of the full moon and the new moon. The tide was then at its highest level, and there was heavy flood water runoff from the hill region with sharp increases in water level, turbidity and current velocity, as well as decreases in water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and hydrogen ion concentration. These three heterogeneric species, as a result of parallelism or convergence in evolution, overlap in their environmental requirements for spawning. The nursery ground of the major carp fry spawned in the Halda River was found to be in the Bay of Bengal. The brood stock origin is suspected to be at the Shankha River, 40 miles south of the Karnafuli River. The spawn fishery in the Halda River was intensive but inefficient. Engineering works and water management schemes are threatening the spawning habitat.  相似文献   
Cluster analysis of GC data for gasoline and mid-range hydrocarbon ratios from fifty-one South Pass 61 Field oils reveals geochemically similar oil clusters corresponding to geographically coherent groups. Insight into the groupings is obtained from examination of indicators of geochemical processes, e.g., anaerobic biodegradation, aerobic biodegradation and extensive remigration of light ends. Six duplicate samples collected in 1986 and 1992 as well as replicate runs on a single sample showed excellent analytical reproducibility.Subtle but consistent differences in both gasoline and oil-range hydrocarbon maturity indicators are observed between the east, west, and far west flanks of the field, suggesting filling of different segments of the reservoir from different kitchens at slightly different stages of thermal maturity or with slightly different chemical character. The west flank of the salt dome was charged with slightly more thermally mature petroleum than the east flank. The stratigraphically oldest and deepest sand on the far west flank has received the most mature petroleum. Different fluid contacts and GORs are observed in different sands and different fault blocks. The stacked pay geometry of the field and widespread faulting have led to considerable remigration of gas and condensate as observed in other fields in the Gulf of Mexico (Thompson, 1987).Biodegradation varies in severity with depth and reservoir zone, but is frequently overprinted by remigration of light end hydrocarbons. Anaerobic biodegradation by sulfate-reducing bacteria is probably the cause of light to moderate alteration in intermediate depth Pliocene sands which are hydraulically connected to the salt dome (with dissolution of anhydrite from the salt dome providing the sulfate). Widespread late pyrite formation in reservoir sandstones is inferred to represent the ultimate sink for reduced sulfur from sulfate reduction during oil biodegradation. Co-produced water compositions suggest no oxygenated freshwater infusion.  相似文献   
Computer speciation models of antimony in aqueous, multicomponent solutions of environmental and biological interest have been developed. Antimony is an element of increasing environmental significance but one whose chemical speciation has not previously been modelled in any comprehensive way. The available thermodynamic data have been critically evaluated and entered into a thermodynamic database. The JESS suite of computer programs has been used to develop the thermodynamically-consistent mass balance equations used for modelling purposes. The calculated speciation distributions successfully account for some but not all key known properties of antimony in natural waters. It is believed that the main difference is most likely due to kinetic factors.  相似文献   
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